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Are narrow eyes /fa/?
Oof meant to say closed set.
the king of canada

wtc sneed hat
search 'sneed' on etsy
thx king

And tamed or untamed
The FINAL showdown
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yeah it is fucking gay idk what id even do if I lost my hair, what do you even dress as? id probably just wear the most basic bullshit like plain tee shirts jeans and boots whilst being in top shape and thats all you can really do, fuck knows. Or wear a gay little beanie. This shit is why I autistically monitor my hairline, crown and overall density/ hairfall because im just gonna go on the fin and hope it doesn't fuck my hormones up 2bh
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oh i totally forgot, going bald totally shifts your attractiveness to women, some women just flat out wont go out with a guy with no hair
multiple times ive been mistaken by my younger siblings' friends as their dad and any women ive had approach me since i went bald were WAY older than me
twinks and bishie men are so in right now it hurts bad, i dont want to hang around sad 40 year old women in a bar with a leather jacket, i want to watch fucking anime and play video games with my retarded 22 year old GF that wont shut up about stardew valley and take care of our cats together
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I always thought eugenics was perverse, especially since it was fueled by seething whites trying to uncuck their impotent defective genes in relation to more virile competition, a measure shameful inadequacy.

But pic related makes me feel things, this is what the realm of the gods resembles, something to truly aspire towards, if assumingely possible. Its seems close yet touched with a hint of the divine that man will never harness
He looks like he's dying on the left. Right has some life to it
>you just look like a fucking skinhead or just come across as an unapproachable asshole or like this guy that probably eats babies

Cry harder faggot. Blaming baldness for an inability to do things is just cope, if you can't do X when bald you wouldn't be able to do X with hair, and instead of considering that perhaps it's actually within your control but you don't want to put the effort in to do it.

If you look like a prick bald, you probably looked like a prick with hair and you're just scrambling to blame something you can't control so you don't have to do any self evaluation.

I'm fucking doing it
I'm gonna go out and buy 2% minoxidil for my beard
I'm 27 in a month I can't wait any longer
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>he unironically did this instead of just typing "rosemary oil study" into google to see that it has no clinical basis
>Trust the science chud
you guys ridicule yourselves.
I don't want for it to accelerate all over, I just want a beard, my chest hair is the perfect length
There's reason that it helps the scalp but extrapolating was wrong ig
>Thinks he can alter genetics by applying pseudo-oil slop from alternative medicine schizos

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i think i just made the most fly fit ever.
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why tf are you posting 2 month old pics of some random redditor
I think that guy may have posted on here years and years ago
Most straight man on /fa/
Final fantasy XV core

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Is my necklace /fa/ approved?
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who gives a fuck about what you think?
butthurt tranny
get raped, get cancer and die
fuck off tranny

What jacket is Jeremy wearing?
no idea but looks like lambskin
its a cafe leather jacket, aka "I want a leather jacket and I'm in my 30's" FW 2012

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“ I was in one meeting where the guys looked at it and said, 'He's late, he's missed every milestone, he's overspent the budget, he’s antisemitic and it doesn't seem like a good shoe. We're going to cancel him.'
And do you know what? That seemed like a sensible thing to do. And it turns out, the deliveries were late, he missed every milestone, and the pod sock was not a particularly good shoe..."
- Bobby Kotick, CEO of Adidas
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who are you quoting, libtard?
there is no democratic solution to this mess
eat a bullet
Bobby Kotick isn't the ceo of Adidas
>trusting some schizo nigger with your multi million dollar brand.

tfw no big tittied slave wife who supports me even after I publicly rant about jews
Most women don't actually really care about politics IME. You can be a turbo racist and as long as you give them attention and aren't gay they're happy.

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Please give me reqs for wallets i can engrave. I've been looking everywhere.

Which one is the most dapper?
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3 4 5 are /fa/
Stay on /fit/ twink stalker
Numbers 2 and 3 from the left are the most dapper. Really digging the bow tie.
god i hate those type of brown derby's
Bow tie guy is the only one who tried anything a little unique

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What kind of colors should I wear with this watch (pic rel.) I’m white with dark features
>I’m white
In that case use your phone to tell the time. You can't pull off wearing a watch without looking like a ridiculous sperglord.
just because no watch on earth can wrap around your pool noodle of a wrist doesnt mean you can call me a sperg

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Lately I've been hand washing my clothes and got to thinking, are washing machines a scam?
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you sound like a redditor
Damn you destroyed that dude with that argument, he is going to ack himself for sure
No but detergent is
Not that anon but you're a fucking dumbass, this thread is shit, and you don't even understand what a scam is.

Go find a washing machine and drown yourself in it. Better yet, just do it by hand yourself.
sorry you can't refund your machine lil bro

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>has the most boring fits ever
>all of his reviews consist of "I don't wear this kind of stuff but if I did it's not as good as *insert multi thousand dollar bespoke custom made thing here* as if that means anything
>is a bald manlet
Of all the annoying menswear people he's one of the worst

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29yo m, would I look cool in a gumball t-shit?

Also how much would you pay to get a printable t-shirt.
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Also same question goes for a t-shirt of brooklyn from gargoyles, I don't want anybody to think I'm a furry
The age of le ironic tshirts has long passed
I don't think anyone would look good in that shirt.
Why not?

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literally the most based man in fashion today
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this looks like an ad for gay porn
maybe on planet retard...
yeah, /fa/ is seething...
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>not AlphaM, the internet's NUMERO UNO fashion expert and lifestyle guru

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