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What's the obscurest comic or cartoon you own merchandise of?

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>No thread for Ol' Reliable
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>He was the lead creative of the DCEU

And WB studio executives still made him do BvS as the second movie which Snyder didn’t want to do. As well as mandating other stuff.
>People criticize Zaslav for not releasing guaranteed flops and costing his company money.

Zaslav is costing the company money with the giant PR clusterfucks that are his highly publicised cost cutting tactics that turn projects to tax write offs that piss off creatives who no longer have any reason to want to work for WB when their project might never see the light of day and idiotic moved like rebranding HBO Max to just Max. As well as being against the writer’s strike demands
I just played TopGolf with him last week.
It wasn’t consensual when people didn’t think he was serious and thought he was joking until he whipped his dick out.
WBD stock was $77 just 3 years ago. Now it's hovering around $8 with a steady decline.
Disney's revenues dwarf WB's, Disney's movie and television income is a minor facet of it's incoming monies.
>I can't handle different creative ideas!
>I need the same status quo a million times over in my children's franchise!!
Superman's entire basic appeal, like Steve Rodgers, is Tradition. He's the element of traditional (idealized) American values, just as Lois is supposed to be Modern Liberated sensibilities. If you are compelled to make him "fresh" and "modern" or "edgy" for the Kids, you are completely doin' it wrong and should be making a movie about a different character.
This appeal to old-fashioned values is what made him a huge success in the turbulent, jaded 70's, when the idea of a smash hit superhero movie didn't even exist.

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Ah god-damn it, not a paper scan (love you, Pyramid).
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Now if only Pyramid had been the one to have the very public meltdown on the hubs while calling out Nestlesux
Who was it? Whoever it is is based. I get the impression none of the rippers or scanners actually like nestle, it's just no-one can be bothered being the hubjanny.
/r/ing Frank Cho's Shanna the She Devil uncensored.
Shadow of the Green Goblin Storytime #2:>>143547963

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Let's post wholesome comics in this thead.
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christards really think that learning the dictionary definition of "gay" is gonna activate the viet cong sleeper agent trigger in every child's brain that turns them into femboys or something
I can tell that mom has some nice hips when standing.
This would be a lot funnier without the mom saying anything and being surprised instead of telling her kid to go beat up some other kids.
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Nope, just wholesome friendship with no ulterior motives or strings attached.
Remember the crusades, kill the infidel<3

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>She will NOT back down

What's next for our most underappreciated Bat-Girl?
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I don't think you understand the dumpster fire that is Kate Kane.
Surely the worst is behind her. Right?
Luke got cucked by Fugue.
You'd think that.

Dick got cucked by Luke, Luke got cucked by Fugue, and that whole run read like she was banging Frankie off-screen.
Bette isn't a lesbo. Though I can see her making out with Babs once the tequila starts flowing.

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The allure of heroines in cape comics comes from being sexy, this is fact.
Why not make the most of it at this point and produce erotic thrillers with them, instead of sidestepping the issue that these characters have an obvious fetishistic appeal?
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If the comic makers were smart their sales wouldn't be that low.
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If they did, I'd pitch them my Cheetah & Huntress story, Rumble In The Concrete Jungle. Basically a sexy Predator 2.
Fanart is cancer, but it's the industry's fault for not doing their part.
I now have an urge to see cheetah licking helena's tummy window.
Marvel and DC aren't going to risk the damage to their brand by publishing actual official porn of their characters, DC's Bat Dick comic was probably testing the waters to see if they could get away with official nudity by doing it with a guy first so the usual outrage crowd wouldn't get mad, but it still backfired so bad they'll never do it again.

They just need to remember that the core audience for most superheroines is straight male readers and stop aiming them at a female target audience that just isn't there in the numbers they want (what female audience there is for superheroes tends to want to follow the male heroes instead), and stop letting gay men design or draw heroines, they just don't get it.

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She was a Canadian the whole time??
So not canon.
>the reboot is a sequel bros
It’s not even the same continuity. They’re the same characters, but with connections to any lore from the last series. Guess after that happening to the Looney Tunes so many times, this shouldn’t be a surprise, but it still is.

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art's good, story's interesting

we're just chilling before someone makes the next unsounded thread in like 10 posts
it's already up
better start saging the thread then
Happened before. I don't know what their deal is, but it seems like there are some people, or a person, who get a kick out of trying to mess with Cope by forwarding thread shit to her.
for the record
wasn't me
even I have standards

whats his name /co/?
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Nigger boi
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It's Token. And if you even try to pretend it was ever otherwise you are a monumental pussy faggot.
Also one of the best boys.

Why does everyone hate Jean?
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Then who is? Emma?
>Wait, a woman can make you gay?
Yes. Look how gay people worship Lady Gaga, Madonna, Beyonce etc.
jean grey (name), cyclops, emma frost (name) and wolverine are actually all flat characters, and especially the first three i listed are codependent on each other.

usually one foil character of a main character works, like how dark beast is a cask of amontillado reference. but jean grey also has rachel summers as well as madelyne pryor. then hope is also supposed to be a substitute for jean grey. it's uninspired.

the only function jean grey and emma frost now serve is to make the guy they're with seem like a cool alpha that's always right about everything. this is just for the pathetic self inserts

if cyclops' abandonment issues were taken seriously, he'd make a point to train the morlocks and raise them up.

the best summers characters are cable (not kid cable, that's trash), nate grey, and havok, in that orde. each are far more interesting than cyclops

friendly reminder that in the mid 2000s, writers tried to have beast claim he was gay out of fucking nowhere then they dropped it
Reasonably sure this was always meant to have been a joke that started as an attempt to get back at the girlfriend who dumped him because he turned into a cat. It was a different time when it was something people could joke about. Maybe you took it seriously because you wanted it to be true, Beast being half-gay is at least more plausible than Iceman having been full gay all along.

So prior to the whole bone claws reveal, did people assume Wolverine's entire skeleton was pure metal or did they already established that his bones were coated in metal? If its the first statement, then the intentions of Magneto were truly fucked up.
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His bones were bonded to metal, not just coated with metal. It was fused to his bones.
And it has been this way since Weapon X.
You could've easily found a wiki page with that answers to your question instead of waiting for an answer here.
>reading a wiki page instead of the comics
Don't encourage that.
>spoonfeeding via this thread instead of reading the comics
Don't encourage that.
But the Weapon X story that tells his origin showed that the scientists who coated his bones in metal didn't give him the claws and were surprised to see them. Whatever the plan was at the time, it ended up being used as set up for him having always had claws.

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I have mixed feelings about both of them since the new one is the first time I sat down to watch them.

Isn't she kawaii, /co/?
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Nagato, my beloved...
Too late
Wonder how much these shorts are making with that view count, given first one was uploaded in oct of 2023. I can animate beyond this without issue...
Sophie's Diary is literally the only short series I watch
It is really cute in content and in style. The new video with the song was incredibly fun and cute too
it's a cute and less irritating version of FOP so I like it .

When I say "Tyler", you say "Sorry!"

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I won't apologize to that version but he has the 2nd and 3rd best modern live action costumes in Superman and Lois behind Routh in Crisis
I agree about his cape "straps" but I still do love the Fleischer suit version, save for the bunching that occurred in movement due to the fact that they didn't spend money to get different muscle padding.

I'm still salty that we never got an action figure of that suit (and that unlike Smallville), we never got any collectibles from this series. Especially when most of the DCW shows got something.
The classic suit is what I consider the second best with the season 2-3 minor revision being the 3rd

And that's only because it's so clear they put so much money into Routh's suit in Crisis because they knew he was on his way out and it's just easily what the new suit should have been with maybe the new boots

However I defy anyone to not see "Thanks, my mom made it for me" and not think that Hoechlin clears as the best modern actor to play Superman
I don't really think the Routh suit cost more than, for example, the Fleischer suit. Or making the black suit used for the Elseworld Crossover.

It partially looked good because Routh specifically worked out to look good in it when he was told it would be far more skin tight than his Atom suit or any of the casual clothes he often wore on Legends. Often actors do work out for parts but the studios or production companies pay for the training time and the trainers (as they are doing for Corenswet: https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/david-corenswet-superman-legacy-workout-diet), which IIRC wasn't the case here and Routh did that on his own time and dime.

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I just finished watching Omniverse, it ain't bad. Have a few questions, first, the art style is like WTF, second, Gwen is stacked both young and teen, and lastly, too many retcons
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Keven checking out dat ass.
Can't blame him.
That was the moment his redemption started
More like checking out dem tits, Gwen has zero ass
What bothers me the most is they just make more plotholes than they fix.
>if Kevin's dad wasn't real, why did he have a physical photo of him?
>and the key to Ragnarok's ship was in the photo, so was he real or not?
>and if Osmosians aren't aliens, why do highly advanced beings like Azmuth and the Weaponmasters of Techadon acknowledge Kevin as one? shouldn't they know better?
>the art style is like WTF
If you liked Transformers Animated or Teen Titans 2003, you really shouldn't complain

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