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Are you feeling it now
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Nice. What's your social?
Holy Moley, nice work!
How do you think I feel? When I was a kid, Patrick was my imaginary friend. Shit feels like a gender swap hentai.
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Don't have any.

I'm almost always around though.
Spongebob is a....

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Let's post wholesome comics in this thead.
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Cute and funny
Thor and Cthulhu didn't create SHIT.
Idk but here's the original.
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Or /coc/ thread if that's what you look for in the catalog.


Past threads:
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Interesting. His folks weren't even married? How'd they wind up hooking up?

Well, the Another World content is delightful. I think the big winner for me so far is Le Bump's French Space Program >>143574325
Man, I forgot about Mother's Day
>how'd they wind up hooking up?
Germany is famous for its busy nightlife and has no shortage of young adults looking for a place to blow out steam.
It's not exactly a place where you'd expect to meet a literal prince, but I guess anything can happen.
It was a one night stand, huh? What caused dad to (initially) want to take responsibility rather than use his position to bury the matter?
Arthur's mother was a smart, strong-willed woman, so August had no problem seeing her as "the one" (and she had little issue presenting herself as such).
Some red flags become apparent only after considerable time investment.

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>1 sequel
>2010 to 2024
>7 sequels with more on the way
What led to this change in philosophy by Pixar?
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They are one and the same since 2006.
>t. thinks whales are fish now
do you realize how hard it is to make successful original stuff?
that shit is hard.
It's not hard. Just make something that's just like another thi-er, I mean, don't make it suck.
>Joe Ranft dying
>Disney buying Pixar
>John Lasseter juggling between working at Disney AND Pixar
>John Lasseter being let go after accuses of harassment
>Lasseter goes to Skydance
>Rest of the Disney crew follows suit.

Can they just replace Julie Kavner with AI already? They did it with James Earl Jones. They can still pay her for the rights so It's fair.
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I heard modern Marge recently and it's horrible to listen to her

Like watching someone cut themselves in audio form
I think it has more to do with that every once in a while they realize that they shouldn't try to be the Simpson's of the Golden age, and try to be their own thing.

Unfortunately, modern television sucks.
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Why did they make the lightsaber Maggie's pacifier? Do they realize that they're suggesting that Maggie can throat that entire thing?
I feel such raw hatred for these fucking "LOOK HOW MANY PROPERTIES WE OWN! LOOK! LOOK! YOU'RE NOT LOOKING, LOOK" Simpsons specials
No, that's not at all what they're suggesting, you porn-brained degenerate.

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New pics.
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What happened to his costume? Why's he just wearing Steve's?
He had one of the best MCU costumes ever and they just got rid of it??? Are they really that fucking retarded.

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say something good about it
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Superboy's character development was nice.
Probably the one where Robin sends everyone to their death in some Miss Martian fueled hallucination and they all get PTSD from it.
Or the Qurac episode.

I haven't watched since it first came out, everything is kinda fuzzy.
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I enjoyed watching the later episodes imagining how much /co/ is cringing and seething over shit that don't matter and about the rant threads that they were going to post. Honestly, it wouldn't have been anywhere near as enjoyable if they just let that wokeshit die quietly.
damn, remember when this show had threads?
Was the therapy episode from Season 1? Cause I really liked it, especially Superboy's.

Christ I thought Rosa was supposed to be the booba girl
Also Rosebuds thread
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toon figures should be measured using their head, not torso
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You just know that tat is a temporary one.

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>new Sentry is a cripple who uses the power of million exploding suns to make an energy wheelchair
Sentrybros.....how are we feeling?
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Have you read anything Sentry has been in?
Because he was the epitome of forced new character when he was big, and I can't tell the last time he's been relevant. Like his whole point was basically "character that doesn't fit" because he was literally made not to fit, but then Marvel missed that point and tried to treat him like he was just another character in Marvel.
I liked Sentry's solos that I read. Only read a few tie in issues where he actually does stuff with other characters and I didn't care for those so I stopped reading them, sounds like most of those are pretty bad and why he has a bad reputation. Not gonna lie I get the vibe most of the anons in this thread only know him from the dumbest pages getting posted on /co/, or they've only read him in Dark Avengers. I'm sure there are some who just think he has shit comics even after actually reading them, not saying no one is gonna dislike them but seeing people say the character never had fans doesn't sit right with me, that's revisionist.

I agree he doesn't really work as part of the larger Marvel universe though, he's supposed to be stuck in a retcon hell whenever he exists and in crossover stuff instead of playing into the crisis/event angle he's just either retard superman or edgy superman.
This is so they can kill sentry in the movies and replace him with a woman
Is really stupid, the right way to make a disable character work is put them in a power armor, and even that is retarded in the 616
If I haven't seen it, it's new to me.

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Unironically what is the comfiest Family Guy episode?
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Why this one though?
Road to the Multiverse
It insists upon itself.
This scene
>move out
>set up computer
>park myself in front of the computer 24-7 when not at work
I honestly didn't notice a difference.

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Are there any upcoming comics books you're interested in?

Pic related maybe I don't even know; everything being published by the large red published feels like stale trash designed to sell a product
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I love Larcenet's work so I'll check this out.
This is very interesting. Busiek's Wizard's Tale is one of my favorite comics ever so I'm looking forward to this.
I'm somewhat curious about Manara's Sin City.
Hadn't heard of this. Sounds rad as fuck.
Looking forward to Eye Lie Popeye. Really enjoyed the FCBD they did. William of Newbury looks cool too.
>Eye Lie
What's that mean?

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I think the fandom largely soured on Dave Filoni over the years, but people ignore that the last season of The Clone Wars is not George Lucas' story, it's Dave Filoni's story.
>Dave Filoni is credited on most episodes of S7
Many don't realize this, but TCW is NOT Filoni's show, and during the run of the show from S1 to S7 he only wrote ONE episode. He was an animation director, not even a showrunner, not even a writer. George Lucas CREATED the show and personally approved/rewrote every script.
>Disney-era references. Maul uses Force powers introduced in Disney Star Wars (Kylo Ren's mind reading was supposed to be a unique skill). Also, the scene between Ahsoka and Maul was obviously inspired by The Last Jedi (Filoni praised Ryan Johnson).
It just feels jarring compared to the rest of the show. Filoni directly going against Lucas' wishes and modifying scripts approved by him.

The bottom line is that The Clone Wars' ending is not faithful to George Lucas' vision. The scripts from 2012/2013 were either heavily modified (Ahsoka's walkabout arc) or written from scratch under Disney (the finale).

We don't know what George Lucas' exact wishes were but it's clear that Filoni didn't respect them at all (despite being vocal about talking to George for "feedback"). We know George was leaning towards killing Ahsoka off and there is concept art of her confronting Vader at the Jedi Temple after Order 66 (which would have been the real finale).
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It was already explained in the movie, Palpatine was cloned by the sith cultists.
What about them? Lyn's turn was kinda rushed, but otherwise it was good. The themes and ideas were good, and I liked the whole thing with the ice cave and all the subtext of it... Lyn and Barriss clearly knew each other from the Jedi days and had a fairly strong relationship, Tales implied that but didn't have the time to touch on that. These are just shorts, essentially snapshots of stories... Should have been a full show about Barriss and Lyn. I would have preferred that over Bad Batch, which was just hollow, pointless, boring shit. Also, animation and music were crazy good.
Disney already retconned Rey's lineage in an attempt to please fans and it didn't work. They learned that listening to fans is a waste of money and time. No retcons anymore.
I was honestly just glad to see Grievous fucking some shit up again.
I dont disagree, s1 felt more cohesive if small scale and weisman was involved there while he stopped being in s2-3-4. But even in s1 only kanan and hera felt like characters, the others felt like generic plays on SW/action show ideas that while they get some fleshing out its not enough to break away from that.
GQ is okay but he's written out by s1. And every other inquisitor outside of second sister sucks ass.

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I don't get it
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I've seen that used before but I also initially assumed they were naked in the bathroom or something since they seem to be a couple
The joke works better with the "his clothes also vanish in a mirror" but the logic still is weak since you're compelled to ask why the same rules don't apply to the buttplug and if they're romantically entwined that she doesn't just already know he likes putting things in his ass
>sexy anthros
>really shit political views
I was almost absolutely certain the guy would be from California, turns out he’s from Jersey.
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I wish i could find the pic someone drew of a vampire girl looking in the mirror and all you see in the reflection is the floating butt plug

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Alright faggots, I watched it. What's the big deal supposed to be?
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Isn't this show made for kids? Also reminder that no one made a video that have the uncensored.
but I owned an old computer
Average narrative comprehension skills of ADC complaint poster
I think thr bright colors appeal to children

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Kurt Busiek's Astro City #1 was the best Superman story. I don't know why people say he's a terrible character. He can be good. But I never read too much of him. If there are Superman stories better than Astro City #1, name them.
I prefer "For the Man Who Has Everything", but "In Dreams" from Astro City is really good.
Superman analogues are not Superman. Stop it with this shit.
>praising plagiarism
You again?
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