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A much better ship than Carwin
71 replies and 23 images omitted. Click here to view.
Seems legit.
Where did Darwin get his full name from?
made up joke from s1.default episodic formula.

its not canon since seasons later is revealed that darwin was bought as a fish pet in the weird van by richard.
why did no one attend her party bros...
Carrie and Darwin feels out of nowhere,and they do it near at the end of the series. I have nothing against it, but I find it forced. Rachel and Darwin is better and if she wasn't written out of the show, their relationship would have been further development.

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He might as well be on his knees sucking cock
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…what? Is this a troll or Photoshopped X post, or legit schizoposting?

The reason it looks weird is because although you know they must do it, people don’t normally have long shots of characters in action movies going to the bathroom, getting dressed, sleeping, eating a sandwich, etc. Meanwhile, there is a giant Death Star blowing up Metropolis with a fucking laser or some shit in the background while he’s just sitting there getting dressed. It could be for a joke or just aesthetics, or it could be to make some arty art house point about superheroes which, considering that they and especially Superman have been up their own asses for over half a century now, is not fucking surprising.

But it has fuck all to do with women or any of that shit.
>literally two different poses
what did she mean by this
This is one of the dumbest post I've ever seen. You can tell immediately this poster doesn't interact with real humans.
How many conflicts are in this movie? You got vs the Authority rip off, then Ultraman, and then Lex. Sounds overstuffed.
Assuming she’s not a troll or even real, it means fuck all if the brain damaged social media whiner is a woman or not because unless this is a joke the poster should shut the fuck up. That’s fucking stupid.
Why does the left image look AI generated? I don't know what it is about it that just looks bad and off. Maybe it's bad Photoshop touch-ups on the suit? It's definitely something with the clothing where the creases are just weird.

New bread edition

Previous thread
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I should focus more on 2D stuff. but Pixar has a way to kill the dog.
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Pixar has a way to kill dog, you know that hits
But damn, look at this Kara rapper tits.
your Kara pics best in the thread
save them all save them good
kara girl has the most beautiful head ist beautiful girl in all the hood

Kara pics are a daily gift
how curvy she always seem
her sense of style hits Like a thrift
beautiful blonde beautiful team
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Ariechaddie, you bars ring hard and true
The dogs are so confused they dont know what to do
They let fishnets, gossamer, hourglass through?
Shit I'm going to prompt till i'm out, how about you?

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3 replies omitted. Click here to view.
animation of the end credits and first 2 minutes, and 20 minutes of audio
theres nothing to bump
Those tiny twins are very cute and I wanna see them nakid.
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Why the episodes of Lana are like 100% more wholesome that the ones with Lola?.
Seriously, at this point it seems like Lola is locked into the role of *little bitch who regrets being a bitch but then doesn't* forever.

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Let's post relatable comics in this thead.
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>I'll vocally support this minority because I want to fuck them
I'll commission a drawfag to do a male feminist version of this comic, but it has to be beat-for-beat the same comic except the mom is a balding stepfather.
It's not a metaphor, people calling other shills when they're presenting facts is very common. Also comics that try to illustrate any point is in danger of "flattering" itself. That's not even criticism.
Shills exist.
Don't take selfies from a low angle, you're working against yourself.

Was I supposed to laugh?
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Early adventure time did it better and actually had funny and some unpredictable jokes until the old writers were replaced one by one.
Yeah I imagine the Moon and Bubble are on the same tier as Caine (created along with the Circus) but it's pretty clear from both adventures that the NPCs effectively operate of their own volition without Caine's oversight or control beyond their programming. He either doesn't care about what they do as long as the gang are having fun, or is a gigantic moron who just hasn't bothered to really observe his creations in action
I assume he's just an idiot because he doesn't seem to know what happens when NPCs and Humans co-mingle in the Circus.
Wow, it took you this long to learn human fucking empathy? Yes, it's fucking disgusting seeing non-sexualized characters get fucking obliterated by porn and fetish drawings.

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This is the only interesting character in this entire 'show'
did he get his wisdom teeth removed? Is that why he acts like a total retard?
Think the plot twist will be that HE'S actually an AI himself, and as such his No NPCs rule is in fact hypocritical? Maybe he's lonely in the internet and takes human minds captive to prevent HIMSELF from abstracting, at the cost of his "friends" always eventually abstracting in his stead, like a digital parasite?
Getting your wisdom teeth removed is supposed to relieve pressure from the skull, lowing the rate of headaches people with tight teeth get.

Today's Teacher Appreciation Day; post your favorite /co/ teachers
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The best one
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>no Edna
A great embodiment of a tired teacher
Ms. Krabappel

Post comic pages.
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Sun boy was unconscious and Brainiac 5 tells Chamaleon girl to give him a kiss to wake him up because when a hot girl makes him horny he lights up like a star.
Hey, this is the first time I can remember where the Legion of Superheroes has actually looked cool and interesting
Pre Crisis Legion was pretty good too, especially in the Paul Levitz era.
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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.
>Have fun!

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Requesting a fusion of Casey Calderon and Carlota Casagrande.
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Requesting Evangelyne as in the image on the right, her wearing the same clothes while getting wet with the hose.
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Requesting the 4Y Records MILFs posing like the pic on the left.
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Requesting Hondo and Don Carnage shaking hands.
They are shaking hands and smiling
(as they think thoughts of betrayal .)
They each have one hand behind their backs.
and either have by crossed fingers OR a concealed weapon.
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Requesting the Spectacular Mary Jane dressed as Spidey in a full-body pinup, please.

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Cartoon Network UK loved the shit out of this show(and Cramp Twins) for whatever reason
Good production values, transformation sequences were cool, the main villain being a Japanese man called 'Kamikazi' is fucking hilarious, and of course the main character's mother was hot, but by GOD was it boring
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on the other hand CN UK aired this show and only eight episodes are available in English while the rest are in French with one episode missing.
It also aired all 13 episodes of Da Boom Crew, while the American CN only aired 4.
a shame those things are present in just the last 5 minutes in most episodes
At least it’s episodes are easily available online
Does anyone has the mega of this series?

What are you working on? Post pics, plots, story ideas etc
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No, mcdonald's was minimum wage for teens to get their first jobs. Only in recent years have people been screeching that's not enough and that you need to pay fast food workers a livable wage.
How could this possibly be considered woke? I had people calling me racist in the other thread (im black) if anything this is the opposite, its a sociopath gangster that smokes on his opps and fucks pawgs
Woke means having black people and interracial relationships, you see.
Some people are paranoid because wokeness is everywhere these days, and some people false flag on purpose in order to dilute the meaning of the word. 4chan especially is full of false flagging wokies, so never assume authentic intent behind posts like that.
I really dont like how ppl cant have fun anymore without making everything political. I want to do comics so I can escape into a fantasy world where thugs fuck 10/10 pawgs and drill their ops, all in an upper class riverdale like suburb, is that too much to ask?

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Is there a piece of fanart that you absolutely adore /co/?
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lmaaaao. i saw fanart of velma yesterday and now this. I think its a signal for me to watch now.
No anon, please love yourself and don't watch velma
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There's a few others but I have goldfish memory and only slightly-above-goldfish file organization
i need to i don't like to not form opinions by other's reviews.... also i already watched worst cartoons draw together whole seasons wich took few chuckles out of me[/spoilers] i think i can handle it. cant be so bad it will kill me.

she's hot
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You could try the collection of caps I made: https://mega.nz/file/EP5xGLYZ#YwS1wFzvkBAxstdJhc1iSEn2TUlqwqMR9t3io_X1XqE
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Kinda surprised she isn’t more popular.
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Damn, thanks anon

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>Wrote the most popular Ultimate ongoing during its heyday (whether you liked it or not) if not one of the most popular ongoing titles of its generation
>Was at some point the biggest Marvel architect for 616 (whether you liked it or not)
>Brought over to Superman by DC and hyped him up (whether you liked it or not) with pic related harkening back to "Kirby is coming" because of his on-paper resume
>Now doing miniseries' over at his imprint at Dark Horse with little to no fanfare
Is it safe to say Bendis utterly destroyed his goodwill?
Say what you about Johns and Ghost Machine but apparently that's doing around Saga numbers so far
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On-paper resume
Regardless of his infamy, he was STILL one of the largest Marvel architects at some point in the 2010's and had USM goodwill attatched
But unlike say Millar who I never see anyone express a positive opinion on regarding comics outside of one or two titles, Bendis doesn't draw dimes without established characters
If they actually acknowledged Bendis was a mistake, why didn't they learn?
Probably paying a lot for Bendis so they wanted to get their money's worth
Bendis at DC could have worked if he wrote
>Detective Comics
>Green Arrow
>The Question
>Plastic Man

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