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Yesterday we met up with some old friends and dealt with some mutie bullshit

Past Threads:

Issues ITT:
Amazing Spider-Girl #10 - #12
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Peter is 51 years old by the time of Spider-Girl.
mb you are right
What's the best adjective for mayday?
spectacular roles out tongue better than amazing. She should get her own adjective though

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Talk about Tony, his supporting characters, suits, villains, the films, and the upcoming game I guess. When was the last time he had a good run? Why do writer struggle with him?

Also personal preference; I think its okay for modern Iron Man to have nanotech suits, and War Machine should remain clunky/classic as a contrast
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Also, among his gallery of enemies, I like the Crimson Dynamo, of course I know it has several versions, but I have always liked the idea of a "Russian Iron Man"
He's the only good one
In comics, probably, but i like The mandarin from the series

Rather not have nanotech to be honest.id rather have technology with personality.
Name the last time any A-List capeshit character had a good book.

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Art you find weird, post it here.
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traumacore : when victims of childhood violence, neglect, or sexual abuse scream into the void - but with sanrio characters. I saw one with Hello Kitty saying, "please god let me die in my sleep tonight."
I think that's a medical emergency.

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itt we post the cutest /co/bots
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i like her cute rubber hose arms also nice drawing amigo
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I mentioned last thread that I'd draw other bots besides my own characters, so here's a first time Jenny drawing for y'all

Lemme know if there are any other bots you'd like me to draw
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has it ever crossed your mind, that she loved you for being a human and not a pathetic rip-off trying to be a robot?

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She’s got the hips needed to show off, might as well go for it.
That's true.
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>heres your thord crust cousin, bro
I was content with having just two though.

The first season debuts on Netflix US & UK on May 31st. Whether the show gets renewed depends on how it performs there https://variety.com/2024/tv/news/scavengers-reign-canceled-max-netflix-1235998046/
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People aren't looking for diversity slop.
If the character is white you would complain anyway.
What made Max not want it? It looks cool.
Fuck, probably THE best animation of last year
>Future colony has blacks, whites and asians
There are still more whites in the show than any other race, are you retarded?
Is it releasing on Netflix worldwide or not. Because that's the thing that might make me put it on the background while I do other stuff. I don't live in the US, so if it's an US release only, it's cooked.

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The previous thread perished in silence.
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Jed seems to like using neglected characters.
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dan parent (archie artist)

Shouldn't marvel be concerned that Paul and the fact that spider-man is cucked is the common knowledge among everyone now? Nah

other slop next week:
what if venom
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Frenz: Burn,Spider, BURN!
Another un-used cover sketch
(for The Amazing SPIDER-MAN Vol.1 #269,1985)
becomes a 2015 commission!
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Devmalya Pramanik
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Vicenzo Carratù

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Two(?) Brazilian animators who do video game parodies based on the weird bootleg cartridges they had growing up
Also did a series of South Park isekais where each of the main characters gets sucked into random pieces of media.
There's something super charming about their animations and the humor is very newgroundsy. But they pivot into weirdly serious directions sometimes. Has anyone else seen their stuff?

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haven't seen any of this but cute style
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may as well shill the thing they posted a couple hours ago
adoro o Yuri super gente fina ele. Nunca mas vi nada dele because i don't follow his work anymore. Idk he animates well but i don't like how his works seems fueled in cynism and irony sometimes. but that is just me. super skilled person with strong opinions
The panic attack bit at 20:45 is so out of left field
i didn't saw long animations made by him before!! woaaah!

It was a fine show.
it tried to be constantly exciting and ended up boring. i tried to watch it because i liked the old balloonshop videos but i gave up when i reached the piss fight.
they just don't make 'em like that anymore
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I liked it too, but you're wrong
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I liked it enough to preorder the graphic novel as soon as it was announced.

But I always liked the idea behind it more than I actually liked the show.

The weirdest part was the combination of the goofy humor with the pitch black nihilism.

I just wish Olan was able to do more cartoons instead of fucking ghost hunting comedy.

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I like the new suit edition
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Black Adam kind of retconned the Knightmare ending, if you count that
Gunn feels the same about WB and Cavill's wasted potential, but it's not Snyder's fault and everyone knows that
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Anybody else pick up a suspicious vibe from these two?
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Imagine the threesome they wanted with Luz.
Oh shit, is this the incest thread?
>Golly jeez I keep getting mad by willingly entering threads about stuff I hate..
>How does this keep happening?
>uwaaaa stop mocking my garbage slop toon
Why are owl house faggots so pathetically insecure.
Neah, anon is right. I think Owl House is degenerate trash, but I would rather make jokes about it, seriously politically analyze it, and hornypost about the girls than just seethe/mald/etc.

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I heard the fan Theory to but I'm pretty sure it was just a theory level that the Pines family was Jewish in Gravity Falls.
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Leah my beloved

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This is without a doubt one of the worst cartoons I have ever seen in my entire life. Its popularity should genuinely worry people for the future of the medium.

To actually go into depth about its flaws requires so much effort precisely because people are willingly ignoring those issues to sincerely engage with even bigger problems.

The writing, the set design, the camera work, the dialogue, the pacing, all of it is terrible, and you'd think this would be easy to understand, but it's the opposite. Fans and casual watchers alike are *completely* unaware what's wrong with this series, and when you try to educate them, they don't care, at best they say you're just being a contrarian and that they can't wait for the new episode.
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1. Correct, but I think that's a minor criticism
2. Could you elaborate on what you mean by "insincere premise"?
3. This is not a valid complaint
4. YES! On this point you are 110% correct. This is a genuine problem. I might forgive the show for this since they're only on the second episode, but that doesn't mean it isn't a significant flaw.
5. The typical audience member is peak midwitt. 57 million views or something? It's tragic but the creators need to make sure that the content is understandable even for the morons.
6. I guess that's a valid complaint. I noticed some of it but it didn't bother me. Seems like nit picking and having very high standards, but you're technically not wrong.
7. That is purely your subjective opinion. Most of the jokes make most viewers belly laugh. This feeds back into point 5 I suppose, but the show is just responding to what most people find funny nowadays.
8. I hard disagree on this. They haven't been given as much as they should have, but the show has done an excellent job of establishing who each of the characters are simply by making them have distinct archetypes. Each one is memorable despite only having like 5 to 10 minutes of screen time.
9. Not exactly wrong but this is just a very weak complaint. It's not ruining anything, it's merely not as good as it could be.
10. Hard to say, but I'm pretty sure the lighting is intentionally like that. The high saturation colors look like someone vomited a bag of Skittles. Even if it's unpleasant, it fits the Eye-Spy aesthetic of the childish circus.
take your meds
I respect the uniqueness of it, but it is ultimate zoomerbait
>gmod "video game glitch" physics (glitching into the backrooms anyone)
>literally le ebin backrooms in the 1st episode
>tumblr sexyman
>normal character has LE UNHINGED WACKY MOMENTS (this is what cements it as a children's series)
it's fishfood for the fnaf and backrooms kiddies, ideas which goose seems to view as groundbreaking and enough for the premise of an episode (what if video game character was sentient!!!!) are not particularly impressive
i still like it and hope we see more like it
They should kill off Gummi every episode.

This is just a toy commercial. Lmao.
I'm assuming we've gotten Gummigoo porn already.

Has any used the joke "And that's why they call me Gummigoo," yet after he blasts a fat load of gummy goo?

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Unironically what is the comfiest Family Guy episode?
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Not sure, but I just caught the one where peter abuses his retard privileges and burns lois, it had such a different tone back then
Me n my little brother always thought McStroke was the best episode cause the plot progression is so funny and random
>Peter goes through Cleveland's mail so he sees a magazine for moustaches
>grows a moustache and changes his whole personality
>saves a guy from a fire and loses moustache in the process
>gets depressed and eats a ridiculous amount of burgers at mcburgertown
>gets a stroke, suffers post-stroke life and blames mcburgertown for doing this to him
>cures stroke at stem cell research lab and commits to suing mcburgertown
>breaks into their HQ and steals a talking cow to lead a class action lawsuit against them
>episode ends with the talking cow living at their house because he needs somewhere to stay
Blue Harvest
This one imprinted itself onto my brain

> And there came a day, a day unlike any other, when Earth’s mightiest heroes and heroines found themselves united against a common threat. On that day, the Avengers were born—to fight the foes no single super hero could withstand! Through the years, their roster has prospered, changing many times, their glory has never been denied! Heed the call, then—for now, the Avengers Assemble!

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End of the collection seems like a good stopping point. Have a good one. Hope you enjoyed. Until next time.

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