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Post big butts
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This should've happened to Simon.
>ass so fat it's noticeable through the dress
From what few I've seen, does this chick end up naked in each chapter? Not a complain or anything, I'm just curious.
There's this gilf named Tang from that show good vibes. I one episode she goes full naked and you can see her ass completely. IDK how to find it now though.

So like, no one cares about the Legion of Super Heroes, right?
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Uh.. Saturn Girl.. and uh...
Brainiac and uh....
There's that one hero who has the power to glue people's balls to their asshole with his mind. What was his name again? Pretty niche superpower but whenever there is a good writer for Legion of Super Heroes, he always makes it work for the story.
>TT that height
You’re a massive faggot

But the jsa is great.
Justice League basically has nothing decent before Crisis. Haney Titans is amusing and Wolfman Titans is aged but still more notable than anything JLA precrisis.
And post? JLI and Morrison's run is all.

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Could a Henry Hoover cartoon work?
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He's so fucking hot
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>They gaslight themselves into finding their unfortunate circumstances hot
gooner captions do have that vibe
They turned semen into the ultimate copium
That's the saturation that was getting to me. One and only one pun spiraling into the ground like a gooseworx drill whenever it happens.
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Already did a live action adaptation

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So Marvel's plan to deal with the Kang situation is apparently to introduce an older version of Kang played by a different actor (pic related is allegedly the top choice) and have him kill the Council of Jonathan Majors Kangs and take over as the big bad for the Multiverse Saga.

Will it work?
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So they recast KANGGGGG but not T'Challa
this faggot thinks sonyshit belongs in the mcu
works for me. That scene with the stadium of Kangs was a little embarassing to watch.
He's a Nexus being.
>Hire new actor
>Say he's Immortus now

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Second weakest Superman expy.
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>He's vaguely stronger than Butcher
Butcher got killed by being stuck with a piece of metal.
I mean yeah? He’s the textbook definition of a bully. He’s just a tier above characters like Bane and Cap.
Oh noo the N-word save meee Seth Rogen san
Nigga, its just the hard R.
I see that shit every day in this shithole.

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Is there anything more clearly indicative that the X-Men franchise is now a villain franchise than their insistence that replacement through cloning is "resurrection"? Treating individuals as disposable as long as you can create a replacement used to be explicitly the area of villains in the MU (the Jackal, Arnim Zola, Mister Sinister) and always treated as a bad thing. Metaphysics are real in the MU, the soul exists, so it's pointless trying to argue otherwise even if you're an atheist writer or fan.

>there's a metaphysical element
There isn't and two major plots points are entirely dependent on there not being any spiritual resurrection. Beast is restored from an earlier logged backup of memories and X-23 is replaced despite not being dead, leading to the Talon/Laura situation.

>okay but clones have souls too
Yes they have their OWN souls. That's been the case forever and is still the case in titles running right now with characters like Ben Reilly and Madelyne Pryor. All the characters "resurrected" by Krakoa and the Five are new people just as Ben and Maddie are new people from Peter and Jean.

This is their villain arc, they have embraced the belief that people are expendable and deserve no individual dignity as long as you can crank out another one like sinister did for years with the Marauders. This story beat should have been stopped at the ideas stage. It can work in an AU or in a future timeline or something where you can just say that metaphysics don't exist and this is the closest equivalent you can get to bringing someone back. But not in 616. The fact that characters like Pixie who killed themselves to get resurrected are now having their soul tortured for eternity in some netherworld is pretty darkly hilarious.

And no fucking comments about durr hurr there is no soul we're talking about the fantasy universe of the Marvel Universe here. This isn't some real-world ethics discussion.
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>Beast is restored

i wouldn't say that at all. he doesnt' have any memories of struggling with the legacy virus or endangered species, he doesn't know the treachery of cyclops keeping secrets, he doesn't know that cyclops was willing to put his finger on the trigger of his visor when original beast disobeyed an order to kill bishop, and he has no juxtaposition or contrast against dark beast since writers want to push apocalypse as some bullshit "hero". the role that dark beast played in uncanny x-force is diminished and therefore uncanny x-force's significance is diminished because it takes away from the parable warning against social darwinism. idpol liberals have fucking RUINED x-men and there needs to be a reboot to before bendis

trips of fucking truth
Same reason that you never see any of the powerful psychics actually using their full power in a fight. Because that would make things too easy, and the story would end too quickly and have no conflict and blah blah blah.
I know people are probably sick of my nostalgia-fagging, but I always liked how the old Marauders were cloned by Sinister as part of their whole "they're like the X-Men but shitty and without values or dignity" schtick. I also think that while it's fine to have heroes make deals with the devil occasionally and that it makes for compelling stories, having them consistently break bread with some of their oldest and most violent or cruel villains for what are basically ethnic loyalty reasons is not a great move if the authors didn't intend for the whole X-Men franchise to go in an unsustainably dark direction. Hanging out with Juggernaut? Sure, he goes legit on occasion and he mostly just robs banks and shit. Magneto? He's had constant and decently-handled redemption arcs for decades despite being a genuine terrorist so it works out. Mister Sinister? Apocalypse? Sabretooth? At this point the writers were writing checks that somebody was going to have to messily cash with weird and sloppy retcons or something.

This is the kinda stuff that makes me miss Jim Shooter's morality-autism. Reading the interview with Claremont where they talk about how he forced the decision to kill off Phoenix/Jean gave me a lot of respect for the guy.
>having them consistently break bread with some of their oldest and most violent or cruel villains for what are basically ethnic loyalty reasons is not a great move if the authors didn't intend for the whole X-Men franchise to go in an unsustainably dark direction
oh yeah, agreed. I know they've always had redeeming villains as one of their M.O.s, but this shit's just ridiculous. at least Sinister and Sabretooth actually stayed evil, i guess
That's why I said that resurrection through cloning used to be a hallmark of villains only in one of my posts. The Marauders were clear signs of that. One of them dies? Just decant a new one. Who cares, as long as you have the same powerset and the same memories. It was a clear sign that to Sinister, individual life didn't matter as long as he had the same tools. Same with the Deadpool villains called the Executive Elite. They were mercenaries who had themselves cloned constantly and it was framed as fucked up and unsettling. Heroes being cloned back to life has literally only been a thing in the last 5 or so years other than a few weird and already morally questionable examples like Xavier. But now they have done it like 40 times within a 5-year span. Shit is weird.

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And it's over. At least Venus was kinda sexy. But Campbell is out and we'll see what TMNT 1 is like when it drops.

>This entire build up to the 150 milestone
>it's a Donnie issue with none of the other brothers in it.

I hope someone got fired for that blunder. Oh wait, they did!
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Jason Aaron is unironically worse.
I dropped this book when The Armageddon Game happened. Anything that requires a roadmap to read gets an immediate "fuck you" from me.
I remain baffled that Waltz could go from being kino to being walking-into-walls incompetent.
>tmnt have comics?
Consistently since the 80s bro. keep up.
The only reason the earlier comics are so good is because he did not have enough time to cram the book full of pointless nostalgia deep cuts and references. The longer the comic ran, the more crowded it became with useless characters and clumsily integrated plots.
>pointless nostalgia deep cuts and references
Is it even a "nostalgia deep cut" if you reboot it into something unrecognizable? Jagwar went from being a capable but chill and friendly jungle warrior-bro to being a goddamn bloodthirsty murder-goddess. TMNT is big on rebooting characters into different takes, but Waltz did it way more extreme than everyone before him, overall.
Rise and its "in name only" takes on everyone INCLUDING the turtles came after him.

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She's getting more and more attention every day.
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>ywn be Roxy's "exception" who she fools around with from time to time to shake things up
>fat 35 year old woman on fentanyl living in a trailer park
Bet her asshole is huge

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Why did they decide to become the bodyguards of their enemy's head of state?
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I imagine it's because the generalized anget at the comics cooled down with the years, and all that's left is a sweet ship that never was.
Glad you like it anon, I really need to get back to writting stories
Good luck!
Suki converting her fellow warriors to the Zucock
suki's beauty is underappreciated

Hey there my squigga
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I saw another post shitting on season 3, is this really going to be a trend now? S3 was good. Not S1 tier but still up there
Funny ending
That was probably the same guy. I'm starting to think it's also the same anon that shits on Shrek 2 and Kung Fu Panda 2. He repeats himself a lot.
are you 12 OP?
squidward cut his dick off, lol
he's literally smooth down there

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Have you heard about this good girl?

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I don't think he wants to be a woman anon...
Now I have
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this dog looks too feminine, I kinda wanna fuck it
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Can Damien control her?
Cease beating around the bush
Show me the true form so I can fap already

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>the "Mommy told me no when I was a kid and I never got over it" starter pack
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You wish it was that.
it was but SFW so they can sell it to kids.
I'm not your doctor, go get them somewhere else
>Panda is metaphor for puberty and sexuality
>Sells selfies in the bathroom

Anon is right, this movie is 100% about selling your body as fetishbait. Except instead of fulfilling yellow fever its red panda fever.

Yesterday Mayday beat up Seth and got a new baby brother.
Today there's another gang war.

Past Threads:

Issues ITT:
Spider-Girl #61 - #64
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>a surprise party for your daughter?
>delightfully devilish of you, Mary
Oh sure, make the black girl mutant racist!
She's pretty much been a bitch the entire series, might as well go the whole way.
Holy booba
Just give her the Kitty Pryde treatment and she'll back down

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Remember Amalgam's Spider-Boy? Dan Slott took care of that name confusion with his own creation.

I'm thinking a storyline where the mutual painful sacrifice of Anna Maria Marconi and Bailey restores every Spider character across the multiverse and destroys Morlun for good would be hilarious
And it got undone in that same story with every spider morlun ever killed coming back...
>Caring about Slut's fanfiction
Wew lad
>arm twisting
>lend a hand
Pick one or the other, doing both is too much.

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Jimmy the manchild #2. I am aware that this comic is unfunny, soon it will be funny, i promise
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Because I'm not good at this for now
You don’t need to be good to recognize when something isn’t funny. You even said so yourself. My question is why would you keep the unfunny parts?
Are you the artist, OP? If so, were you at the /v/ drawthread?
What is the punchline?
i hate men

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