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How do I cook the soup? I can't even fit them in a picture
in yo mommas pussy!!! yehehehe how i cook soup is in yo mommas pussy!!!! ops mom!!! MMMMM yehehehhee
That's dumb anon. Even if you could convince a woman to put soup up there she isn't going to get paid enough to get her body temperature to 120F
the heat of the soup cooks the soup.
this results in cylinders of cold.
Can you stop being retarded and help me? The soup has to be hot for tomorrows' lunchs
then heat it up on a stove, anon.
that's how soup works.

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for me its gotta be dihydrogen monoxide. it mogs all your little kiddie juices and children drinks like soda and tequila.
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>dihydrogen monoxide
Get out of here with your toxic chemicals made in a lab.
I won't let you poison my children. They will only be drinking FILTERED WATER in healthy drinks such as Gallickers.

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best food for rizzing up a PYT (pretty young thing)?
I've found ladies are always partial to some creamy mushroom pasta with a little spinach and spice
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The digits tell truths
You *can* make a salad if it's bad for you or it's exotic
You can take a romaine heart, cut it in half, press a bunch of REAL parmesan cheese into it, and flash fry the cheese into the cut side
Then hit it with a little vinegar, and top it with some pork lardons and some freshly-warmed smoked oysters in the bacon drippings
Some minced pimento and olives to garnish
That one got me laid, twice
Granted it was part of a 5-course meal, you gotta do other stuff, too
damn anon. this sounds tasty as hell
heading to the store in an hour so unless anyone posts a better idea, im going with this
Trips of truths
Get some
why did you not properly sauce the pasta? and why did you top it with chili seeds?
this shouldn't be acceptable for anyone

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The calzone.
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Looks like shit.
Do you NEED a pizza sauce recipe?
thats garlic bread
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>Looks like
idgaf, it tasted amazing. Used minced garlic cloves, half a diced onion fried in evvoo then added tomato paste, water and Italian seasoning. I'm not Gordon Ramsey and I don't give a flying fuck about looks, I care about taste and fresh ingredients.
>ricotta isn't standard in a calzone
You're an absolute fucking moron and you need to never give any recommendations here again. Just lurk and learn.
mmmmmmmmmm, nanobot grey-goo filling

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what's your favorite way to cook beans?
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>That's why you get that nasty burning feeling in your throat after a few hours.
that's a you problem you fucking autist, and a medical one at that
i AM gonna eat beans and i AM gonna think about them and i AM gonna crop dust you and some unfortunate bystander on an escalator
*ear shattering fart*
pic related, its you after i'm done with you
>That's why you get that nasty burning feeling in your throat after a few hours.
i think you're just allergic
soaked in baking soda overnight
stewed with lard, salt, cumin, onion, garlic, and some chilis.
simple as
>The Danish national recommendations on soaking and boiling times were tested in this work and showed a complete inactivation of lectins in beans.

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Friendly PSA Reminder:
Your microwave comes with a silent mode that disables all of the beeps when pressing buttons and when it finished a heating cycle. Usually it's toggled ON/OFF by pressing and holding the 0 or 1 on the keypad or with a dedicated "X" mute button (might have to Google your specific make/model). This is useful if you find the sounds abrasive or live with others and don't want to bother them reheating something in the night.

I just found out this was a thing a few months ago despite being an adult.
>being an adult
no you're not
But I like using my kitchen timer mode
on LG its holding Stop/Cancel and Power level for 2 seconds

Food, obviously....
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Raw fish on uncooked rice with vinegar sounds horrid.
>how do you buy 1/4 of an onion?
bring a knife to the grocery store and cut off the parts you don't want, at the till they charge you by weight. also reminder to peel bananas so you're not getting scammed by paying for the peels
if you really wanted to eat proper homecooked meals, you'd have a commuter bike on your truck and ride to the nearest grocery store during your downtimes and cook wholesome food with any number of portable gas or electric stoves,
What, you mean this is intentional? I always thought it was a typo. I hate it.
Women is the plural form of woman in my language.

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You must find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.
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It was called "charged lemonade" with the caffine clearly labeled, which anyone who was specifically told to avoid caffine so their mutated heart doesn't explode would take note of
If I heard "charged lemonade" I don't think I'd assume it was extremely high in caffeine.

People died. The girl knew she had a heart problem and was managing it up to that point. If something could've been done to prevent that death then it should be done, with as little impact as possible otherwise.
>a defective girl
>a literal downie
nothing of genetic value was lost
OP also told the traveler that his lemonade is too strong for him and that he should find a lemonade stand that sells weaker lemonade.
You're a rascal.

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>ummm, you know you can make that at home, right?
>It's way cheaper
>You're literally just paying an extra $20 for some third-worlder to dice and heat it up for you
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Bait or genuinely retardation?
pic matches sentiment.
the falsehood comes from you trying to tell others how they should spend their money, dipshit.
same thing.
you didn't earn the pay, you have no say in how it's spent.
quit trying to live vicariously through others
quit trying to dictate what your job duties are to the customer you're working for.
I'd say a restaurant worker is more likely to tell people restaurants are worth going to.
if you struggle to believe nobody at home can make something better than industrial sloppa pumped out by teenagers in an assembly line working some dogshit job for a faceless megacorp, then you're really telling on yourself

honestly a food and cooking board on a website full of autists is such an absurd idea it might as well be an interactive art piece, /ck/ is full of retards that don't enjoy either
>McDonald's is the naturally selected best food there is. If it weren't some other chain would have overtaken them with the same kinds of cost saving practices but better tasting food. There is no such better food.

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i bet that was some nice stuff
lord of the beans is actually a parody of lord of the rings, not the other way around.
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標記酥炸大腸 should have translated into Mark's Crispy Fried Big Sausage, which still sounds wierd...
Smashburgers are literally the only actual burger you fuck

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So did he run out of those?
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He's got dick sucking lips
last vid before he killed himself

He ran out of stinky cheese when his whore wife cucked him
He took himself way too seriously that’s why he roped

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I like caramelized onions better.
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>while adding just a small bit of tartness
tell me you buy supermarket tomatoes without saying you buy supermarket tomatoes lmao
>tomatoes are pointless
Only when they're not sourced from your backyard, a farmer, or if they're refrigerated at all. Consider salting your tomato too. It helps release more of the natural glutamates in the tomato for that savory (muh umami) taste. I thought I hated tomatoes until I had a good tomato my dad grew in the yard.
I do pouches, they seem the least harmful, but it's always possible to quit, i quit from 50 salt nicotine vape everyday and lasted 4 months then i started doing pouches instead.
She based
If you don't put ALL toppings on your burger you are a faggot, period. End of story.
No one asked you low impulse control retards. Enjoy your mouth cancer and I hope you die fast. All smokers and nicotine heads are pieces of shit. Low ass IQ having trash.

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This shit is surprisingly good. The prices are way better than other chains and they have a bunch of odd meat cuts that are hard to find elsewhere in the US.

10/10 unless it's close to the hood then it's little more than a crack den. No consistency in locations.
a business next to you-know-what's being absolute shit is pretty consistent
the prices, the old pink wallpaper, the tiled deli/meats, the wood paneling, the steak tartare, dairy, the old penny operated ride by the courtesy counter, soulful
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Wish we had those out here. I'll have to console myself with a silly image macro. :(

I am ready to rock n roll
I was hoping you were ready to die a violent death. Please?
that's not ai my friend, it's a photograph of a buffet at a disney resort
see the filename?
but yeah there's also nothing wrong with ai generated images whatsoever, you're just a moron who can't think for yourself and need all of your opinions given to you :)

What is the point? If you can't stomach the heat, just cook something else rather than this kindergarten "curry".
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Explains many things
hurt your feefees, weebie?
Good morning saar
>how can people like thing I don't like
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Hayashi rice

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