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Why are there never threads about recipes/cook books on here? I've been teaching myself how to cook and the hardest part is honestly finding good (somewhat) easy things that I want to make.
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theres one every week or so.
I just listed the online ones that are still up and running
here they are again




why would you listen to anything from this fucker he can't even make a grilled cheese
I bought my mum an air fryer cookbook for Christmas because she keeps raving about her air fryer and I don't know if she's able to find a website with air fryer recipes.

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If I put milk and coffee grounds in the slow cooker overnight, will I have a batch of lattes in the morning?
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Yeah it's weird how people from those places actually have very specific preferences about their instant. Apparently it doesn't all taste the same. Or at least they don't think so, cue the usual shortbus types screeching about how you need a 10 year double blind n>1000000 multinational study to figure out if coffee tastes different
>If I put milk and coffee grounds in the slow cooker overnight, will I have a batch of lattes in the morning?
you seem intent on brewing coffee right in the milk.
It does not make it better.

I suggest you might be happiest with heating milk in the microwave, and spooning in instant espresso powder, whether italian or cuban granules.
>Apparently it doesn't all taste the same.
It really doesn't. Poles in Italy used to use the Greek stuff which is spray dried and has a very different flavour and aroma from Polish instant, which is freeze dried. The two don't even look alike. All the same, back in the late 80s/early 90s when Poles in Italy had practically no other choice, they used the Greek one and learned to love it.
It's kind of like Lao and Vietnamese people in America. Unable to get their coffee in the US, they've taken a shine to two regional American brands, Community and Cafe du Monde, both of which are from Louisiana. They will use these over the stuff from their home countries now. It's fun seeing what emigration does to one's food preferences
UK here, noticed Polish supermarkets (quite common) usually have a big selection of different instant coffee brands. This might explain why.
Most Britons go for Nescafe or supermarket own-brand. it's 'all the same anyway'. I can taste when it's Nescafe, even in those sticky toffee pudding etc. flavoured sachets they sell now.
Moka/stovetop pots are simple, and really not far off putting an old-school kettle on your hob. Glad they are becoming more common in households. Nicer than offering guests some boiling water with granules stirred in.

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What are your memories of Red Lobster? Now that it will prob be gone soon

>Red Lobster Is Considering Bankruptcy Partly Due to $11 Million Loss from Endless Shrimp Deal: Report

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What went wrong
the question isn't what, by why. the answer is always the same: jews
only a bad waiter complains about tips. the good ones get tipped
>baldfags BTFO

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The breakfast.
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You are wrong. Icons go on the Taskbar that hides in order to have no icons/ clutter showing on desktop.
i like nagatoro
and deathnote
and... idk
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Paranoia Agent
Welcome to the NHK
Tatami Galaxy

are all kino and I think they're on youtube or easy to find online
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Is good
your thread's not
They are only doing Halal Burger with "chicken bacon" only brown people eat Quick.
What filter did you use? Everything in this picture looks so alien.
They don't serve halal food, all the sandniggers go to kfc

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I went to Mc Donalds for the first time in years and my meal was fucking 18 dollars. That's what I used to spend for like a steak dinner, well maybe like 25 but close enough. Yet I see these people in the parking lot that are obviously poor as fuck low class scum, and I know tons of people that not only pay this but also pay someone to deliver to them while being broke ass college students or neets.

Are these people just debtmaxxing? How are low/middle class people affording this? 18 dollars is like a good size tube of hamburger you can make like 10 of your own that are 3x bigger than the patties you get at fast food restaurants.
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>Went to McDonald's
>Got my pinkie shot off
I'm McLoving it!
Yet the quality has also skyrocketed.
It doesn't even save you time if grabbing McDolans is a 15 minute detour.
You can whip up any sloppa within 20 minutes, including burgers. And I mean *any* good hearty homemade sloppa.
What's the big cookage with burgers, otherwise?

Maybe if you feel like getting Chinese and are not very adept at cooking it it's a different topic.
Tits or gtfo
>some whiny europoor seethed about a new nation before it was cool
>stop talking about food!

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Any polenta enjoyers here? I've been getting into Italian foods recently and just happened to see pic related at Trader Joe's the other day so I just decided to get it. What am I in for? Also post italian food items that could be considered obscure in the US
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Only old people with intense poverty food nostalgia eat it plain.
You're supposed to put some kind of sauce, mushrooms or melty cheese on it. For me it's leek and sausage sauce.
It's nice when it's freshly made. In my country we eat it either as a side to goulash, or with milk and sugar
I love having it for breakfast. I cook with cheese in the microwave and serve with a fried or two on top.
>Only old people with intense poverty food nostalgia eat it plain.
Depends on how plain you mean. Polenta with just a ton of parmesan added is delicious.
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I use it when I'm lazy and just want little pizzas like in the pic. slice up the "crusts" add tomato sauce or ketchup and of course cheese. bake in the air fryer for about 10 minutes and instant meal

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the $30 deep fryer I bought won't turn on and I lost the receipt
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>When something like that happens to me I stomp on the offending item while screaming until my ankle is sprained and my throat is too sore to speak for at least a week.
Sanest x-files fanfic writer
as an ex cashier wagie, you can bring anything in without a receipt. either you pop in the card you used to pay and it brings up the receipt, or if that doesn't work they'll just refund you the lowest price the item cost in the last 90 or so days which is typically not that much lower if it even is lower.
Good. You eat enough deep fried goyslop, fatty.
grab a screwdriver and open it, check that all the connectors are firmly seated and try again. Sometimes they get knocked loose during shipping.
why not just use a large pot and a candy thermometer?

Remember pizza parties at school? Also ice cream socials? What did your school get? Mine always got little caesar's, cheese and pepperoni options and pepsi or mtn dew. Our ice cream socials had those gallon vanilla ice creams and a bunch of syrups.
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what's the point of these shortening even? If the answer is to save time typing then it would save them 1 (one) whole letter. Which is a shorter time than one inhale of air.
OP is of the negro race
We had pizza at our schools mini-cafeteria every Friday, I think it was dominoes, I think you could get cheese, pepperoni or deluxe. We would have free pizza days every now and then, also dominoes.
Public schooling is a literal fucking joke, the idea that all kids should be housed together for 12 years is genuinely psychotic
I grew in a super redneck town that had a 4H club and when we were in third grade we went to a dairy farm that belonged to one of the kids
in the class's family and got to pet all the cows then afterwards went to the slaughterhouse outside of town. Genuinely traumatizing.

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>My roommate is moving out to live with his gf
>Helped him pack
>Asked him if he want to take any of his kitchen stuffs with him
>nah anon i don't want to lug all those things around
>He moved out
>Opened the kitchen cabinet
>The only thing he took was a spice container with 3 nutmegs
That was strange, he doesn't want to take a full peppermill, bottle of sriracha or a box of cinnamon sticks. But he took nutmeg.
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>>The only thing he took was a spice container with 3 nutmegs
he's ready for eggnog season!
no one is complaining. return to Reddit. anyhow, i threw all of his shit in the trash because, to me, it is trash that i don't want.
that's a picture of my brother asshole
Like >>20427665 said yes but it can make you feel pretty sick and the amount required to start damaging your body isn't much higher than the recreational amount. It's only really done by people who don't have access to anything else.
Yeah, it lasts for 3 days too.

does anyone here work in a pizzeria? what's it like? i've gotten pretty good at making pizzas at home, but never worked in a pizzeria before. i sometimes think about owning my own place but i have no experience in the industry, is working part time (i have a full time job) a good place to start?
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i'll check it out. not that my goal is to be successful, but don't you think having experience in the industry would help before getting started?
Family friend owns a pizza place. I’m pretty sure it’s just a money laundering front.

Friends parents own a cafe in a small town. It filled a niche when the other place in town went out of business. So it helps if you’re part of a small community.
YouTube Charlie Anderson
No modern CEO started from the ground up. It's an antiquated concept, and the new strategy is to start at the top of your own business or to rely on nepotism.
Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something.

sardines with hot tomato sauce plus what will give it a japanesy vibe?
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Its soy sauce, baby
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That looks like a young smog monster from one of those old Japanese monster movies.
You're going to hell for ressurecting that yet Gozirra will save you
They have this same sort of shit in Japan.
Put it on top of some white rice. Have some miso soup, and tsukemono (japanese pickles) on the side.
You now have a classic Japanese poverty meal.

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Visiting picrel for the first time. What am I in for? What do I order?
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Overpriced shit kept afloat by retards with no tastebuds
Not their fries that's for sure.
What's skibidi, you 12 year old larper?
order a soda and leave. the wings and fries suck.

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Anon, what do you think about the ginseng?
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Looks like something they pulled out of a vaxxies veins
my state apparently accounts for 95% of the usa's american ginseng production yet i've never used it in any dish
Fun fact, when you pull it out of the ground make sure to have your ears covered or its scream will kill you
mandrake and ginseng are two different plants, they're not even in the same family.

Wtf is their problem?
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sorry, does your troon bf use feminine pronouns?
I'd eat their hot meaty chili, if you see what ima sayin............
eating hot food is a matter of practice and getting used to the feeling
Then again Im not sure what is the point of habituating yourself to tolerate stuffing your mouth with chilis and then feeling anal pain later.
he sounds like announcer on the massachusetts transit system (or at least the one they had when I was there).
>desperate for a dopamine hit
>shitpost youtube thumbnail with a broad question
go outside, chud.

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