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Post food you eat when you are depressed and can't be bothered cooking.
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Calories and Macronutrients:
Sweet Potatoes: Lower in calories and carbohydrates but higher in fiber compared to russet potatoes. They also contain slightly more protein.
Russet Potatoes: Higher in calories and carbohydrates but lower in fiber. They typically have a bit less protein than sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potatoes: Exceptionally high in vitamin A (from beta-carotene), providing more than 100% of the daily value in one medium-sized sweet potato. They are also a good source of vitamins C and B6.
Russet Potatoes: These potatoes do not provide vitamin A but are high in vitamin C and also offer a good amount of vitamin B6.
Sweet Potatoes: Offer higher amounts of manganese and are a good source of potassium and magnesium.
Russet Potatoes: Typically higher in potassium than sweet potatoes and provide good amounts of magnesium and iron.
Sweet Potatoes: Rich in antioxidants, especially beta-carotene, which gives them their orange color. They also contain other antioxidants like anthocyanins in purple varieties.
Russet Potatoes: Contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C, though generally less diverse or abundant compared to sweet potatoes.
Glycemic Index:
Sweet Potatoes: Have a lower glycemic index compared to russet potatoes, which means they cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels.

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I really like it. Kinda nice that my rice cooker already had the feature so I didn't need a new appliance, unitaskers are somewhat annoying in the kitchen.
I guess you could emulate a slow cooker with a pot on low heat, but that means you'd have to pay a little more attention to it, which somewhat defeats the purpose. The nice thing about slow cookers is that you precisely don't need to care as much about them.
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Don't sweat it, pretty much the same, only do it if you like mixing it up or the taste/texture.

If you want to obsess about micronutrients you're likely getting in excess that's up to you.
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also cigarettes
I have severe clinical depression. I would never make slop when Im down. You gotta prepare something good, I cant fathom not doing that. Maybe youll end it all soon

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Is it a good beer?
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New Belgium makes great beer. Unfortunately, Johnny Jackwipe only wants IPAs, NB is a business, so they make them. Fucking sad, because they can do so much better.
its all I drink. doesnt taste like ipa, and has a good price to abv. It used to be called rampant before they started the whole voodoo branding
I need to specify that I was referring to the imperial ipa. most of the rest are trash. The orange juice force is ok.
i like juice bomb but hopewell junction has contaminated water
enjoy your lead poisoning
yea you can get 2 juice force ones for like $5.50 at a few 7/11's around me....works real good

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This is one of the worst things I've ever tasted
An inhuman chemical concoction in a can doesn't taste so great? Who ever would have guessed?
Yeah, monster is disgusting

Show me what you cooked and ate to take care of your health anon.

Behold, my peas pancakes (peas flour, egg, grapeseed oil, salt and a pinch of baking soda) with almond butter and DEENZ for protein maxxing.

>This thread is friends with the blood type diet.

Feel free to ask.
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ah yes high IQ civilisation builders
>high IQ civilisation builders
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I'm home after 1 hour swimming, this is my lunch.

Feels good, desu fr fr.
This post is interesting because of this bit

>civilisation builders

Go and look what the ancient Romans used to eat, the real Mediterranean diet, the food they used to fuel their conquer of the world and now look at how that diet got corrupted by introducing gluten, fruit 365 days a year (when fruit is available naturally only after the cold months of the year), sugar, potatoes, pork meat and other food that turned these civilizations into the modern slaves of nowadays, frail and weak.

I don't care if you believe the blood type to be effective or not, but then again if you think that food has nothing to do with how we function then you all are delusional.
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>after 1 hour swimming
i rec dis

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Everybody loves fudge
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I find most fudge to be too sweet
I agree. I don't have a sweet tooth (given the choice I'll pick something salty instead) so fudge generally does nothing for me.
I used to love it as a kid but it's definitely too sweet for me now. I'll still get a little bit if I'm wanting dessert and am near a fudge shop but I'm not about to buy a pound to keep in the fridge.
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>boil off the calories
I wish I could experience what it's like to be this fucking stupid for like 24h or something. Must be nice.
fill your bathtub full of boiling water, jump in, and boil some of your intelligence away

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does this even do anything?
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the grate is to hold smaller pans.
What are the wires for
same thing they're for in a toaster, retard-kun
It's gas, the wires are there to help with heat diffusion. As the wires glows cherry red, the emit a lot of infrared radiation which is a great way to cook food. If the gas stove didn't had these wires, you'd have to rely exclusively on the flames to transfer heat to the cookware which is much more wasteful.

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Anybody try using these before?
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>intestine-shredder grill brush
why chintz out on that other than to fuck people? people are already paying gobs for the grates.
Does it remind you of getting bullied in high school?
myth at best, b.s at worst. You know, aluminum is one of the most abundant element on earth and the most abundant metal in the earth's crust at a whopping 8%. Now, do you think humans, who have evolved on this planet, don't have some sort of physiological mechanism to deal with aluminum or it's compounds?
humans weren't supposed to live past 40

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I need your best guide to making pizza, I don't care about fancy garnish or anything else, I just want a nice simple pizza.
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Roll out dough, top with scored, blanched, shocked, peeled, hand-crushed and sieved tomatoes, sliced mozzarella and basil. Sprinkle with salt. Drizzle with olive oil. Cook in a hot pan on the hob then put it into the oven to finish.
Is that fat faggot's Uncle Frank still alive? He made this mutant watchable.
something is deeply wrong with americans
Well it tastes a whole hell of lot better

When butter's too hard to spread, i melt it in my mouth, pour it out back on the break and get amazed at the stroke of genius that is my lifehack.
It's impossible to top in its brilliance

Any cooking hacks you'd like to share?
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I boil water in advance and put it in the freezer so I always have boiling water ready to go.
Oil too hot? Add a bit of cold water to get it down to a reasonable temperature.
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The apocalyptic mess means it's working
i waaaaant my d-aa-ah-ah-ah-aaaah-ady

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>has the best fries in your path
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Yeah, sup dude! Not gonna lie, the Treasure Coast is ass all around besides minor league baseball.
No from Coldplay
There should be a cover band called Hotwork.
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I want to disagree about the neighborhood stuff because most places I've lived there was one nearby that I frequented but I have to admit I've mostly lived in places on the edge of gentrification and trash. Guess the one in Midtown Atlanta, surrounded by luxury condos and skyscapers wasn't low income but there was no shortage of panhandlers and club trash hanging out there, especially at 3am.
I've never gotten sick from a Checker's but maybe I have a poor person's immune system that's battle tested and able to fight off the typical problems of poor sanitation.
they have a really good cheese sauce and decent chili. try a small chili cheese fry, or chili cheese dog, or chili cheeseburger with the sauce instead of the slice

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This tastes like cough syrup.
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How good is this thing as a cold medicine? I heard it was originally advertised as something to take when you are sick.
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Did you know that "Jaeger" in French is pronounced "jayjay"?
Ask me how I know that you and your closest bros are insufferable
>Tastes like liquorice
No it doesn't, Absinth tastes like licorice
It's basically a diluted tincture made with a bunch of different herbs so maybe.

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gonna be in vegas in a few weeks, and eggslut is in the hotel i'll be staying at. seems like a meme.
is this worth trying, or am I just going to waste $20 on some trendy bullshit with a cool aesthetic? The slut sounds interesting.
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>current year
>unfathomable amounts of free information is more easily accessible than clean water in most countries
>retards still choose to be like this
do you have any idea how many reviews online are fake or paid? I don't trust jackshit I can google any more, when it comes to anyone's opinion. i trust sweaty losers on 4chan WAY more than the average review site.
>i trust edgy r*dditors who argue over thought experiments
you need to be 18 or older to post here
you’re worried about spending $20 on some trendy bullshit in vegas?

I've not had eggslut, but there's an eggslut clone near where I live. If it's like that, it'll be okay and a little 'different', but not amazing. For me it straddles the line of 'yes it's too expensive, but I'm not going to make it at home'.
>being allergic to social interaction

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In a restraunt with courses, is it faux pas to only order the main?
The way the waiter told me about the menu felt like it was.
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You're paying, eat what you want.
We don't tip here.
Picking fights is for war against foreigners, not dining habits amongst my own countrymen.
Just get 4 appetizers instead.
I can see why you were dining alone.
You're not going to peer-pressure me into acting like a commoner.

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have you taken the canned potato pill yet?

1. no peeling
2. already cooked
3. perfect serving size
4. cut up for you
5. stays good for years
6. cheap

For those of you that make a lot of homemade stocks, soups, etc. do you use plain tap water or use filtered/distilled water as a base? Does it make a difference?
I have to use a water softener plus RO because the tap water in my town is essentially toxic, that being said it really depends on how good your tap water is. I would say it doesn’t really make a difference because even the slightest amount of seasoning in a stock will immediately overpower any latent taste in the water. I’ve heard distilled water isn’t great for consumption because it leeches minerals out of your body but that’s probably immediately negated by all of the salts a stock would absorb so it might be okay for that, though it seems like a waste of resources to pay an additional cost for water if you were fine drinking from the tap.
I don't make homemade stocks or anything like that, but I DO bake a fair amount of bread, and I've found that using bottled spring water from the supermarket (you know, the 99¢ for a gallon stuff) works better than tap water. Our tap water tastes good but there's something in it that retards the action of the yeast so dough made with spring water rises faster and just overall seems to work better.
I use spring water to make all of my stocks, it does make a difference but the tap water in my city is disgusting.

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