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Let the feast begin
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it wont be halloween for six months
I bet hes trying to hide his icuken keyboard
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>Plebbit malfunction on the screen and blurred out Hebrew keyboard
Into the trash it goes!
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why do you eat so much pasta
Looks nice. Why is your wallpaper still Halloween? Also, what are all these pastas?

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How are you coping with inflation?
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Kill yourself you ignorant twitter monkey.
I've stopped buying fresh stuff, I bulk-buy dried and frozen foods, and I experiment with alternatives to more expensive foods.
He's wrong, but yes "cost" is a verb.
Something costs. It's an action, technically.
Looking into it more, apparently "costed" in that context is a canadian colloquialism. Guess I can blame my north Wisconsin heritage for that one. Anyway
>Veggies have cost the same amount for years now. Flour has gone up in price by like a dollar. Better than paying obscene prices on everything premade, faggot

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Don't mind me just posting the best apple. No need for debates.
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pears > apples
He's a candy fiend...
Based former MLP enjoyer
okay twink.
They're actually pretty good. The first time I had it I was pretty underwhelmed, but that's because the hype was kind of ridiculous for a while and I didn't really understand what the Cosmic Crisp was actually supposed to be. It's a replacement for Red Delicious: super consistent, doesn't blemish easily, keeps well all year. The difference of course is that it is actually delicious. The flavor isn't anything special, very much a traditional apple taste. But it's always super crisp, always has a bit of tang, and always sweet. It's just good.

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>accidentally burn my chilli a bit
>it tastes really good

What does it mean
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When I was a kid my dad burned the pasta sauce a little but I actually really liked it.

I always assumed that humans started scavenging after forest fires. Maybe we developed a taste for smoky charred food from that.
i assume you are talking about the spiced meat and bean tomato soup chili and not the chili pepper

if you like that darker flavor, i recommend adding a bit of cocoa powder, baking cacao or dark chocolate. say, a half tablespoon/heaping teaspoon for a medium sized pot. or even just a squirt or two of chocolate syrup (a little sweetness is good anyway, not too much). i am also partial to a small amount of cinnamon in my chili
last time i made chili i added too much cinnamon and it tasted like christmas eve

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Not even eat
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you ate her poop?
we get freaky
This kino filtered many.
dragged across concrete filtered everyone but me.
>if you are hungry, do not eat
yeh I'm sure that will end well

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americans be like
>y'all better not overcook muh steak i want it rare and juicy!!
>sees real european scrambled eggs, runny and juicy
>proceeds to overcook the shit out of his scrambled eggs till they are a dry mess
>aaah yes thats some good eggs!
do amerimutts rly?
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So Euros ban Li'l Debbie Swiss rolls, but not Ho-Ho's? Also, what do the Swiss eat?
Texan and this is how I make my eggs.
Decades of government and corporate propaganda about how incredibly dangerous uncooked eggs are. Apparently I am the luckiest man in the US, because I've done my scrambled eggs soft and moist and my fried eggs runny, for 40 years, but have never died.
Mom always made em that way so that's how I eat them and my mom is always right, fuck you.
To any real human beings on this board. Who are bored. The flavour you experience from making eggs this way will make you never go back. I promise. If it didn't take so long I'd do it this way everytime. You owe it to yourself to try the roux brothers eggs once in your life.

It's a cultural thing. And I think you knew this before making this thread.

Now then...
looks like shit
you suck

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Blue raspberries exist
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I'd relocate your patch if you can, and do a hard reset on the original patch. Pathogen could still be kicking around in there, causing problems. Cut down, mulch over, let it decompose while covered, and plant something unrelated there for a few years while growing the raspberries elsewhere. Should give it enough time to heal up. Try a resistant cultivar next time around.
Get a variety meant for eating, and make jam. Or cider. Cider works better but it's quite dry. Mix with pear cider for a balanced sweet-dry kind of drink.
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They're best cooked into jams and whatnot. Sometimes if they're young they can be good, but are usually pretty astringent. I eat a lot of hawthorns and crab apples in the fall. Most aren't much good fresh, but there are the odd ones that are. These crab apples are crisp and juicy and taste like very intense apple flavour. I go out of my way to the tree each year.

Thank you, I love currants. They grow wild in the woods around here, but with so little light they usually only make a tiny handful of fruit. I cut a few stalks a handful of years ago and stuck them in my garden and now get masses and masses every year
Picking these on the way to school in coastal New Zealand during the 90s was pretty chill.

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>be me, just your average anon
>decide to go on a diet
>day 1: full of determination, ready to conquer my cravings
>day 2: spotted a pancake meme online
>day 3: suddenly craving pancakes like they're the elixir of life
>can't resist the siren call of breakfast
>head to the nearest diner, stomach growling like a pissed-off bear
>order a stack of pancakes the size of my disappointment in humanity
>waitress gives me a look like "you sure you can handle this, bro?"
>challenge accepted
>pancakes arrive, steam rising like the souls of my forgotten new year's resolutions
>take one bite and suddenly realize these pancakes are more dense than a conspiracy theory forum
>feel like i'm chewing on a rubber tire coated in syrup

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have my upvote kind sir
with omad you can eat pancakes every day
>be me
As opposed to who? Fucking normies. Blog about your experiences on Reddit or something.
Tyler Durden.

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Fried fish 'wich and a ice cold brewski down by the river...don't get much better than this boys.
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That looks nice anon, I hope you enjoyed your day
Is this a British thing?
>American flag
>American beer
Checks out.
on whole wheat? last thing i expected from an american
based van down by the river inhabitant

We don't have Raising Cane's in my country but it looks like my type of food. Have you tried it, what is the toast like and is the name a biblical reference?
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Now that's an insult!
it's literally just the dog's name dude
Raising Cane's opening a location in NYC is culturally relevant despite your insecurity
I worked at Canes in 2007 and we would brine the chicken in store and then bread it right before frying. Bread was bought in and fried in a bunch of butter solution on a flattop and the fries were frozen and shit. It blew my mind that it exploded in popularity, it was always pretty crappy food with excellent service.
Popeyes was created and run for decades for and by Whites.

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Interesting. An American who's been to the UK found some bri ish products at an American grocery store. She says that baked beans in the UK are not sweet.
No one has ever said that. That's interesting. In America baked beans are sweet and often have brown sugar or molasses added to them.
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Love beans of (nearly) all types. Bush's / molasses / US style baked beans are superior for lunches (sugar rush good) and barbeques. Beans with tomato sauce / UK style are superior for breakfast (no sugar rush/crash) or as a side for things with more delicate flavors.
I used to eat nothing but B&M beans out of a can but either my taste buds changed or they just really suck now.
>(sugar rush good)
yes but I don't need one with beans. that's just ridiculous. I grew up eating all sorts of canned beans in the USA but the "regular" ones are still a disgusting dessert sweet. mexican's make the best beans in the u.s.
I have 3 active threads on /ck/ and haven't started one in about 20 hours
"Oh that's why /ck/ sucks"
Shut up faggot
I am literally winning this board and you can't stop me
Can you guess what the other 2 are?
Trying to get out of the backrub eh?

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How do I make food
Just do what Chef John tells you

If you wish to make food from scratch, you must first invent the universe.
you'll run into some problems given your lack of opposable thumbs, go up to the canned fish aisle and ask one of the large apes nearby to open one for you
add heat and spices to meat, fruit, and/or vegetables. change ratios of things until it tastes how you want.

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Why are there never threads about recipes/cook books on here? I've been teaching myself how to cook and the hardest part is honestly finding good (somewhat) easy things that I want to make.
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Why don't you start a thread and post your 'cipes?
About 50% of cookbooks do have badly tested recipes which won't come out right, but so do 95% of Google results and Google doesn't even return more than three pages of unique results anymore.
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I have "Le cordon bleu at home" and many of the recipes can't even fit all the ingredients on a single page, and have things that are too exotic to keep around. They sound good but I'll stick with easy things.
I'm upping my cooking skills by picking a chain restaurant and trying to duplicate the recipes I might order from there. Start at the low end, Dennys and IHOP tier and work up until you can duplicate what's on the menu at a fancy starred restaurant. I've had plenty of screw ups such as beef wellington with a soggy crust, but you just eat your mistakes and try again.
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>Makes all other cookbooks obsolete
Literally a solved problem.

The greatest coffee ever, El Pico, has apparently been discontinued.
I guess I'll just have to choke down Bustelo or Pilon now.
for me, it's
I was loyal to chock full o nuts when I used to make drip. Since moka pots and el pico, I was purchasing el pico by the case.

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