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How does /ck/ use it?
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i like baba ghanoush or brinjal curry
eggplant parm is a classic too. in turkey i had some really good stuffed eggplants.
ohhh i know what you're talking about, i had that once in a chinatown restaurant in saigon. i think it was cooked in a clay pot. super fucking good

here's a good thai stirfry using eggplant with sweet basil, my local thai spot makes it really well.
Egglant Parmesan
>beat some eggs until white and yolk are mixed, soak the egg plant, add panko, bake in oven with slice from round ball of mozzarella, then light layer of arriabata, then thin slice of portabella. This is usually enough, but some prefer a slice of roasted tomato and/or sauteed sliced mushrooms as well.
>.t father is italian, made Eggplant Parmesan since I was a kid.
>.t grow my own eggplant in my garden every summr
>Prefer to bake them
or just do chicken parm and be
Just say spare limb

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Why is it so overrated?
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i am just glad dogs like you will continue to suffer by your own stupidity
They're the morons protesting and preventing people from going to school, they should be ashamed.
I don't understand why it takes balls to buy one of the best like Evan Williams over some girly swill like Beam? You do know that anything from Beam is from hookers and high school kids, rah rah rah.
It's ok with coca-cola, the coke is the only redeeming factor.
jim beam is fucking terrible you mong, it's the worst bourbon ever fucking produced. don't even get evan williams. you start at wild turkey and only go up.

Remember when McDonald’s had soup?
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Of course they never had spaghetti, it's McGetti
Don’t ask me lol I’m just telling you it was here
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Nigga please....
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Well, it has to be better than Chick-fil-A's soup, anyway.
When exactly did we stop using styrofoam for everything? It's definitely better for the environment as that stuff will outlive humanity.

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>mogs buffalo chicken
Take your meds
terrible ingredient spread

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I shredded lettuce for tacos. Admire my skills.
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Let's see you do better, Marco Pierre Whine
I'm GenX. When I was age seven, I had to shred taco lettuce or else I didn't eat. Taco lettuce. We did this innawoods with blades we had chipped from flint personally. Much superior to what OP depicts here. And we were only playing at "muh subway sandwiches." We hacked another kid's limbs in order to make "tuna" and he was okay with this.

Skills? Hah!
Atta boy! *slaps your ass*
>criticize a feature film?
>heh, let's see your movie
this may be crazy but I take my entire shredded lettuce pile and put it in a mixing bowl of cold water, add some vinegar and salt, drain most of the water, then add a bit of peanut oil and ground pepper and mix it up. It really enhances the lettuce for sandwiches or tacos.

I dont really like the flavor of the raw lettuce and I can never get the images of mexicans lying around shitting in lettuce dumptrucks out of my head, or of the fields of lettuce with shitty toilet paper being discarded right where the mexicans decided to shit in the fields. So the more thorough rinse of the lettuce makes me feel at ease.

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how can I make egg salad sandwiches that don't just taste of egg and mayo? I want to add other stuff so its less of just soft bland creamy texture and overwhelming egg taste.
I will be making my own mayo.
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At least you have her number, my ex changed her number when she broke up with me after nine years.
just did basic egg salad topped with pickled banana peppers and different hot sauces.

good shit.
Green onions and good dill pickles chopped up. Lots of ground pepper. Celery for crunch.
Mayo. Babysteps sandwich day.

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Dinner is served :)
That looks like British shit that should be best served wrapped in a newspaper.
Mmm dem fries look tasty, what’s the sauce?
Too bad your parents didn't use contraception.

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What pocket knife do you use for cutting fruit?
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>no ergonomics
>no clip
>excels at nothing
>"stainless" instead of the an steel
And you'd still insist it's better than my M4 940
Dennis the Menace
it just works
it goes on a keyring
fits in your smallest pocket
opens every common food container
slices and peels every food
just works
I don’t, aids usually takes care of them eventually
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Is it worth giving away your data so companies can post record profits just you can get that 50 cent discount on a big mac?
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they can have them. just give me the burgah!!!
>ITT people trying to feel superior because they don't have an app
If you don't eat fast food at all then fine, but if you're eating fast food and not taking advantage of the deals on the app you're a complete retard
I can't imagine myself eating at the same place often enough a year to justify looking at the fast food logos every time I open my phone.
If you have a phone you are the retard you are mocking.
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>login to wendys using mobile browser, no application required still get all the offers.

Lol peasants.

what does it taste like? i tried ordering it but when i went to the drive thru they said they don't have it yet. I had already paid for it through the app...
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you fell for corn lobby propaganda, the study that linked aspartame to cancer gave 1000x the normal dose of it to mice.
Yeah and I see fatasses putting 3 packets in their tea, you think I’m about to drink a syrup of that junk?
Let the reactive and irrational remove themselves, anons
Korean thing?
No way.
Shredded ice with cola syrup

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What are your memories of Red Lobster? Now that it will prob be gone soon

>Red Lobster Is Considering Bankruptcy Partly Due to $11 Million Loss from Endless Shrimp Deal: Report

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Do you torture cats for fun
Where the fuck do you live that it's a 2 drink limit?
Keep your autistic ass together dude.
it became annoying a couple of decades ago. The biscuits were why anyone went there, plus the specials. But, if you want to be surrounded by screaming kids, families who have a table for 8 and loud conversations, then this is your place. Floridians will be looking for a water view and actual snapper, grouper and fresh food, however, and won't frequent their closest location. They gladly spend another $5-15/plate to get a good experience.
The buns and the treasure chest

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we feastin
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Yes, there is a subset of literal boomers that became true converts to the COVID Religion and still follow its superstitions.
>all that red sauce
rip: ur anus
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looks like pollos pepes
If this pic was taken in California or New York there are still some restaurants that require you to wear a mask in the establishment unless seated. Trust the science that says diseases can only spread if your cheeks aren't pressed into a cushion.
I love mash potates... brocolli not so much. Is that pork loin?

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Anon, what do you think about the ginseng?
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Go back to the dungeon, Marcille.
i think ginseng is bad for women or something? something like it gives women excess of something they already have
mysterious, elusive. good for health. ginseng tincture is really good

in Wisconsin people have been known to get killed while hunting for it and there are blood feuds between neighboring families apparently. shout out to the Driftless.
I guess it apparently causes vaginal bleeding?
I'm happy that you can yet feel the taste.

I'm broke now-a-days, but i need to drink beer daily to survive in this shitty world.
If you get too science-y, I'll block you.
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Find a one gallon container. Ideally something with an airlock (to let gas out but not in). Some places you can get a one gallon glass bottle for juice and the like, then buy an airlock from a brew store on the cheap.
Buy malt extract and whatever other crap (like their brand of sugar, brew enhancer) they recommend with it. Put it in your container and add recommended amount of water.
Buy yeast. Once the liquid reaches room temp put it in.
Wait two weeks.
Buy sugar drops for brewing (or regular sugar but you'll have to measure and do maths).
Put beer in bottles with sugar and seal.
Wait two weeks.
Put in fridge.
Open bottle. If not fizzy it's poison. If fizzy drink.

To go cheaper find a recipe and buy your own malted barley, sugar, hops, etc instead of using anything commercial.
To have it be poison less often, sanitise everything. To have even less poison buy brew wash and no rinse sanitiser.
To make better beer experiment with ingredients, temperature control, get better water, etc.
>malt extract, adding it to water, boiling it for like an hour with whatever hops you want
They're usually hopped. No need to boil.

Flat beer.

Have to pick between fizzy and sweet. Also juice is surprisingly expensive these days.
It is available online, or at least an early version is
Also very helpful for those interested in how beer fermentation generally works without having to read several textbooks worth of course materials for an academic brewing program like Heriott-Watt or UC Davis.
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i mean yeah it's dead easy to make but it's going to taste meh if you don't carbonate and that is slightly more advanced and takes time, with the risk of making bottle bombs if you overdid the priming sugar
i would just go for ghetto apple wine, check the label how many sugar the juice contains and add sugar untill you get a concentration of 200g/l which should be around 12% abv-ish
pic related. doesn't matter that much what you ferment in as long as it is clean
maybe i should mention that a small bit of ketchup is a good source of nutrients and lowers the ph a little bit
just don't overdo it as vinigger is a preservative. tomato paste that you can add too, see if it alters the flavour significantly and if you don't like it then leave it as it is. apple juice ferments fine on its own but with some nutrients things go significantly faster

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Sometimes, lack of spice can be the spice of life. Sometimes bland foods just hit the spot so well.
Why not add some frozen fish dicks and tater tots in that mix?
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sometimes the blandest food you can ever eat is actually the spiciest life you'll ever have
Where do you get that stuff. commie China or from North Korea it's so called "great leader?"
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Where'd you get that, from a stale fortune cookie?

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