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Wa la
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he's a merchant
>and how does this affect you personally?
Go outside
It's literally the meaning of life for men.
how do you forage a hotdog

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What's a good meat or vegetable to practice pan frying, deglazing and thickening pan sauce with? Something affordable I can keep practicing different sauces with.
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Pajeet go back
why you putting a pic of something that was baked then?
>why are you putting a pic
I say pork chops. They're pretty cheap and you can make a really good pan sauce with the fond they leave in the pan.

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Why do people use these?
Is it just a cultural cope?
I feel like as a species we kind of nailed it with the spork so why all of this pageantry?

>inb4 it forces you to slow down

Yeah, so does a disability.
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I like it for sushi because it's delicate enough where destroying it with a fork is a concern and it's also better than bare hands because you can easily dip into soy sauce and spread a minimal amount of wasabi. Other than that, zero use for me.
I like to eat chips with them
I wanted to call you retarded but the more i think about it, it's a good way to eat them and not get dust on your fingers.
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>Why do people use these?

Be ancient Chinese caveman
Eat with your hands
One day you grab a piece of meat
It's hot and you drop it
Grab a stick and pick it up
Other cavemen see you do this
They copy you
I'm teaching myself to use them in my off hand so I can eventually use four at once. I'm gonna fucking destroy the buffet.

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>nooooooo it's 30% more expensive than mcdonalds and uses 50% better ingredients and doesn't have a drivethru!!! how can this happen????
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I don't have a local burger place
Aww you haven't been there in at least 5 years but still have an opinon, how cute.
I grubhub them all the time it costs about the same because I order 3 sandwiches at McDonald’s compared to just one at five guys the burgers are good and the Cajun fries are the best in fast food
you simply dgaf about value for money so I don't know why you bothered sharing
I was going to make my first ever /ck/ thread, but this has saved me the time. I tried Five guys for the first time ever, and it was really fucking bland. A maccy's double cheeseburger is genuinely better than five guys.

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anyone been? how was it?
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is he still alive? I think that dude said he was 94 in the film and i think last I watched it was 10 years ago
You can say soy here, newfag pol tourist.
wow, sounds like the japs know how to exploit labour AND make the retarded jap happy while doing it. not bad!
>stupid gaijinoids ruined it for everyone else
He's 98, son took over the restaurant last year.

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What's the least appetizing meal you've ever seen?
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Luv me some good egg and tits.
why the fuck did she get tattoos to look like swarthy arm hair lmao
You shut up. When it's 2 a.m. and you're drunk and you're 19 a Tommy's burger is just right.
mm hog nipples

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Are East Asian soups supposed to taste this bland?
I didn’t follow one specific recipe but combined different ones I saw on Pinterest
>bok choy
>shitake mushrooms (my grocery store didn’t have enoki)
>baby carrots
>bamboo shoots
>water chestnuts
>fried tofu
>sesame oil
>suy sauce
It doesn’t taste BAD. There’s not a bad small or taste, it just tastes watery and plain. Is this how it’s supposed to be?
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>meat turns soup into a stew
How do you think ramen is made?
You've never had chicken noodle soup for lunch?
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Ramen is a bit heavier than what I was initially going for
Pic rel is what I wanted
Says you need an onion broth.
chicken stock isn't heavy you dumb fag.

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I've always kinda been intrigued by /deen/z but i can now say with full confidence after discovering Canned Fish Files that I am a 100% /deen/z marine now. Every costco trip I pick up 1-2 cases of the Season Brand Sardines and sometimes the Wild Pacific cans as well.

I've been reading that some brands contain way more microplastics than others, so I try to avoid those, and definitely stay away from soybean oil. That being said, how many cans of /deen/z can I eat? Is one a day too much?

Whats your favorite?
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>That being said, how many cans of /deen/z can I eat? Is one a day too much?
Anecdotal but I’ve probably eaten a couple thousand tins (mostly the Season from Costco) in the last 4 years and my health is great.
eating canned fish is not a personality.
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bioaccumulated PCBs and PFAS effluent YUM YUM
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Say it to my face in Concarneau, not online and see what happens.
when he made a patreon for his CANNED FISH EATING VIDEOS i blocked him on youtube

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>Go to polish deli/bakery I like (Chicago place)
>They have lots of different fish, traditional polish shit, pastries, imports and the like
>Usually open minded about food, have liked most of the stuff I tried so far (Rum ball, herring filets, weird cheeses, etc)
>Get curious about blood sausage (Kizka) because "oh hey, it's like that one healing item from that game I like"
>Get home, cut it
>Looks gross
>Smells gross
>Maybe it's good?
>For 5 seconds, try my hardest to find something good to say about it, the taste, the texture, anything at all, best I can think is "might go good with mustard" before I can no longer deny it and run to the garbage can to spit out the first bite, dry heaving as I do so
>This 1.5 pound of shit cost me 7 good bucks I could have spent on polish cake instead

Is there anything I can do with this meat turd? Why is it so horrible? I cannot say I have ever eaten anything so foul in my entire life. I've eaten food that is literally spoiled that tastes better. How can they eat this?
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black pudding (which from picrel I'm pretty sure what you're referring to) varies drastically in quality.

You want it to be crunchy on the outside and *slightly* mushy on the inside.
British/Irish black pudding has a higher suet and cereal content and tends to be fried until crisp on the outside without being dry. The concept of eating it cold would be odd and pretty disgusting to most people even though it is technically already cooked. I don't know if the polish sausage is supposed to be eaten hot also but that might explain your problem.
There's a Mexican blood sausage I get to fry up sometimes that's tasty, we don't really have polish people here, but everyone telling you it has to be cooked first is correct.
I didn't know, most sausages I had there never needed me to cook them first. (Unless outright pink) It isn't exactly a common food in America, you can't really blame me for not knowing. I may give it a second chance, I do have just a bit of onion in the fridge. I don't think that thing can be good cooked either though.
I think the worst flavor I have ever experienced in a food is cilantro because I have the gene. In terms of non-mutation-related flavors, I think the winner goes to a bowl of beef pho I had one time. I was with this Vietnamese girl I was dating who ordered for us; she got me "the special." It had like eyeballs in it and stuff. The broth had this deeply bitter note to it that I just couldn't stomach. I ate like four bites of just the noodles and gave up. She laughed at me and called me a white boy.

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the most boring fucking mushroom in existence. how is it so popular
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cheeky bastard
Actually a big problem in democratic societies. People should be seeking partners that are stable and dependable, not partners who look like fun dates.
>t. not a fungi
>People should be seeking partners that are stable and dependable
So not 4chan posters. Thanks for playing!
ANYWAY, real answer is that its easy to produce. corpos dont care about you at all or think about you as human. if these werent easy to make they wouldnt be made. I work at a mushroom plant that grows maitake, trumpets, all sorts of fantastic mushers. We produce dried maitake in bags that retail for $300 and cost almost nothing to make.

We keep trying lions mane and morells but they are simply too hard so we dont bother.

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The breakfast.
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Skipping leg day, huh tubby?
Actually you skip every day
Why do you hate me anon?
two Jason threads up at the same time <3
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Interesting choices for the first meal of the day

Here's Bovril porridge, salmon scrambled eggs and strawberries. A fine breakfast if I do say so myself
nappy bro, HELP ME

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*gives you the worst hangover you've ever had*
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drink on fruit days not root days
it's tannins
if you have problems with those, drink more water and switch to rosé
Just wanted to come in and say that drinking alcohol is for losers.
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>*gives you the worst hangover you've ever had*

Agreed. I've only drank wine once, a whole bottle of port (because it was something Conan would have drank) by myself at a house party in high school and I was sick as a dog for two days. Never again.
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Coffee for a hangover? You've already got a pounding headache and the caffeine will only make it worse. The best cure is to dilate your blood vessels and take the pressure off.

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>Americans will never know the joy of a Mettfrühstück with the coworkers on a Friday morning
Kinda sad to be honest.
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Yeah, you're a zoomer virgin.
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It clearly took me less time to string those 5 words together than it did for you to go searching for your dumb reaction image. Why do you even save shit like that, but don't have pictures of actual food? Oh wait, it's because you're a shitposter.
You got btfo. I would stay low for a while if i were you.
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which did mommy do better on or which would you rather have
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so which do you prefer
shepherds pie or pork chops and risotto
im still wondering which you guys prefer
post tits
At least pic #2 is recognizably some type of food.

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It really is impressive how they managed to make chicken taste like water.
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Traditional African food isn’t even seasoned. They eat clumps of dough called fufu with a light soup
It's a continent that's bigger than North America with more people in it than the entire Americas, how do you define traditional African food?
Bugs and raw varmint meat
Well fuck me if I like chicken that tastes like chicken.
warthog anus directly on the ashes of a campfire

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