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Does anyone know a good Key Remapper program alternative to SharpKeys? Sharpkeys forces you to restart your PC to make its changes. That's fucking retarded. I don't want to restart my PC everytime for vidya.
This >>1460700
Or get a programmable keyboard with via/qmk

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Can someone link to/identify the stock alarm sounds used at the beginning of this clip?

I remember seeing during the last year a video essay that I think was about a videogame, or videogames in general, that had a 5 to 10 minute section about Ian Curtis' biopic Control. I am almost sure the video has nothing to do with the videogame named "Control" from 2019, it's just a semantic coincidence. The video was made most likely by a video game essayist like Jacob Geller, Noah Caldwell-Gervais, etc.

Does it ring a bell?

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Any students of history here? I need help finding a source for an interesting ancient battle I heard of a few years ago.
I think it was a video by the channel Ancient Recitations (or maybe another one of Sargon's alternate channels), but I can't find it in his catalog, or I can't recognize it if it's still there.

If I remember right, the battle was fought against the Greeks. The armies who fought them were lead by two brothers that were from a family with a history of dying in battle but still being victorious. The brothers met before the battle and agreed that they couldn't win unless one of them dies, so they made a pact that the first one to lose ground must be the one to die.
When this happened during the battle, the brother who lost ground ran out alone against the enemy ranks, which worried and confused them. After he was killed, his and his brother's armies charged and won the battle.
I'm surprised I've only heard of this once, and I'd like to learn more about it, so any help would be appreciated.
Doki Doki Panic
Oh shoot, I thought I was on /v/ and that you accidentally posted there. Sorry anon, my foot is in my mouth. I hope you get a proper answer.
Lmao it's alright, thanks.

I spent $12 for this, but OCR and MTL seem to fail hard at Korean.

This is chinese not korean.
It's definitely Korean but has Chinese characters.
pay some native speaker to translate this, the image is low res, with tables, half the text is chinese
Can you highlight which text is Chinese and which is Korean? I don't speak either, and maybe that's what's given OCR/MTL a fit.

Also what resolution would you want for pages like this?

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Sometimes it says lightning went off right next to me and I hear or see nothing.
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If they're using RF to detect strikes, it's possible to get a false positive from a strong, local interference. But you'd think a persistent signal like that would show constant lightning at your location.

The site they pull their data from appears to show the detector stations used to triangulate a strike. The more and distant ones that detect lightning at your location, the likelier it is that it actually happened.
Well the biggest problem is the detector stations can also detect stuff like cloud-to-cloud lightning miles up that nobody will hear, and upper-atmospheric lightning that is basically balls of plasma almost in space
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Mayhe you just can't see the lightning.

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How do you make an undetectable physical macro for farming games like Elsword?

ahk got me banned a few alt accounts. What other ways are there to do it? would prefer not to buy special software/mice to do it.
Well for the most part they can detect the cheating by the timing.
A human isn't going to click a button at exactly 3 second intervals or whatever, but macros usually do.
You gotta add some randomness somehow, and don't do the same exact thing for hours at a time.
>Not adding random wait times in between steps in your AHK script

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does the kemono search function just not work anymore? haven't been able to search anything in months probably, and since the url goes by IDs, rather than names, I can't enter them directly either
or maybe is it that it changed domains and I'm just not aware of it? I was using kemono.su
Works for me. Did you make sure to wait before starting to search like is says to?

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Who's this girl supposed to represent? I swear I've seen here somewhere
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It's probably supposed to represent some generic nerd girl. The shirt is obviously references Legend of Zelda, and the hat seems based off of Mokona from Magic Knight Rayearth

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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kiPRko2g4zw found it

Hiya, I'm doing a new fansub for Mishima: A Life In Four Chapters and there's a line I'm stuck on. Is it possible for 可愛 to have a negative connotation? If so, what?

Surrounding lines for context. Speaker A has a severe stammer and wants to be liked as he is/for who he is, but Speaker B thinks that's a naive/sentimental ambition since he's 'deformed' (it's set in old Japan, and Speaker B is also 'deformed' with a club foot and is cynical and nihilstic because of his ill treatment) and that Speaker A should lower himself to using his disability manipulatively to get what he wants:

A: 片輪って... 壊せヘん鏡ちっと見せつけられてるみたいなもんや. [Being crippled... is like being followed by a reflection you can't break.]
B: 君は, 自分が可愛すぎるんだよ. [You know, you're too ??????.] This is the line I need help with.
B: だから, たかがどもりぐらいや, そんなに可哀相に思えるんだ. どうせ. 詩かなんか書くんだろ. [That's why you feel so sorry for yourself over a mere stammer. Let me guess, you write poetry or something?]
A (pointing): 金閣寺... 美しすぎて... 怖いんや. [The Golden Pavilion... It's so beautiful, it frightens me.]

B: なんだ? 坊主か? もう救いようねえな! [What's that? A monk? He's beyond help!]
B: それにしても甘いんだよ. 人に好かれたいなんて思う事自体. [Still, it's naïve. To hope for people to like what we are.]
B: 所詮ありえないん. 認めるんだな. [It's just not possible. You have to admit it]
A: でも… [But...]
B: それさえ認めりゃ, 反対にその弱みを餌にして, 女の気を引けるじゃないか. よし. 見てろよ. [Admit it, and you can use your weakness as bait to attract a woman's attention instead. Alright? Watch this.]
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Thank you, would "Too fond of yourself" / "Pretty full of yourself" make sense in this context?
In this context, 可愛すぎる (kawaisugiru) can have a negative connotation of being too naive, sentimental, or overly idealistic. It can imply that Speaker A's desire to be liked for who he is, despite his disability, is seen as overly hopeful or unrealistic by Speaker B. The use of 可愛すぎる in this context suggests that Speaker B views Speaker A's attitude as impractical or unrealistic in the face of their physical deformities and social stigma.
After consideration, there's two ways I could take this:
-Character B is telling Character A he is spoiling life for himself by expecting too much (holding life in too high a regard)
-Character B is telling Character A his idea of *himself* is too inflated so he is disappointed by the reality (holding himself in too high a regard)

I suppose the cultural difference might fudge there being a difference between these two but does the way this expression is used here lean more towards the first or the second meaning?

Put another way, would it be better to render the line as
"You know, you're pretty full of yourself"
"You know, you expect too much [out of life/yourself]"
Thanks, I hadn't refreshed the page before making my previous post. Looks like it's the second?
& probably some nuance I'm missing in the line after if that's the case? Speaker B wouldn't be downplaying Speaker A's stammer as being meagre if he recognises it has detrimental effects on one's social life.

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I am upgrading my laptop(lenovo y520) with an SSD so I don't have to use my dud of a HDD for running my OS.
However I have run into a difficulty. I do not have a screw to tighen the SSD to the motherboard.
What size does it require then?
A tiny machine screw, bring it in to Ace Hardware and try screws until you find the right one.
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They're called m.2 (m dot 2) screws. There are 4 different kinds (I've personally only ever seen the 2 popular ones) (your owners manual might say which but I doubt it, you'll probably have to ask lenovo if you need to know which kind specifically).
you can order a set containing all of them online for pennies.
The computer will run with it unscrewed, but if it bothers you then you can use a *small* piece of electrical tape to secure the ssd to the screwmount until your screws arrive
>Ace Hardware
I'm from eastern europe, not america.
Then go to an eastern european hardware store.

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Any anime for this vibe?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
Boku no Pico
Call of Duty: Black Ops
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You mean Y2K aesthetic?
Any shonen from that time, right? HxH 1999 might be a similar feel or carefree adventure that ramps up and up as it goes on? Digimon Tamers might be that feel.

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whats a good tv list website?
6 replies omitted. Click here to view.
my guy you actually just wrote gibberish lol. use punctuation, at least.
>or similar allowed copium
the meaning of this in particular was 100% lost in translation. embarrassing if you're not esl
>beginning after the end
That has nothing to do with TV, that's a webcomic. To my knowledge there aren't any webcomic databases other than I guess comic aggregators. If you want to browse media:
AniDB for anime
Baka-Updates for manga, includes some manhwa/manhua but not many
MyDramaList for j-drama, k-drama, etc.
iMDB for TV/movies
Goodreads for books
NovelUpdates for webnovels
and that's all I know.
>That has nothing to do with TV, that's a webcomic
Oh Jesus Christ, how did you understand what he was saying? I read that webcomic and it didn't occur to me that was what he meant
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This anon speaks the truth, go with AniDB.

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Whenever I try to fill out the 4chan captcha on my PC it basically loops "please wait a while before making a new thread" indefinitely. What is causing this?
I think it's supposed to do that when it sets the cookies for the first time on a new browser. Try cleaning the cookies for 4chan 4cdn etc and make sure you let it use cookies and javascript.
It also does it when it detects a new browser agent in a frail attempt to combat spam so if you have some anti-fingerprinting addon fucking with the browser agent string it may be causing it.
I don't fucking know this site is so trash
Are you otherwise able to complete the captcha?
That's a feature, not a glitch.
Are you in incognito mode?
Are you using a browser that has completely disabled cookies?
is that pic real?

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