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Since i have a small range of fixed ip adresses that came with my internet connection, i wanted to setup a java edition minecraft server using ubuntu server.
Im unfortunately a bit of a noob, and i would like to know if it's safe if i put the server between my router and my firewall.
Do you have any suggestions on seting it up?
BUMP i want to do the same with my pc, since i dont use it anymore.

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Saw this on /wsg/ and it's kind of kino but I have no idea who made it and my shitty googling skills are getting me nowhere

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Looking for the Facebook screenshot where the guy lied to his police department about having drugs in his ass so they'd fist him

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Looking for games with a heavy focus on nature with minimal dialog like the pikmin games
they don't have to play like pikmin or have the same perspective
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toki tori 2 (2D puzzle platformer where you manipulate animals)
Endless Ocean and Boku no Natsuyasumi 2
>Endless Ocean
I also recommend this. A hidden gem.
Call of Duty: Black Ops

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What character is this? Did I overpay? How do I take her clothes off?
Nevermind it's Yuuki Asuna from Sword Art Online and I did overpay.
That shit is worth like 6 bucks, you got fucking scammed, from goodwill no less lmao I didn't even know they sold figures
>How do I take her clothes off?
You don't. That's not a castoff figure.
I don't know if you will see this but you blew $20 I would not cry to hard maybe don't order food once and it evens out
I'd be more concerned about how much money you wasted on your iphone.

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I'm given these variables
target velocity
target acceleration
target position (XYZ)
missile velocity
missile acceleration
missile position (XYZ)

I believe I calculated line of sight correctly (rotation vector = R(range) cross product Vr(velocity) / R dot product R), but the thing I'm ripping my hair out over is calculating fucking missile guidance via pronav with it.
This is the equation I'm using
Commanded Acceleration = N(constant) * Vc * LOS_Rate + ( N * Nt ) / 2

I've already looked at youtube and the wikipedia page for equations but they don't work and I can't get them to work even if I plug everything in. How the everloving fuck am I supposed to get my missile to receive guidance?

Picrel is a equation I see that makes zero fucking sense on how to solve it, I already tried googling what the fuck the || around variables means but it just returns nothing

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The | | means absolute value.
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wikipedia says it's a euclidean value or whatever
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The L2 / Euclidean norm / length of the vector.
The square root of the sum of each squared element.
See pic related for geometric intuition in R2.
in this case, no.

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Is there a name for this kind of dress?

Google says Tasque Manager wears a Qipao but I don't think that's the style I'm looking for.

If it's just an open hipped dress, that's fine. I was just wondering if there was a specific name for this one piece loincloth looking ass thing
thigh-high slit qipao/cheongsam
But I doubt there's a widespread agreement on something that's only in fiction.
Thank you so much.
I want to fuck tasque manager.

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Requesting image of young Asian girl looking down on you with her first in the air getting ready to punch you. I've seen it floating around on various boards.

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What are the most recent advancements in language translators? I'm thinking specifically for translating video from other languages into English but I'd also really love to translate English into other languages, specifically Japanese. Some cutting edge AI powered shit. I feel like there has to be some new revolutionary program for this purpose
If you're willing to pay a little then ElevenLabs will be the easiest, and one of the best, AI solution I've seen

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What's the best anime for a super normie teenage girl that was raised on shit like Riverdale and South American dramas and mostly consumes Netflix slop and bland youtube animated stories?
She liked Death Note btw
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nothing short of noose will save her.
+1 for code geass I don’t rly like anime but it’s good
Maybe look up shoujo comedies.

Super Gals comes to mind.
what genre / themes would work best? (anime is too broad.) Any content that should be avoided?
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I've got a little problem with Excel. I'm trying to paste a list of items, but I want them to match the height of neighboring rows. For example, row B in this image is the list of items I'm trying to paste. However, A and C have items taking up several lines each. Is it possible to paste data into row B so that each item takes up the same amount of lines as the other rows and properly aligns with them?
I think you need to merge the cells. Merge the first three cells in column B, and then then next three, and so on. Then paste your data.
Is there a reason you merged three cells in column A and C? If not, then start the whole thing sheet again and just use one row per item in all columns.
>Is there a reason you merged three cells in column A and C?
Because the other data I'm copying had it like that. I guess if there's no way around it, I can try and manually fix it...
So you're pasting column B, right?

if you want all columns formatted like a / c:
- paste column b data into notepad++
- replace all \r\n with \r\n\r\n\r\n (assuming all cells are 3 rows tall like in your pic)
- copy this and paste into excel in column b
- copy and paste formatting only from column a/c to column b

if you want all columns formatted like column b:
- select column a (for example)
- unmerge cells
- (with column a selected) find and select -> blank cells -> delete

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Greetings, creative minds! I’m looking for a skilled individual to help bring a new lease of life to an image. The mission, should you choose to accept it, involves integrating my face and hands into the picture. I’m aiming for the hands to reflect the youthful essence of a 21-year-old, and for my face to be enhanced by removing any facial lines. Your artistic flair in achieving this transformation would be greatly valued.

P.S.: Artistic freedom is encouraged – feel free to let your creativity flow. I’m excited to see the results. Thank you in advance for your time and talent!

For the love of all, does anyone have a link to the video of the meme that has this scene in loop with space or technicolor in the background and someone has dubbed a blown out scream into it as well as some 70's game show-esque music?? First saw it about a decade ago. Just spent 2hrs trying to find it, no luck. HELP
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>scene in a loop with audio not necessarily looped
Try ytmnd.
Holy wow..
I even remember this being a ytmnd thing. I put ytmnd in front of Samuel l Jackson space car and it popped up as the first result.


Thank you so much!!!!
You're welcome, I'm glad you found it :)

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Goes smth like this
"bach y u r flying plain"
"cuz am have autism"

will dump cool tattoos and edgy tumblr yandere-core until my request is done
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why are itoddlers like this
>will dump cool tattoos and edgy tumblr yandere-core until my request is done
garbage thread
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what can i say yeah it sucks
This one's pretty cool
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What the fuck is this? Where is it?
That would be a JPEG, it can be found at https://is2.4chan.org/wsr/1714870897156103.jpg
Fug u?

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