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Name please? All reverse image is finding are vague k-pop references on obscure ass sites.
tripleS - Xinyu

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looking for a game where you fly rc/miniature planes in combat against other players/bots, some of the stages are in kitchens, living rooms etc

pc game from early/mid 2000s

screenshot is from some android game that looks like it
Airfix Dogfighter? I remember playing the demo as a kid. But seriously, if it is that one, you could have just googled "toy fighter plane game" or something and it's the first result.
for some reason nothing came up for me, but thank you that's the one

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Have you seen any pages or scenes of guys getting hit in the nuts in recent obscure/niche manga, comics, or anime you've been following.
Even just knowing the title would be fine. Doesn't matter if a guy or girl did it.
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Familiar with this one, had followed the manga before.

Nice. Thank you. I like the art too.
I did not expect to learn how to fight a bear today
The bear didn't get hit in the nuts. It just inhaled gas from what the tube was connected to.
So I just need to fart in its face, gotcha

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what anime is this from?
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Saucenao says its "Musekinin Kanchou Tylor"

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Does anyone have the webm of this music video edit of the movie Taxi Driver?
The image is the first frame. IIRC, it featured a lot of music synchronized cuts that all featured Robert Deniro.
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requesting song sauce for >>>/wsg/5535210
Can't tell, anon. But you have the uploader there. He should know.
Adding onto what the previous anon said, had you gone to the TikTok with the username thats clearly in sight, you would've been able to see that it literally cites the song name (JUMPING IS NOT A CRIME). The tiktok version seems slightly altered, but I cba to scour the depths of soundcloud for the exact match.
>go to tiktok
your first mistake
thank you for finding it though

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Hello, can anyone share some techno, DnB, ambient, soundpools for Magix Music Maker? Thank you!

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I am in possession of a component off of a Russian spacecraft, most likely a satellite. It is not dangerous in any regard and is not part of a weapons system. It is in good shape and in my opinion quite neat. I would like to keep it in my possession, not interested in selling it. I would however like to make some money off of it. I am in the PNW area and driving is no object.
Is there any sort of museum I could lease this object to, or some other way to make money off of this while still retaining ownership?
Secondly, while this component would not have any data on it (not an electronic component) it is still Russian aerospace tech, could the fedfags conceivably come in and confiscate it from me?
There's a number of space museums in the US. Determine if any of them have a foreign spaceflight section, or if any are interested in opening such a section.
Any ones in particular you recommend? Also ideally I’d like to make some money off it, is that possible?
Mist likely not, unless it's on the same tier as Sputnik-1.
Damn alright, I’ll probably still contact a few tho, might be interesting at the least lol

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I'm looking for doraemon movies to download but there was only about 5 titles available on nyaa with english sub.
anyone know where else to find them? or maybe if you have some big collection maybe make a thread on /t/?
38 replies omitted. Click here to view.
9 anime or zoro tends to have a download button next to the settings button depending on the server that you choose
Gonna be mia for a few days.
Movie 7

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If anyone can sing like Adam from Hazbin Hotel here's a cover you could try

Original version - https://youtu.be/kMy8W0j-Slw?si=IHbwqrz0_pUaqLmw
Instrumental version - https://youtu.be/_rztGoWeQVw?si=InSni1U5ekHNhCVt

>New lyrics
Let me stop you right there
What you're suggesting is strange
If what you're proposing is letting them change
Into a woman, oh they don't wanna be a man?
Sorry sweetie, but that X and Y's name is Dan

Cause trannies aren't women, whether you like it or not
Had their chance to be a man, but now they chopped off their cock
And they can't deny the science

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Can’t sing but maybe u can get ai? Idk what’s out there but the hazbin community is autistic af so I’m sure someone’s made it
Yeah I already asked in the ai thread but I put it here too in case someone wants to do it the old fashioned way
Ah fair enough, this sounds funny af so if u get it done please reply I wanna hear it lol
I ended up finishing the whole thing, here's the other half

Trannies aren't women, and it's not up for debate
They're disgusting perverts who do nothing but masturbate
And their bone structure is male
That's why they will always fail
To pass as female that's why they're killing themselves

FUCKING trannies can't become women and you can't refute
You can't make me fuck their rotting wound made out of poop chute
Now that you're coping and seething
I guess I should now be briefing
You about the nigger problem on hand

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Here's the full thing in one whole piece, made a few changes to the lyrics

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playing on a runescape private server (rsps) and looking to change identity on the server.

does anyone know how I can spoof my MAC address and HWID and IP Address?

seems even after resetting my pc and resetting my router they still know what account mine is previously etc.

thought about using a vpn but that would only solve part of the problem I believe.

Can someone edit Hitori from the picture, would be easy enough for me but can't replicate the sunflowers she's covering
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Basic cleanup without redrawing
probably would be a good task for an AI editor but I don't know which ones are good for this stuff
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cba to do this but you can do this
>copy top white/blue portion
>erase bocchi and the two flowers top/bottom touching her
>paste the circled flower in place of the erased flowers
>paste the white/blue portion to get a seamless pattern over flowers
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as good as I can get but sunflower is still botched

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What video where it has john k on the phone call saying that he would rather have someone skip school or something as an advice?

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Pretty much this, don't even know if this is the right board, never had to ask before. Any way to see the thread pic in the archives?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
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4chan archives. You know, like picrel
click view?
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I would have to open all them one by one. I want to see them by pic like in the catalog. Is there any method? Does any script like 4chan X works like this?
Here's another helpful link:
That worked, thanks

I'm looking for a fantasy book/series with a specific scene. I remember roughly what happens but not any names.

Two female mages go into a bad part of town wearing fancy clothes and jewelry. They get mugged, then kill the muggers in self defense. Not entirely sure about this but I think the younger one calls out the older for leading them down that path, but the older justifies her actions by reminding her that those men would have probably raped and murdered them both had they not resisted, so they're better off dead.

I rather like that concept and would like to read more but I forgot all the details since I heard about it. Does it ring a bell for anyone?

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