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Could someone Photoshop the face of this person and replace it with Logan Paul?
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Puma VS Dog.
Who would win?
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>I request opinions
OK, my opinion is that you're a rather lame troll.
depends on the size, breed, and age
Dogs hunt in packs, pumas hunt alone.
I read that pumas sometimes hunt lone wolves so I don't think the size matters that much, if it can eat a wolf it should at least seriously injure any dog even these huge ones they use to fight off wolves like Kangals etc

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I'm considering upgrading my $30 XP-Pen tablet to a $373 Wacom Intuos Pro.
I wonder if the expensive tablet 10x the price provides a better experience.
dpi specs
How does dpi in pen affect the drawing experience?
Of course Wacom is better. Why don't you buy one used if you want to save money?

Or just don't buy one, if what you have is serving you well enough. If it's not broke, don't fix it.

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Hello /wsr/, I have a broken old rear-projection TV lying in my room. These old TVs work by, as the name says, projecting an image through a set of LCD lenses and mirrors with the help of a bright lamp. My TV has a set of safety switches around the lamp plug, but one of these micro switches is physically broken so the TV refuses to turn on as the mainboard detects it as 'not in place'. the led indicator sequence matches that error. I looked up the service manual and came up with this
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Very, almost as loud as one of those old first generation xbox 360s that sound like a plane about to take off.
Your thoughts seem right. It's funny, the thing that stands out to me the most here is that they fucked up diagram B by labelling lamp_pos as lamp_cov like in T1. If you just short lamp_pos to the neighboring ground pin as shown in diagram E, you're good, assuming the actual issue is the T2 board switch.
Thank's for your input anon. One more bump
If the switch on the T2 board needs to be closed, you can bridge the connection. If there's a connector that goes to the T2 board, you can either: connect 1 LAMP POS (erroneously also referred to as LAMP COV) to 3 GND by sticking a piece of wire in the connector end, or splice those wires together. If you can't do those you can bridge 1 LAMP POS to 2 GND on CN8403 TO QM with a wire. If you can't do any of those because there's no discrete connectors or wires, you can solder a wire between the contacts on the printed circuit board. If there aren't contacts then expose the wires by scraping.

BUT if the switch needs to be open you can just disconnect or remove the T2 board.
However, if the tv does any self checks involving the T2 board (like if it cycles the switch to make sure it's working) your only recourse is to replace the switch with a similar one.
And when you use a wire to bridge a connection, it generally needs to be at least as big as the wires it is connecting. In reality it just needs to be as conductive, of which material and the smallest cross sectional area are the main factors.
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Thanks for replying anon, yeah I'll probably do
>bridge 1 LAMP POS to 2 GND on CN8403 TO QM with a wire.
If it's not too crammed in there, and not too small for my old soldering iron. I just realized there's a "P" square thingy to the right of T2 in Diagram C. No idea what that could be, it makes no mention of it anywhere else, maybe a fuse? Protection? But then it'd run through the cables that go over there, unlikely. Found a pic of the T2 board, looks pretty simple there. 3 input pins, 3 switch pins, the ones in the middle saying NC which probably means Not Connected and not Normally Closed... I'll take it apart tomorrow and hope it works!

Anyone have a folder of Menhara-chan gifs or reaction images?
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>Anyone have a folder of Menhara-chan gifs
It's like zoomers have no idea how to use the internet:

Fuck you, and your low res shit quality pinterest you colossal faggot.

I have no experience with the Raspberry Pi.

I found a cheap one online and I wonder if I should buy it. It's a Raspberry Pi 3 model B, pictures below.
Considering the way it looks in these pictures, should I buy it?

I only have one TV set at home and it's not a smart TV.
With this Raspberry Pi, would I have Netflix, Youtube and other streaming services?
Do they work well?
Also, how's the web browsing?

And I know it's good for emulation, I fully expect systems up to the Super Nintendo to work well, but does it work at all with N64 emulation?

Considering that my goals with this device are basically streaming Youtube and Netflix (maybe other services too), internet browsing and old games, should I buy it?
If you tell me the internet browsing is slow or poor, and that streaming services look like shit or load slowly or are hard to set up, should I not buy this one, save some extra cash and buy a more modern Raspberry Pi?
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There is a reason its being sold, it's shit.
How exactly is it shit?

It wouldn't work for my purposes of streaming, web browsing and old game emulation?

Should I buy a more modern model?
No that model is not very good. Even wouldn't recommend Pi4 for your usecase. Pi is very good for general computing but struggle with tasks tasks that require a lot of power such as video encoding
Get an nvidia shield if you want to make your tv a smart tv

I have a few Pis and use them to deploy my own apps on. these are simple scripts/scrapers. It's also decent for hosting light websites or a low powered server
Pi 3 doesn't support widevine DRM, you can't stream anything on that unless you pirate it.
You'd need a Pi 4 or higher for full speed N64 support.
If you want streaming just get an nvidia shield. Or if you're poor get the onn streaming box from Walmart.
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I have one running a MAME cabinet but that's about all I'd use it for. It struggles with even early 3D games like Ikaruga

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Anyone know how to disable google lens on google chrome as of May 2024? For the past week and a half, lens snuck it's way onto my browser again and I can't rid of it. The chrome://flags method no longer works since if you try to search for "lens" in there, you get no results. I tried googling how to fix this but there's literally no recent google results talking about google lens or how to turn it off which makes me feel like I'm the only one dealing with it.
Also before anyone says "click find image source" which use to work but now when you click on it, it just expands the google lens search instead of switching to the classic search.
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Another thing, this is what it looks like for me when I search for "lens" in chrome://flags. There use to be way more results and options to disable it.
im using this addon for firefox, but it's available for chrome too:
it has both lens and non-lens search options

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looking for the original footage of colbert raving
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oh that's cool to have, but is there sound? is there context?

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Does anyone who's into VRChat know who made this avatar? I've seen it being used in like 5 different streams and just wanna know the creator / what it's called. I can't ask people on Twitch because I don't have an account, I just watch it.
to clarify, both the ones in this pic are made off the same avatar base
Ask >>>/vt/
seems more like a trash/vrchat thing
it has nothing to do with virtual youtubers
do we have a games request board?
crossboard thread search test

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Since i have a small range of fixed ip adresses that came with my internet connection, i wanted to setup a java edition minecraft server using ubuntu server.
Im unfortunately a bit of a noob, and i would like to know if it's safe if i put the server between my router and my firewall.
Do you have any suggestions on seting it up?
BUMP i want to do the same with my pc, since i dont use it anymore.

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Saw this on /wsg/ and it's kind of kino but I have no idea who made it and my shitty googling skills are getting me nowhere

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requesting manga, manhwa, anime that are pure teeth clenching ball quaking testosterone
something like the 79th chapter of fight class 3 and its buildup
preferably no magic or magical powers, fantasy like berserk is fine
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thank you my nigga
kengan ashura?
already watched but its one of my favs
good rec
ashita no joe
hajime no ippo
Fist of the North Star

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Looking for the Facebook screenshot where the guy lied to his police department about having drugs in his ass so they'd fist him

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Looking for games with a heavy focus on nature with minimal dialog like the pikmin games
they don't have to play like pikmin or have the same perspective
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toki tori 2 (2D puzzle platformer where you manipulate animals)
Endless Ocean and Boku no Natsuyasumi 2
>Endless Ocean
I also recommend this. A hidden gem.
Call of Duty: Black Ops

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What character is this? Did I overpay? How do I take her clothes off?
Nevermind it's Yuuki Asuna from Sword Art Online and I did overpay.
That shit is worth like 6 bucks, you got fucking scammed, from goodwill no less lmao I didn't even know they sold figures
>How do I take her clothes off?
You don't. That's not a castoff figure.
I don't know if you will see this but you blew $20 I would not cry to hard maybe don't order food once and it evens out
I'd be more concerned about how much money you wasted on your iphone.

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