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Looking for the image of the different types of jews being compared with fantasy creatures.
Ron Perlman was among those compared to an ogre, David Letterman was among those compared to a goblin. Etc.
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I'm trying to look for an old X-Men comic from the mid-2000s. I only remember seeing a preview for it in a magazine from that time. It had Wolverine, Cyclops, and one other female character exploring a cave. A male character comes in, knocks them out, talks to Cyclops, and drags him out of the cave by his foot. Cyclops also asks him how he knows his name.

Google isn't helping me with this either. (really)
Describe the female character and the male character.
Dig through here https://desuarchive.org/co/search/text/cyclops%20cave/

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But what episode? SauceNAO couldn't find the timestamp
saucenao is for anime, not for windows games
So it WAS from the gacha. Explains everything
It's a cutscene in the game retard
You can extract the video by downloading the APK, unzip it (Winrar or 7zip) and pass it thru Unity AssetBundleExtractor

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Could I please request a link to the interview (if available on youtube preferably) of the transcript that a man had with this alien? It was like this guy ran into an alien in the woods and talked with them and recorded the transcript. The alien talked about the origin of life on earth and stuff like that. The video itself used a robotic voice for the dialogue between the two.
It was a bizarre /x/ related interview thing. I was thinking about it the other day and wanted to listen to it again.

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What's the origin of this screenshot? Movie?
This has been asked here before. The conclusion was that it isn't from anything: it's a stand-alone piece of art. This is all there is.
That's a bit disappointing if so.

...But, if anons are looking for something with the atmosphere of the OP picture, Baraka is the film to watch. One of the most beautiful movies I've ever seen.

Looking for a video of this little kid's drone workshop his big sister was looking at and being given a tour of to show her tiktok followers or some shit

Its like a tiktokky sort of video, maybe a couple minutes long, and this kid probably like 10-14 years old had this workshop he used for building drones in his bedroom or some shit, while showing the tools and stuff to his big sister who was behind the camera gobsmacked at how complex his set up was. I only remember like one of the stations which seemed to be some kind of truing stand type of thing i remember it had like a spinny plate and i think the workshop itself had like wood panelling round the walls but idgaf about that shit i just want to find out what the more specialized tools or jigs or shit were about

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Source on this image please. Apologies if it's nsfw.
it is nsfw
it is from a loli doujin
loli hentai called "somersault"

Oh well, thanks anyways.

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where is the video
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>frame interpolation
without the cringe-inducing "60fps"

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Link to this thread? I can't find it.
you didn't try very hard
newfags have no idea about the search pages
I like this one https://boards.4chan.org/search#/

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I've decided to use my own site as a repository and added a new route for this: https://www.litechan.org/litehub/eppgo
This template still needs polishing, but I'm kind of stuck with viewing files that have the .go extension. If you try doing so by clicking on the magnifying glass icon, you'll be stuck with the pop-up unless you refresh the page.
What is causing this behavior and how can I fix it? Every other text file extension works as intended (epp, py, txt), just not go.
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
getElementById returns a dom element, while getElementsByClassName returns an array, even if there's only one element

also i tried posting on your site but it the new post doesn't appear.
You mean this?
You've made a new thread, if so.
Yes, that's the post, however, it doesn't appear on https://litechan.org/ran/. Also, is it post 399 or post 400?
It's thread number in the link, but the OP is the first post within and thus has a higher number.
And thank you for pointing it out. I never view the board like this though, I just press on /ran/ again to enter the catalog mode:
Lots of people would use that view, like the page index or whatever here on 4chan.

im trying to find this https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4139928/
>how hard is it to torrent pakistan movies?
On English sites? Fucking hard cause we don't speak Pakistani
Try calling up MS's tech support and ask where they pirate their shit

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I have this laptop since 2018 and I have just now first took it apart for cleaning and to install ram/ssd.

In the process, I had to remove a paper/plastic piece near the fan of this lenovo y520 laptop.

As such I must wonder what is the use for this sticky paper/plastic piece?

would it be bad if I were not to put it back in where it was from? It's barely even sticky at this point, not sure how I could have got it off without ripping some of the adhesive layer off
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>near the fan
>As such I must wonder what is the use
Airflow control. Leave it out, who cares
cum rag
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>who cares
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Yeah, cum might rehydrate the adhesive, so he could try cumming on it

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Hello, requesting instructions on how to mirror what's on a USB to my PC so I can put it on a different one in the future in case the first USB dies. I've recently made a Batocera bootable USB but made a lot of changes directly in it, and I don't want to have to do all that again in the future. Thank you.
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I'm a fucking idiot, disregard this; I hadn't put a file name so it didn't let me save.
Sorry, you mean .imgc is what will let me put this on a future USB drive and .img isn't, or the other way around?
Alright, I just made both a .imgc and a .img file to be safe, but the .img file is at 0 bytes, so I assume I messed up somewhere.
>Sorry, you mean .imgc is what will let me put this on a future USB drive and .img isn't, or the other way around?
Both are the exact same thing, but .imgc is smaller. Like if saving audio .wav is a full file while .flac is also full. But you don't have any particular need for uncompressed data
>file is at 0 bytes
Maybe just right-click n refresh the file browser, Windows could've still been thinking when the file popped up
I refreshed prior to asking and it still read 0, but now after closing HDD Raw Copy it updated without even refreshing again, so I guess that's that problem solved. One final thing: with these files, do I just use balena or something to flash it onto a new USB whenever I need to? I've been trying to understand if I need to convert .img to .iso.
IDK what that program you mentioned is. You can use HDD Raw Copy to write the image, much like you just nearly overwrote your HDD. The image will work with other utilities, it's the format DD uses on Linux, so whatever you find compatible with that should be fine

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any idea who this actress is or the show she's from?

Lexi Underwood in "Cruel Summer" (2021-2023)
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thank you anon you're the best, have a big titty black gf in exchange

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I can't seem to get declare(strict_types=1); working in my PHP code (see pic related).
The file on the left is index.php, everything goes here through the RewriteEngine in Apache. I extract the request data from the URL and pass them to the TaskController (code on the right, loaded by composer automatically).
With strict types enabled, this code should throw a TypeError if $id = null or the type of $id is anything but string. But I can even set it to an int manually in the code before passing, and I don't get a TypeError. It just gets converted as usual

What am I missing here? I'm using PHP 8.2.
Ok I solved it, I think vscode was editing another copy of my controller file or something. Sorry for the mistake. Can't delete the thread anymore.

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