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how to keep up a routine? i tried maintaining a healthy routine few weeks ago but i fail to do specific things each day. is it all subconscious? rewarding myself could help?

If you can track your progress, and manifest that progress in a visual way, then it can be easier to stay motivated. brains are generally better with concrete things than with abstract things

rewards can help- like saying "no [social media/streaming/etc.] until the task is at least started, no more than 45 minutes of [thing] until task is finished" but be very careful what you make out to be your reward. when the brain starts to perceive something as a reward, then it can be sometimes very difficult to change that perception.

Force yourself to do something every day and eventually it'll become a habit, something you do without really thinking about it.
By making it routine, it's hard to forget, because you get used to doing it. Integrate the things you fail to do into other daily routines.
For example, during COVID lockdowns I realized I'm not getting enough exercise, so I went on walks around the neighborhood. Since I shower every other day before bed, I decided to do these walks before I shower. Every other day, it was "Man, I want to go to bed. But I need to shower first. But I need to walk first", then I went on my hour-long walk, took a shower, and went to bed. A few months later of doing that, my mom told me how impressed and proud she and my dad are of my persistence. I had no idea what she was talking about, because turning a walk into the condition for the shower rendered it and the scheduling trivial.

Does anyone know what the music playing in the back of this South Park scene is?

According to the credits at the end of the episode, it falls under "additional music", credited to themselves.

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Who are they?
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Anti-chan is recent?
I knew her but didn't remember her. Thanks.
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Yeah, it's a Twitter OC based on those "Gamer guy and his wife" templates. Originally intended to be an anti-pedophile character, but who only got further co-opted as a result by lolicon artists in a vicious pedo cycle.
lol, the person from Anatomy of a Gamer had his account suspended. What a story.
What? Orenji NOOOOOO
Can't have shit on X

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What is the best way to experience Higurashi? The game, the anime, the manga, or something else?
the VN, if you dont like that style of games the old anime is alright too (Higurashi no naku koro ni and kai). Havent the manga, the remake isn't really a remake and has some relationship with umineko so you will be missing some stuff
Higurashi VN (get the files from GOG) with 07th mod installed, and a lot of free time. I think about it every once in a while and it has forged a new standard of horror writing for me, only the VN has that nasty "author vs reader" crazy shit that almost gave me a heart attack. tried all the other stuff but the feeling of paranoia is unmatched in the VN, you'd be surprised how much more immersive written medium can be just the words are better articulated, like your own mind creates the horror instead of visual cues I guess. (the onikakushi manga was beautiful though)

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Post images/screenshots of the glorious days of ancient 4chan
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Delet this one, it contains a means of correctly identifying an actual oldfag from a newfag.

You are a Ni- Idiot
Fucking hell I had a stroke reading this shit.
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I was browsing emulators and downloaded Duckstation. As well noticed that it plays PS2 games and went on Internet Archive for some games.

Found a bunch except for one title:
Does anybody know where on IA is the Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy chd file is?

I found the GameCube version, but it's not chd.
Pretty much the only game in life I'll actually defend even after the 3 day "break".
Thank you Anon, God Bless.

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My god she is beautiful, who is this stunning tranny?
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Thanks maam

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Could someone please help me find a Stardew Valley comic where it has a new player who has read the wiki immediately give Harvey truffle oil (I think), because they know it's his favorite, while staring at him with a psychopathic look.
I saw it a few months ago, but can't find it again. My searches turn up nothing. Any help would be appreciated.

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Anyone has the webm of this rave in VRchat?
I can't take it from the archives the image expired or something
Pic unrelated

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I deleted important shit including this one. I really need this one back to study for this and whoever gave me just won't answer.

Please. My test is in one month from now.
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The file is 200-301 200-301.examsforall.premium.exam.275q

And it's for the CCNA test. 200 - 301
Did ya find it?
I think this might be it. But I didn't know it was pay for.


Doesn't anyone here have one already??

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Where does she post now? I lost track of her a couple of years ago, but I keep seeing recent social media and OF posts like picrel
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I can't believe this person is male
god I want to make a wife out of him
>Irrelevant cunts
Oh, so you're here to jack off, and your confused why we're not helping
April upload

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I'm trying to find a music video which I remember like this
>it was from the 2000s
>I think it was done with CGI
>it was about some small people shaped things (like image related) with no face nor features
>they were in some garden of some type
>suddenly, a swarm of insects seem to attack them for no reason
>every one of them seem to fall "dead by the attack"
>last one falls, and gets up a bit later
>they seem to start "smiling" and transform into the insects who attacked them
I'm not sure, but I suspect it was some moby song, I remember watching it on MTV long ago
maybe it wasn't even from moby (I browsed a lot of moby music videos)

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Requesting origin of picrel. Earliest I could find was on Wikimedia Commons, and was an upscaled version. Not talking about the one that originated from pokemopolis, but rather this specific version.
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>no replies
ugh :-(
slow board dumb ape calm down
here, sorry for calling you an ape.
ctrl-f 718smiley

Earliest i have of this in 736×736 is from april 2007

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Looking for an image that had an assortment of sprites from a Pokemon fangame. It had the two sprites in pic related, a few other trainer sprites, various fakemon sprites, and a title screen. It was originally from deviantart but must have been deleted.

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I'm looking for page from some super hero comic that has a super buff guy hitting himself with a big punching bag and talking about how it helps him brace against bigger guys trying to tackle or hit him. He calls the punching bag the 'Fat Boy' or something.

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