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Wow I beat the whole game in under 5 hours what now? I guess the building animations are cool
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yeah trading post. i had to wait until that place got lvl 2 houses to afford a new ox, and also it only had mules
Shit that actually is broken, because you can't make more hitching posts without a log. I guess they need to patch up the priority (if it ever comes..)
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okay then
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Which one is it for you?
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For me its the Angerdorf.

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I'm a programmer, so i will be able to do something like a free browser game. Ideally I'd want collab, but if only have ideas, that is fine too.
We will solve everything polls.
Let's begin with the setting (12 options):
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I meant more on that hard angle in >>1724228
46# province, seems like there'd b some sand trailing due to current alongside the west-side coast being almost straight (wanted to include gif of wave meeting a long wall and breaking into <-left and right-> currents, but too big for 4chan)
It won't come to that, at least not outside of sea zones, because armies wouldn't be able to advance past enemy provinces unless they occupy them.

But this discussion has made me realize that I have to rethink ships.
I had hoped to make ships works like EU4, where you build ships and load them into ships to be transported.
I now realize telling AI to use this feature effectively is going to nightmare, because even PDX doesn't do well with it.

I think I need a hybrid models
You would have two sea actions:
>constructable ships, that can move any sea tile and fight other armies they encounter
>additionally there would fixed "sea roads" that the armies can use travel through the sea
Sea roads would essentially be how straits work in PDX games, except, they cost money, and enemy enter the sea route, the army traveling begins back.
Thus, you be able to transport armies even if you have 0 ships, though you would still want to have ships, so you could secure and block sea routes, but also blockade enemy ports
Sea routes would essentially be an abstraction of hiring merchant ships to carry you

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>armies wouldn't be able to advance past enemy provinces
Then it's either Benny Hill through neutral land or Knock on the wall game? (in my language it's called "Baba Yaga looks", and in japanese it's "Daruma-san Fell Over", the one when you turn to look) what I mean is that either you'll have an army constantly chasing them up to their provinces, or have an army stationed in neutral/enemy territory to attrition itself to "lock" the enemy army there?
Like this, or like the Dutch coast, or like the Florida spit, to search for more examples, but while searching for the examples I noticed that all of them have a river so if you don't have one there I might just be wrong about the whole thing. ( youtu.be/Bs-G57JaQm4 )
btfo at this point tbqh
Locked army.

Either way not much progress this week, but I been experimenting with UI and animations.

The thing about the spit, regardless if it should be there, think it's too small to be depicted.

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Get in here
Fav leader?
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I think it might also make swarms more likely to show up, and fungus to grow back quicker.
And I'm pretty sure it effects sea level rise
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I think it also effects the starting level of any native life forms you breed.

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1 hour video essay is out
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Sseth's review of Kingdoms is the best
Goes by pretty quick if you’re just listening to it while doing other thing.
PA is good, no new game in past 5 years besides BAR having a resurgence. BAR is okay, but I always choose Forged Alliance over it
>childhood "content"
soulless zoomer
it's called a video game, or alternatively, art. content is the youtube slop itself.
but I need to consume more content! everything is content to be consoomed constantly, I can never think about art or anything else!

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How long do you think its going to take before its polished? IMO probably a year at least, perhaps longer if DLCs slow things down and then need to be fixed themselves

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I still think Eras should have ripple effects even after they're moved on from. Went through the Age of Heroes? Myths and legends are now real. Have fun fighting dragons and shit with your knights in the Age of Kings. Procced the Age of Aether? You've possibly permanently changed the way human technology will develop and now we get to see how a steampunk world adopts to the modern age.
Multi has been in since day 1.
This game needs a guaranteed set of techs like Sword of the Stars. Skipping normal eras skips normal tech you'd learn even in a special era too much.
That's been Paradox' entire business strategy for years.
The problem I fear this game won't fix is civ like 4xes being boring in general. Space ones are fun and feel like you always have something to do but civ likes feel like just filling out the map and then ??? until someone wins. It's not even interesting to watch battles like space battles are.

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Being an aoe3fag truly is suffering
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I really don't see why Germany doesn't represent Prussia in AoE3's case.
no musketeer when it's the one fucking thing prussia was known for.
>muh colony
hasn't been true since you could play as native americans.
why suffering? we're getting new DLCs
This game had soul in it's own way. AoE 4 is soulless garbage.

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even the youtube vods have the cuckbox now...
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reynorbros, not like this...
I must've had the stream vod open
Haven't watched the games, totally forgot and got spoiled here big time, man....
Poor Reynor though,
It's kind of rough going two times, full of confidence and falling off right away.
Kudos to him trying the second time.
I hope this will temper and make him mentally stronger, so that he can come back head high and try a 3rd time fully prepared, as he CLEARLY wasn't prepared enough this time.

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Let us not forget Magnasanti:the largest and most terrifying dystopian city in the history of SimCity.
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What is dystopian about Magnasanti?
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But enginecucks told me Unity is fine for strategy games.
It's a dystopia in the sense that when a competent government exerts control and the citizens obey without contest it creates a utopia.
This is a liberal nightmare, hence dystopia.
>75,000 which is responsible for Cities Skylines not really simulating big cities that well since once you hit that number you'll never have more traffic in the city ever
I thought the limit for vehicles and pedestrians was 15,000.

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What's the verdict
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Gonna buy it as soon as these tard let me to.
It's funny how after Relic and Eugen shat the bed so hard the last man standing is Men of War.
It wasn't a deck. Part of the units you could get were British.
Why are you describing Gates of Hell in a thread talking about MoW2?
It's 64 bit now so it runs smooth as bubber.
bubber kurwa

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We will get a new game one day, right?
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Because we can't have nice things, at least the music is good.
Why did they omit much of the CO Super Power animations and music in the remake? Just felt like I was playing 1 with the maps and characters from 2.
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>sami with flaks' face
oh the horror
all this pic needs is a "featuring flak from the advance wars series"

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>alt history bullshit
What do you mean specifically? I'm looking at their stuff and it seems like they have a few big mission trees.
Since you're always the defender if the enemy is sieging a province you can also make a fort and wait until the enemy is marching into it, then move your troops in.
*Sieging a fort
Forts are great in general in Imperator with the infrastructure system and all the impassable terrain. No reason not to have mountain forts

What strategy games encourage the extensive use of unconventional/irregular warfare?
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CA gave up improving Total War after 2009, just as Empire broke the series sales record but also the fanbase by being an unplayable bug-fest.
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>gorrilla warfare is useless, irrelevant and the only reason anyone ever is said to lose to it is because of foreign interference or outright boredom
I was going to make a joke about how the British gave up 'merica because they lost interest. Then I realized you were right and remembered how it was the Kingdom of France who bailed out the Americans and saved their asses. So you're right, the American Revolution only succeed because of foreign interference.

Remember to give praise to France every 4th of July. Oo-Fran-Cais, Oo-Fran-Cais, Oo-Fran-Cais!
RUSE, surprise attacks are a big part of that game
I would imagine it's hard to code an AI that would be good at surprising you or alternatively capable of being surprised. The only game I've ever played that gave me the feeling of unconventional warfare on the attacking and defending side is Squad's invasion gamemode. It's an FPS but it captures the feeling of being an inferior force but having superior positioning and vice versa quite well.
You can't lose any of the pitched battles you never fight. - Me - George Washington

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Now that manor lords has flopped, we are ready to discuss the best strategy larp game ever
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Eastern Roman Empire.
I like your borders
They’ve expanded a little since then, I’ll post a new screencap after work
a true roman would die before giving up an inch of soil
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Currently working on taking Mauretania for my bonus objectives for chapter 4. I apparently also have to bully the Suebi, so that'll be a fun diversion once the Huns are off my ass.

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I've recently finished the orc campaign.
It was pretty good. Quite easy to cheese(at least on normal difficulty) but then again so was Warcraft 2. It still has its bugs like the game crashing every 2nd time you load but otherwise nothing too serious.
Looking forward to the human campaign and the others that will come.

What did you think of it?
I hate those models.
Otherwise I have no opinions.
I feel the passion in it (i.e. remodeling the buildings and unit to look like WC2, using WC2 music, etc), but everything also feels very cheap (i.e. Stiff animations, reuse of models, etc). Also I felt some parts of it could of been left out or expanded beyond the humble homage of the original, as naval combat sucked in general for both WC2 and WC3:FT.
To be fair naval combat was such a defining part of WC2 that they couldn't just outright delete it.
But it's true that it's janky, like for example loading all your troops in transport ships often requires several clicks. Also it does feel like the AI doesn't know what to do with the naval mechanic at times.
How would you expand upon it though?
Something like a naval hero would of been nice, as lost isles is just you transporting units from island to island and sea battle is bit tacked on. Although I do credit them for giving ships abilities at least.
I can see Daelin Proudmoore and his ship becoming a hero

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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...and I actually managed to remember why exactly I did the thing I complained about in >>1750388
God, past me was way smarter than present me.
I should really drink less.

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