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Wow I beat the whole game in under 5 hours what now? I guess the building animations are cool
You come here and whine about it incessantly
Go diliate you fucking tranny
You have all the achievements?
>muh cheevos
Fags like you are the reason why modern games are chock-full of pointless shit to collect.
Yeah just spammed mercenaries for the cheevos on hardest difficulty combat is pretty fucking boring
>modern games are chock-full of pointless shit to collect
that's nothing compared to the collectathon slop that came out in the 90s
Post your village
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hey some sleep buddy
I'm apparently too retarded for this game since I can't seem to ever stabilize food production or get a real economy going.
that's no woman
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it's a shame there's no way to select maps based on seed numbers because i found the perfect map.
what the fuck are they doing with their hands
do you not have a like, castle to build? the manor? everything i see is just the peasant village
>perfect map
I guess, if you want to rush farming and tithe grinding? I usually don't care because my first region tends to become a trade hub anyway.

Honestly, farming is way underpowered compared to berries, trading, or mining. Like the only thing that's worse is hunting in efficiency, as you don't really need the meat and you can goat hides.

why wouldn't you rush farming and tithe grinding? the sooner you can claim other territories, the cheaper they are and the more your economy expands.
Because you can't really do it efficiently before you can stabilize your approval to get a constant stream of labor power + land quality (that and also there's tons of bug in it). I found it just better to rush berries in the spring (8 foragers) and vegetables to donate than sowing the fields. You can get like a territory in mid 2nd year in challenging with it.

The good news is that once you have the labour power you can do it anytime you want provided that you have at least +1 fertile area.
I think it's a zoomer gooner thing. I dunno, I've seen it in /gif/ threads when I jerk off.
someone who has played this game answer me please thank you
Congrats on beating a 0.01 alpha build demo OP. It must have taken all your brain cells to figure out how to start the game too.
Castles are not historically accurate and as such will not be the in game. You do build a manor which is a small humble home for the village elder.
That isn't an overtly good start desu.
Any region with 1 rich resource has good emmer fertility and stone, like clay, is pretty shit.
And as>>1750045 pointed out farming is pretty hard to get rolling and subpar in the early game. It needs a good amount of labour force which you don't have, utilizing deer, berries and backyard plots to snowball your population tends to be more effective. Especially because your starting militia can work against a bandit camp to snowball your influence farming which is more effective than the tithe.

Pretending to do a handjob, see >>1750069.
cool - what period/area is this game based on?
The concept of periods or areas is problematic and we don't like to use those words.
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i only have like 20ish hours in the game but i can reliably level the town up twice by winter year 1 and double the population from 5 to 10. some games i've had as little as 7 and as much as 13 or 14 by winter year 1. by harvest of autumn year 2 i have like 16-20 population.
it has zero replay value at this point

needs much bigger maps, more model variations and castle building
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This is my version for perfect map (outdated now lol).
Both deers and berries in same place so they effectively fill first market.
Rich deers so additional food and leather at start, when you need it. As bonus no need to micro hunter every single month.
Good fertility so i can start farm at next spring, but it really not so good as i thought. Will take rich berries since it's additional food and additional dyes at start, when you need it.

In the end livestock's mafia broken as fuck, so all that you need is perfect early game, and additional food + additional hides help a lot.
>by harvest of autumn year 2 i have like 16-20 population.
Per year you can have 24 families. In first month you get none, i second 1, so you miss 3. It's 25 families after first year passed.
I agree with you, it should be free. Glad we agree.
ugly towns
Who care.
Me, who is a professional
Who cares about opinion of retarded streamer lmao.
I dont stream, I'm an architect irl, and your piss poor excuse of urban planning shows me you have no business dabbling in citybuilding software.
>architect irl
Go away please.
No, I'll continue to point out your short-comings. Go on, post another
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No, i done with that shit.
You're that retard having daily mental breakdowns on /lit/, aren't you?
No, qrd?
Not man enough to be an engineer and not gay enough to be an interior designer
I was an engineer before I became an architect, and I make 3 times as much now..
>your piss poor excuse of urban planning shows me you have no business dabbling in citybuilding software.

your poor understanding of video game meta not being irl meta shows your a schizo.
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game is boring and doesn't have a lot of depth. it feels like a farthest frontier clone. production lines don't feel satisfying and resource management is retarded since things need to be collected but most distribution is automatic (teleported around the map). the game is buggy as fuck, obviously since it's EA, but it makes gameplay frustrating. one man dev (most buttfuck retard decision ever) means it's going to take a gorillion years for new content since this motherfucker has to slug through all the bug fixes, by the way there hasn't been any since launch.

gameplay is also really slow and feels like an afk game sometimes. if you want to play a nice looking village builder then it's good but other than that it feels undercooked right now. i also don't understand the hype about muh organic building because ostriv already does this, i think it's just dicksucking fans hyping the game up. i've played the game for 20 hours and had about ~5 playthroughs and each time you do the exact same thing in the same order with the exact same problems so i'm bored of it for now. first few playthroughs it's fun discovering the game but once you work it out it because monotonous, but most cilty builder/resource games feel this way so i'm not really complaining about that. it just makes the game feel like every other medieval city builder i've played.

yes, i am autistic.
>pic related
Post your town.
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>inb4 your irrelevant unprofessional opinion
I like it, its quite pretty.

t. my irrelevant unprofessional opinion
>I play city builders because I love the meta
haha OK
Designing gay museums and secret sex dungeons in rich paedos houses i bet
Even drawing parking lots and shit like that working for a municipality nets in quite a nice cash.
It's a nice job if you enjoy it, which is a moronic statement, I know, as every job that a person enjoys is a 'nice job'.
Forgot to add: NTA
>i also don't understand the hype about muh organic building because ostriv already does this
Ostriv looks like ass though. I'm glad they set the precedent for actually building things because it's becoming a staple of the genre
yes, and..? The money they pay me ensures my family will survive
Workers and Resources had "actually building things" before Ostriv and people actually play W&R because it's a mostly complete game instead of an EA cash grab.
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oh no no no!
>2 weeks and not even a hotfix
Literally the game is so poorly designed he cant hotfix it without fundamentally redesigning the game from the ground up. Its never been more over Trannylords.
If your town has straight roads and plots you didn't beat the game
Now you join the wait for Norland
>Workers and Resources had "actually building things" before Ostriv
Show me a single building in W&R that is built board by board the same way it is in Ostriv. They don't.
However I would like to see Ostriv's revamping of the formula applied to a game like Workers and Resources, where you do get to see the buildings constructed as a real one would. I'm not going to go "Ostriv did it" as if that's a reason to never do it again
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bandits raped one of my towns and i cant get a new mule and i also cant build a market without a mule to get money for a new mule?
You mean the aesthetic aspect? Doesn't really bother me, W&R is on a much larger scale than Ostriv (tons of boards vs tens of boards) so I don't expect to watch somebody lay each of 10k bricks.
>so I don't expect to watch somebody lay each of 10k bricks.
I do, that's what Ostriv does and what I would like to see expanded to the entire city builder genre. W&R is adding workers to construction sites but would be amazing someday to see actual work being done at that scale
You mean a trading post? You seem to have an oxen I think (from that horseshoe symbol 1) so you have to build it up from that (you might be giving it to the logging camp or saw pit).
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yeah trading post. i had to wait until that place got lvl 2 houses to afford a new ox, and also it only had mules
Shit that actually is broken, because you can't make more hitching posts without a log. I guess they need to patch up the priority (if it ever comes..)
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okay then
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Which one is it for you?
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For me its the Angerdorf.
Shit are you me?
Its always the most pleasant looking/somewhat efficient one for me
Also the beta patch is out you fags
Hitching post is free now with the new patch
Still need money though
my problem was the animal died, so it wouldnt have helped me in that situation anyway, you get soft locked if bandits manage to kill your ox and you didnt have enough to upgrade your houses
Post town.
it looks pretty but pretty much no replayability at this point
American city planning tier
>5 day old thread
>only 75 posts
oh no oh no I thought you faggots said this game was the future? hahahahahahaha
Nigger there are three threads up and 99% of it is shitposting about muh total war killer, muh dead game, muh you got scammed, muh no patch, muh screenshit simulator, muh farthest frontier, muh only 30 minutes and you've seen it all
you are seething lmao. enjoy your dead game
It's the same schizo right? It's been going on for at least 2 month now. I mean, I don't really care about it being a success or not (as I pirated it, giving zero to the creator), but I did got interested in playing it from all these threads. So if the guy's tantrum is to dismiss it as a total failure not worth playing, it's having an opposite effect.

The game is way too incomplete BTW. He should of focused on the city building first and ignored the combat.
>It's the same schizo right?

No idea. Every time you try to discuss anything about it the same shitposts are hurled at you no matter how unhinged it is. R*dd*t is a better place for any discussion because they actually post pictures of their own, talk about game mechanics they want changed etc.

Fucking R*dd*t.

>The game is way too incomplete BTW

It has a good enough foundation - more things would be nice to have but they can be added as time goes on. None of the core mechanics are awful and the beta balance patch on steam fixed quite a few issues I had with the game.

Ultimately the game cost me <1hr of how much i earn so its good enough value for how much i've played it. Is it GOTY? Probably not. Is it a nice little city builder? Yeah, its pretty good.

>He should of focused on the city building first and ignored the combat.

I agree - Ifound combat to be a chore after a while. The Baron claimed a region i owned and then had to fight or the bandits appeared with x years inbetween. I beat them, rinse, repeat. It got a bit tedious.
For awhile it was a couple people mimicking him but now it's just one him. Just another game on a long list you can't discuss on this website without triggering someone.
>He should of focused on the city building first and ignored the combat.
Combat is fine for added challenge and pressure, it just needs polish
>Every time you try to discuss anything about it the same shitposts are hurled at you no matter how unhinged it is
4chan is too dead for any actual video game discussions beside the biggest mainstream games that fill up the catalog, and most of it is still low effort low quality shitspam for 4chan upvotes, there are a few places that are spared from the shitspam but those have their own issues, decades old communities have their own troublemakers and discussion is seldom on topic. Even the exodus boards (/vst/ etc) attract the same low quality baitposting, or are dead.
>R*dd*t is a better place for any discussion
I started frequenting reddit years ago, if you stay away from the largest subreddits you hear a lot of decent takes, the problem is that it's not intended for discussion, it's an opinion aggregate. You can reply to something and wait for the orange letter notification and then reply to it, but it's hard to keep track of a conversation, it's just not made for that purpose. Reply chains also get threaded so you only see the comments with the highest updoots, and by default you don't see negative updoot msgs.

That said I still prefer reddit, if I'm getting into a new game I usually just look up the community subreddit instead of trying even starting a discussion thread for it on 4chan, because the website is, like you said, unfit for actual discussions most of the times besides the largest AA/AAA releases, and even then I find that I have to filter out maybe 90% of the noise to find posts worth reading or responding to, but I still participate in the "big event" game discussions, it's just a personal tradition at this point and I enjoy the brief while when actual discussion overpowers the attention seeking shitspammers.
>leddit is a better place
Maybe you should go back there?
>i still prefer leddit

So now the truth comes out, the manure lords shills were redditors all along.
The resident shit-poster doesn't prevent you from discussing the game in any way though.
There's even a button that lets you hide posts if you are thin skinned.
Point being, you sir, are a faggot. No gold for you. Also a massive down-vote.
>every second post (its actually more) is a shitpost
>you can discuss it :^) you thin skinned silly billy

No thank you.
Yes, you can discuss it if that's what you actually wanted.
Even now, assuming you are the same anon, you are avoiding discussing the game, instead posting some passive aggressive woe is me bullshit.
Thought it could always be some shit bait I'm falling for.
Suit yourself regardless.
>The resident shit-poster
Is in fact talking about the game too, so reddit posters are and always were faggots.
why would anyone bother discussing the game with 1 or 2 paradrones when you could go somewhere else and receive actual feedback? lel
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Do just that. CYA later, mah deer florida alig8tooor. :DD
Where in my post does it state that I am being prevented from discussing something here? I'm simply dissuaded and discouraged from discussing things here in good faith, which means it's guaranteed not just me. Lots of people don't feel like posting anything worthwhile because of bad actors in the community who outnumer the good actors, and this is why reddit is a better discussion platform. There's only so much mental capacity you can give as an adult to some screeching and parroting meme replies when you post a serious reply.
The implication was that if he can't prevent you physically from posting (which is the case), then you are simply a whining faggot, acknowledge it and fuck off to whence you came.
/vst/ is also a slow board on top of it, so it's not like someone can easily push the thread off the catalog in a single day and even if someone does manage to - it's their time wasted in the end and one can always make a new thread, so I crown you a double faggot in the face of that.
>The implication was that if he can't prevent you physically from posting (which is the case), then you are simply a whining faggot, acknowledge it and fuck off to whence you came.
You have a very low standard for yourself and the level of discourse you engage yourself in if that's how you approach the usage of a hobby board. Again, why would I discuss anything here if the majority don't want to act in good faith? The only answer is that you are simply here to try to dissuade more people from discussing the game, then wondering why nobody wants to discuss anything here.
>You have a very low standard for yourself and the level of discourse you engage yourself in
The only conversation I'm currently engaged with in this thread is yours, so I guess I agree on this point of yours.
AGAIN, assuming it's the same anon I'm replying to, so far you persistently aren't discussing the game.
The same way people can't prevent you from posting you also aren't forced to post.
The reason /vst/ is dead because the board still carries the same low effort shit post tinge as the main board they seperated from. Like I keep saying, 4chan is a terrible platform discussion, so is reddit, but reddit is still MILES better than 4chan when it comes to non-AA/AAA games. At least you can find actual discussion there.
>AGAIN, assuming it's the same anon I'm replying to, so far you persistently aren't discussing the game.
This coming from you after you told someone flat out they should fuck off if they don't want to engage with people whose main responses are all just flavors of low effort shitposting is crazy. /vst/ is dead because its function as a discussion platform fails because as it turns out, people are dissuaded by being told to "fuck off" if they dont' enjoy mindless shitpost tinged replies
Pretty sure users will either go to /v/, /vg/, or discord for discussions on the game.
/vst/ is still new and I even forgot it exists.
/vst/ is miles better than /vg/ freaks that just do quirky posting to keep bumping their crap thread.
Which is better - cat or dog shit?
You yourself are arguing in bad faith throughout this conversation frankly, or maybe you just lack self-awareness (or just trolling), so let me spell it out:
The only form of membership this site has is the kike-pass which doesn't limit anyone from posting or reading in its absence.
I repeat, ANYONE CAN POST AND READ here, that's just the reality of how this site works.
Whatever discussion you want to have is on YOU TO START AND TO KEEP IT GOING.
Whatever discussion you want to avoid YOU ARE FREE TO IGNORE.
You are free to say here and you are free to fuck off at your leisure.
And neither can I stop you from whining like a faggot you are, which is the beauty of this site.
/vg/ isn't a singular entity, most communities are rotten but some are functional and the only place where legitimate discussion can happen eg. Starfield/Cyberpunk at launch, where they acted as bunker threads
> At least you can find actual discussion there.
You can find actual discussion here. The problem is retards like you need social filters in place to block out 'noise' while you come here and become that noise
>the reddit hivemind is good. Groupthink is good.
>You can find actual discussion here.

Where is the discussion of the game anywhere in the three threads about Manor lords? Where is the discussion about anything involving gameplay?
>lots of people
Are they in the room with us right now?
>pseudo intellectual word salad to make you sound sophisticated but you just sound like a wanker
Maybe you should go back to and stay on reddit

>where is the discussion of the game
There has been plenty of discussion about the game, its development, and its future. Redditors like you dont view any criticism of the game as "discussion" its just shitposting.
Tried the 0.76 update. Mixed feelings on it.
It did made trading balanced & the AI is not as aggressive or helped by BS, but at the same time it made the whole game slower (for an already slow game; especially on challenging.) I think it's going in the right direction, but the central design conflict is still there. The tempo/pace wants to be comfy city builder, but the fights and managing multiple territory wants to make it something clumsy. The most enjoyable one is frontier raider defense, as you can concentrate on one territory without going through fucking shit UI to manage multiple territories.

Retinues and Mercs are still waaay better than rallying your populous, although I guess that's historically accurate in a way.
I do wish that the game was more flexible with its military. It does discourage you from expanding as you have 6 military units + however many retinues you can get. It makes it really difficult to defend your settlements from raiders the more you expand.
That's me nigger. I am trying to discuss things. Who else is doing it? Oh wait fucking nobody

>There has been plenty of discussion about the game, its development, and its future.

You got scammed, dead game, etc etc is not discussion as there is nothing to discuss. Its just shitposting. Its like me calling you a nigger over and over.

Just because you dont enjoy the content of that discussion does not make it shitposting you retard how stupid are you?
>So now the truth comes out, the manure lords shills were redditors all along.
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I hurt myself...today..
What discussion? All I see are shitposts with no replies. Show me an example of a shitpost with discussion nigger.
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Psst its a city builder
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What do you mean fewer people play city builders but there are still 10x as many playing manor lords?!?

Earliest I have had positive approval to get a family moving in is July.
Nta, but I'm usually averaging October. Really shit thing about this game's economic system is that it's based on stalls. You have to have a family managing a workplace that has it in the storage, so when you're microing your workers inevitably you miss some month until you can get 1 in the pantry and 2 in the storage as permanent workers.

The scale of work is off which puts more strain on the population you do have. A morgen is a field that can be plowed in 1 day. Your people take a month to do it. A building should be done in a week. I try to keep 2-4 families on building and it usually takes a month. You can dress and butcher an animal in a day, it takes about 2 weeks in game thought that can be dodged as a unit of food doesn’t equal 1 buck.
psst. Losing 2/3rds your playerbase in two weeks = not good.
Hopefully thats in terms your dumb nigger reddit ass can understand
stfu you dumb fucking money nigger nobody cares what you have to say
Psst. Its a singleplayer city builder.
So this is the discussion about the game I have been missing this entire time.

Fuck off nigger.
That is probably a shitposter anyway but there are people who believe that kind of thing unironically. I don't know if they were buckbroken by live service game or what but there is this weird expectation that every game be infinite and running out of content is a failure regardless if it's 5, 20 or 200 hours.
I don't know why you'd expect more than training run, build a nice town run, wait for major update out of a single player city builder.
You gotta have a game first, before you can discuss it faggot.
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There is a game. I've played it. I've played it quite a lot and enjoyed it. How much have you played the game?
Sorry I been busy playing with your moms fat tits
>Game is so bare-bones, people flake in droves, as there is nothing to do with it after handful of identical loops
Here, spelled that out for you. The problem here is that the game was NOT ready to launch, but the greedy Pawel launched it anyway, and this is the consequence
>b-but it's normal
Neither losing such massive amount of players in such short order NOR the "release" state of the game are normal. But they were expected, precisely due to bare-bone nature of the release. At this point, the game will earn all the money they will ever be, and following 80:20 logic, Pawel will be able to claim that "nah, no point finishing, nobody playing". Thus the game will be shelved in half-finished state, fulfilling the prediction it's a money run.
Due to your rationality, and Wrinkled brain take.
I will cease my shitposting. I think people are starting to see. W for Schizos.

Nah. I’m not overly happy with it but it’s better than most games in the genre I played and will probably get more out of it when it finishes.

I put in 30 hours and don’t feel much need to do anything else, the design features are really good, but it’s economy engine and logic need work which should be more important. But if I was in the mood to play a city builder Manor Lord is the one I would boot up.
>the "release" state of the game are normal.

What exactly is wrong with the release state of the game? I'm sitting on the fence about buying so what is wrong with it?

It runs and the important features are there, I haven’t encountered any bugs, I think people are saying this bc it’s ultimate sandbox. You have to make up your own goals and there aren’t much in game detail windows to explain anything.
I wish that as your burgage plots would get more options and variety as you upgraded them. It would be good if you could mix what they did - especially for things like chickens and veg. It looks odd to have a huge burgage plot and have 1 chicken coop.

You could have two slots per plot even - if you wanted to have dedicated artisans you could have two outbuildings.

I find that in order to get eggs I have to dedicate multiple houses to just having chickens which looks quite bland especially when it favours smaller plots.
It has 5 hours of content and it's just more early access slop. I can find cheaper and more finished games than this.
>It has 5 hours of content

Does it though? How do you judge that?
Cause I pirated and after 5 hours felt there was nothing new or interesting to experience.
Cause there wasn't any more content you stupid nigger. There isn't a mid or late game. You unlock everything in 2 hours and you figure it's best use case in the next 3. You can't even really make peak aesthetic stuff. You don't have fancy garden or road options not even town walls.
>You can't even really make peak aesthetic stuff.

Skill issue.

>You don't have fancy garden or road options not even town walls.

A road is a road. What were you expecting? cobblestones? Town walls would be nice

I honestly think you're missing the point of city builders. Most of them sit in the same boat of you getting everything unlocked pretty quickly. I'm sorry for your obvious attention issues
>I honestly think you're missing the point of city builders.
Banished Clones aren't city builders. But I am responding to a low IQ redditor.
Then what are they?

>everyone I am responding to is a redditor

Are the redditors in the room right now anon?
>Then what are they?
Banished clones. How stupid are you redditor?
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Does it hurt being wrong?
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Seriously, does it hurt being so consistently wrong?
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I mean, how stupid are you?
>User Defined tag shows
Okay nigger. Nothing you can build in Banished or it's clones the UN would recognize as a city.
>UN would recognize as a city.

What does that have to do with anything? The city builder genre is not defined by the UN. How fucking stupid are you? No really. Post your lack of IQ.
> The city builder genre is not defined by the UN
>I know it's impossible to build a city in my "city-builder" but I will call it a "city-builder" anyway
Okay nigger. I would tell you to kick rocks but you'd probably break your foot and try and sue 4chan.
You do realise that the definition of city has changed over the years, right? A city could have a population of 3 men and a herd of sheep but if it had a cathedral it was a city in certain parts of the world.

Your pedantry and grasping at straws is pathetic.

Why don't you fuck off back to your grid drawing simulators.
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>b-b-b-but its not a *city* building game even though the centre of game is about building things other than cities!
>A city could have a population of 3 men and a herd of sheep but if it had a cathedral it was a city in certain parts of the world.
Can you build a Cathedral in Manor Lords?
Define the city builder genre of games then. Which games meet the criteria?
>City building games such as
>Sim City
>Cities XXL
>Cities Skylines
Oh look none of those games have anything in common with Manor Lords.
Also best part: city develops accordingly.
It's so funny to see Banished clones fans try so hard to justify their Settler copies for low IQ people.
The wiki page you quoted gives you a nice starting point.
Oh no look >>1756011 someone defined the genre! Oh no! You can build towns in Manor Lords! But its not the UN definition of a City so it looks like i got scammed again! Darn all these city builder games i keep playing that don't have the UN definition of a city. Someone should sue them.

Fuck off you pedantic nigger fucker.
What is reading comprehension. Protip: something you don't have
>You can build towns
Most of the world defines towns as localities with over 10k people. Can you reach 10k people in Manor Lords?
No no. You give me your definition of the city building genre. You tell me what are the key requirements of it being classed as one.

I don't want wikipedia - i want yours. Which hoops do games have to jump through to be a city builder.
Can you build a Cathedral in Manor lords, or is it by your own definition not a city builder?
>game set in the medieval period
>Most of the world defines towns as localities with over 10k people

Games in which you can build a city. IE have at least 50,000 people in a densely populated areas. It's not hard for people who can understand the English language.
Manor lords is part of the city building genre as per my definition. Rememeber - city building genre does not equal UN definition for a city or the example I gave :).
So you can play maybe 3 games?
>The game says it's a city builder so it must be
>The chink company called their 10$ Bluetooth speaker fine audio so it must be
Okay cope lord.
>I am so dense I cannot differenciate that the city building game genre does not strictly adhere to the UN definition of what a city is

Okay retard :)
Workers and Resources, Tropico, Anno, Caesar, Sim City 1000, 2000, 3 and 4, Cities XL and all the other ones, Cities Skylines and Cities Skylines 2, Kingdom's and Castles. There are other but that's what I could pull of memory of the cities I built.
>City builder game does not need to contain city building, if you can put 5 houses down it's fine
>Cheese pizza does not need to contain cheese, cheese like product also counts
>Tropico, Anno, Caesar, Cities XL and all the other ones, Cities Skylines and Cities Skylines 2, Kingdom's and Castles

Lmao. None of those meet the UN definition of a city :)
I have built 50k+ densely populated urban areas in all those games. Try not being bad.
>food analogy
I'm trying to dumb this down as much as I can for you. The truth is that people who are dumb enough to be scammed are too dumb to accept they got scammed.
>food analogy
Where do you see food?
>food analogy
>food analogy
>50k+ in Tropico

The next Banished clone really needs to make solving the sub-genre's fundamental flaws of a boring late game and no replayability their key focus.
>Schizo now desperately saying its not a city builder to shitpost
Nice try faggot, the game is a great success and has a bright future
I know simply stating that will make you seething lol
Actually it's small village builder.
Yep, village =/= city.
city builder genre =/= you only build cities
Isn't Banished just a DF clone?
You can't call a game as city builder if you can't build city.
city builder genre =/= you only build cities
Lmao 2k at most and the game is basically over by the time you get 1k
Should I wait for another patch or start getting into it now?
Wait for the stable patch at least
But remember the game still doesnt have that many contents
>square plots
the fuck are you doing?
an architect of what? is being an architect the same as being a city planner? i thought architects were responsible for the building looking good and being functional and being able to support its own weight
are architects also responsible for where the roads and the bridges and the parks go?
Nta, but honestly that's the optimal way to do a challenging run like >>1750373. It's mostly because how the market stalls work, and you need to calculate which house is closest to it for logistics. Default difficulty you can ignore it and make loopy shit because approval isn't as penalized.
it looks and sounds amazing, gameplay is limited but polished. Honestly you should just wait maybe a year so there's more gameplay content.
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Beating the game on the challenging difficulty is possible currently, but is it a enjoyable & accomplishing experience; NO. There's like too much shit that feels like a bad design to be fixed or just plain BS (i.e. Your level 1 houses using like 3-food types even though they don't need it, enemy lords not building villages, enemy lord's army just coming from the edge of your territory, etc.) Not a recommend.
Like this>>1758496 anon states, I say wait at least a year. Although if just want a comfy village builder on default or easy you can do it right now.
I played the game for 10 hours of fun for a very cheap price and will get even more hours out of it in the future.
You got months of seething and frustration with no end in sight.
Who really lost here?
you did.
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Rundling gang
Imagine living in a home next to the homes of your parents and siblings. Working together as an extended family. Imagine the unity. What we've lost.
maybe you should join the amish if you like that kind of stuff?
Like many things you don't 'join', you're either born into it or you are not.
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>The carrot and orchard exploit is real.
Orchard's (apple) not really that good in challenging. It takes too long to have any significant impact, as well as you needing a development point. better to trade like 5~10 for the level 3s which will be the closest to the market.
Vegetables on the hand, yes a morgan backyard will feed at least 50 families once the season comes running. Recommended over the grains which requires you to micro at least 6 families and waste like 2 month of other production.
i prefer modern living desu
i feel like walking through here would be frustrating and unsatisfying

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