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Any other promising games coming out this year?
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My impression is that of the impressions games clones it has matured into the best one after its updates.
It's on par with Pharaoh. At least the base game is. The expansion added a lot of stuff but I haven't played it yet.
>Song of Syx
I tried the demo but couldn't get into it.
That's just a clone of the same game Tlatoani is copying
The guy you're replying to wouldn't know. He doesn't play any of these games, just whines about them

Redpill me on a-train.

Is it really the dark souls of economy sims?
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I decided to go back to the game, downloaded this Japanese scenario "1955 Road to the Future" and it reminded me how complex it is to plan your strategy in A-Train when compared to other city/transport games, mainly because of the scenarios objectives.
I find it sad that scenarios are not well explored in most games. I went to play Cities Skylines the other day, and the fucking scenarios are behind a fucking paywall!
Scenarios are what turn sandboxes into real strategy games.
JGR's signal autism is baby mode (i.e. it barely exists at all) compared to simutrans-extended's
I like A-Train specifically because of scenarios. They are really nice
>dark souls of economy sims
must be a pretty brain dead sim then
Vicky 3 is fisherprice tier compared to stuff like Rule the Waves or Aurora 4x.

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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A Plethora of anons
>low health
>low fat and fat recovery
>low resolve
>low init
>low m.atk, r.atk, m.def and r.def
>fist only
>use the unique skill "shitflinging" which cause them to start attacking each others
In the lore, they are a citizen militia. They basically buy their social rights through military service. I can understand the high morale, they have good reasons to fight for their liberty, especially since there is constant reminder of what not-liberty looks like dangling in front of them.

They shouldn't be functionally lvl 7, though, that's retarded.
damn serpents are kinda bullshit
I can tolerate everything southern armies can throw against me except the gunners. You can work around fire pots and mortar shots, you have a chance to get out of the way. If the gunners keep firing every single turn you're doomed. At the very least the fuckers shouldn't have mastery.

Is it good? Worth the pirate?
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yep, dont recommend
If they ever add boats it'll be a good start.
there are no advantages except that zombies are getting to you slower, but the main gameplay is still scavenging and water makes it much more tedious
>Zombies in 2024
Where is this?

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Which Penultimo?
It's subtle, but I honestly prefer 4's caricatures.
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You could have pulled a nasty trick and put the Penultimo with the hat on the left.
Never played 6, 4 is the best for the dialogue.

5 (and 4: Modern Times) had the writing go down the pan. Oh boy, a Bioshock reference!

I can't find any voice line videos of 6 on YouTube to tell me if Miss Pineapple being replaced by a strong and independent femcel of colour, is as bad as it looks. The caricatures look stiff, unfinished, and 5 years after launch, are still not all uploaded on the wiki.
the second to last one

Asked about this in TG in the Warhammer fantasy thread and no one engaged. I get that everyone hates Total War Warhammer and shits on anyone who brings it up (though not sure why - it’s a solid game and revived square bases at Games Workshop).

Has anyone tried it? It’s free to play. I’ve been kicking around on it and am absolutely in love with what the dev did here. Not only is it by far the best adaptation of Warhammer fantasy to the PC, it’s a solid game with a beautiful UI and plays well.

Would love to hear opinions and thoughts on this one.
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Why bother doing that? Surely the point of moving to a videogame is that you can automate all the rolls that make tabletop take years to run - it would be more sensible to simplify a tabletop game and keep the interesting complex stuff in a videogame adaptation
I wouldn't know. That's for you to ask the developer. Still trying to make Orc Brutes work.
I think regular orc boys are better value than brutes. the way the dev combined toughness and armour (and removed invul saves) means that elite units are much worse value than in most tabletop games, because they can get smoked by any halfway decent ranged unit
new update dropped
Hopefully the elite battles were revamped to give actual rewards. I saw the update adds new stuff to the Act 2 but Elite fights are so bad that you want to evade them as much as possible.

Any plans for a new playthrough when the DLC drops, anon? Aside from the wet fart that is the endgame crisis, 7.0 beta is pretty good. For me, I've been wanting to do a custom Eleventh Hour start where I try to ally with the Split and form a separatist Argon faction. So I think I'll finally do that.
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How many dlcs do you need to make the game good?
Everything except Tides of Avarice, that introduces more problems than it does features. If you really have to boil it down because $$$ then base game + Craddle of Humanity.
Just wait for a sale when the entire collection is like $30.
scrap empires best empires

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I'm actually pretty salty now for having spent so much money buying friends copies (plus the DLC) to support the game back when it seemed like it really needed the word-of-mouth.
>but I don't like them being required progression. They're more like the sort of things I was expecting to find in 60V.
This is like fucking a super hot chick and then just before you nut her vagina grows teeth.
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It's not out of the question that they might end up nerfed or something. The DLC1 destrons got nerfed in a random update that changed a bunch of things about them, and Dandylion posted this back in March (after the latest update).
They know they're bullshit strong.
You guys don't have an ultra tank reinforced drone?
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I just cheese with Barbarian Alisa
Yeah I never use her. Specially since white knight can just obliterate their weapons with Destroyed Weapon.

No thread dedicated to the Anno game series? Let’s rectify it...
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The only actual anno is 1404, the rest is goyslop
this is true
t. the only anno I played for more than two hours
If you want a really strong focus on citybuilding and economy (with abstracted logistics) you could go for 2205.
But 1800 and 1404 are both better as games overall, and more Anno-like.
What are pros and cons compare 1404 and 1800?
1800 is more modern with more modern design conveniences and mechanics, as well as graphics, however it also has a bunch of bogus dlc you have to filter through to see what you really need.
1404 is cheap, only has an expansion, but doesn't have the modern niceties of 1800.

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From streams gameplay looks like a mishmash of RTS and 4X, how competent is the AI?
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what sort of boardgames do you like, out of curiosity? I agree it's very boardgamey in the vein of Root or Twilight Imperium, and I'm happy to see videogames finally take some of the lessons of the recent great boardgames.
I think it's quite strictly a eurogame. You do every X, and it fits the general gameplay arc of "colony rush into positioning into pushing for victory" 4Xs have.
oh eurogames? It still has elements in the eco, but yeah it's much more a political dudes-on-a-map kind of game.
Yep Corrino. Every faction has their own strengths though, aside from the DLC one Vernius, who kinda suck. Atreides have a great cheese at the moment, but it'll most likely be patched out.
The best games are ones where you get behind early but come out on top. FFA is self-balancing, in some ways. Don't leave early, good players will note your name and won't play with you.
>I think it's quite strictly a eurogame.
strictly a 4X, I meant.
>Atreides have a great cheese at the moment, but it'll most likely be patched out

What's the atreides cheese?

let me guess... mass peaceful cap? Maybe even abandoning all after you have acquired cheaper peaceful cap tech?
almost. You can cancel an ongoing peaceful annexation for a full refund of authority, juggling that around lets you do a simultaneous cap of many many regions, combine it with building the research center in your main base and optionally paying the spice tax, and you shoot up 10k hegemony.
lmao okay

Best HoI4 mod there is, can't wait until the Russia update comes out.
Perfidious albion
All the technology is horribly juxtaposed though.

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This technically counts as a strategy game right?
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fucking autocorrect

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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Usually I'll autoresolve it, but if i have to do it manually then bring infantry heavy army (preferably swords) with archer for their arc and some ballista or onager.
Defense is one of the easiest factions to play because your Heavy Infantry is the best there is.
Attack? Autoresolve or get good at cycle charges.
Why are the Greeks so fun
Because of HOPLETAYS!!!
Would you say that the Greeks are even more powerful than the Romans on the battlefield?

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Someone please tell me what game this is.
God bless you.

Any bros played this?
Turn based strategy with squad compositions and perma death. Story is generic and rubbish, but gameplay is good.
I wasn't expecting to like it as much as I did. Game is a bit easy even on hard though, clearing most missions with S rank and no casualties.

A lot of cool units, although its weird how much dragons suck ass. Foot archers, Samurai, Light Infantry(Other than Swordsmasters) also all seem like traps.
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I thought I was controlling blue, like in every other mission in the game when I made that post. Only after I realized it was a really boring scripted win instead.
it was a cute novelty and im sure some people like that sort of thing, but on actual examination, i definitely always prefer to cultivate and grow my party, rather than swapping around.
>t. retard with no sense for tactics
I bet you send your heavy infantry into a gunner line
>your heavy infantry
I have almost no squads that get classified as heavy infantry
Ok retard, show unit comp then

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