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One of the harder SRPGs I've played in a hot minute
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I like what this game has tried to do. It looks good, it can feel good, but they've gone too hard too fast
Why do the soviets always find freaks to staff their special forces. They aren't even particularly loyal freaks, they're always more interested in messing around than doing their mission. Where does one even find a woman with a 10+? meter telescopic scorpion tail. This is metal gear solid 3 all over again.
Well I mean, the setting is basically a love letter to Metal Gear Solid and other 90's tacticool nostalgia so...
YZ is a huge MGSfag (and 2hufag)
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I didn't have to do anything except chapter 4 collectibles in the end (+1 in chapter 3, but whatever), but I kinda understand why they made this limitation, people who not gonna bother getting and reading all the collectibles might not wanna sit through a hour long cutscene.
William is the main freak though, and Soviets aren't really Soviets anymore.
Actual NSUAF had more conventional subordinates.

Finished chapter 5, it's either Chinese have completely different things in their head or gameplay shits the bed in the end.
I mean Chapter 4 was already clicking through to see the next story cutscene, with some exception, but Chapter 5 jumps from cool thematic missions that exist solely to feel nice while looking at local military fight werewolves, to a mission that I had to spend 30 seconds to remember (the one where you have to trap sugar), to a set of tasks that vary from running through a map in a few turns, to annoying stealth that ruins any momentum that was built up, to an absolutely unneeded puzzle, then to a statcheck, then to another more annoying statcheck, and I didn't even get to use cruise missiles that I was saving up because the first part of the mission only requires you to get to a trigger.

tl;dr first 3 chapters are mostly perfect and maintain tension, 4 is just reading story, especially after midnight stratagem nerfs and Chapter 5 should've been just cutscenes.

Is manor lords gonna save the rts genre single handedly? I can't believe it bros we're gonna be so back soon. Just one more month and rts is back.
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i went to check this out but it's not even out yet! looks cool but i'll be holding off buying probably for quite some time past the EA release to see how it shapes up.
I vaguely remember the dev saying he's going to add handcannons and cannons latter down the line, but they won't be there on release
The problem is this won't teach AAA devs anything, as they know they put out sloppy work but they're slaves to executives and shareholders who only want line to go up.
cool, i'll have to check back in a couple years if it gets out of EA.

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Mount and Blade is dead
Long live Mount and Blade
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The corpse rots under the unforgiving sun
I miss him
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Why didn't they capitalize on the Jeremus Hype?
what settings within the wh40k universe would be suitable for a potential warband mod and it's game limitations?
there is already a warhammer mod for warband.
i miss warhammeranon.
i hope he's ok and hiding some place safe.

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Is there any greater feeling than conquering Carthage?
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Is it easier to make mods/custom historical campaigns for RR or R2? I just want to enact a few battles from a specific period.
Rome 2 and S2's combat feels really good. It's a shame the campaign, especially in R2 is such trash. Constant rebels and civil wars, political bloat, etc. TW has always had a foot in either door and suffered greatly as a result.
Do you have a favourite barbarian faction? Iceni seems to be the easiest because of their defensible starting location.
A hostile seafaring tribe invaded our fellow Gauls, they utilised horse and carriage on the battlefield to great effect - many of our brothers were crushed. The King of the Arverni tribe marches north and seeks to voyage across the great channel, putting an end to these raids.
These harbingers of destruction call themselves... the Iceni.
Have you played any Rome 2 campaigns recently?

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Post your Birzartansens->Phoenix Empire runs in the hit mod Anbennar, released in 2018 for the hit game Evropa Vniversalis IV by Paradox Interactive, known for releasing similar Grand Strategy Games for PC.
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Good morning, this is Sir! All is well.
Please do the needful and do not redeem the spirit temple
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By the 1800s you culture mostly seems to be Jadd cultists coming East in the prophets footsteps to fuck tiger girls.
god the vic3 anbennar map is so fucking stupid
I can't even explain why but it feels consistently bad all around
It's a very boring outcome.
You could put a rectangle over every tag and most of them would still resemble their shape

How will they incorporate the new lore from the Fallout TV show? Or will they ignore it? What do YOU want them to do?
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What do the devs have against the east coast?
The West Coast has several games of lore and a whole fucking bible to boot, that's why.
>would be if the gangs of New Reno somehow managed to unite Nevada and then went to war with Christian fundamentalists in Utah
Based, there should be more warlords gangs turning into actual civilizations by 2300
Not like most of the West Coast in this mod isn't tranny fan fiction.
Why don't you make submod that replaces it?

No matter what I do, I lose.
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Hoi4 is just a very fundamentally flawed game even moreso with the whole focus trees bullshit.
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He doesn't want our enjoyment spoiled by EXCESSIVE buginess
As Russia your real enemy is not the landowners, rather, the church. You need to pass total separation as soon as the game starts, just restart if you fail. Then build wood, mines, tools, steel and motors. Just chuck the migration edict in every coal+iron province and build them insanely tall. Build a lot of universities, bureaucracy buildings (try pass appointed bureaucrats, you should be easily able to) and art academies to empower the smart yellow guys. The industrialists will go up automatically over time as long as you keep building. Both will gradually erode the landowners power. DON'T try to pass landed voting or any other kind of voting. Just go straight from autocracy to universal suffrage as soon as your landowners are too weak to revolt. You can cheese it with revolutions and having only barracks in the capital, but this way you can to it "organically", if you so wish.
Join a GP market right off the bat, build ONLY art academies. You will instantly become the world's leading producer (free prestige) and also massively empower the intellegentsia, which will help you pass the good laws.
Blob out of control, pass globohomo laws.

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Did you play on brutal and the latest patch? one 2 dudes with rocketlauncher can clear all my dudes i attacked china super early but they spawned a gorillion dudes no matter how many times i attacked they kept spawning infinitely i had to use 2 nukes to take the entire base down while i got there they kept using abilities to destroy my base.
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This game really is a cultural treasure. Too bad it isnt on gog too. Playing it again really makes you appreciate how much gaslighting we have endured in such a short time. people were still able to have this much fun within our lifetime.
Any mad lads working on bringing the sequel to life via some unofficial mod or is the EU vs China reboot forever doomed?
NTA but how much harder is brutal? I remember playing this in middle school when it came out but I was playing on whatever the standard difficulty was
"The queen of vst baby"
no fixes whatso fucking ever
still 1 cpu core limit
still ram limit
still shitties net code you can imagine (random mismatches & sluggish lag @ +2 players games)
still shitty game engine that fails to even handle units speed properly

& best thing you're paying for a 25+ yo game
How is online play handled anyway? Did EA set up some new servers or am I still gonna have to use Gameranger?

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Why is it that when I play a medium distance away from a major, so that I'm not able to hamstring them early, they always turbo blob to the point I know it's going to be torture later on.

Also general EU4 thread, post your maps!
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>50k cannoneers is a much more reasonable interpretation, although that still leaves open the question of how many cannons there'd be

i tell you what. they didnt give a fuck about authenticity or immersion
It ensures that the cannons don't end up on the front line where they will get shredded by the shock phase before they deal any damage.
I am guessing that is where your artillery went; it gets stuffed into the front row to melt early in the battle.
>takes exactly as many men to build 1 unit of cannons as 1 unit of men
>takes exactly as many men to reinforce 1 unit of cannons as 1 unit of men
>disbanding 1 unit of cannons returns exactly as many men as 1 unit of men

>hmm... no, the number refers to how many cannons there are, not the amount of people operating them
It doesn't makes sense either stop it with the cope. in a better map painter siege engines and arty pieces are auxiliary units, part of your attachment, something similar as support units in hoi4. something you know the exact number. anything else is retarded. eu4 is a retarded game, can't wait for its death
>not the amount of people operating them
A Napoleonic canon had a crew that ranged from 8 to 15, meaning that in a 1k stack you would have 66.7 to 125 canons. The 1813 Battle of Leipzig (the largest battle in the game's timeframe) saw 2,200 canons on BOTH sides. By 1813 in EU4, you have 40 canon regiments per side in every battle; meaning that the average end-game EU4 battle has 80 canon regiments. 80 canon regiments means there are 5,336 to 10,000 canons per battle, which is 2-5 times the amount of canons in the largest Napoleonic battle.
So no, even if the 1k is the amount of people operating the canon, it still doesn't make sense.

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Haven't even played it yet, but I intrinsically hate the idea of these smarmy fucks gating the beta for only a week.

I want to soupcuck as much as I want.
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Why is he watching a rocket blasting off?
The first game's lifeline was coal, now it's oil.
We're moving up in the world, next it'll be gas and nuclear and then back to coal again.
>smarmy fucks gating the beta
>dogshit trial
Why do you feel entitled to this game, if you don't even like it?
>We're moving up in the world, next it'll be gas and nuclear
Frostpunk: Nuclear Winter
>then back to coal again
more like wood m8

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Just optimize it, fix the late-game, do a bit of balancing and add more flavor to railroad it towards historical borders and wars and it will be better than Vic2.
It's like 3 patches and an HPM mod away from being good. The base mechanics are all very solid and an improvement over 2.
uh yea hopefully this foreign investment shit works well so you don't have to conquer everything and you can play tall, and that power blocs allow for interesting choices.

combine that with a big performance improvement and it'll be a good game.
>still has a less engaging war system than any other paradox game
lol, lmao
no the war system is perfect
that is how it ought to be

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Realistically, how do we fix this franchise? It seems like no one in the strategy player base is fully happy with it.
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They should stop using Rome 2 as the base for new games and make more games focused on ranged combat, as the engine they're using is clearly not meant for mass melee combat; even the fan favourite Shogun 2 has pretty wonky-looking melee.
Ever since S2 everyone awkwardly snaps in place to do their motion captured fight scene. The warscape engine makes ranged combat TOO accurate, so I actually agree, they should focus on a ranged combat game in a time frame where guns are accurate. Having arrows shoot like heat seeking missiles has always been a pet peeve of mine for the warscape engine.
>Game companies should not be public, the incentives are all anathema to artistic endeavors.
Well if your big enough you could tell the investors to shut fuck up. That's what Nintendo does sometimes. Or make gatcha subsidiary to herd the more retarded ones to it.
there's no fix because too many shitty practices have accumulated throughout the years that they do not want (or are able) to fix

>no ballistics for ranged (including height advantage)
>reload and ladder animations deemed "too expensive"
>1 general per army, no leaderless armies allowed
>generals are copy-pasted clones because the trait driven system was abandoned
>retarded building systems, walled settlements predetermined and not based on your own strategic needs
>province density inferior to decade old titles
>games are utterly unmoddable by design (modders are potential competition) compared to older titles
>replenishment, unit upkeep not based on unit current manpower, free garrisons, shitty campaign map movement speeds
>shitty unit abilities
>disconnection between gameplay options and reality (for example in medieval2 "ransom" meant that you actually ransomed POWs back to the enemy if he could afford it. in nu-TW games "ransom" is just flavor text for "get x gold for free instead of replenishment or morale; their troops disappear nonetheless")
>increasingly outrageous end-turn waiting times even on the most gigamaxxed SSD

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Let it die.
CA has been a shell of their former self for years now and they are just not capable, for many reasons, of making a decent videogame.

It's too bad they never released a fourth game for the Tiberium series. What happened?
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>if you a expert and you are a masochist that likes bad old RTS desing
C&C 1
Yeah that >>1729408
RA1 is not really substantially different from C&C1 in terms of jank, it's the same generation of game.
Also I'd bump TibSun to good tier. It's less popular than RA2 is in that generation I think, but I do think it still deserves to be placed there.
C&C3 > RA3 probably. RA3 is okay game, but it sort of feels like caricature of itself. I never really liked the artstyle and unit design. Story and custscenes being even sillier was okay but how hard it pushed the cheesecake was kinda cringe.
>was kinda cringe.
Good for you.
Tiberian Sun and Firestorm are my absolute favorites. Nothing can beat their atmosphere.
>RA2 source codes
FUCK! This way we will never get a game running on 64 bits with support for all cores on the processor.

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Wake up boys! New expansion to AoE2 dropped!
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12. Maasai
Civ Bonuses:
>1. Pastoralists work 25% faster.
>2. Herding animals cost -50% wood.
>3. Infantry units have +1 attack against cavalry.
Unique Techs:
>1. Moran Training: Infantry units gain +1 pierce armor and move 10% faster.
>2. Warrior Rituals: Barracks units regenerate health over time.
>Team Bonus: Allies' villagers have +10% movement speed.
Campaign Title: **"Savannah Kings"**
Scenario Ideas:
>1. Lead the Maasai in defending their lands and cattle from encroaching colonial powers.
>2. Embark on cattle raids against rival tribes to assert dominance on the East African plains.
>3. Navigate the Serengeti to establish alliances with neighboring tribes and secure vital trade routes.

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14. Inuit
Civ Bonuses:
>1. Fishing Ships have double carry capacity.
>2. Villagers gather food from hunting animals 15% faster.
>3. Ice-covered lakes and shallows are build-able terrain.
Unique Techs:
>1. Arctic Survival: Units move 10% faster and take reduced damage from arrows.
>2. Igloo Construction: Houses generate a small trickle of food.
>Team Bonus: Allies' fishing ships work 20% faster.
Campaign Title: **"Lords of the Frozen North"**
Scenario Ideas:
>1. Defend Inuksuk Point from rival clans vying for control of the Arctic coastline.
>2. Lead Inuit hunters in tracking and hunting polar bears and seals to sustain the tribe through the harsh winter.
>3. Navigate treacherous ice floes and frozen seas to establish trade routes with distant civilizations.

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Stop with the AI bullshit
No one gives a fuck what the machine thinks of.
I'll be able to play and commit to posting (w/images) next month. Should liven the board up.
Thanks Ghostmaster

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With EU5 Paradox has caved in to shit taste normoids who just want more time to blob (even though they never play until the end date) and want meme late-medieval alt-his instead of early-modern kino. Enjoy waiting 200 years for colonization and reformation, by which point half of Europe will be a player blob.
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Many times. Since you don't need 100% to deal with small rebel armies.
Early game blobbing could just end up being more trouble than its worth. If you blob too hard, you'll end up being destroyed. Also sort of like the Timurids
Holy fucking casual
Im hiring a prostitute for you
Based and Jewpilled

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