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Everyone I know in real life (same age as me) is eather a drug addict or a complete wanker.

Thus I have no other option then to find """"friends"""" through multiplayer games.

Tips? Anything helps.
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nice pic, can I save it?
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play fighting and card games. they can both be implemented into irl tournament play. also tabletop simulator. vr chat if you're desperate
I agree with all your points, Discord is fucking AIDS if you're using it to meet new people. However, one thing I'd like to add is it's great for interacting with people you already know through playing other vidya and forming groups soley through that/other shared interests.
Unironically the most friends I've made online are through survival sim games like Minecraft or Vintage story. There's a huge incentive to group up with people to form towns and they're likely to show up for the next few months which will give you plenty of time to get to know them. You'll encounter plenty of weirdos too but that's just how it is on the internet
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...What are you offering in return?
>fighting and card games
The newer games, maybe.
>vr chat
lmao please don't.
>I agree with all your points, Discord is fucking AIDS if you're using it to meet new people. However, one thing i'd like to add is it's great for interacting with people you already know through playing other vidya and forming groups soley through that/other shared interests.
Go outside

I've had enough of these particular users. Thought I'd at least vent where I know I CA. Be a anonymous. They always make claims like this, I send in tickets to the mods, then literally nothing happens. I've had enough of their harrassment(not even towards me this time)
Don't care

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Please play our game edition

>Graphics Settings Analysis
>Jan 2024 Dev Letter
>Old bin
>Old thread

I can't think of anything else to add.
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Use your head retard. You're clearly emotionally attached to this game.
Game is not going to recover. None of the people quitting miss it even slightly.
>>we wouldnt have dervish or chimera
>Use your head retard.
Since you're acting like a huge fucking idiot, fine I guess I have to spell it out to you.

>What finally broke the camels back on this game?
Implies something changed about the game, or that Wrel leaving had an impact on the game in same way despite his latest additions being pretty much widely hated (Construction updates & the new capture mode)

THE REPLY: >>1256962
Stating that literally nothing has changed about the game with Wrel leaving, and the widely criticized updates were getting fixed or reverted. So people are "leaving" for no reason other than fear of the unknown.

You again: >>1257284

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schizo from connery
very fun to teamkill
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>muh people are leaving because wrel!
yeah, in a roundabout sort of way
>was at 400 players before the map switched to oshur
>it will remain oshur all fucking night

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How do people alt in Foxhole?
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This man singlehandedly caused more damage than anyone in the entire games history, and he did it purely out of spite for guilds.
>3 shards down to the same 1 and only able
>barely got queues into every frontline regions during peak EU hrs

yeah feel free grooming those new fresh tranny kids but if you can't tell the difference at all or you have no idea about French invasion or summit climax then you better need to take extra pills from now on
btw go fix that god damn macha bridge Xyara
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nice self fagging. It's a great concept I fuck with people all the time but to make a full hour video of low effort trolling? I make 2 thirty second clips of this stuff a year.
But it's mostly his faggot ass cope he repeats at least 5 times as I watched of "LE VIDEO GAME". You just know this guy is as much of a cunt IRL that he knee jerks such cope. No need to justify it if you werent getting of to it lol
i alted around 2 years ago. i had no previous bans. i did so much damage to the wardens that the devs permabanned my main and alt, and hardware banned me. by what i am aware, me instantly getting a permaban with no previous ban history is unheard of. it was worth it because i needed an excuse to stop playing foxhole, which is a game ruined by the filth who are in clans with hundreds of thousands of resources and tons of equipment in their bases at the back line which will NOT be used before the war ends. this filth thinks it is okay for them to take resources from the people actually doing shit with them, only for this filth to just throw a 50th tank in their base that they will lose all of in their pitiful excuse for a weekend offensive that gets stopped within 15-20 minutes with them taking ZERO GROUND.
i absolutely hate clannies in this game, and I WILL get back in and grief until permabanned again if they ever decide to let me back in. ruining those peoples' days is what got me out of bed for the 2-3 weeks straight that i griefed the wardens during every minute of free time i had available. my tip for people is to not resort to pulling supplies out of bases because that is when it starts to become obvious. i didnt have anyone really focusing me down until i started doing that. british players are the most fucking annoying about autistically watching the garrison (or your base's equivalent type of supplies) despite the fact that basically no one else pays attention to them.
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I mean, wardens literally wear french WW2 uniforms and many of the vehicles are inspired from french designs. Its pretty clear why most french players and clans would gravitate towards warden

you now remember rift mmo
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I really liked the classes in this game, think I was like 22 when it came out.
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Dude, me and my buddy played this game on release, both of us were Bhami chads. We once scaled the mountain behind meridian city using the racial jump, ALL the way to the fucking top of that shit while playing "your love keeps lifting me higher" by jackie wilson. I still laugh to this day about that shit. Our friends told us there was no way, but we did it.
Used to work in their customer support center as a gm.(kitchener ontario, we handled the "hard cases" the poos always fucked up). Was balls, but came with a free subscription and we were expected to play at work (obviously prioritizing customers, but just keeping an eye on known trolls n shiet for communirty enhancement).

I actually found it fun, but ultimately, it was just WoW clone with some quirks. Too similar, not enough innovation to peel off all the wowautists.
Id love to see it come back and do everything wow should have but good luck with that.
loved the classes there
especially dominator aka the most annoying shit in pvp
>find cleric
>mana drain and cc him for the entire match
I played a Chloromancer. I remember very little about the game, I mostly remember people getting mad at eachother in Ventrilo for using their kicks for damage (interrupts were damaging abilities).
I came back to it a couple of years later and it had become pay2win garbage? Lootboxes and everything? And despite it now being free-to-play, I got nothing for my $60 collectors edition that I had bought in with.

8/10 the group content was great

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anyone know what happened to 4chan minecraft ? Now it just seems a bunch of random retards make servers and post them here with no connection to 4chan in general.
Kinda miss dat stuff. Anyone got good links to one?
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>and post them here with no connection to 4chan in general.
welcome to 4chan post-2016
normalfags and journos just use this place for their own personal gain now
like when's the last time you saw someone host a fucking Ace of Spades server?
>Towering, creating pillars to scale walls higher than five blocks, is not allowed.

>Skybridging, creating bridges in the sky (especially during war) is not allowed. Likewise creating platforms at sky limit or high in the sky to avoid being claimed is not permitted, a platform refers to unnatural looking builds in the sky.

>Players engaging in towering will face escalating punishments, starting with a 24-hour ban.
4chan vintage story since they never had a discord have been connected to here
idk man vintage story thread seems like the best thread on blocktism rn on 4chan
>making servers with no connection to 4chan
yeah welcome to the sunken ship post 2016

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How are you liking it so far?
It feels like OW/COD hybrid.
Its gameplay and art style are all over the place.
Main selling point is that it isn't SBMM
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I have no idea what they have been doing all this time but its still boring and bland.
It's shit. They had all this time, lost all the positive buzz and missed their initial deadlines for this?
It's another thing to delay the release for tactical reasons and work on the game but they haven't done anything.
How hard is it to make a simple military themed arcade shooter to compete with Call of Duty? These are one of the most simple (braindead) games to design yet there's still absolutely no competition at all.
it feels like a mobile game
>lawbreakers v418289
absolutely nothing brought to the table unlike games akin to The Finals
played for about a half hour. the game feels like Dirty Bomb, hell you cant even SAY dirty bomb ingame, they censor it.

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/ro/ is the slow-mode bunker thread for all Ragnarok Online related things. When servers are up and running, or a popular server is upcoming/recently released, we move to /vg/ under the /rog/ tag.

Previous 1700+ post thread...


>Project Sunshine - New server; Mid pop; vanillacore low-rate; 2x client limit
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

>UARO - High pop; vanillacore low-rate; multiclienting banned
Rates: 5x/5x/5x

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me 2, hes probably living his best life in the Canadian wilderness
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Vincent and ratshitpiss pale compared to Rept, aka "Maro" schizophrenia.
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Its entirely designed to be played solo, offline as if it were a action RPG but with rogue-like elements (Gear Progression, Grinding, MVPing, PVP, WOE, Questing) but within the Ragnarok Online engine. Think of a game model like Terraria. This project was originally meant to be a nostalgia simulator for people who just want to scratch that RO itch every now and then, but not have to commit weeks/months just to get a decently high character.

It's going to be fairly sand-boxy experience, however I'm trying to recreate as many facets of the old school experience that can be enjoyed by an old player. This project is not meant to be a fully live server, however the technology COULD be used that way.

Every single player other than the main player is an procedurally generated and controlled bot.
didnt ask

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I built a new pc a few months ago with windows 10 but since support for windows 10 Is ending next year, i was thinking of upgrading to windows 11, however, i just wanted to know if there were any issues with compatibility or anything with windows 11 or should I stick with windows 10?
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fuck off freetard
You won't have any issues. It's also pretty much the same shit as Windows 10 at the end of the day. Get professional version to use group policy if you want to enable/disable shit you don't want. Use a local account if you don't like telemetry (you can avoid it by disconnecting your internet in initial configuration, like it has been since MS has tried to force you to create an account since like Windows Vista)
The day all the hardware and software I use works out the box without a hitch on linux mint, I am going linux on bare metal
Until then, I ride with win 10.
Not stubborn, just got serious usecase. I caused my peers problems in the past by trying to do my work on mint.
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>Small amount of effort to run 90% of the things via wine, can usually get something to work in less than a few minutes and a google search

>Not stubborn
>pretending antivirus magically stops working
stop going to sketchy websites dumbass

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>What is this?
Korean anime-styled battle royale with moba controls/skills. Currently 8 squads of 3 for a total of 24 players per game but they may bring back solos and duos in the future. Game has been in early access for a few years and version 1.0 has officially launched on July 20th, 2023. Ranked season 3 started March 2024.

>Steam Link


>Eternal Return 1.0 Animation Intro (Full Ver.)
[YouTube] Eternal Return - Official Animation Trailer

>Spirit Hunter Yuki
[YouTube] Spirit Hunter Yuki - Eternal Return

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A few more than what you'd expect this season.
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>Now almost every Nadine uses Semen Hunter

echion skin
Readed that as erotic skin.
Damn I need some sleep.
>queue ranked
>we pick some characters
>last teammate is a retard suddenly picks ANYONE but his main for the first time, dies in seconds and start spam ping
hope you get -100rp for bullshit

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/mmcg/ is hosting another modded Minecraft server, see
This time, it's based on TerraFirmaCraft, a mod all about primitive technology.

From the modpack's ATLauncher page:

This pack aims at providing a complete, believable and smooth experience from stone age to interstellar travel, with heavy engineering content in mind and guided with quests and manuals.

Survive, mine, craft, design your base and your automations, manage your power generation and consumption, shape the world with your hands and in the end create the massive factory you have dreamed of.

This pack provides many unique challenges in automation, as there are no magic block which can solve every problem. You will need to use all available tools, transport belts, trains, servos, redstone gates, or even computers to control them all

The gameplay can be identified with a few “ages”:
- Stone age to Bronze age provided by vanilla TFC.

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Pack and sever info because the linked thread is dead:
Pack: https://ufile.io/90saqqoj
Installation: drag zip into PolyMC
arent you the tranny that spammed /mcg/ for weeks on end seething over modders? Talk about being a virgin kek
>no offline mode
Not playing
>he wants to snoop on my precious m$ account
rest in piss /mmcg/

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I'm thinking of developing a massive online multiplayer crypto tournament betting game where users chip in and play some simple game in a tournament elimination structure, and the first winners split the pot.

So for example 100 users chip in $1 each to play, and they compete in FlappyBird, and the first 5 places take $20 each.

Here's the kicker: I'll give out special links here for bookmakers to organize tournaments, so no matter who wins the game, the bookmaker takes a slice.

You can organize massive tournaments, like with 1,000 players, so even with small bets like $1, users can win large amounts.

Some anons pointed out that FlappyBird can be easily cheated with bots, so I might need some other simple gameplay that is not easy to bot.

Anyone here would be interested in something like this?
You think it could work?
Any idea for a simple gameplay mechanic?
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Do bomberman, I'd play the fuck out of online crypto bomberman.
>ideas guy thread n0. 6 gorillion

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Want to get into mmorpgs for the first time since I was like, 13 (which is 11 years ago, god damn)
Basically, my background is I had only played one MMORPG until it shut down and I haven't really played an mmorpg since then. Hell, I didn't even REALLY get into that game as a kid and especially got bored by fan remakes of it.
Redpill me on some FREE mmorpgs, preferably /vr/ kino, i.e has vga-ish 2D graphics or 3d graphics that look like it was on the n64 or earlier/weaker
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Most private servers are a leaked build so the programmers have the key to a set amount of functions instead of having the blueprint of how everything goes
>can think of like 3
>out of dozens
>Mabinogi Except Auranogi, which seems to be an emulation, therefore an attempt to reverse engineer Mabi
>Rusty Hearts
>Dragon Nest
And those are the ones I can instantly recall
Cyber$tep was so sloppy that they not only packed the source code on the client installation, but also had easily available websites with all their documentation, sadly people only realized when they were just cleaning that place up and were already replacing their old installations for cleaner ones
>Anarchy Online
>City of Heroes
Anarchy Online is in an odd state. Game is on maintenance mode and rife with dupers and cheaters. Multiboxing is fairly common and content that used to be filled with players is like to see more than a handful an hour.
Despite that I still go back every once in a while, never really played a game with twinking like that.

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Welcome everyone to my private tech/magic server!
Here is a mod list:
AI Improvements
Applied Energistics 2
Big Reactors
Compact Solars
Cooking for Blockheads
Crafting Tweaks

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My toymy back in 2015 was more inventive kek
post it on /mmcg/. More modded players there

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Is this the best game to play at the moment for games like this? War of Rights seems to be the most populated of this genre lately, though with games like this that's only a few hundred players at peak. I remember trying Bannerlord but regular servers were dead and it seemed to be exclusively people organizing fights with rulesets rather than naturally occurring battlelines in other games like Holdfast or Napoleonic.

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