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Why is it that thirdies flock to multiplayer and multiplayer communities (especially MMORPGs) more than any other group of people? I only call the thirdies out because they have some of the most disgusting takes, especially with how easily they are swayed by graphics, early access, and Korean / Chinese trash. I am not trying to generalize here, thirdies just seem like a massive wave of sludge on multiplayer gaming.
pretty sure it's any:
>F2P easy access game
>low system requirements
you can imagine from a socioeconomic perspective why poorer people worldwide would play these kinds of games and why encountering these kinds of people in
>P2P / full MSRP
>high system requirement
games is less common
i cant think of any examples
>why poor people play free games?
Are you retarded?
Metin 2
Combat Arms
Tree of Savior
God I miss playing silkroad, can't even get into servers anymore so full of bots

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Can I enjoy this game without having to shill out more money for ingame currency/premium subscriptions?
I just want to play some comfy MMO for story, exploration and questing with other people, and I've always enjoyed the Elder Scrolls world, but recently playing LotRO with all its over-monetization has left a bad taste in my mouth, I wouldn't want to make the same mistake again especially for a paid game.
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This was me, got it in 2020 played with friends for like a month-ish but hated the weird squishy floaty combat the whole time. The combat felt fake and fudged (which it is so that you can play any content at most any level). The world in ESO is great and lush and fun to explore but it just makes you wish you could play it with Skyrim/quality single player engine vs a janky multiplayer one.

OP If you want to check it out then go for it but honestly it's not amazing. A C- to C+ at its best.
Would have flopped hard if it didn't have Elder Scrolls in the title, the brand hard carries it like you wouldn't believe. It's not the worst thing I've played but holy shit I would not recommend it.
Questing is chill, sure, but it's also mind bogglingly easy. Seriously, you're fucking invincible against regular overworld enemies. The difficulty is either "rape everything and never drop below 99% health" or "lmao get oneshotted". The latter being the case in veteran (max level) DLC dungeons and trials (raids). Also most of the "quests" are the same fucking thing over and over. Hope you like running from point A to point B and clicking E on a note, because that's what you'll be doing for most of the game.
The combat is incredibly unsatisfying. Nothing has any weight and your damage isn't tied to weapon upgrades or anything but rather your armor set giving you bonuses and how good you are at your rotation, which is always just throwing down a bunch of DoTs, spamming your main damage skill while waiting to reapply the DoTs, and "weaving" light attacks between every action. Which is just a gay way of saying animation canceling light attacks for free damage. People like to praise the "build variety" in this game and I cannot understand why. Everyone uses the same gear and has the same build for their role, and the only difference between classes is the color of your class skills.
Don't even get me started on the aggressive jewing. Some of the worst monetization I've ever experienced.
And before anyone tries to cope and tell me that it gets better, I've played the game on and off since release. I've done literally every single quest in the game up to, and including, the High Isle chapter and done several veteran trials.
I fucking wish this game was good, man, but it just isn't. I regret spending several thousand hours of my life on this garbage.
i mean it's just for comfy gameplay and exploring. when are the mainline ES games "difficult" unless you jack up the difficulty level? baffling when people play a game they think is shit. move on buddy, there's a thousand other games to play
Buy the biggest bundle whichever has the most content on Steam then refund it. The game content will not be removed from your... Bethesda(?) account, whatever it's called, ESO account.

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Why did valve let something like picrel die :(
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yeah, i mocked her nasally inbred voice and she got mad and started smacking me around the map lol
sounds like you got what you deserve chud
I heard it's very different but I've only played the source version.
is this bait, or are you this gay
Did they ever put real effort into it after porting to the source engine?

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Have cheaters essentially ruined FPS games for anyone else as well? Years back I enjoyed playing PUBG, but then it got ruined by an influx of an unholy number of cheaters. I used to like playing Siege too, but cheaters at higher ranks and ubisoft's retarded decisions rendered the game basically unplayable for me. Same situation with Hunt and higher ranks too, it's all either cheaters or rats, or both. Got into Tarkov a couple years back, but it turned out the EU region in that game is one giant farm for Chinese RMT cheaters, there also isn't any matchmaking in Tarkov, meaning cheaters play in the same lobbies as shitters and aren't put in high containment ranks. Bf1 used to be great as well, but so many servers specifically in the EU region seem to be filled with either cheaters or high level sweats who have all meta guns unlocked these days.

Don't even get me started on games like CSGO/2 and Warzone.

The only shooters that I found have very few/almost no cheaters are HLL, Squad and Insurgency, but these games are really boring and heavily promote camping due to their low TTK. There are also no meaningful progression/goals in these shooters, essentially you just camp around, rack up kills and don't really get anything for it, besides some xp/points that let you unlock cosmetics.

Basically at this point I'm pretty much completely out of fun games to play.
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I booted up BF1 for the first time in ages and remembered people on here saying it was full of cheaters as I got accused of hacking in my very first game.
Site is full of egotistical casuals now to whom any sufficiently good player may as well be cheating. It's impossible that someone is just better than them and even if they are then they must have devoted their entire life to it. Just look at the guy above you coping that it's fine he banned players he wasn't even sure were hacking because they must be losers for being that good. Those are the people crying about cheaters.
>be me
>playing in a 5 stack
>shitting on the other team
>gets to 9-0
>guy on the other team accuses us of cheating
>tells us he will show us how to really cheat
>goes full auto with a scout
>literally the same thing two games later
>play a few casual matches the next day to warm up
>half the people are obviously walling based on infoless prefires and preaiming off-angles consistently
>one fag is even using shit-tier aimware and is bouncing like he has parkinsons
>all the retards in the lobby are slurping their dicks about how great they are at the game
>quit before even attempting to queue premier

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The simple truth is that if you're playing a FPS then either you're a cheater or you're a second class citizen.
The people arguing against that are just people who love FPS games and are in denial. Sad.
what a bluepilled take lmao

keep being ignorant on how much hacking is going on
>second class citizen
Aka cheaters' entertainment/or a bunching bag for them to farm their kd/stats/points on.

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Why has there not been a single similar game since?
because no one has ever heard of it
because you can only build so many forts and walls
because the gameplay becomes boring after 2 to 5 hours
yeah, its called fortnite
and yet people play CS or TF2 for 12182683k hours or whatever even though its the same game on the same boring ass maps
not the same, SF is closer to Block n Load. Fortnite is not fucking CTF for starters

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friend sends link to https://sh.reddit.com/r/circieoftrust/
>gets onto the link and creates a circle
>it works
>starts creating alts so the circle gets bigger
>sends it to some friends
>some motherfucker "accidentally" betrays the circle
>starts with his revenge arc betraying all the circles
abstract art pepe

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The First Person, Second Biggest Hero Shooter.

FACT: /palg/ hosts custom matches and pubs together every weekend! All new players are welcome!
FACT: You'll be playing against bots until account level 5.

Onslaught is the best mode in the game.

>Free Download

>Latest News

>Account Statistics

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Bump, this thread does suck
Go back to circlingjerking on d*scord you fucking troons,your dead game is irrelevant and has been for the last 5 years.
The majority of discussion is in the /vg/ thread you dumbass
i just played the other night for the first time in a long while and my team was very mad i didn't ban Lian
i was like lolwut

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For years now TF2 casual has been completely unplayable, full of automatic aimbots. New players have been left completely in the dust. I think we all know Valve won't do shit. What can we do about the bot hosters to make the game playable again?
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Yeah kind of unfortunately Pipeline never gets played because the Matchmaking Interface is garbage so 99% of people playing don't queue for it.
Zoomers like you are the reason community content doesn't exist in online games anymore.
>I think we all know Valve won't do shit.
The fuck *can* they do? Even installing rootkit level cheat detectors only catch the most retarded of 12 year olds.
They ban the most popular ones. Or at minimum just remove the f2p communication ban, that shit is retarded.
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Play on REDchanit.

Vanilla TF2:

Vanilla TF2 but Sniper is banned:

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cheerful blue victory edition

Haxball is a top-down 2D football game that's played entirely in your web browser.

password: shaw

Room is usually active on Friday & Saturday around these hours:
22:30 Euro time

cytuDOTbe/r/haxb for tunes

You can re-live magic hax moments watching the recordings of previous matches here:

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just like cont's (except in the right goal)
>start doing decently at statpadding
>stats stop
Such is life
how do you know you are doing decently if no one is counting

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Comfy days in the sewers edition.

>What is Vintage Story?
Minecraft for white autistic men and wannabe homesteaders.
What's your favorite thing to drink while you play Vintage Story? For me, it's mulled cider and coffee with heavy goat milk.

>What’s New?
Not much. OG picked up a little in traffic where the main server is experiencing the natural slow down we get after every major update. A lot of chisel work lately.

>Do I have to play the listed servers to post here?
No. Singleplayer lads are welcome too, just try and keep it civil and avoid dick-cord talk.
>Servers: NOTE - No servers with discord will be posted in these threads. If you can prove a server listed has a discord I will remove it. If you make a server with no discord I can add it, otherwise, discord posts are off-topic to the thread.

>Server List
>Mazor’s New Sbr/Current main vm server

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I refuse
New thread
Again? Are you fucking stupid? We're not even on page 10 yet
it's made by some tranny seething over wigger
Anon did you even read the thread

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how fucking new are you that you don't know the uncopylock trick

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Why didn't this genre take off?
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pic related, from their announcement.
Also triple xp gold that weekend if, as well as getting a 5 year anniversary emblem if you log in during that time
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still play chiv2 all the time what do you mean
played 200 hours of mordhau and honestly did love it but got very bored eventually, cuz 1v1s got so brainless and there were no full lobbies in the high player count modes.

chiv2 has been a lot more fun for me personally
I almost wish chiv 2 and mordhau never came out. they are inferior to chiv 1 and destroyed its population
Things that were a step down from Chiv1 to Mordhau
>javelin play
>map design

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The Third Person, Third Biggest MOBA, based on various World Mythologies.

FACT: The 4chan clan is [SmGen]: Smite Gen Plus! All new players are welcome!
Most members are on around 10pm-4am UTC+0. Party up with anyone you can find.
Regulars usually talk / LFG in-thread, don't mind them.

>>New Huntoon Goddess, Nut

>>NDA Closed Alpha is NOT ongoing, DO NOT ask questions about it, it WAS NOT leaked here
>>New Magetoon Goddess, Hecate with Closed Beta in Spring (2 more weeks? trust the plan patriot)

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Would make more sense if the first Anon was trying to make a connection with the Babylonian or Caananite pantheons.
did you know vulcans 1 ignores cripples? what a scam of a toon.
Vulcan is always under the effect of a cripple though, so it just cancels out. It's simple logic.
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>a true artists vtuber model proving that they can draw hands and ai cant while they talk about ai being bad in their video about spotting ai where tip #1 was ai adds too many digits to fingers or puts them in incorrect places.png

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Join the steam group:

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I have questions.
1. Why do people pretend WOTLK was the best expansion that drew so many players when it actually plateaued hard right out of the gate, only being the peak due to the natural player count gain from TBC and classic?
2. Why do people pretend TBC and classic were so bad and that people who reminisce on them have rose colored glasses when they.... have tons of people who look back on them fondly and were the xpacs that grew the game to its peak?
3. To bounce off the last two questions, why do people still pretend these are the cases when we can see via WOTLK Classic's massive player count falloff that it.. wasn't actually that good? Sure there's the problem of player saturation and whatnot, but many complain the xpac just isnt as fun as remembered. It was also the start of actiblizz, the marvelification of WoW's storyline, and the oversimplification of its systems.
I think its time, post-classic release of all three of these, that we consider the narrative the discourse around these games formed before classic's release ended up being flat out wrong.
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>I have questions.
>1. Why do people pretend WOTLK was the best expansion that drew so many players when it actually plateaued hard right out of the gate, only being the peak due to the natural player count gain from TBC and classic?
>2. Why do people pretend TBC and classic were so bad and that people who reminisce on them have rose colored glasses when they.... have tons of people who look back on them fondly and were the xpacs that grew the game to its peak?
>3. To bounce off the last two questions, why do people still pretend these are the cases when we can see via WOTLK Classic's massive player count falloff that it.. wasn't actually that good? Sure there's the problem of player saturation and whatnot, but many complain the xpac just isnt as fun as remembered. It was also the start of actiblizz, the marvelification of WoW's storyline, and the oversimplification of its systems.
>I think its time, post-classic release of all three of these, that we consider the narrative the discourse around these games formed before classic's release ended up being flat out wrong.
As a general rule, every single modern player always thinks that the best expansion pack was two expansions ago.
When BC came out, the players praised Vanilla and said BC was shit.
When WotLK came out, the players praised Vanilla and said WotlK was shit.
When cataclysm came out, the players praised BC and Vanilla, and said Cataclysm was shit
And so on and so on and so on. It never stops.
Because the games were more difficult then.
People put more emotional investment in things that were harder for them to enjoy.
For example, when Vanilla was a thing, you didn't have BG cues. You literally had to stand outside of the instance in WSG or AV to join. Sometimes for hours. When you actually had a chance to play, each 'match' lasted anywhere from 30m to literal weeks.
Thottbot didn't exist yet, neither did wowhead. You had to socialize and connect with other people to actually figure out where the fuck dungeon entrances were and how to solve quests. etc etc etc
WoTLK had a lot of problems, but it was still many people's first expac.

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