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Please play our game edition

>Graphics Settings Analysis
>Jan 2024 Dev Letter
>Old bin
>Old thread

I can't think of anything else to add.
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Quick PS2G! your festive friend just ran behind a shoulder-high wall and straight into an ambush! He has gotten into a gunfight with one equally celebratory enemy of each other faction, and an NSO operative! Can you kill the attackers and save your friend from their faction specific lunar new year helmets?
2nd for fuck vanu, the cancer killing this game. Every Vanu player should be unironically executed mercilessly. Op weapons, annoying ass team color, absurd tryhards, and above all else- cancerous meta gamers that seed discord and spy in other factions just to ensure victory.
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>Op weapons
oh god i didn't notice the fucking earring changes colors. thats' worse than the love bomber helmet where the fucking speakers have camo.
>"We didnt make coloured variants because its an artistic choice"
I wouldnt even be mad except ice dragon camo looks the fucking same on everyone, and now anyone on the continent can have a blue body and red head. What the fuck do i shoot at, the common pool gun?
>cancerous meta gamers that seed discord and spy in other factions just to ensure victory.
I had to tell one of my squadmates recently that I didn't believe his name was really Veronica
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I kill everyone and leave.
Construction walls should be allowed to clip with each other.
If wrel didnt want your teammate to die, he wouldnt have put him infront of you with that C4 in your hand...

Not sure why they didnt do that from the beginning, its not like it would really change anything. Maybe they didnt want people tripple stacking walls over narrow roads?
What gun do you run on your ANT?
Walker because it makes libshitters seethe but it isn't completely useless against everything else.
Bulldog if I'm gunna be scurrying about an enemy base w/ scout radar, and walker otherwise.
Kobalt. I want gunner assists and i want them NOW
Basilisk because like air it's FREE
Basilisk isn't free for ANT. Your default is a second mining laser. But everyone forgets it exists so your mistake is understandable. Basilisk is a solid choice regardless.
man auto scouts suck fucking ass
i'm pretty sure that's an nc, which means i'm gonna shoot anyways because nc
Its funny how bad autoscouts are when semiauto snipers do the same job but better.
And if you're on a non-infil class, autoscouts just plain suck compared to ARs and LMGs.
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got teamkilled in a new way today ncbros........
I've been trying to aurax the bar-a50 and dear god the thing is unusable. It has all the downsides of an auto scout with the added bonus of more first shot recoil than the gauss saw so you can't even reliably land multiple headshots outside of spitting distance.
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And the sequel, based on actual events.
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damn that's impressive, it does literally 1 damage
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If theres a way to teamkill, you can always count on NC to find it.
There was a spinning sundy hacker a few days ago and i put a bunch of tank mines under our sundy to at least get the free kill on the hacker. Then switched back to infil for scout rifle directive.

30 minutes later the enemy was swarming our sundy and I threw an EMP grenade. I forgot the mines were still there and killed everyone.
what's the meta ping these days?
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Miss this little fucker like you faggots wouldn't believe.
>join rando vs platoon
>have a great hour, decent leadership
>comms suddenly turn into faggot chat
>log off
just one fucking night off for god's sake
>start in 2020
>quit in 2021
how did you retards get stockholm syndromed into this shit? even the reddit invaders gave up on /vm/
don't buy this shit
if you did: refund
oops meant for a different thread, disregard, there is no ps2 stockholm syndrome
You should see late night TR platoons, nothing like 3 am downsies screaming about politics and some nearly incomprehensible dude from the netherlands talking about smoking (yes) adderall
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>there is no ps2 stockholm syndrome
They should have gone the OG route and kept the headshot modifier for precision weapons only.
Tying so much win-more shit to headshots really removes a lot of player agency.
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I feel like it's both so easy to mountaingo at or otherwise circumvent any chokepoint, and so finicky to actually place larger structures on any real topography that this would hopefully not be a real concern of the devs.
Post that NC webm. You know the one.
Is there a Vanu one?
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Which one
Kek, this one is good too, but I had one in mind where NC gets sniped by somebody but thinks it was his teammate shooting.
that one
I have plans for a vanu and NSO one, but not yet. I didn't save the .kra from the NC one so i have to find the template again.
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I've made the vanu one. I couldn't find a 3/4 view of the lynx helmet so i had to draw it.

(had to fix a line)
What's the network manipulation meta these days?
is fisu broken rn?
God damn base building fucking sucks. You’re so fucking exposed and it always becomes a headache dealing with the autists that throw everything they have to destroy your base. It’s just not fucking worth it- what fun is there

You can’t get an emergency influx of players to help you defend, there’s no more AI, no pain fields to protect little pockets, no sky shields to force entrance from one way, and none of the fucking hardlight shields are one-way. All the construction update did was kill it
Skyshields never stopped me anyway I just put on safe fall and carapace, airdropped in, and C4'd the spawn tube.
Brownoids ruin video games and I'm tired of pretending otherwise. The perfect example is Vanu on Connery these days. The low IQ single mindedness they exhibit is completely disheartening. We're actually doomed. Society has fallen.
How the fuck do they manage to break the game so badly every update, on things completely unrelated to the update itself.
What did they do this time, i havent played since i realized my team is 60% discord groomers
Lib dick gun is like inverted and half of the text in the game has been changed to Arial.
All gun turrets are fucked, fonts fucked, chimeras are fucked
lmfao jfc
i guess if my team wasnt time to stop then this would have been
rip in peace
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They're mocking us now.
You're goddamn right i'm buying that frame though. That shit's cool.
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Hello /ps2g/. Been a minute.
post the rest
That's all of them, they only made infil ones so far.
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Embarassing, honestly.
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>drop st. patricks "update" with literally nothing new just the old stuff for sale
>btw we are totally working on sunies ahahahaha..... buy our bundles ;))))
>turn off login servers at midnight sharp
>domain expires at the same time
>say absolutely nothing to anyone
so this is how planetside goes huh..... right in the middle of tax season too..........................
so much for playing this weekend

From reddit, you may have to manually update your hostfile until the new DNS entries have propagated. planetside2.com www.planetside2.com lvspsn-liv-l01.planetside2.com

The game is NOT shut down (yet), it just moved to a new physical data center and we'll see how that goes lmao.
oh yeah. that works, nice
Where are we going to go when Sony inevitably gives up on the game?
they gave up years ago though
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I play TR all the time and I have that motherfucker permanently muted. Such an insufferable faggot, I actually considered joining VS just to kill him. I hate that he made me consider it.
That's the beauty of NSO. You can kill ALL the faggots in this game, regardless of faction.

I mean you can do that anyway but you don't get weapon locked on NSO.
>Speech check: PASS

Good point, Skynet. I'll make a robro this weekend.
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I haven't played this game in afew years and want to get back into it to report back to my pso2 buddies about the state of the game, which of theses is the better carbine, please ignore the metals.
Lynx and Kindred > TRAC > Jaguar only if you're going for hipfire drift meme > everything else
trac burst>lynx=jag
everything else is a meme/directive fodder
kindred in unsanctioned
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Kindred if you can control the burst
Lynx if you want to stuff you barrel inside someone's hitbox and just hold down left click
Jag for tryhard ADSing or drifter

I would recommend the T5 AMC for mid-long range ADS or the Cougar for drifting with kcap.
I auraxed that fucker only shooting legs while midair (sometimes i'd accidentally hit the head)
So you're a cougar guy?
more of a cunnychad
I know who you are in game
Thanks for replies, think I'll try out the TRACs along with my Kindred.
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Say hi next time you kill me, it's probably pretty easy i'm a huge shitter.
The amount of seething about infils is so fucking good. You know you've triggered someone when they start complaining about smgs.
LoliPatrol? thought you got banned/renamed
Nope, guess you got the wrong guy afterall
I love xbow/knife but it keeps me directive poor :(
hope when this game is finally put out of its misery someone has the balls to come out and expose all the 1337fit cheaters
That anon isn't me. You'll know it when I send you a tell.
I get accused of cheating every single day. Why do you accuse me?
>>join rando vs platoon
>>have a great hour, decent leadership
>>comms suddenly turn into faggot chat
>>log off
I haven't played since this lol
>try to duck and weave like a madman
>die instantly lose every firefight
>move side to side once then stop
>win 9/10
Is this still possible? Tried for like half an hour to shove a sunderer through that first gap and couldn't get it to work.
>log into the tr for first time in months
>immediately invited to a squad by outfit founder
>vc immediately kicks in, entire platoon is talking about sending dickpics and shit with some random woman
>zero cohesion, half the guys in the platoon are fuckknowswhere
this is why i dont play tr and instead play vanu
I feel like ESF A2G steps on Lib's toes.
I feel like Lib thrusters and solo seat swapping to dalton steps on A2A ESF's toes. I'll trade my banshee for a 10 second cooldown on seat changing.
The reason the air game is shit is simple. Ground has
>light utility vehicle
>heavy utility vehicle, crew optional
>single seater dps box
>heavy hitter, crew optional
If you need to hit harder or be effective against multiple things you pay the crew and mobility tax. Air meanwhile...
>kills everything
>big dps box (crew optional)
>medium utility vehicle (crew mandatory)
>ultraheavy utility vehicle (crew wasteful)
The valk and gal are too shit to justify pulling frequently, so theres no base level of targets to feed the air food chain. And since the esf is so opressive in every role theres no counterplay except g2a, which just kills the air even more. Lib and esf need to switch roles, and the gal needs to be able to deploy in the air, and valks need to be able to support infantry pushes in a way that isnt just more a2g
>The valk and gal are too shit to justify pulling frequently
Ah, someone who never plays in a squad complaining about squad vehicles.
And with rocks/trees etc.
>connery ping has been a solid 50ms higher for an entire year now
Merge when? I don't want to start again on Gemerald bros...
Peak hours I have ran into some menacing valks. Not often, but the fucks that drive them sure know how to fuck shit up.
Theres nothing you can do with n people in a valk that you cant do with n people in ESFs. One pelter is great, but its not two airhammers.

The issue is it can contribute well as an a2g platform, but ps2 doesnt need more a2g platforms. If anything it needs less, the entire air game pretty much exists entirely as a parasite off the ground game. Esfs and valks and libs all peimarily hunt infantry or armour, and only fight eachother as a matter of coincidence. Excluding bastions or anomalies theres no air game without a ground game to feed and anchor it. Air should be able to generate utility in its own right so that people have a reason to fly beyond a2g shitting or massaging their skyknight e-peen.
>Theres nothing you can do with n people in a valk that you cant do with n people in ESFs. One pelter is great, but its not two airhammers.
Dropping a full squad of 10 as a mobile respawn beacon is a lot more useful than 12 airhammers. As long as the valk stays up in the hex they can respawn and drop straight out of it.
6 pelter valks can instantly destroy bastions, 12 ESFs cannot. I wouldn't be surprised if this gets patched soon now that people have caught on.
Thats an apples to oranges comparison. You can bail out of esfs and deliver your squad that way, and you have beacons that do pretty much exactly the same job as the valk without the g2a issues with loitering or the down time from doing runs.

Six valks might be able to beat the ESFs on bastion damage, but you hardly need an optimal matchup against a shit tier unit like a bastion. Plus, the esfs can farm the fighter screen and clear any gals they might have in defensive positions, the valks will be free kills

Honestly i like the valk and i want it to be useful, but its spawn and transport capacity is redundant and the spy radar is only good for grinding the reconnisance mission. If it could at least spawn squadmates anywhere on the continent it might get some general use, or if it had an infantry ammo supply built in. Maybe now that the sunderer is getting deployables we can hope for a valks dropping spawn/heal/ammo pylons into bases or something, but as it stands just pull a router or a beacon or anvil in a sundie
make lib the only real A2G threat
replace anvils with gal drops
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We are SO back, bros
how come THAT sort of person always plays vanu? you know what I mean
Indar is the most boring map to fight on. There I said it.
le dark and mysterious dubstep faction with lazers and katanas
Yeah but you are too good at the game.
Esamir and Amerish are solid
Oshur isn't as bad as everyone says
Hossin is lowkey the best map
the loudest oshur haters are all on emerald, which is objectively both the lowest skilled server and the one with the most single playstyle autists. on soltech half the population's been running hitbox hacks since 2014 and we just thug it out but god forbid some US autist has to stop lashering a doorway at nasons for 30s
I dislike Oshur because it chugs like shit on my pc
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so it's rush, that's cool
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Revive nade bando is literally the most cancer fucking part of the game.
I can't wait to deplete all the energy resource with my .2kdr scrub ass constantly spawning in.
TR is never going to win one of these, we body stack far too hard.
girls... ?
The only real difference is the Vanu outfits are discussing sending dickpics to men instead
>vanu strategy is gay as hell
>tfw it actually works
So what game are you all moving to when this one finally dies? I like the idea, but the actual game feels like a clusterfuck of half baked design choices.
yeah i wish ps2 was good, it's pretty fun at time
Ps1 private servers probably
I dont like it because boat sucks. If boat was better I would main boat.
Theres literally nothing that gives me the same experience as PS2
So, kinda like attack/defend maps of tf2, dustbowl for example?
Checking in just to see why you guys are still here. I quit before Wrel did.
Everybody's just kinda here twiddling their thumbs waiting for this sunderer rework to drop.
why do you play overpop?
i only play one faction but i am not max asp on my main so i get accused of this
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You don't like?
because on connery all the hackers, laggers and best players on the server play vanu
If you haven't gotten the memo we're trying to force everyone to quit Connery. Yes, even utilizing hacks and lag. Read the discord.
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So the buyers have finally spoken up.
They're not the buyers but also yo what the fuck
I hope these new guys can pull it together
>and right after that we will release the Anniversary Update. There, we will introduce a completely new theme, which will include a new vehicle type
new vehicle huh?
I hope its something retarded
>flash but its a two-man ultralight glider (driver and rumble seat)
>mobile pillbox (deploy for mancannon)
>battleship (has to be built from 10k cortium, cant be healed)
>drop pod 2 (with C4 DLC)
Where is class balance? What about cheaters?
Brain is rotting and those idiots are healing fingers
What finally broke the camels back on this game? It was in decline for years but shortly before wrel's departure every outfit I know of just stopped playing and every scrap of enthusiasm just dried up.
It's just doomsaying, nothing has actually changed but people want an excuse to be mad.
In fact wrel leaving has been a positive strictly mechanically as lot of his dumbass decisions are being slowly reversed.
Uh no. Game has bled extemey badly and is now being passed between owners.
And the new owners have come out to say they're updating shit so whats the issue? You're only confirming that its all doomsaying while nothing is actually wrong with the game itself.
They prbly want to split sunderer into AMS/support vehicle and Deliverer/APC
>Dude what's wrong with hordes of veteran players finally giving up hope and quitting for good
>literally fucking nothing has changed about the game
use your head for a moment
I think wrel gets an unfair critique. Sure he made some mistakes, but he managed a small team to keeep constant updates coming to a game desperately needing life support. Without him...
>we wouldnt have dervish or chimera, or the new topguns or cannons.
>We'd have old nanoweave and old ammo belt and rumble repairs, and old nimitz shield.
>no boat and no water in general
>no bastion, no colossus, no cortium, no construction
>old banana knife, a gal that doesnt deploy, sundies without shields, new players without fire supp
>no campaigns, no esamir rework, no mining drill fights and no graphics update
>we'd still have the old bloated resistance tables and no weapons rework so no new attatchments
>no class specific ubgl, rocklet rework or g2a buffs, and no a2g nerfs
The list goes on and on.

And sure there are some people who say "i hate all of that i wish it was 2016 again", but lets get real. If the game were still limited to seven ground vehicles, three aircraft and the same five infant classes in the same three factions on the same three continents in the same premade static point defence bases... it would have died years ago. Maybe YOU want the same nasons nadefest every single day, but those of us without an aspergers diagnosis want something dynamic that isnt over a decade behind the times, and for better or worse wrel gave the game more depth and breadth.

Granted containment sites and oshur were misses, but look at the timeline he was on. His updates are desperate attempts to stop the bleeding without triggering a fanbase of vets that are as sweaty and scummy as they are retarded
>we wouldnt have dervish or chimera, or the new topguns or cannons.
>no boat and no water in general
>no bastion, no colossus, no cortium, no construction
>no campaigns, no esamir rework, no mining drill fights and no graphics update
bro I fucking wish. you can't just sprinkle in a few alright changes to try and make these look good
these are horrible additions
Its an entire faction with specific specialized vehicles. Esfs are just reskins and that still limits you to three enemy tanks total. It doesnt matter if they're bad mechanically (not that chim even really is), just that they're a fourth option you can chose to play, and get to play against. The armour and air game is dead simple with them, without them they'd be outright braindead
The boat was a cool idea but ultimately worthless because it only exists in the only map with water that matters and everybody avoids that map like the plague.
Maybe if flood indar was real it'd be useful but whoever gets north would either become gods or the punching bag. I guess slightly better than the usual of north indar having a 50% win rate

The deploying galaxy is, amusingly, a concept that ONLY happened because of Oshur because it was the only thing you could deploy underwater. And specifically its weakness was "no shield" so it wasn't literally fucking unkillable. Then another update months later made it so GSD let sunderers get underwater and deploy, and wrel forgot his previous balance change of gals not having shield underwater :)
So now you almost never see underwater gals anymore.
Yeah, gal really needs a one-way bubble shield or something because its borderline worthless as-is, but at least its something different to sundies, routers and beacons. Esamir's water section is actually quite interesting IMO and its a shame that area of the map sees so little play. Amerish and hossin are good canditates for future water areas though. Amerish has a coastline connecting two warp gates and hossin could easliy handle a deeper swamp somewhere. Boats rushing between trees and conducting shore bombardments against sandcastle bases would be a really nice bit of variety.

Or fuck it, esamir rework number 3, lets global warming it and fill in some of those ice ravines. Always hated trying to drive around that CTF bridge
Which faction should I join on Emerald server?
VS if you just want to steamroll everything with 40% global pop
NC if you want the best guns but paint chugging teammates
TR if you want to fight with your recoil more than you fight the other factions, both of which are currently and always double teaming you but at least you don't have to listen to a woman announcer
Who is pale tiger?
Above average emerald player
Use your head retard. You're clearly emotionally attached to this game.
Game is not going to recover. None of the people quitting miss it even slightly.
>>we wouldnt have dervish or chimera
>Use your head retard.
Since you're acting like a huge fucking idiot, fine I guess I have to spell it out to you.

>What finally broke the camels back on this game?
Implies something changed about the game, or that Wrel leaving had an impact on the game in same way despite his latest additions being pretty much widely hated (Construction updates & the new capture mode)

THE REPLY: >>1256962
Stating that literally nothing has changed about the game with Wrel leaving, and the widely criticized updates were getting fixed or reverted. So people are "leaving" for no reason other than fear of the unknown.

You again: >>1257284

Make a point, or stop replying to me.
schizo from connery
very fun to teamkill
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>muh people are leaving because wrel!
yeah, in a roundabout sort of way
>was at 400 players before the map switched to oshur
>it will remain oshur all fucking night
It just switched to Oshur on Connery bros... is it over?

Do you guys think this is a good PC for planetside? I'm looking to get >=120fps frames in 96+ fights with stability. Is there anything I can swap out for making things a little cheaper. From my understanding, planetside is very CPU extensive so as long as I have a solid CPU, which I heard the Ryzen 7 7800X3D is good, then I won't have any issues. I'm hoping to swap the mobo/gpu since these were recommended by a friend, but I think I can get something cheaper
>still plays connery

what fac?
Just waiting for the merge, bros
damn this game is satisfying when everything finally clicks
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chinoyokino dropped
>two months old
xiao ni ma
fe wu
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bros... i'm not feeling so good about the future...
You're too dumb to have any meaningful interaction with me. Wrel leaving shows that the revival attempt failed, and the game being sold off shows that it's a failed asset. 2nd to last OW was the last hurrah and now it's time for terminal decline as every outfit transitions to other games.
So like I said, doomsaying becauase the game itself didn't change. Paranoid idiots looking for an excuse. Thank you for finally agreeing with me nearly 3 weeks later in the most obtuse and retarded way possible, retard. No more (you)s
nta but I haven't played in 2 months after returning last summer because too much of my team are literal fags who won't shut up about it and all the news since then hasn't encouraged me to return
that still isn't the game itself changing, retard

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