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The EU server opens on the 29th.
Which weapon are you going to fame up first?
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I liked Albion because I could play with international players, now they split the pop between NA/EU. Not a fan, just went back to OSRS and I've been playing Albion since beta.
>Finish Tutorial ASAP because premium isn't active there. Craft a bag and buy 3 mules for some cash. T2 Bow, Leather Hood, Cloth Robe and Plate Boots
>Claim 3 day premium and leave the starter city. Claim registration bonus tomes to get to T3. Don't waste time doing tutorials.
>Gather resources to buy/craft a T3 set. I go with Spear + Leather Jacket (Assassin Jacket at T4)
>Farm to T5 Reaver in bluezones.
>Get all gathering professions to T3 and to T4 when I have the time (skip stone?). Use learning points to advance tiers whenever possible. Get T6 skinning ASAP.
>Go to a T5 blackzone and farm until T6 Reaver
>Enter Mists. Escort wisps to get the weekly chest. Congratulations you reached the endgame. Continue to convert all my silver to gold for free money until the price matches the american server.
14 hours left. Nobody seems to care lol.
Quick question before the servs open: Should I pick the standalone clinet or the steam version?
Always the standalone client if possible. This goes for every f2p game and especially MMOs.
You get more gold on the standalone client if you ever decide buy some and you have an easier time getting help from customer support.
You can't unlink your account from your Steam profile later on.
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oh no
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>mfw it's real
Holy shit. I joined the game the moment the servers opened just fine. Went through the tutorial and closed the game, cuz I got tired. Thought I could get back to it in a few hours. I guess I should've afk'd
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You've watched his guides, right?
Fuck off, Jammno.
he's a nigger and a plague on every mp game he plays
Prove how he's wrong then if he's such a nigger.
There you go.
No, I mean his guides. Who gives a fuck about his IRL 20 years ago or whatever.
>don't join a guild or make friends because I've been socially rejected my whole life
>don't participate in full loot PvP because I'm bad at it
>grind safezones like a bot while you do something else on your second monitor
>Need silver? Just have fans for referral rewards and donations
>grief players wherever you can because I'm still mad SBI muted me
I've been following him for a long time. He's fun to watch but I wouldn't follow his advice. Keep it up, Swole.
Least obvious self-promote, hi Benji.
You really got me with the
>farm rocks in the tutorial zone for 3 hours then walk overencumbered to the market for another half for 30s profit
guide, well done.
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Have you ever been in a gaming guild? They're shit. I've followed him since early WoW and all the guilds he ever joined fucked him over. The last Albion guild he joined they literally invited doxxers into the guild that were after him.

Full loot pvp is cringe in this game unless you have a bunch of faggots in discord backing you up. It's also not efficient or profitable unless you're ganking red zone transporters with a small squad. Why bother? The PvP is shit anyway.

Safe zones make more consistent silver per hour. I doubt he does anymore since in his later vids he's shown that he gets referral gold and is the most referred person in the game. Perks on being a jewtuber I suppose.

Why shouldn't he be mad? Devs should be (his words) bending the knee and sucking his toes. He's by far the most popular most talked about character in the game. Instead the German weirdo formed a clique against him out of jealousy.

Not following his advice? Your loss. Enjoy sub par results. Have you seen his EU progress? ONE fucking day and he's 100 spec full 8.3 completely solo. Did it in like under 18 hours or some shit.

Why would a 132k sub youtube channel post here? I did the rough stone farm too, and came out 30k ahead than if I didn't. It was the most valuable resource in the tutorial zone and really put me ahead of the rest of the retards. Also it took 30 minutes to be at 130%. What kinda shithead are you that it took you three hours?

Regardless his members only vids are worth the entry fee. I already flipped 100m today on EU. Games piss easy now.
I'm in a chill guild with some friends but I'm still joining fights on the west server. You get enough silver just from participating in blackzone content.
I rarely play solo these days. I don't care about yellowzone PvP. It's boring and I feel bad for killing newbies.
Getting a legendary chest or winning against other groups is more rewarding than grinding T3 hides or whatever stupid shit you do.
I can't wait to waste millions on Awakened weapons because there's nothing else to do with silver.
I honestly can't tell if you're Benji pretending to be a blind fan (e.g. riding your own dick in the third tense), or a blind fan using the "what color is your bugatti" argument.
I also can't tell which one is sadder.
Boring skinner box

All the PVP areas are populated by p2w pvp discord sweats

Waste of time if you're not some retard no lifer who treats neckbeard guild masters as your second job
how can you call it a skinner box when most of the playerbase is fat as fuck.
more like fatterbox
kinda true. really liked this game at first, never saw a thread here on it at least not often. after a motnh or so of playing and getting into a guild, they sit around in areas and shit on randos like most other guilds and there's not much else to do. "You can just farm and craft" I might as well just play OSRS at that point if I want a mindless grind.
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Every guild fight I did in a top 10 guild was always one sided. You either outnumbered and rolled the enemy, had 100-200 ip difference and rolled them, your engages were just purely better, your comp countered theirs and rolled them. It was never back and forth. Always a smash or get smashed thing. When I did die, it felt shitty. The guild didn't re-gear capes, mounts, food, etc so you'd like 600k per death and be expected to re-gear and return to the fight 4-6 times per objective. Granted I'm a billionaire and every day I log into the game I have 24m silver handed to me but it's still SHITTY to surrender fake virtual currency to some smelly brown man to make some guild fucker rich. I'd much rather grind those t3 hides and watch anime and shitpost in twitch streams chats than deal with that stressful shit. I agree 100% with Benji. I'm a discord and youtuber member of his and he shares all sorta shit exactly as I described.

Examples are a raging shotcaller:

Here's him getting bounced around and killed in a zvz he had to afk on a guild island for 45 minutes to 'get ready", then ride another 15-45 minutes to objectives only to die then get denied re-gears cause the re-gear officer hated his DDR videos:

This is not fun, and this is not a memorable moment. Instead why not chase funny moments tormenting SBI employees and entitled fart sniffer streamers?
Nazori and some pothead they paid named Cewpins getting BTFO'd. Benji got a 1 week ban for PvPing in a PvP game.:

Swole getting dono'd several hundred million silver while Mogdone's forced to swipe cause he has a shit community:

Stream sniping a neckbeard:
Another in the red zone:

Not him, just a fan.
you need help
What makes you say that? Why would I need help? Help with what?
So is Albion one of those "PvP MMOs"? PvP MMOs are a fucking joke and go against what people really play MMOs for.
Then don't play Albion. I don't understand your problem.
Albania online
I hope you're not trolling I used all my cross platform rewards on the bow, leather hood, cloth robe and plate boots. Haven't activated my premium though, waiting on a weekend where I can neckbeard this shit for 3 days.
I'm having a ton of fun with this game, nothing gets the heart pumping like gathering in the black zone and tailing out with fat stacks of cash in your pocket lol
albion was always advertised as runescape with good combat and EVE online economy, the fact that you expected anything more is retarded
there's so much irony in this post that I'm laughing, its the equivalent of a fortnite kid downloading quake 3 and saying "arena shooters are a fucking joke and go against what people play battle royales for"
Okay, how do you beat Dual Sword players? They are everywhere. It's easy to avoid PvP but I want to actually beat other players.
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Beating them with fire staff is the way. (Wildfire in this vid.)

That sword player just had to run away after you wasted both Cleric Robe and Hunter Hood at the same time. You would have lost if you used your boots to chase. He could have gotten full value Bloodlust and Hunter Hood on a second engage while your Firewall was still on cooldown. I hope he learned from that.
You realize cleric robe buffs the reflect on hunter hood? Hunter hood is used offensively in fights.
game is turning more and more p2w, awakened weapons were the last straw when i quit the game. Fuck SBI
Cleric Robe should have been used in response to Bloodlust. Hunter Hood also gives good defensive stats so why make yourself immune to damage on top of that. I would have never considered using Cleric Robe to buff the Hunter Hood. Usually you just stop attacking when Hunter Hood is active. Sword player probably lost half his health to reflect damage.
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>Why would a 132k sub youtube channel post here?
Because he was born here as jammku, retard. Also, kicked out of 109 guilds.
This isn't a long sustain fight. It's like 5-8 seconds tops. You pop cooldowns and melt the enemy and then loot his shit this isn't WoW where you gotta play around cooldowns. You just mash buttons and collect loot cause your build counters theirs. If they "run away" then they melt and die. If you can't chase them then you fuck off and fight someone else. Waiting to press cleric robe when they try to life leech won't do shit. Cleric robe is for the damage steroid so you can melt them faster.
How much silver did you make after your 3 day premium was over? I managed to get to 8m.
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20 hours of play time. A lot of it afk so really this is only about 12 or so. Spent most of the time fame farming YZ.
How much power can you buy if you swipe?
You can buy tomes to skip the gathering grind or use satchel of insight and fame credits to progress faster. I wouldn't buy equipment with real money. You are going to lose it and regret your decision.
I have like 800k but thats because i just roam around bz both fame farming and looking for fights i lost like 150-200k sets few times.
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Mists on a 20k Firestaff build.
how poz is this game?
are all chat functions ruined by child molesters, forcing you to use discord
You only have a chat box like every MMO. There's no voice chat in-game. Every guild uses Discord. It would be very difficult to run a guild without it.
I've never been in serious guild. In the past I've been in arch for the fame farming but that's all I did. Lands Awakened changed a lot and now the Foundations update.
What are guilds doing these days? What do you get out of it?
What's the best way to get Premium?
Should I buy silver from g2a and then buy the premium?
I'm not paying 16 euros for 1 month
That shit was 8 euros a few years ago
RMTing in this game is very risky. This isn't the kind of MMO where the devs don't care anymore.
Join a guild and do group content with them. You can let someone else open chests if you have no premium yourself.
If you play solo 2v2 Hellgates is great. You can find a partner at the bank in Caerleon or use /LFG.
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post build
>Stream sniping a neckbeard:
kek this one was so satisfying to watch. what a faggot.
This is on EU btw.
T4 Firestaff, Book, Cleric Robe, Soldier Boots, Hunter Hood, T2 bag and cape. T3 Horse or a Mule. One giga potion and a fish for regen. Reroll quality at the repair station if you want.
Great PvE clear speed. Mobility on the W and Soldier Boots to escape.
Switch to Firewall and Q spam for PvP. You should take every fight against melee weapons. Don't use the E into a reflect. Your build is so cheap but it can still beat players much stronger than you.
but the game is unplayable without premium
i'd rather buy rmt than pay 16 for a sub
i don't trust guilds nor people in this game
You could always create a new character to get another 3 day premium and then transfer the silver to your main character. You only miss out on fame.
RMT is risky because once the guy gets caught they will ban everyone he gave silver to. You might get banned weeks or months after RMTing.
>i don't trust guilds nor people in this game
Neither do they trust you. Trust is earned.
I still have premium for 2 days
I remember they used to give 14d trial back then though
>Neither do they trust you. Trust is earned.
that's just cringe, that's why I play solo, these people take a game too seriously and I'm not 16 anymore
You play solo because you have no access to meaningful group content without joining a guild or making friends. You can't group up with strangers because of freeloaders and rats.
Imagine you could queue up for 10v10 lethal Hellgates.
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game for niggers
nice day old bump benji, hope your eu STAY OUTTA DA BLACK ZONE vids get some members
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I'm camping 4.2 and 4.3 resource nodes in the yellowzone with a oneshot dagger. You can't even knock me out because I'm faction flagged. Shits so stupid. Free money.
T6 skinning in the blackzone makes almost 3m per hour on the EU server. The f2p crowd who can't and won't buy premium isn't there yet.
he is right, there is nothing of MMO about this game
BZ feel like solo playing, you can spend 2h in BZ without seeing a single person and the most played content in this game is also solo based, mist
not everyone has the patience to do a job interview to join a guild
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>he is right, there is nothing of MMO about this game
>BZ feel like solo playing, you can spend 2h in BZ without seeing a single person and the most played content in this game is also solo based
>not everyone has the patience to do a job interview to join a guild

so your reasoning boils down to
>its solo based because im a shut in that can't talk to people
oh im laffin my ass off, not even the best bait but I take it because i have 20 minutes to burn

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