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>woman that looks like a 9 year old
this is anons movie.
midget pussy
How come the father turned her down? Was he secretly gay?
The actor is gay

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Kinos about valid gay people?
Dune parts 1 and 2.

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ITT: Actors who were popular and then disappeared
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Parker Posey was never popular
Genuine question, how old are you?
*hits pipe
Christopher, my son....
Is that September James?
Stoya always overacted with the faces

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Was SNL ever funny?
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>Was SNL ever funny?

It was on the 7th of October 2018.

As far as I am aware that is the first and only time. Also I have fapped so much over that particular show, because of the guest host, I wore a layer of skin off, wish they would get her on again.
This was an average, unremarkable male physique in the 70s
I just can them Andy Samberg and those other fellas.
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>King Tut
>he tuts
americans have never been funny on purpose

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Opinions on this show?

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>the bomb...didn't kill Hitler?
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>you do it, you're Top Gun
You should watch the movie The Man Who Killed Hitler And Then The Bigfoot. It explores this decently well.
I never saw this movie. It goes without saying it's historically inaccurate, but is it any good?
no women or niggers
ofc its good
Tom Cruise carries it, but there are three or four good scenes
Well worth a watch

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What sort of roles would you like to see her in?
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She needs to act on my dick
pizza rolls
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its this christy teigen? I saved this picture of her and her bussband because I thought its funny how a single photo can have look like that gif where you look at the middle and the changing celebs faces look distorted

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And this is why we have to vote against Trump for the 2024 election
I get the feeling that even the "in universe" map is lying, and while CA and TX are founders of the western forces,
people and forces from other states ditched the loyalists the moment the conflict started or soon after.
I'm working off the assumption of many /k/ wargame shitposts that say:
>the moment the fed gov fires on american citizens, it's over
>many people working in the armed forces would desert the federal army and join their origin state militia
>others would desert the army just to spite/fight the feds out of principle

The movie mentions (far too little imo) that the prez allowed airstrikes on American civilians and that he is on his third term and that his policies have been excessively authoritarian, if you notice the prez also keeps droning on tv and radio about the upcoming victory of the Loyalists.
So we have a trifecta of
>delusional endsieg spiel
>allusions of extreme authoritarianism
>betrayal of trust of Americans

This combo thus leads me to think that the WF does not only have two states' forces, but many more, from a mix of defectors from other states' forces, and people who cared more about killing a tyrant than fighting for a specific flag
A lot of actors think it's more fun playing the bad guy
wow...! i want to give away my guns, live in the pod, eat the bugs and own nothing now.
I'm clamouring for war here so I can kill my enemies and rape women. People are naturally evil.

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>lieutenant, company HQ wants a band of brothers thread
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>lieutenant, what is your favourite moment in the series? lieutenant?
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I don't like reporting for duty and I don't think I'm going to go anymore
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they would have been dead 5 minutes after landing if he hadnt made them the hardest fuckers in the entire army and they backstabbed him for it
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>lieutenant, the capeshit threads are pushing our thread off the board!

I haven't seen such quality in a long time. Of course, a lot of it stems from the fact that Fallout lore is just that good. But truth be told I have never seen a better adaptation of a video game EVER. And OK I know Netflix's Witcher is supposed to be based off the books not the games, but still, Fallout knocks it out of the park, all of it. The characters, the music, the atmosphere, the brutality combined with lightness. I think they captured the Fallout feel perfectly. Some were nervous before release that it's gonna be too much of a comedy but it isn't it's just the right mixture. And it's not woke at all, the jogger is both stupid AND evil. Find me an evil jogger character in modern media right now. There is none, except for Fallout. The jogger literally treacherously gypsies his way thru the Brotherhood of Steel into a power armor. Yes the non-binary character was uber cringe but it's just an irrelevant episodic role for that ESG money. The jogger literally puts a razor in the enbies boot and you can hear the enbie screaming lol

And of course the lead actress is very beautiful, but not only that, has very good acting and seems like an intelligent girl (such good acting requires intelligence I think). Rare in a world of Billy Eilishes and Sydney Sweeneys and Zendayas. Anyhow, it fits, you usually play Fallout as a female character. God this show is good, I especially liked when the cowboy actor was called a pinko for being in a mixed marriage and saying the situation is rough right before the bombs fall. I love Fallout lore so much and this show does it PERFECT justice.
My only complaint is the greenery, although it's not too widespread, there's a lot of sandy wasteland, but seriously, in Fallout an oasis such as Filly is a really extraordinary thing maintained either by some cultists or as a glitch of G.E.C.K, meanwhile here it's just a normal oasis, normal thing, with people casually living. I guess they needed some greenery so that normies don't get bored
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>Raised by Americans
>Main character: roastie
>Secondary: nigger
You didn't say Nigger you're an ad
yeah this show is fucking amazing

even the CGI isn't cringe and the vault sets are top tier
Media literacy bros...
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This show is just Orville but fallout flavored. The majority of the dialogue sucks so fucking bad, the cinematography is fucking boring, and they have no actual character development so 90% of the shots are the them doing things normally to trick people into thinking that they're relatable, because haha yeah if I got into some power armour I'd go "oh yeah!!!!" and then proceed to break it while acting like a fucking 4 year old with no self control.

It is mind boggling how retarded the three stooges we're supposed to be rooting for seem to be. I almost tapped out during the scene where Lucy asks Sq. blacksetball American if he wants to have sex. The while thing comes off as a really lazily done fanfiction. I cannot imagine losing my father and almost dying 6 bajillion times in the span of 3 days and deciding hmmm I want to have sex with this random faggot I just met, who I also apparently don't actually fully trust, but I do when it is the easiest possible convenience for the plot to move somewhere. Also, did anyone else find that scene where the pregnant woman's water breaks while trying to fuck just completely jarring and not funny at all? It was definitely filmed with the intention of trying to be funny because that water just rockets out of there. It was not funny. It wasn't necessary. Why is it in there.

Can't wait for it to come out that all the writing was actually outsourced to a bunch of silicon valley posers who play FORTNITE and consider any game pre-2022 old.

By the way, Norman is the only decent character, and that's only because he is the closest thing to a semi-intelligent being in the entire show.

Pic related:

>mfw I watched this dog shit willingly

What the hell was that ending?
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I can't believe there are still retard actionfags in this day and age.
it really needed two seasons, they could have had just had part 1 and part 2
>ultimate kino
>filtered goysloppers with extreme prejudice

Literally can't stop winning.
The best they could come up with considering episode 9 still felt like it was at the end of Act 1. Honestly this show's storytelling was weird
>this thread

Kevin Armstrong is no ordinary 12-year-old. Everyday tasks like going to school, eating a family meal, or even going upstairs to bed... present an enormous challenge.
Butt face, fucking kek
South Park did it.

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When the fuck is this guy going to be announced as James Bond? It's all so tiresome.
the jew thing is too hot to touch right now
they can't write about the OUTRAGE yet
He's not the new James Bond, he just got cast in Fuze and 28 Years Later. Where on earth will he get the time to shoot Bond 26 when it's going to start shooting later this year?
Why do you even care about this dead proto-capeshit franchise?
sunk cost fallacy.
It's the only thing that Bongs have left

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was gonna say, that mask is awful and he looks like deadpool
>woke corporate slop farts out three words in a sentence
>slop shills rejoice
I thought it was cringe. “War never changes” is the most senselessly abused line in Fallout. They used it twice in Fallout 3 and 3 times in Fallout 4

Just say something new already, holy shit. Everything in Fallout is the same exact shit, riding off the coattails of Fallout 1 and 2. Supermutants, ghouls, BoS, Vaults, it’s all the same shit over and over
>War never changes. Civilization will always be drawn into a struggle for resources and security that is endless and chaotic.

>War never changes. Because 300-year-old secret mastermind villains start them to enact their devious plans.
Didn't the yasss queens say it before though

> Druggies think taking drugs and watching cinema can lead to a spiritual experience.

No, you lazy degenerate pseuds. Taking LSD and Watching a Lynch flick or an Asisn flick will not give you enlightenment or any deep philosophical insights. Kek.
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Joe Rogan is Satan. You're Satan. You're Joe Rogan. The CERN logo is 666. You're the scientists at CERN. I'm not though.
>Thats not even what he said faggot
OP is illiterate
Druggies are retarded subhumans. What else is new?
Yeah, that's a retarded idea. It will, however, make the movie really funny.
>oblivious to the point
>doesn't know he's being made fun of
There's that addict brain rot.

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