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What's your favorite Godzilla movie?
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That doesn't make your normie opinion less shit.
Why do I have to wait till May 3 to watch minus one on pir-streaming?
Because Toho is incompetent as hell.
It is. The execution of the themes is something no one seems to take into account these days.
I have many issues I downloaded from archive.org but there are some issues missing.

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when does it get good?
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They're involved in vile rituals and a global conspiracy.
There were several episodes were they mentioned Holocauster like the worst thing that has happened and also felt sorry for Jews
So...he's based.
There's only one that I recall in season 4 with that multiple-personality lady who could see into her "past lives". Are you referring to that?
When they spoke to Victor Klemper in rhe greenhouse and in Die Hand Die Verletzt.

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*takes a draw off a cigarette*
I remember all the guys I used to run with: Jimmy the Knife, Tommy Two-Toes, Mickey Butter, Johnny Toaster, Johnny Fish, Tony Kansas, Little Tony, Tony Tuba, Tony Marinara, Ricky "the Saxophone" Sacks, Pretty-Boy Giovanni, Harry "Balls" Balzini, Nicky Shoes, One-Eyed Nicky, Mario "the Fear" Farini, Vito Scavoli, Marco the Amp, Jimmy the Shirt... We was young and chasin' dames all over town.

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fallout is kino. it's HILARIOUS that a bunch of community college film school dropouts ( if they are lucky to attend in the first place) try to say otherwise.
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>yaaaass billion dollar company and esg slayyyyy
kill yourself
It would be better if the lead was a qt black girl
you sound like the annoying kid in a summer camp movie who has upper middle class parents and desperately wants to be popular but isn't
You sound like the closeted gay boy in camp.
I am not sure what your poltard thread is meant to accomplish in this copy-pasta raid.

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Dalton Noggins
was gonna say, that mask is awful and he looks like deadpool
>woke corporate slop farts out three words in a sentence
>slop shills rejoice
I thought it was cringe. “War never changes” is the most senselessly abused line in Fallout. They used it twice in Fallout 3 and 3 times in Fallout 4

Just say something new already, holy shit. Everything in Fallout is the same exact shit, riding off the coattails of Fallout 1 and 2. Supermutants, ghouls, BoS, Vaults, it’s all the same shit over and over
>War never changes. Civilization will always be drawn into a struggle for resources and security that is endless and chaotic.

>War never changes. Because 300-year-old secret mastermind villains start them to enact their devious plans.

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What exactly were Bill and Frank doing in this scene? Where does Frank disappear two and where are there clothes?
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Uhh stuffed crust bros, our response??
This is the funniest shit I've read and it never fails to make me laugh like a retard.
This image poignantly captures the disgusting proclivities of homosexuals while still retaining its entertaining qualities. IT *claps* IS *claps* ART *claps*
>they needed to show the viewers him shooting cum into a greasy wet and bloody asshole and prolapsing or it doesn't count!

What's so funny about that?
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Ok, i get it, it is funny
I have a message from a store for you, but I forgot the name.
>I’m here giving you an interview and you do something nasty… it’s incredibly rude. You know what, you're a nigger
Cruise should have slapped that punk silly.
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Funny how?

Could they have gotten away with this scene in 2024, tv?
is the implication that Billy used to bully him for being a gay/tranny weirdo who wore lipstick in school?

I would love a show that's just critics mocking a movie while one of the lead actors sits there and has to take it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Z1JqFqHENE

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Just saw a trailer for Clipped, bros, what are we in for??

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I started Seinfeld 1-2 weeks ago and finished it. Now what should I watch if I want that "the tv is on in the background because I'm home alone" type of feeling
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A Craftsman's Legacy
Lord of the Rings Appendices
The Blues Brothers
Tron Legacy
Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives
Jeremy Brett Sherlock Holmes
kitchen stuff would be fine but I don't want fabricated kitchen drama to make it seem interesting. I'd rather just put on a youtube cooking channel where they don't talk at all
Everybody Loves Raymond
Frasier and everybody loves Raymond
The Idol

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Do you enjoy watching Captain Ron?
Do serious people you know dislike the movie?
Would it be ok to admit that I like Captain Ron on a first date?
I feel like CR is in this weird gray area. I can admit, on the one hand, to enjoying "Master and Commander" because that's what women expect men to like (and I do, no sense in lying to my date)
But if I say, "I enjoy Captain Ron" "Yes, the stupidest star-studded movie from the 90s", will I be reviled and put out to pasture?
Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
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Just let it grow? You're not one of those hairlets are yah, boss?
Always got this one confused with Cabin Boy, I remember my cousin making out on the couch with his girlfriend while we were watching it. It was quite a vibe
I'm trying, it's just that I've been growing it for six months and I'm not even halfway there
this is one of the best fun films for the whole family to watch i've ever seen. not even joking.
It’s fucking kino

How likely are we going to get Children & God Emperor?
0% chance.
they are going to milk that shitty franchise to death. but after god emperor everyone will come to understand that whole series is shit. and it will die down
>shitting on Dune series
>shitting on God-Empeor of all books
kys normies scum. But feel free to go back watching Villeneuve slop. He made it with the likes of you in mind.
they're shit to be honest. everyone blame herbert's son for ruining the series but the truth is that the first book is the only good one

Alright, these guys

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ITT: Actors who were popular and then disappeared
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She was my go-to. I may rub one to her for old time's sake.
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Parker Posey was never popular
Genuine question, how old are you?

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