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47 episodes and counting
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Prequels still suck.
There was a show about racers and it is COMPLETELY forgotten. Despite the fact that it actually has a kind of interesting side character in an ex-TIE pilot
Yeah, seconding this, they did do a space racing cartoon. Resistance. It was very boring, more kid oriented, and no one watched it or remembers it at all lmao
What if we republic commando but worse
If they kill Scorch in some embarrassing way like Boba Fett in RotJ I'll be so annoyed

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Not sure how many follow the sport here but here's a cool show coming up

About the clippers & DOC RIVERS

Anyway Lakers are total dogshit im so mad
Lawrence Fishburne has aged poorly. Goddamn.
black don't crack...except for fishburne

i legit thought he was older, sam jackson is like 15 years older and looks/moves better. maybe he has some private health issues. he's been pudgy since the early 00s and stayed that way, maybe affected his health.

oh and yeah this looks like shit. i bet the premise is going to be sterling was racist (he was) but everyone else just accepted because of money but in this it will be "i was so conflicted by my passion and drive to be successful black athlete so i took it/looked the other way"
Just make a movie about how they made [insert Oscar winning movie]
People have been saying this for years, maybe even decades. But hollywood is truly out of ideas nowadays.
One step further
>how the academy decided to give Schindlers list an Oscar
Then they can make a dramatization for making that movie again. Give that an Oscar as well. Etc.

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I can't deal with Japanese acting.
just watch the korean soap opera version with better acting

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Any news on physical releases?
I agree that the lead actor overdid it in 1 or 2 scenes. Still my favorite movie of 2023 THO
May 1, digital May 3, all confirmed (Japanese tho, but we have Nyaa subs)

Say it.
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The sequel trilogy being trash doesn't make the prequel trilogy not trash.
Prequels sucked, you should have made better movies, not cry after getting a billion dollars and suggesting Kathleen Kennedy as your successor. Good luck with with nigglet.
He was just another TFB

What's the worst movie plot twist of all time?
Is that a tranny
the entire 3rd act of Sunshine

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Why was he a villain again? He was friendly to the MC and tried to get him to go back home because he was lost in time and didn’t belong. He kept all the monsters at bay and only killed the humans needed to survive. He was technically a human just evolved.

But the Time Traveler felt bad for the lesser humans and didn’t think they should be hunted and eaten. But again the Uber only killed enough to survive.
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so are you pro-cannibalism?
Dunc 2
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since everyone wants to be funny ill actually answer, butterfly effect 4.
They were different species so it's not cannibalism.
Just some good free range featherless bipeds.

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>The Dutchman centers on an encounter between a well-to-do black man and an enchanting white woman who match wits in a sexualized game of cat and mouse that leads to a violent conclusion.

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>Welcome... to Cambrian Park!
>*Whimsical music kicks in*
these guys aren't actually that much more exotic compared to things that are still extant today
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>Howwwww can you see into my eyes like open doors?
Miss this OG

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Fight Club (Yes, for the 5th time)

What's your favorite Family Guy joke?
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This is a good joke if you're not chronically online
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>fundie has tranny porn saved onto his computer
Seth macfarlane has ruined our youth
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>tranny from discord thinks having a job is a bad thing

What did they mean by this?
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>female characters being threatened with weapons
They pretend like they don't like it but they do
this guy's been posting this shit for days. i hope he dies
kys dumb faggot
A woman cowering in fear of a phallic object being wielded by a powerful man
You are suggesting that "a woman being threatened with a weapon near trees" was invented by a 2015 movie?

How the fuck does sound come out of this?
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same but 93-03, i reject all things modern and try to live my life like it was those years as much as possible, the only exception being using the internet but even thats mostly just as a time machine into the past finding old tv shows, movies, music, commercials, photos, and other media, etc etc from my childhood
Magnetic tape is passed along the VCR's supra-aural schwarzfield transmitter which creates subfrequences through the Hirschfield-Goldsten device.
Didn't Homer do this too?
Death to all zoomers, every single one

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ITT: fuck you I like it
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I used to goon to Dennis Quaid so yeah, I liked this movie
By Dennis do you mean Randy?
The Shawnshank Redemption
The Godfather
The Dark Knight
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No, Dennis.
Jack a cute too, but he doesn't do it for me for reasons unknown

ITT: based movies

Is this the most based movie since 2010?
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The callback later in the runtime to pocket nuggets and how psyched he is to have them is still one of my favorite jokes in a comedy movie
Kek, he was good.
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i love this movie
nihilism kino

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