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it's over.

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For me? It's Alexis
Looks like she's about to make Beastman do some coke.
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I'm more of a Jenna Noelle enthusiast
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but it's hard to have ONE so i can't leave out Skylar Snow out of the equation
Board for people with no taste
Elite connoisseur always choose Madison ivy, Jesse Jane type of girls

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Why did Nolan think audiences needed to see Robert Oppenheimer having sex?
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i'm also a woman
Sex is normal and movies display several actions and scenes as their creators see fit
>So Barbie didn't suck and was entertaining? The mcu as a whole is just great cinema?
>Jesus christ you're a fucking retard
Ok, you fucking midwit, I am going to say this again slowly so you can process. Movies can be good (meaning high quality art), entertaining (meaning some large amount of people like it for non-artistic reasons) or both or neither. Barbie was not good but was entertaining (to women and fags) and so earned a shitton of money. MCU same, until recently where it has become neither. The original question is if Oppenheimer was neither, how did it earn so much money? Think before you type, I understand you can have hormonal rages from your HRT treatments.

With Nolan is always a hit and a miss when it comes to humanizing characters, conveying emotion and generating actual empathy for them. Despite his cool conceptual ideas most of his movies come out as frigid and sterile. Only a few actually manage to convey human warmth so an informed opinion says he was attempting to do just that.
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I'd argue that pic related scene is actually one of the rare sex scenes in cinema history which actually adds to the narrative of the film and makes it even better.
The way Nolan executed that scene showing it all in that very room added a lot to the uncomfortable feeling which everyone in that room felt, as Oppenheimer basically had to confess cheating on his wife while his wife sits right behind him. 99% of directors would play that scene with the usual generic edited memory sex flashblacks, the way Nolan did it elevated the scene to something much more impactful, unironically. A prude autist like Nolan doesn't include these things for nothing.

Initially it's to show that Oppenheimer feels naked during the questioning. Then the sex starts and it depicts how uncomfortable it is for his wife and the rest of the people in that room in that very moment. It's meant to be awkward and uncomfortable, you're not meant to find it so hot you whip out your dick in the theater to jizz on the person in front of you.

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Never forget what they took from you.
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i'll let this one pass as it's clearly bmwf talmud slop look at the fucking black tree ffs
Was this proto toy story thing?
A child's toy wouldn't have such comically large breasts.
DFC-chads WON
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It was a different time
Fucking algorithm, how does it work
flat one is hotter

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Movies are much more than stories (which often present non-narrative imagery and scenes too)
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>not every bender needs to only be in a stories about the amount of dicks they can suck
Was the Driver gay?
Straight women will happily go and see a lesbian movie in the same circumstances that men will go see a lesbian movie
>when the girls are hot
>when there's explicit, gratuitous nudity/sex
>when the actresses are convincingly passionate
Unfortunately, this appeals to straight men so it's not allowed outside of French/indie arthouse dramas.
Not even the french, the biggest perverts are allowing it anymore lol, name a french movie with lesbian scenes as racy as blue is the warmest color released in the last 2 years.
Nobody wants to watch some tranny homo show. Like the woke faggots always say, we can’t relate to it
Only like 3% of the population can

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>best food to sneak into the kinoplex?
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im already paying an arm and a fucking leg to watch a movie with strangers when I could very easily torrent it and enjoy it alone, shut the fuck up and let me bring whatever I want

The thinking man's choice
Now my whole day is ruined, fuck you
>being a snob about which sauce the chinese man puts on your chicken tenders

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These movies are astonishingly boring.

How can you make an action spy movie so boring?
I guess they sold well as an overreaction to Brosnan Bond getting too silly, but theyre just so miserable and dull.
What did you think of the original?
didnt know it was a remake
will definitely give it a shot
I hate how the camera is always shaking in these movies.
It's a miniseries. Richard Chamberlain was the queen of miniseries.

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did she ever do a nude scene? i know a lot of kids of rich parents who go into the arts have "a rebellious streak"
>did she ever do a nude scene?
Yeah. Troll (1986) but you can't hardly see shit.

I've jerked off to this more than once.

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How badly will they fuck her up in Inside Out 2?
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Did they even need to make up a sequel?
you know what, you got me there
Because the film is not going to be set in this year…?
That's how it works for both, dumdum.

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Waifu RUINER edition
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based non NL
You have to admit, the first security chief in DISCO was a dimepiece.
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Someone please tell me why in every Star Trek show they have no email, no text messaging, no ability to send a simple text file from one device to another. Not even a hard wired ship wide LAN.

When ever you need to give someone a report or some sort of digital information you have to physically hand them a tablet so they can read it off the tablet? I mean modern phones have the ability to just seamlessly connect and share data over Bluetooth and other protocols. So you're telling me a multi-species Federation with a massive fleet of interstellar ships capable of warp 9.8 can't figure out simple file sharing over a network? They can scan your entire molecular existence, turn it into data, kill the donor body, and then materialize a nearly identical clone thousands of kilometers away as if by magic....but they can't email???

Make this make sense /tv/.....Am I taking crazy pills here?
>Someone please tell me why in every Star Trek show they have no email, no text messaging, no ability to send a simple text file from one device to another. Not even a hard wired ship wide LAN.
They have soul

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>no, with a motorcycle made of jealousy

Holy shit, there is NO comeback to this. Ornella would be proud
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The worst is when you have a counter-zinger but the person is genuinely too stupid to understand it
Christ I've worked with some real dumb shits
You know Atkinson is absurdly wealthy right?
He probably mas more money that many countries do.
Women care most about money and status and Atkinson is one of the most famous people to ever live in the last century.
You do know how to read right?
I'm not American retard. You're just obsessed and you come off pathetic but you can't handle people telling you that. It's constructive advice that you will ignore lmao
the hosts were cunts

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what a fucking jobber
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>the Fremen specialize in ground combat and their anti-air is limited to MANPADS that can't penetrate shields
>let's constantly engage them in hand-to-hand combat instead of just carpet bombing them
kind of hilarious how the only person to figure this out was the supposedly insane and most unhinged bad guy
Dennis couldn't keep his story straight. Even the characters were confused. Feyd defeats the fremen and restores spice production. The threatened spice harvests were the reason for the Emperor's intercession on Arrakis in the book. In the movie, the Emperor actually gives no reason for showing up, none at all. He just starts demanding answers about the southern regions, inconsequential matters! Everyone is just standing around confused.
the Emperor goes because Paul is still alive and views him as a threat. It doesn't explain why he set up his entire army in the middle of an obvious ambush spot and for no reason ignored the warning about the storm that would fuck with their shields
>In the movie, the Emperor actually gives no reason for showing up, none at all.
Pesky Paul send him mean letter where he said that he will blowup spices with atomic bombs and snitch to big houses that emperor is secretly a faggot who ordered destruction of house of atreides.
>instead of just carpet bombing them
They were having trouble locating the fremen who were obviously using guerilla tactics

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What's Japanese television like?
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what are some good and funny Jap gameshows? ive seen some clips with adult themed games, maybe they are JAV actresses?

I dont want the usual idol shows those are tame.
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I had a dream last night where I was on a date with this Austrian girl named Keekihime (she used to be a foreign idol in Japan which is why I mention her) wherein she was walking behind me through a large highway??? crosswalk and she got splattered by a semi truck like blood smeared down the highway but somehow she was still alive but practically just a head wrapped up in a coroner's black bag and crowds gathered around cause they knew she used to be an idol (now a vtuber) and listened to her farewells like a performer retiring before her pale blood splattered face went lifeless and her body (what was left of it) went limp. I gently caught her lifeless head in my palm as it lost the strength to hold itself up, stopping it from indecently bouncing against the ground while she died. I watched her die blackbagged on the ground as I was kneeling right next to her and people around us watched and listened.

Pictured, on the right, known more commonly today as "Takanashi Kiara" (her corporate vtuber persona).
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okay now she should repeat that, exactly those very same movements, but naked and with my face where her pussy goes
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>he was conceived to the hour of 9/11
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cute sticc
I've realised that younger me liked this girl because older me wants to fuck trap trannys. And she looks like what some look like today.
She looks like 90s Taylor Swift

>I'm walking here
How would you respond ?
"you talkin to me?"
Crush his bones with my car
What did you say?
Are you talkin' to me?

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