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Neytiri is...
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All she does is cry in her movies is so lame as fuck
yes they seriously need to stop having her suffer so much
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a trust fund b&
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All she does is make me want her in her movies is so sexy as fuck
i could care less about your tranny opinions




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why would you waste a good script on sneeder
What I'm hearing is
>Snyder is such a NERD
>Where's muh woman feelings and long, drawn-out emotional glances?
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nigger and stronk wahmen leading roles???
FINALLY something fresh! HYPE!!
Why did it take so long for the 4k rip of the first part? These idiots
That explains why Snyderjeets have been spamming this board for days.

>Shows you can't watch anymore

I can't stand the shield now after realising vick was the baddie all along in the finale. Doesn't hold up well in 2024 now
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Shane ;(
Still hard to believe that Shane ruined everything because of the most mid-looking white bitch on the face of the planet.
Shane ruined everything because he was incompetent and didn't have the Vic Mackey style to back up his fuckups. Adding Mara into the show took him from the unreliable fuckup into a slightly more believable character, and gave Vic someone to struggle against in the endgame. Who the fuck else was he going to struggle against? Ronnie? Lem? Fucking gay black cop?
you have abysmal taste
stop posting
Breaking Bad, episode to episode, I think is better. But The Shield's final season and ending is way better than Breaking Bad's.

be honest, you liked it better
nearly everything dune related is shitty. not just the movies or series but the books especially

only the porn game gets a pass unironically
The only thing that sucked about the film was the whole "sound module" shit... Instead there should have been way more knife fighting!
David Lynch's performance as the spice harvester operator was god-awful and he only had two lines of dialogue.

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Why don't you just go suck off your local crackhead if you're so obsessed with nigger aids dicks you fucking faggot?
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Show some god damn respect to a legend man. He had a thyroid condition that caused his eyes to bulge. Before he got it he was pure Anglo Chad.
It's a humiliation ritual and the west has fallen, it's over.
She has to have a condition right? Like those eyes are not normal.

is this good?
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im also trans btw
If you're trans why are you watching horror movies? Your life is already scary enough
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>robert duvall said iranian cinema is the next big thing
>watch this
>think "wow maybe iranian cinema is the next big thing"
>find out the entire film is american other than the language
Watch Ratcatcher (1999) instead.
No it’s boring and looks cheap but the gril is cute

>for free?
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>Magical negroes
I think that's the thing green line or whatever the fuck
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i hate how retardedly good shawshank is, like it's so objectively amazing and perfect there's nothing to discuss. it feels like 200 years of AI training created the perfect, universally great movie but we got lucky and made it in 1994 instead
Cool hand Luke is very similar and many people haven't seen it simply because it's very old
Also Cool hand Luke does not have a happy ending which is very refreshing from modern Day Cinema

>friday night
God I love drugs, would never do coke at home though.

Devilish Doctors edition

previous: >>198396261
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same anon
Not a reason to shout.
watching Vermines tonight

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Did this strange reaction on late night television have any impact on his career?
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you post this 10 times every daysage
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he's still a good actor
not my problem if they're insecure nutjobs
>Sexual assault is funny
Why would it do anything to his career?
Literally only /tv/ remembers
>strange man comes out the audience and kisses him on the face
>he quivers in fear and just accepts it
>security escorts man out
>as hes being taken out Colin gets up and makes a tough guy "yeah you better get out of here" face
What did he mean by this

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Any other kno with Nazi Heroes as the main character
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Ya'll have no media literacy
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Lulu is a cute.
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uh what

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I don't get it
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gonna leave this thread open in another tab. please have lots of sexy avrils waiting for me when I come back to it.
Nigger loving talentless trash
...yes? Are you dumb?
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>play corny pop from childhood while kids are in car
>son disregards all of it
>Avril comes on
>he goes quiet
>starts asking questions about all her lyrics
>leads to deep discussions about relationships, empathy, and emotional regulation
Confirmed by clean human brain untainted by nostalgia
Avril is unironically great.

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This is England is the British version of American Hiatory X. That is to say, it's a much better film.
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faggot liberals love the "who hurt you?" mentality. They can't fathom any logical reason as to why people might be a nationalist.

They grew up on dumbass cartoons and corny movies where the villains motivation is linked to childhood trauma.
They think everyone agrees with them about how the world works, but some people choose the "bad" side because they're bad/ traumatized/ stupid.
For instance, we all AGREE that drumpf is an orange rapist fascist. But drumpfchuds like him because... they have small penises or something.
They cannot conceive of other people not agreeing with their basic CNN version of reality. They have no "theory of mind" for others. This is why you cannot actually debate issues with them. They don't think you actually disagree, they think you agree, but chose the bad side because you're a bad person.
There was a weird period where counter culture groups would adopt Nazi iconography without necessarily adopting and espousing the ideology. You see this with early goth artists like Joy Division and Siouxsie Sioux.
"Nazi chic" was a whole thing in a bunch of unrelated groups before we started treating their symbols as if they were dark magic.
shut up, inbred

Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

What is this, some kind of night of the hunter edition

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?
>script to make 3x3 webms
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this OP is good
no "it's a shame" post for this thread
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originally called Black Flies, this got extremely negative reception in Cannes last year because the film is supposedly super dark and miserable in tone, people were seething hard at it, and it never managed to get proper distribution and got dropped on Amazon Prime like two days ago
>A young paramedic is paired with a seasoned partner on the night shift in New York revealing a city in crisis. Discovering the chaos firsthand, he is tested with the ethical ambiguity that can be the difference between life and death.
Fuck off with that garbage
the negative reception last year got me interested, but I'm probably still not going to watch it
You have just reminded me of how hot Domiziana Giordano is in that film.

I need new Buggy kino NOW
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Fuck sakes, she won't even be hot like the rule63 art either I'm sure. I like Sir Croc he's cool, hope they get someone sleazecore to play him.
To be fair it's still speculation based on this shot during Roger's execution scene
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why tf are you faggots still shilling this crap
Eh she's not bad. If they go for the dommy mommy angle it could work. They did good with Big mom.
Are you allowed to smoke cigars on Netflix?

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