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Why is no one talking about this movie, it's ridiculously good.
I liked it but it's nothing I'd go out of my way to watch again, if that makes sense. It's certainly impressive from an actor's director debut
Why can't you conceive of a reason why /tv/ wouldn't like a brown john wick?

Post 'em

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Ruined by jojofags.
radiohead are gay but this video is cool
does anyone know the video with all the cowboys with their asses hanging out? i can't remember the name
I remember being really young when this song came on MTV. My mom got off to watching it. She fuckin' loved it.
essential early 2000s nostalgia core

>takes the fall for Alec Baldwin
That's loyalty
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There is no such law. That anon is overstating his case if he thinks that an actor on a set is held to the same standard as you or I would be if we were just fucking around with a gun in your backyard.
But that doesn't absolve Baldwin of his role in this accident, and his actions can still be judged as grossly negligent. It will come down to the fact that no one instructed him to fire the gun and in fact by his own admission he nevee intended to fire the gun. The discharge was entirely due to his own negligent handling. The sad reality is that had the director intended for Baldwin to fire his gun, the saftey officer most likely would not have broken protocol by handing the gun to Bladwin, and instead would have brought Hannah onto the set to do the normal final check before handoff.
So while an actor on set is not held to the same standard as someone just playing around with a gun for fun or sport, that does not mean they are held to no standard, and they can not just start firing a gun if the rest of the crew is not anticipating and prepared for it.
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Why do famous actors keep killing women and getting away with it?
>am I right?
I can see why the gauntlets exist, but what type of machine are you using that you would need a chainmail apron?
To be fair they drive on the wrong side of the road in Ireland so it wasn't really his fault

Is there anything remotely redeemable about this fag?
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lol you got raped up the ass and told the world how you jerked off to your fat hag stalker
The guy is not remotely a reliable narrator. Several people who know him have said a bunch of the show is made up.
She's seen it and has already made statements to the press denying a lot of the stuff in the show, though I'm not sure if you can trust her side either. They both just seem deranged.
All I want to know is does the flabby pig mommy get naked in this
a little bit actually, she sent him nudes kek
We need a /nigger/ for ANY new release. Period.

>reveal themselves to be cops to dozens of people over the course of 5 years
>still able to operate undercover
Miami Vice is a good show, but you have to ignore this glaring issue
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plastic surgery was still in its infancy att
I'm going to be honest, I've only seen about 6 episodes, and they're all from the first 2 seasons.
Not every criminal in the show is connected to some bigger organization that will inform them of possible undercover cops in their midst. They do eventually encounter those groups though which makes their jobs harder
Nice, I'm looking forward to watching more after seeing a few episodes in the waiting room of a car mechanic last weekend and starting off from the beginning the other day. It fucking rules so far.

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How the fuck did this get 2 seasons?
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Outside of tge woke shit it's actually pretty good.
to own the chud incel neo-nazi drump supporters
Cheap to make and season 1 was the most watched thing at the time. No brainer to make season 2 and ride the wave
Nobody really knows if the show is a success or not but in this case I can see it being renewed just because of the massive negative backlash. They had to stick it to those people. I’ve never understood why anyone would hate watch something, but even if that was the case here that’s way too many people hate watching to make sense to me. Bad movies certainly don’t get renewed popularity unless it’s some MST3K thing.
Everything gets at least 2 seasons now no matter how shit it is. Canceling a show with the right social messaging is problematic and studios will give anything a second chance to save face and avoid angering the social justice crowd.

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Why doesn't film/tv get medieval sword fighting fight, why do they just try to pointless bash at iron plates with a sword?
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Long dagger/short swords were around for much longer than that. I mention dirk just to give an example of size.
You have been consistently deflecting to things not in the scope of OP to make a point that holds no accuracy.
you are wrong.
Soldiers used polearms. Not swords.
well, it really was still a status symbol, the Man at Arms was still a servant and a minor landowner in some cases. To Serve implies a status, either to a knight or a lord. The knight also serves to a Lord. The sword was a piece of craft, dificult to make an expensive. To a knight or a Warrior it justified the cost. To a peasant it was more valuable a farming tool or a new cow. The sword as a status symbol comes from the value a determined social class gave it to it.
I may be wrong, but it's the same chance of being wrong as a couple retards taking anything old and written they can find, and using it as law, completely ignoring the fact that there were also retards back then
Yes, also retards that could write and draw
Do you think people never bother to verify a primary source?
>What the webm doesn't show is how the guy is out of breath after this single roll and has to rest for minutes if he wants to keep moving.
lmao real life is not like your shitty dark souls videogames, you fat piece of shit.

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Are you watching Velma Season 2? It's pretty kino.
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what the actual fuck
wtf American live action adaptation of JoJo???!!!
Is Mindy still self inserting perving on underage lesbians in "her" show?

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We're all gonna make it
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I bought all of it, sorry
It's certainly a more honest one.
They should have never made the rebuilds. Anno is clearly not the person he used to be.
Grow up faggots. You're like children who think they will become a heckin' capeshit hero when they grow up. Even a white collar job is aspirational for you wastes of oxygen
nah, i don't think so
Anno was always a psycho. He never actually meant what he said, it was to fuck with you. He achieved his aspirations and won't have to work a day in his life but make fiction and he tells YOU to suck up life's horrible nature and don't even use anything to cope with it because he wants to drive it in how much better his life is than yours. Japs have no soul.

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I kinda envied this guy for being able to get a girlfriend despite being a disgusting slob who doesn’t own a toothbrush but then I saw what she looks like.
has he been filing down his teeth? what the fuck?
are you saying he's better looking?
kobes inspired me to take better care of my teeth, 4 months later they're far far whiter, brushing 3 times a day with an electric one.
has Jessica found the treasure yet?

Wut? George Miller is still alive? This is still happening?
i miss when the right actors were given the right roles and not just thrown in because of current popularity
also fury road was already furiosa: the movie
I hate prequels. They're a modern abomination.
Thank fucking Lord Timothy Chalumet or Zendaya aren't in this.
I just hope this wipes out all the f*llout thread

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Thread to discuss all thins Sensei Seagal
that would be phat
Who's idea was it to have Gary Busey crossdress?

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smoking is cool
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smoking stopped being cool 20 years ago
If anything it’s more cool now since nobody does it.
It looks cool on cinema, but as an ex-smoker it wasn't cool irl. Also fucking costly.
Movie smokers nowadays are smoking fake prop cigarettes. Next time you watch Mad Men or whatever, notice how the actors exhale the smoke almost immediately.

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Incels interlinked
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It's just not worth it.
You pretend it is, because of peer pressure and biological imperatives.
You think to yourself "this time it'll work".
"This time I'll make it".
You fail until you make it.
And after all the thousands of days wasted, trying to be a person you're not, for clout you never wanted, you come to it, to the realization: you just wasted your time.
Trips of truth.
I'm 34. Never had a gf until 29. A mix of good ol' being picky and a loser/loner at the same time. Found one that was the closest to my ideal soulmate. 2 years of that shit before I realized I wanted out. 2 more years of coping until and trying again until it hit me that I just want to be alone and my desire for relationship is just wishful thinking mixed with lust.
Got through that phase and now I feel free. Actually, literally and figuratively fucking free for the first time since I started feeling pressured into getting a gf (ie, since late middle school).
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>I'm tired of trying. I'm tired of it all.
me too

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You know I know how
To make 'em stop and stare as I zone out
The club can't even handle me right now
Watchin' you watchin' me I go all out
The club can't even handle me right now
The club can't even handle me right now

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