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A server for rare individuals who possess both a psychopathic personality and high intelligence.

Are you one of us?

>Psychopathic Geniuses
Shucks...Im a sociopathic savant, drats.
How is your intranasal deferoxamine going pax?
Reminder that OP is a faggot on the prowl for young teens to abuse.
You might think to yourself "how the hell can this guy be so cringe and expect anybody to sign up?" that's because he's not trying to recruit (You), the college freshman. He's trying to recruit chuuni teens with delusions of grandeur.
Scammers use similar strategies to target low IQ marks.

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Is bromine the weirdest element?

>the only non-metallic element that is liquid in room temperature and pressure
>puts off tons of scary looking vapor
three properties?
>Still thinking in terms of elements
Are chemists the most low brow scientists there are? At least biologists have the excuse of studying mere snapshots of some of the most complex systems there are. Us physicists created formulas that transcend the outdated periodic table and the sophomoric concept of " elements" (are u some ancient Chinese philosopher) . Seriously just plug in to the EMF formulas and call it a day. There's no need to think about le quirky elements.

explain science folk
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Very nice apu
>99% of that is humans being cavemen
>says science
>science is also a slave to trends and will "prove" anything for money
I wish I could subscribe to a cavewoman's Onlyfans
unironically women
Literacy rates

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1.5/4.5 = 1/3
4.5/1.5 = 3

So what's the problem with having decimals within fractions again? I bet your equations could become more robust if you allowed it.
Literally 0 problem, bud. Sorry you're in high school and your teachers are anal about nothing.

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Is it possible to scientifically quantify the value of art by a standard other than the financial value of the artwork?
Quantification of art is a fool's errand. Its value comes from a lot of eclectic places, not unnotably 'how much you like it'.
Are you a baby who needs all the art in the world to tell you about how indomitable le human spirit is?
Art changes us, and we change the world. There's your quantification. Pic related
how much is that statue worth?
Today, maybe $10k. There are a ton of busts of Octavian that are better preserved. But to Octavian, it was priceless (JK he obviously had this commissioned) to put himself on display for all the plebs, so that they would recognize and revere him. If op is trying to find a formula to quantify the value of art monetarily, this is very difficult, since in all but the last 60 years or so, the main value of art has been it's use as propaganda, and only in rare, advanced societies did the wealthy value art that they didn't commission themselves. My advice to op: get some rich, "cultured" friends.

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Were people in the 17th century literally retarded or why is so much credit given to Newton for making fairly trivial statements about physics?
we came from monkeys dude, it had to be stated at some point, that point just seems relatively recent. We already knew it before hand, but it became axiomatic when coupled with newtons laws.
Then why thing fall, Einstein....?

It not move, I let go, it move, checkmate.

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Why are "never events" so common in the medical practice? Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
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The UK has fully universal, single-payer, taxpayer-funded, free-at-the-point-of-use for all, "socialised" medicine and still has "never events".
Try again.
>Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
Doctors are low IQ, this has been proved time and time again. Anyone dumb enough to put their life in the hands of a doctor is going to get what they deserve.
>seethes because his shit commie icon is rightly criticized
>b-b-b-b-buut i wanted to shit on the weeest waaaah
diversity being prioritized over competence, everywhere. even pilots and bus drivers. kinda spooky
Of what relevance is life expectancy to assessing health systems? Are you serious?

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>Switch to a 90% meat and fat diet
>Suppliment with some fruit
>Literally every physical or mental problem I have dissappears within a week
>Lose 10 pounds a month every month of fat
So, at this point, it's beyond any reasonable doubt that the best possible diet for anyone is obviously a high meat diet. Now, the question becomes WHY is anyone still holding a different position? It's recently been proven that the carnivore diet can literally cure bipolar.
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OP says high meat, not all meat
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food for your thoughts
Now take a quick look at the digestive tract of humans compared other primates, what do you notice?
also taking a quick glance at your supposed facts many of them appear to be wrong or completely unrelated
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take a quick look at the mental capacipty of vegans compared other humans, what do you notice?
tfw vegans will go against their own instincts because of infographs and netflix documentaries
actual mental illness

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why were doctors forcing vax on everyone when covid became nothing burger soon after?
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Why did COVID become a nothingburger soon after doctors forced the vax on everyone?
This is quite literally the worst fucking board. Every fucking thread is some retarded /pol/ rapefugee bait.

people were not allowed to attend classes and lost their jobs over it, not to mention the massive social shaming media campaign. saying "nobody forced anyone" is such bullshit.
New Mexico tried to restrict grocery stores to only those who were injected. Los Angeles wanted to cut off the water and power of those who refused the injections. It's crazy how crazy the crazies got so quickly.

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How accurate is the IDRlabs IQ test and would I expect to score lower on a real one?
I feel like this is a generous result considering few of the questions are like any on other online tests I've done, although those give similar results, and I only got 48/55.
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not accurate. it said I got like 45-50 out of 55 questions right but I got them all right
its probably one of those gay tests that just throws a number out there and what they’re actually studying is how mad you get at their lies and deceit
Profound retarded chads reporting in.
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the timer is way too fast
wait nvm it's a speedrun iq test

How come soience can't save him?
Is soience really that useless and impotent?
In 1971 Richard Nixon announced "the war on cancer" and since then trillions of dollars have been spent on 'research' and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer, why not?
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this, you can't use Monopoly money to fund something if you actually want it to succeed
>and even with over half a century of study the issue and infinite resources available, soience still has no idea how to deal with cancer
Are you retarded? We're better at treating cancer now than ever before in history. Cancer treatment has improved enormously since the 70s.
>Finally get in the big chair
>Cancer, like a year later
Honestly I do feel kind of bad for Charles.
>How come soience can't save him?
Cause he's a "natural medicine" nutter that doesn't believe in chemo.

You can bring a horse to water, but you can't make it take cancer meds.
He got his name in the history books as king so there's not much for him to do now. The Monarchy is mostly toothless. Any theoretical power they have, they know better than to ever exercise. He's in the big chair but there's not much to do in it. Even before the cancer diagnosis, he looked quite world weary. He's probably disappointed with how things turned out with Harry but has put most of his effort into William over the years anyway. He has surpassed the length of Edward VIII's reign, so he won't go down as the shortest reigning British monarch. Beyond the typical human desire to continue living, he doesn't have much reason left to live as king.

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Why are Swiss people indifferent to climate crisis?
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The left one is the frog eyed girl from Fallout.
not only is it faster and cheaper, its also a lot more pleasant
You also have the freedom to stop wherever you want in between, such as Neuchatel
Because they have the globohomo conferences in Switzerland so everyone there knows global warming is fake
Gold. Same reason they were indifferent to "other things" historically.

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>slap a secondary coil on the inductor
>charge the capacitor in short spurts
>battery equivalent energy density???

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Is this true about nuclear energy?
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Yes, that's true. Leftists in the west oppose nuclear power because nuclear power doesn't involve disrupting social norms or arresting the "decadent" capitalist lifestyles that make communism look bad.
how does genociding the Palestinians solve climate change for the jews?
that "person" ought to be thrown into a reactor core, but there is a decent argument that nuclear power reinforces authoritarian power structures, since it requires extensive capital investment and governmental oversight.
>he should be murdered, also he's right
classic leftist
nice pilpul but again: they are stepping up their attempts to smear others as "evil" as they genocide the Palestinians

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Good news everyone, it turns out that plants like CO2.
How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
Seems like it should be big news, but they never talk about it.
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>How come scientists never discovered this until recently?
You are making a fundamental mistake conflating what you, personally, are aware of, with what "scientists discovered". Your ignorance is not their ignorance.
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Running off into the ocean is the problem. If it were economical to extract phosphorus from the ocean then we wouldn't be mining it. The best you can get right now is composting seafood waste, but that's not enough to support all of our agriculture.
Venus doesn't even look remotely like that. More NASA image editing.
Sediment. If we are scraping the ocean bed for sea food then we can scrape the floor for mud too

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