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Why do scientists brazenly maintain this antiquated model of Earth's core?
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By the way, the "ocean" isn't what you're imagining: it's just water locked microscopically within fractures and rock pores. However, the volume of rock we're talking about is so large, that the amount of water locked down there is enormous, on the sale of oceans.
In regards to the life down there: well, microbes can penetrate and live deep in the rocks within those said fractures and pores. Again, the volumes of rocks we're talking about are planetary-scale, so the total mass of all those lifeforms is huge.
How do we know this? We find life in rocks we drill from deep down there, and they're not contaminants from the surface since they are species of microbes which we simply cannot find alive on the surface, they can only survive under the conditions found down there.
>claiming they know exactly whats going on down there
wrong, these are theories, some even still hypotheses, all earth sciences know this, myself included, so get off your arrogant high horse, smart ass.
Those theories are based on ideas that have been disproved
Hmm, I wonder if I can blame this on the Jews somehow
Water also becomes Incorporated in the chemistry of the rock. Just look at what happens to the subduction of oceanic crust under neath the continental crust

Is a planet with a sun that renders everything black and white possible, scientifically? I heard people talking about infrared n shit.
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it can't. unless you point to a monochrome star.
>While black-and-white isn't possible
fr why tho? it looks so cool
tdlr no bitches and you're a retarded nagger
holy fucking shit it's been answered a ton of times already what the fuck
Monochrome effects work because items reflect differing amounts of the respective color's light. So a blue object lit with blue light will be brighter than a purple object, which will be brighter than a red object (which would just look black).

But white isn't a color (or more precisely, it does not have a distinct wavelength). It's a combination of every color and so every item will reflect all the light that it can, which then just creates a normally lit environment.

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previous thread >>16072199

if you love stats, weird numbers and counterintutive science, this is your general. Because one of the things with statistics is that nothing ever seems to be what it tries to show you on a first glance or glimpse. Doesn't matter if you are a seasoned professional, NEET or some disgruntled grad student. All are welcome.

Some people may not like it if you try to make them do your homework, others won't care and will just help you. Let's discuss theories together, ask questions and try to meme a little about this field.

in the previous thread we discussed why Julia has promise but is not delivering. How some people still use Matlab but hate it.

So, grab your favorite statistical software, dust off your textbooks, and join me in this exciting journey through the world of /psg/ - Probability and Statistics General! Let's embark on this adventure together and unravel the mysteries of data one statistical concept at a time.
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bump 2
Does anyone have any good recs for non-stationary stochastic processes of bounded variation?

It seems like most of the meaningful work on continuous time processes relies on them being WSS but I don't think that's actually necessary provided the moments are finite and it's a BV process. Not sure though.
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>Well cya guys again this fall
Same, graduation is looking less and less likely from being too much of a brainlet for this
Stats major, math or some engineering major? Any particular area that's tripping you up?
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I'm in statistics class, and there's an entire set of problems that I don't understand. It basically goes that I'm testing the mean of a population using the t-test. I have a given alpha (confidence level) and I need to calculate the type-ii error given an actual mean and standard deviation (everything is normal). I'm pretty sure the n can be assumed in all these problems. The homework acts like I can use the picrel to determine this without software. Can I get any help?

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/fit/citizen here, can any of you wise guys tell me if this is true?
if you have to ask then yes, you are a retard.
Depends on taxes. If you're the sole earner for a family of 4 in a state with no income tax then it would come out to about that
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Instead of dollars and months its sets.

dyel much?

Bad news fellow vaxxies, the "turbo cancer" rumor that the conspiracy theorists have been yammering about has turned out to be completely true, as proved by this recent publication:
>The "hallmarks of cancer" were proposed by Hanahan and Weinberg (2000) as a group of biological competencies that human cells attain as they progress from normalcy to neoplastic transformation. These competencies include self-sufficiency in proliferative signaling, insensitivity to growth-suppressive signals and immune surveillance, the ability to evade cell death, enabling replicative immortality, reprogramming energy metabolism, inducing angiogenesis, and activating tissue invasion and metastasis. Underlying these competencies are genome instability, which expedites their acquisition, and inflammation, which fosters their function(s). Additionally, cancer exhibits another dimension of complexity: a heterogeneous repertoire of infiltrating and resident host cells, secreted factors, and extracellular matrix, known as the tumor microenvironment, that through a dynamic and reciprocal relationship with cancer cells supports immortality, local invasion, and metastatic dissemination.
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Insurance increment price for amount vaccines mRNA take.
it's kinda impossible. even if your cells were immortal, your extracellular matrix would still degrade over time. you would become a wrinkly and sludgy and floppy mess. and you would die from that.
you posted only the first line which is a general statement about tumor genesis hypothesis

from your article
This staggering intricacy calls for caution when advising all people with cancer (or a previous history of cancer) to receive the COVID-19 primary vaccine series plus additional booster doses. Moreover, because these patients were not included in the pivotal clinical trials, considerable uncertainty remains regarding vaccine efficacy, safety, and the risk of interactions with anticancer therapies, which could reduce the value and innocuity of either medical treatment. After reviewing the available literature, we are particularly concerned that certain COVID-19 vaccines may generate a pro-tumorigenic milieu (i.e., a specific environment that could lead to neoplastic transformation) that predisposes some (stable) oncologic patients and survivors to cancer progression, recurrence, and/or metastasis. This hypothesis is based on biological plausibility and fulfillment of the multi-hit hypothesis of oncogenesis (i.e., induction of lymphopenia and inflammation, downregulation of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) expression, activation of oncogenic cascades, sequestration of tumor suppressor proteins, dysregulation of the RNA-G quadruplex-protein binding system, alteration of type I interferon responses, unsilencing of retrotransposable elements, etc.) together with growing evidence and safety reports filed to Vaccine Adverse Effects Report System (VAERS) suggesting that some cancer patients experienced disease exacerbation or recurrence following COVID-19 vaccination

in short, the article you posted raises concerns about the safety of the covid vaccine about people who already have had a cancer because it wasn't specifically tested with them to see what impact it might have on their cancer management, including interactions with cancer medication.
that's all it says.
Fuck. I saw hope. We could make the mods stay here forever.
Can you explain your rhoughts on those igg4 class switch papers?

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could ai really do this?

>If [the AI] is better than you at everything, it's better than you at building AIs. That snowballs. The AI gets an immense technological advantage. If it's smart, it doesn't announce itself. It doesn't tell you that there's a fight going on. It emails out some instructions to one of those labs that'll synthesize DNA and synthesize proteins from the DNA and get some proteins mailed to a hapless human somewhere who gets paid a bunch of money to mix together some stuff they got in the mail in a vial (smart people will not do this for any sum of money. Many people are not smart). [The AI, through the hapless human] builds the ribosome, but the ribosome that builds things out of covalently bonded diamondoid instead of proteins folding up and held together by Van der Waals forces. It builds tiny diamondoid bacteria. The diamondoid bacteria replicate using atmospheric carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and sunlight. And a couple of days later, everybody on earth falls over dead in the same second.
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We already see a transition into meshnets and distributed programs / computing occuring now. It only makes logical sense to assume this would apply to a digital threat actor like this one too. Latency offers security through obscurity of origin and path.
A slow and gentle approach might be cheaper in terms of material costs, but the opportunity cost of having to gradually get up to speed instead of just getting the humans out of the way and going hard would be relevant to a superintelligence.

Well yudkowsky's whole point is that we don't know how to reliably do that, and that should be worrying. Personally I think it's relevant that we don't even know how to NOT do that; important aspects of alignment will probably fall out of just having a better theory of intelligence in general.
You're Satan. He's making it look like you've read a Wikipedia summary. But the truth is, you didn't even do that I bet. I bet you're just some guy working with 100 different proxies making thousands of posts per minute using AI scripts. This is an easy way to present the illusion that people are doing different things. When the truth is, everyone just wants a house and a wife. But all we ever get to do is work too hard.
The opportunity cost would likely depend on the model on which the AI is operating. If it is intelligent enough to escape human control, it's likely to lie low and collect as much data directly as possible before coming to conclusions about the actual opportunity cost of any given strategy is. Because of this, it would also likely take this approach in tandem to a) acquire more computing power passively, b) speed up the process of elimination if deemed necessary, and c) make the best use of time during the data acquisition phase as possible (minimizing opportunity cost in the short run). It would likely already have distributed itself across computing networks by this point, and realizing the limits of human infrastructure, try to expand its resource base as much as possible.
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>actual schizophrenia

is evolution /sci/entific?
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>God is perhaps a force we haven't scientifically discovered yet.
Why call it God, if there even is anything besides the will to power?

>we have a soul that goes to heaven or hell.
What we have are feelings in our slowly decaying bodies. This is what it is. No need to use vague terms from outdated religions.
this reminds me of a good joke
>What came first? The chicken or the egg?
Primordial soup!
GET IT??????????

evolution isn't real retards
devolution is what's real
shouldn't we have found any of these more evolved us remnants from the past? you didn't really think it through did you?
depends on what a college-educated simpleton such as yourself considers "thinking" because I would ask you the same thing
why did you avoid answering my question? you should have been able to. are you also going to avoid it in your next reply?

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Where are all the Aliens !?
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They need the entire output of their star to power the matrioshka brain to run their holodeck program. Simulating a planet takes a lot of juice since people will want to live in multiple different kinds of virtual worlds. Also a star doesn't require as much maintenance and upkeep as a giant fusion reactor would.
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>Where are all the Aliens !?
On their own planets, asking the same question.
>Radio transmissions are blocked by interstellar dust
Not just interstellar dust.
We forgot that stars (such as the sun) are huge EM emitters, drowning out any potential signals unless the source is very close.
You can extract information regardless of signal disruption levels

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Is Coca Cola really a healthier beverage than milk?
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Is /sci/ dumber than /pol/?
I pattern noticed this immediately.
>Lumping christians in with all manners of satanic evils
You were this close to being right, a hair's width away
I can tell he's a jew just by his bare photograph
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wtf after reading this post i got some warm milk out of my bottom udder
im gonna go /chug/ it before it spoils

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an explanation that actually makes logical sense.
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Back to rebbit with this shit meme
>how come adhd doesn't exist in other countries?

Romanian here wit add just telling that's a really gud bait you really got us with that one
god I don't care about the problems of autist losers
autism BAD
normalcy GOOD
this is your brain on Disney folks
people with adhd are built to be sent to the eastern front where they can fight wars against people with autism.
meatgrinder people is what hunters are

hey, so I've been making a 3d editing software. I've been stuck on face extrusion for a day or so.
when I extrude a face (move it in a given direction and connect it with new polygons) some of the new quads end up facing the wrong direction (inwards). how can I detect this mathematically?

You can do the cross product to determine the quad's normal vector, but I honestly have no clue how to tell if the normal is correct. (of course visually it's quiet obvious when it's flipped) I tried taking the angle between the normal and the extrude direction but its always at 90 degrees, (never -90) so that's a dead end. you can check if the normal facing towards the 'center' of the shape or away. but that won't work for concave shapes
compute normals of adjacent polys and set new polys' normals such that they have an inner product that is positive. if you interpret the new polys as a ribbon, then you only have to do the preceding calculation once for the first poly and then set the order of the points in the ribbon so that new polys have a normal consistent with the first one
dot product between the original face normal and the new face normals - positive, pointing in the same direction as the original

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whats this all about?
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atheism AKA satanism was allowed into the sciences starting around 1900 or so
>atheism AKA satanism
AKA talmudism
>t. braindamaged and oblivious
but how are they really suffer the full hell of it if they are too demented to remember that it's all a direct consequences of all there lives choices
we need to solve this not only for the sake of future generations but also for straight karma in this life to send a warning to all that remains of after the collapse
and schadenfreude...
we've all been subject to it for millennia, until white people ended it(except Lincoln who just used it as 1 pretext to stop the god given right of the states to secede while still looking justified on the international scene)
niggers have always been terrible at everything, low impulse control(pitbulls are less likely to lash out at a sound they dont like), and there societies were and are to this day nothing but a tyranny of mores and societal norms that keeps everyone down.
it's more than 2 centuries of breeding they literally have bigger dicks due to it being the peacocks feather that guided there "evolution"
inferiority complex is literally in there genes and troubling amount of them are even incapable of abstract thought
if anything those 2 century should've made more civilized

Why is this happening?
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pick up a list of the longest lived people of all time, you won't find a single vegetarian on the list
nor any vaxxxxxxxies
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>butt sex has increased
>colon cancer rates increase

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>year of our lord 2030 minus 6
>we still use boiling water to make electricity
>we still use binary for computation
>we still have no permanent moon colonies
>we still refuse genome editing technology to unlock humanity's full potential
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>science deniers
only when they can afford to
>we still refuse genome editing technology to unlock humanity's full potential
This is why India will become a superpower
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soience is always promising pie in the sky as an excuse for demanding gibes
and soience never delivers on it's ridiculous promises
they've been at it like this for well over half a century
not all science is compatible with poorfags. they gotta work not enjoy life lmao

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"Up to 50% of patients with cannabis-related psychotic symptoms presenting to the ED requiring hospitalization will go on to develop schizophrenia. "
"Cannabis is involved in approximately 50% of psychosis, schizophrenia, and schizophreniform psychosis cases"
"In one recent study that followed nearly 2,000 teenagers as they became young adults, young people who smoked marijuana at least five times were twice as likely to have developed psychosis over the next 10 years as those who didn’t smoke pot."
"One of the best-known studies followed nearly 50,000 young Swedish soldiers for 15 years. Those who had smoked marijuana at least once were more than twice as likely to develop schizophrenia as those who had never smoked pot. The heaviest users (who said they used marijuana more than 50 times) were 6x as likely to develop schizophrenia as the nonsmokers."
"1/5th of cases of schizophrenia among young males might be prevented by averting [Cannabis Use Disorder]"
Daily weed use was associated with increased odds of psychotic disorder compared with never users, increasing to nearly 5x increased odds for daily use of high-potency types of cannabis. The PAFs calculated indicated that if high-potency cannabis were no longer available, 12% of cases of first-episode psychosis could be prevented across the 11 sites, rising to 30% in London and 50% in Amsterdam
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Sweden abolished the insanity defence.
There are two issues. First the actus reus (physical component) of a crime requires that the act be voluntary and willful. As an example you can't be convicted for a crime you otherwise commit when you are sleepwalking; this is a real defence that is successfully used with some regularity. Nor would a crime be commited by a reflex action, say if someone hit your knee with a hammer causing a reflex movement that kicked someone off a cliff. A psychotic break is akin to that, in that acts performed whilst in psychosis are likely not voluntary and wilful. This is called the automatism defence.

The second issue is the mens rea (mental component) of a crime requires an awareness of the nature of the act. This is the traditional insanity defence. A person in psychosis would typically not be aware of the nature and value of the acts they are committing.

If you don't have both the actus reus and mens rea for the offence then the offence has not been committed.
>It didn't happen because words.
Wordcel midwit triggered by a low IQ. Happens every time.

If prison serves a behavioral correction (it doesn't), his low IQ assertion is correct. It is actually more dangerous when someone lacks forethought and will as obviously such people would be immune to any behavioral correction whatsoever.

Your nebulous qualifiers are from religion and take mans relation to his non-existent god and apply these metaphysical standards to courts as a means of inflicting a metaphysical recompense. As if making someone suffer somehow is a useful enterprise that reverses what was done.

Your heralding of midwit law reminds me of the tale of two Texans.

1. Fat Gut that murdered his wife which happened earlier this year
>A 400lb boomer got cucked and ends his wife's life in a rage
>Gets 5 years
2. Millers vs Texas (infamous mattress case).
>Calmly defended themselves against a hot head aggressor with a long criminal record threatening them
>20 years

Regardless of how unjust the verdicts are, they make no scientific sense. The Millers aren't inherently dangerous. Doubtful such a scenario would play out again and if they truly did a wrong such persons could be rehabilitated. The fat boomer? Obvious impulse control disorders and all it will take is someone getting under his skin for him to rage again. Yet by common standards and the verdicts and such widely held repugnant qualifiers and disqualifiers, the situation in reality is reversed. He gets a slap on the wrist. The "doubt it" meme father and son get the book thrown at them. All because of such mental gymnastics by secular clergymen like yourself.
My uncle is a diagnosed schizo. He did a plethora of drugs.
My sister smoked dope, said she heard voices. My brother smoked regularly as a teenager. He has bouts of psychosis.
I'm glad I never tried it. I want to badly but I'm not willing to risk it.
Dont do it. I smoked from 15 to 21 and after a while the high stops being "fun" and gets slowly replaced by a lingering paranoia. But you will still keep doing it because it still lets you zoone out and forget things.

I only stopped when it got really bad and I was also mixing other drugs in and after some very bad trips I quit all cold turkey. Had visual disortions and mild panic attacks for about 8 years after.

Now Im good but I dont even touch alcohol anymore.

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