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Climate scientist Stephen Schneider of NOAA in the October 1989 issue of Discover magazine admitted that climate scientists intentionally mislead the public about global warming as a means of forwarding their political goals:

>Stephen Schneider of the National Center for Atmospheric Research described the scientists’ dilemma this way:
>“On the one hand, as scientists, we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but—which means that we must include all the doubts, the caveats, the ifs, ands, and buts. On the other hand, we are not just scientists but human beings as well.

>And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climatic change. To do that we need to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This ‘double ethical bind’ we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest.”
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Milankovich forcing is cooling, not warming at the moment
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NASA isn't lying just because it takes you longer than 5 minutes to sound out that article.
>NASA isn't lying
yes it is, NASA is a propaganda agency, its their job to circulate lies

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whats this all about?
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There is a group of people who constantly look for what makes people "retarded", attacking all cooking materials one after another, not getting that it is their iron that is toxic and making them schizophrenic.
science used to improve people's lives until about 100 years ago, then it started making things worse instead.
what changed during the early and mid 20th century?
Covid causes brain damage
And it does it in such a way the affected person does not realize they have a problem until someone points out an issue
PUFAs are genuinely toxic at repeated high heat levels and increase the chance of autism in offspring, although the damage can be reversed by cutting them out of your diet.
atheism AKA satanism was allowed into the sciences starting around 1900 or so

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Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?
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these are same people that will beg you to be sad about satanic tranny books that were burned by nazis
I'd like to get to go to a book burning one day. Seems like a fun and a productive activity
>Sample size of 500
Why even bother?
It isn't. That's why it isn't taboo.
Everyone knows trannys are mentally ill, its not taboo to talk about it

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I can't believe this kind of horror movie level of gruesomeness and butchery is considered "practicing medicine" in the current year.
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The followup for vaginoplasty and vulvoplasty is what, 7 months? Just enough time for the afterglow and the gaslighting friends to abandon you as the problems begin to mount up.
turns out that not even your family will support you if your room smells like piss, shit, and decaying flesh
Aboriginals DO look like a different species, after all. Let them claim they evolved independently, I don't mind them self-confirming they're subhuman freaks.
False, Gender surgeries have the highest regret rate of any surgery there is.
also the highest rate of post surgical suicide

There was a thread about this earlier, but for some reason the jannies deleted it.

Apparently, it has be discovered that one of the top stem education scholars in the world, Stanford professor Jo Boaler, has actually been manipulating and fabricating her research for years. This is a major problem because she is literally one of the top scholar in her field and she is literally at the forefront of neoliberal DEI initiatives and her work is currently being used to completely redesigned the entire grade school stem education system in the state of California. She advocates for standardizing education, eliminating advanced STEM courses and electives, eliminating magnet programs and forms of self-directed and personalized education, and standardizing all curriculum and course requirements. She wants ALL public school students (but NOT private schools) to be taught the same material, in the same classes, using the same textbooks, and she wants to discourage independent study or exploration of other topics until students reach the university level.

The rationale for this is that people like Jo Boaler want all children to be on the same page, and they don't want some children having an unfair advantage, and that also want to discourage the misconception that education is about intellectual exploration or "doing your own research". Instead, the goal of education should be to cultivate "informed citizens" who know to seek out and rely on authoritative sources.

Its funny, because 20 years ago standardizing education and eliminating electives and magnet schools and advanced STEM class was considered a conservative policy. At the time it was called No Child Left Behind and it was a policy of the Bush administration. Today it's the neoliberal left pushing for the standardization of education instead.

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>nothing in those journals is ever true, anyone who thinks they are is a gullible dumb chump
Nobody ever reads those things, academic publishing is just a wing of the pay for play vanity publishing industry.
90% anon
That was the target
and they complied
>the warnings were written to be released 75 years latter (spoilers)

People are not smart, even the smart ones.
Right, but soientists are too stingy and selfish to pay for their own vanity publications so they only pay using their welfare gibes government grant money to cover the costs instead
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>Blacks cant into mathema-
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>oh muh precious precious blacks
>i am the savior of the lesser races
the inevitable racist attitude of the narcissistic savior complex
This isn't even entirely incorrect. The ability to assign non-standard interpretation to mathematical symbols that respect SOME but not ALL off their usual properties is a pretty interesting, subtle, and profound fact that really does have a lot of relevance when it come to things like information theory, cryptography, model theory, and abstract algebra.

The problem, however, is that he's attempting to use these observations to support these woke political and cultural arguments that just parot your typical neoliberal technocractic globalist talking points and political agenda. If he was genuinely interested in discussing the implications of science, math, and philosophy, for society, and particularly, questions about scientific realism and social constructionism, that would be great, and a really cool subject that hasn't really been explored as much as a it should be (of course, there are exceptions like Heidegger, Nietzsche, some of the sociobiologist/EvoPsych peoplle etc.) However, he's not interested in having those sorts of discussion. It's just like the NPR ceo who was just in the news for basically saying that objective truth is an outdated and oversimplistic concept. The problem is that these people are willing to doubt objective truth when they're talking about "le white people bad" narrative, but when it comes to something like the Lab Leak Hypothesis or the Replication Crisis or criticism of Zionism or any of the other academic third-rail type issue that you're not allowed to talk about, then they forget all about the "social construction of reality" that they always like to talk about. In fact, in these settings, their entire argument is predicated on the notion of "objective truth" and "settled science".
>The ability to assign non-standard interpretation to mathematical symbols that respect SOME but not ALL off their usual properties is a pretty interesting, subtle, and profound fact that really does have a lot of relevance when it come to things like information theory, cryptography, model theory, and abstract algebra.
>The problem
I hate this nigger so much. He genuinely believes people should take him seriously after he's asserted that 2 + 2 = 5.
What does he expect? Trolls will use whatever immutable characteristics you have to insult you. I'd expect a person of color to understand this.

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>Radio waves move just as fast as gamma waves even though they have less energy
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Well, you see, they both travel at the same speed and reach their destination at the same time, but one travels the distance in continuous increments and the other jumps there instantly
Energy equals mass
Think them as two cars that have correlation between power and weight
>Other has 100 hp engine and weights 1000kg
>Other has 50 hp engine and weights 500kg
That's why they both move as fast as other. And if those cars collide with you, the heavier car makes bigger damage.
According to relativistic mass-energy equivalence[eqn]E = \frac{|\mathbf{p}|}{c},[/eqn]where [math]\mathbf{p} = \hbar\, \mathbf{k}[/math] according to the de-Broglie relation. The variable [math]\mathbf{k} = 2\pi/\lambda[/math] is the wave vector of wave length [math]\lambda[/math]. The wave length is equivalent to the frequency of wave. So the energy is "stored" in the frequency of the radiation.

I think, you're confused because in the macroscopic world the energy and momentum of a "particle" are tied to the velocity velocity and mass, think of [eqn]E = \frac{m}{2}\, v^2 = \frac{p^2}{2m}.[/eqn]But with microscopic massless particles moving at high velocities these intuitions do not apply necessarily.
>particle spook tries to teach the particle physicist his research doesn't exist
yeah I dunno about that you nigger

According to the scientific method, if you feel something is true and you have media power, it’s now science
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>reeeeeeee your dum!!!!!!
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you might be a child molester
its funny because its ture
Many ancient gods are androgynous. It's possible that some shaman-type characters would mimic those kinds of roles.

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Is it worth dropping out of my CS (year 2) degree and starting a math/physics degree at age 21 at a different (better) university from scratch? I hate my current experience.
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>that pic
When the blind lead the blind it's like that frfr
>Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.
I need help tho
years 2 you have only taken what 2 cs courses? retard
Mean.. originally

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Good news everyone, Arctic ice accumulation is above average for this time of year compared to the average for this century so far. Seems like the global warming doomsday scenarios that so many scientists have been predicting aren't coming true, isn't that great news? I know you're ecstatic to hear it, especially the people who are so concerned about the environment, they should be extra happy to see this good news.
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Holy shit Michael Mann and Tony Heller are gonna 1v1 on Twitter
no im from the arctic it is still just as cold as 30 years ago ok thnx for listening to my ted talk
as you can see here the russians have infiltrated the us naval institute and these nuclear powered icebreakers are merely soviet tricks ok

You guys still believe this shit? They tweak the data to make you scientists dance around like monkeys to produce whatever results they wanted from the start. You're paper pushers and you know it. If you don't collect your own data, you're a fraud. You're controlled by money and by the government like the puppet you are.

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Bad news woke science bros, looks like science is still racist
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pretty much
Good news racist science bros, looks like science is still racist
Can we just kill all the smart people already? These dudes really piss me off with their triple digits IQs
>anglo news mention anglo names
I have to admit, they've ran with this 2008-era "you can't be racist against white people" stuff much, much farther than I ever thought they would.

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what is pericarditis?
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>25 years old
>just graduated from college
those other vaccines have all been around for decades, the covid vax is just a few years old
They don't.
Covid did a number on NCAA eligibility rules which are already convoluted. They basically gave everyone an extra year or two, which compounds with standard redshirting practices. I don't know his specific case but a lot of upperclassman college football players are enrolled in graduate programs.
Jannie deleted the chart showing that the covid vax had caused more deaths in the past 3 years than all other vaccines combined had caused over the past 40 years

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Reminder that a vegan diet, because of it's nutritional deficiencies, will cause your IQ to drop by roughly 10%
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You are short on COVID boosters, get two in each arm right now!
This is what a 90 IQ looks like.
Not with true Scotsmen at any rate
Don't sign your posts
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>Don't sign your posts

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Is the moon really a planet thats made of gas? Have the scientists been lying to us all along?
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the n word is racist
still crying? come on, let it go, friend.
thats good
Her staff is probably full of people similar to her.
How come "conspiracy theorists" are right about everything?

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They're burning coal because they're scared of nuclear, which is retarded but it has nothing to do with climate change
Thats because CO2 doesn't change the climate. CO2 isn't a greenhouse gas, theres no evidence that it is
>theres no evidence that it is
theres massive amounts of evidence that it isn't
in the absence of natural selection libtards should be encouraged to abort and mutilate their offspring
They already do that, but they could do even better if they were to off themselves instead of greedily living out their normal lifespans

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