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>go to a bar hoping to get laid
>see two beautiful girls sitting separately
>calculate my chances with each, they're not great
>but if I approach both, the combined probability isn't bad
>one girl leaves early, gets hit by a truck and fucking dies
>my chances of getting laid with the remaining girl are now higher than what they were initially
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Firstly, there are three women, not two. Secondly, you know that one of them is 100% into you, but you do not know which one. Maybe you're meeting a blind date who is as into your obscure weird fetish as you are but stupidly forgot to agree on a token of recognition in your eagerness to meet. You also know that any other women will be repulsed by your sick fetish. If you broach the subject of your fetish with someone who is not into it, she will kick you in the balls, neutering you, and subsequently have you arrested, ruining any chance you have of getting laid. However, you have no other way of ascertaining her identity. With nothing to go on, you strike up a conversation with a random woman Whilst she is your captive audience, another woman gets up and leaves. You know this cannot be the woman you were intending to meet; she will never meet another man as sick as you. One other woman that you didn't talk to is still waiting by the bar.

So, do you bring up your fetish to the woman you're talking to? Or do you go to the woman by the bar and apologise for the confusion? What if there were four women in the bar, and two of them left, besides one by the bar and the one you're awkwardly making small talk with? What if there were five, and three of them left over the course of the evening? What if there were fifty women at first and at the end of the night there's just two left, the one you're talking to, and another who's been sitting by herself all evening?
Yeah that's the Monty Hall Problem alright but I'm just pointing out how absurd it is that the success probability of a group concentrates into one choice once the rest have been eliminated. Isn't that the standard reasoning behind switching?
It only happens when there is a specific reason for it. Probability is not an inherent property something possesses, but an expression of our relative certainty about it. So as women leave the bar, it becomes more likely that the ones who stay behind have an interest in you.
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why does this problem filter so many normalfags? It's obvious that when goat doors are eliminated, the remaining unselected door becomes more tantalizing. any literal retard should be able to intuitively understand that switching doors after the elimination of a goat door gives them an advantage.
like how mr. monty only opens the door without the free pussy behind it because he knows the door is celibate

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Who (please be specific with named individuals) are powerful enough to have this mass censored from Biology 101 classes?
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We don't need you and we owe you nothing.
Blacks will win
>an argument
Whether or not you are an idiot isn't up for debate. You're an idiot.

Putting forward an argument would legitimize the idea you aren't an idiot as potentially on the same mental level as your average human, or even dog, and that shouldn't be done.

Obviously I could explain why you're an idiot, but you've done a better job of that than I ever could. I have nothing more persuasive to add.
>blacks can't speak english
They can't. They can imitate it, but they can't speak it. Ebonics is their native tongue.
>african banjo
Kek. You know who made that claim? Dena Epstein. One person made this claim with very little evidence. She was a zionist and did what she could to disparage white culture.
>blacks can't read
The only ones that can have some white in them.
>blacks can't write
See above
>blacks can't beat us in booxing
Had to beat a retired boxer that hadn't fought in 6 years and lose a ton of weight, and the canadian that was sick. Kek.
>negro leagues joined baseball, not took over
Best baseball player of all time is the Babe. The best baseball players of all time are white or mestizo.
>tiger woods
Half chinese
>simone biles
Fucking kek
>arthur ashe
Legitimately good, but everyone has a little white in them
>blacks can't do science

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>They can imitate it, but they can't speak it. Ebonics is their native tongue.
Going by this logic, Americans in general can't speak English either, since the language you faggots speak doesn't sound anything like what Bongs speak.

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ITT we expose lies of math
>Gabriel's horn has infinite surface area but finite volume
>Unit hypercube has volume = 1 in all dimensions but infinite surface area for higher dimensions
Clear violations of Stokes theorem, not that they give a shit.
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n*0=0, zero is multiplicatively absorptive, infinity is additively absorptive as well on top of that, you baboon
Infinity isn't a number. At least that's what the mathematicians claim when it's convenient. Then they claim you can add numbers to non numbers. Therefore pizza + 1 = pizza.
True, this also applies to the sum of natural numbers being -1/12.
Algebra on infinite makes no sense even in currently accepted fundamental axioms of fürs and second order logic as well as other set theoretic axioms
>Infinity isn't a number.
it is, they just say it isn't because retards cant even cope with literal multiplication, let alone infinities
re-educate yourself
>it is, they just say it isn't
Thank you for admitting mathematicians are liars

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Why is the IQ of college students today so much lower than it was in the past?
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>Go to college
>experience IQ loss as a result
can science explain why this is happening?
why does going to college make ppl dumber?
Don't fall for the bait

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By the way I'm trans idk if that matters
You think that shit's weird.

All primes are either:
a. 5k±1
b. 5k±2
c. 5k±3
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What kind of mental illness is this? I genuinely have no idea why someone would be doing it.
All primes are either:
a. 10k±1
b. 10k±3
He's (You) farming.

(You) wouldn't get it.

Do you ever think a godlike alien being is responsible for allowing causality(evolution/adaptability/etc) to produce such intelligent beings, AKA humans?

Could nature's one way cause-and-effect, or evolution, truly produce such intelligent beings as humans on its own?

Just how delicate and precious is life really? Obviously we have no way of going back in time or looking at life from beginning to end in its full totality.
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You can travel to the past, you just can’t alter your own past. The moment you step into the past you’re automatically entering a different past-present-future.

You cannot save *your* Abraham Lincoln.

Travelling into the future is just going fast.
you can't travel to the past tho. that's just fantasy, nobody traveled to the fucking past.
the only time travel is in the future of other reference frames, that's it. and you are not in them. and you can't do the equivalent of that for the past. travel to a past in which you are not because of the fact that you traveled in the past. like it would be if you would travel close to speed of light, you'd travel in Earth's future, where you weren't all that time, you were in your ship. hence why you can't travel in your own future/past, or any past, doesn't make sense.
The past doesn't exist. It happened once, but it's not happening any more.
I don’t care if you can or can’t go into the past, although the idea that you can’t is more absurd. You either can or you can’t. There is no third alternative.

What I do care about, is that you can’t technically change your past. You can only alter a different past-present. It would make no sense otherwise.
>I don’t care if you can or can’t go into the past, although the idea that you can’t is more absurd. You either can or you can’t. There is no third alternative.

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Post op trannys are over 10x more like to commit suicide than pre-op trannys


>Although the overall proportion of those experiencing a psychiatric encounter was similar between the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups, suicide attempts were more common in the vaginoplasty group (4.4% vs. 1.7%, p=0.033). The rate of a psychiatric encounter occurring after surgery if an episode prior surgery occurred was 33.9% and 26.5% for the vaginoplasty and phalloplasty groups.
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Well, according to OP's source... 3.3% and 1.5%, respectively.
There's a difference between a stereotype and a norm. A stereotype about men, for example, is that they think about sex every five seconds. A norm, however, is that men are required to use the bathroom that has a stick figure without a skirt on it. Norms are enforced by society at large. It's all well and good when you don't "conform to stereotypes" but if you fall outside the norm, people are going to try to correct you.
That there is a further difference between gender identity and stereotype should be obvious from the fact that you have stereotypes specifically about trans people.
doesn't that have infinitely many solutions depending on the fraction of trannies that get srs
assume its 50/50
Genitals don't define gender, but cutting them off somehow affirms gender.
Explain that trannys

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something went wrong with the original thread, its says "Connection error." when you try to reply, so i'm starting a new version of >>16106991

Construction and validation of a scale for assessing critical social justice attitudes
>The studies also assessed how having critical social justice attitudes relates to well-being variables. Many authors have previously linked critical social justice attitudes to poorer mental well-being in their work implicitly, but have not studied them directly (e.g., Lukianoff & Haidt, 2018). In our samples (Study 1 and Study 2), having high CSJAS (critical social justice attitude scale) scores was linked to anxiety, depression, and a lack of happiness. However, Study 2 indicated that this lower level of mental well-being was mostly associated with being on the political left and not specifically with having a high CSJAS score. The association between lower mental health and supporting the political left is in line with what other studies have found prior to this one (Bernardi, 2021; Gimbrone et al., 2022).

tl;dr science has demonstrated conclusively that picrel is what you look like
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>malding, seething, coping, and dilating.
I dont know why he started his post with "furthermore" you are going to have to ask him
>Science once again proves that leftists are mentally ill
I argue otherwise:
>"greater liberalism [left-wing thinking] was associated with increased gray matter volume in the anterior cingulate cortex." This part of the brain is associated with empathy. So, maybe this research proves that those on the left are more empathetic.."
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So you're saying that less brain mass = lower IQ?
You should grow up and learn to control your emotions instead of constantly spazzing out like a baby every time you see something you disagree with

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What causes dreams? Do hormonal urges affect dreams?

>She could have had a baby, but instead science gave her an abortion
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aborted cool wine aunt
Right, its not getting banned, Congresses wants to force TikTok to be sold to an In-Q-Tel* subsidiary.

*In-Q-Tel is a CIA subsidiary**

**if you didn't already know that then you're a pleb
>and lower quantity of people.
nope. smart women all have 10+ kids
Those ones aren't necessarily smart, they have hormonal urges that drive their desire to breed, they also have government welfare programs bribing them to have children if they're unmarried.
They want to have children, but nobody wants to be their husband because of their repulsive university educated personalities.

you couldn't have accomplished what they did
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Why is it called "waste" when you can make valuable jenkem out of it?
>muh primitive old fashioned balloon jenk like they made in ancient africa using goat stomachs
its trash, i chill mine to below it's freeing point using dry ice and store it as a solid, if you use the balloon method you leech hydrocarbons from the balloon into your jenk
You people always have to put this spin on it
>you people
that sounds racist
distallation is slower than electrolysis and doesnt create as pure water. evaporated water isnt pure, it brings some trace amount of stuff with it. You have to distill over and over if you want really pure water

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Uh oh darkies.... shiee
>In standard cosmology, the accelerated expansion of the universe is said to be caused by dark energy but is in fact due to the weakening forces of nature as it expands, not due to dark energy."
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Can be categorized as "a horse with a horn". The problem isn't the Unicorn's description, it's that unicorns don't exist.
Phenomenal consciousness existing after death.
it's literally just a mathematical model that the cosmologists keep adding parameters to fit the data.
they deliberately keep conflating the mathematical model and reality itself. there isn't really anyway to check for dark matter because by their own definition it doesn't interact with anything.
it's a convinient and marketing term they use to keep fishing funding from the public.
>the universe is 27 billion years old
do this a couple of times and we'll come to the "finding" that the universe is practically infinite in age.
steady state chads can't keep winning.
Dark matter and dark energy were always just lame attempts at justifying bad math.
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What's the scientific reason why an obviously fraudulent research get published and was under suspicion for a decade but only recently get retracted?
>duplicated image patches
>811 citations btw
lmao, their whole field is so fake and gay that possibly thousands of "experts" read this paper and none of them bother to check.
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If you publish a rewrite of mein kampf as a jewish manifesto you end up with The Protocols of the Elders of Zion
imagine how much worse it is now than it was then
Right, 1990s science was relatively ethical compared to how it is now
the COVID panic showed how garbage these "sciences" are:
also, look at the most high profile retraction and notice that they all belong to "the science (TM)" that we should all entrust our health and future to:
Its funny because its true

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is this good for the environment?
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>He thinks Burning Man is a gathering of environmentalists
look at all that free diesel
I get all sorts of volunteer tomatoes too, but I kill them all, I only use seeds from the previous season's best plants
>why is ruining nature the environmentalists' favorite activity?
justifies their existence

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Why is this taboo to discuss in the sciences?
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>Sample size of 500
Why even bother?
It isn't. That's why it isn't taboo.
Everyone knows trannys are mentally ill, its not taboo to talk about it
>everything above the neck in humans must've been created by god
Is that true for all species or just humans? What do evolutionists have to say on this topic?
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Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
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indigenous = too low iq to survive on their own
ZOG's white genocide plans
oy vey plz stop noticing, goy
>Whats the scientific reason that people who are native to Europe aren't considered indigenous?
because they were not the first homo sapiens to colonize europe. There's been lots of migratory population replacement of the millenia.
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