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Your name is Joey Donuts.
You are Grel (half elf, half human}
You are a student wizard. You haven't picked your major and you're not licenced to use magic in areas owned by the Grand Ternion Unity.

You have SIX spells

Blast - Does 6d6+20 energy damage. -MP 20
Draw- Drain 10+2d6 mana from a target, providing they have mana -MP 5
Wrack - DO 10 damage to yourself to gain 12 MP -free
WIZARD HAAAANDS - Manipulate an object you can see but not reach. As strong as you are - MP 10
Douse - Extinguish any fire up to the size of a campfire , includes ignitions from matches and guns - MP 5
Hells Heart - Instantly double the damage of any attack (ranged, magical, or physical) by charging it with magic -MP 16 Joey has improved this skill and can cast it on another party member while still performing an action for 20 mana. He can also cast it on himself and one other person while performing another task for a cost of 41 mana.
Earths Honesty - Tell if someone is lying about the thing they have just said. MP 6

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We don't know the details on how things have changed, but there was a bar last time we visited. I think it'll still be running even after we drove the bandits out. After Scadam we had planned on grinding at the Crags, so honestly eating two breakfasts wouldn't be terrible.
"They've put their minds on it and we've had thorough planning. I imagine being in sync can only improve the odds even further. I'm not sure if it was something they agreed to do together or just comes naturally."
Ask if Jones plans to visit Scadam himself?
since when did this board become so dead?
My memory's a little rusty, but were we planning a raid on their base to mop up after Mike/Highball/Karl blow the place?
/qst/ has always been slow, I wouldn't worry about it.
>My memory's a little rusty, but were we planning a raid on their base to mop up after Mike/Highball/Karl blow the place?

That is what I recall too. I think we want to avoid leaving anyone alive to put two and two together that the shipment we deliver was spiked with explosives and report it further.

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You are perched on your sturdy Arabian stallion, scanning the horizon. The sun, a molten disc descending beyond the hills, casts a deep amber glow across the battlefield. Your fingers grip the curved hilt of your scimitar, its steel eager for blood. Ahead, the Crusaders falter, their formation breaking under the relentless onslaught of your fellow Muslim warriors.
“They are cowardly and weak, like sheep ready for slaughter,” you mutter to yourself, voice tinged with grim satisfaction. It’s a scene you’ve seen countless times—these invaders faltering in the face of determined resistance. You know the Holy Land better than they do; you were raised under its burning sun, tempered by its harsh deserts and rugged hills.
In a heartbeat, you kick your steed forward. The horse leaps, snorting eagerly, and in moments, you’re charging toward the fray, your blade arcing in deadly sweeps. The first Crusader falls before you can register his scream, his eyes wide with shock beneath his helm. The second drops with a gurgle, your scimitar severing his windpipe. A cry goes up, a desperate yell from the Crusader ranks, and they scatter like leaves before a desert wind.
“God is great!” You shout, rallying your men. The wind carries the chant across the battlefield, and you revel in the power it lends you, pushing you to strike down another infidel with swift finality.
The Crusaders came to these lands seeking glory and wealth, a misguided delusion that warps their sense of reality. They are like children, clutching at fantasies while ignoring the harsh truth of your scimitar. “This is our land,” you think, your breath heaving, muscles straining with each swing. “We will not yield.”
You glance to your left, where your commander leads the charge. His spear rises high, catching the sun’s dying light, and for a moment, you see it burn like a beacon, a rallying point for your people. You press forward, weaving through the battlefield, moving with the ease of one who knows these sands well.
Every swing of your blade is purposeful, every movement calculated. This battle will end with your victory because your cause is righteous, a cause that burns bright within you and your fellow warriors.

>>Who are you?
>Zayd ibn Khalid: A veteran warrior who grew up in Damascus, Zayd joined the Saracen forces to defend the Holy Land after witnessing his family's farmland burned down by Crusaders.
>Yusuf al-Fahd: Yusuf is the son of a respected emir and was trained from a young age in swordsmanship; he now leads a small cavalry unit in defense of Jerusalem.
>Salah ibn Omar: A former merchant who traded across the Levant, Salah was drawn into the conflict after the Crusaders occupied his trade routes, devastating his business.
>Kamil al-Rashid: A scout known for his keen eyesight, Kamil grew up as a nomad in the Syrian desert before joining the Saracen army to help fend off the Crusader invasions.
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>>You request permission to target the enemy leader, aiming to cut off the head of the snake amid the chaos of battle, even if it means risking your own life.
Scorpion tail

I forgot to add (Other) and deleted the post to edit and accidentally ended up removing the third option

>>What do you do?
>You stay close to Yusuf al-Fahd, offering your tactical insights as he commands the Mujahideen.
>You pray silently, asking for strength and wisdom to guide your hand in the battle ahead.
>You request permission to target the enemy leader, aiming to cut off the head of the snake amid the chaos of battle, even if it means risking your own life.
>You request permission to target the enemy leader, aiming to cut off the head of the snake amid the chaos of battle, even if it means risking your own life.
Scorpion Tail
>>You pray silently, asking for strength and wisdom to guide your hand in the battle ahead.
Rabbana ‘atinaa fid dunyaa hasanat wafil aakhirati hasanataw wa qinaa azaaban naar.
>You request permission to target the enemy leader, aiming to cut off the head of the snake amid the chaos of battle, even if it means risking your own life.

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Welcome to Cultural Civ, a civ game where your civilization's culture shifts with time !

players control a civilization through the years and decide its explorations, cultural and technological advancements, and diplomacy.

how to play:
1) choose a civ to play for. change your name to reflect your choice (ex: Bowtie Noble).
2)each turn, your civ has 1 action and a bonus action. You can choose a cultural, technological, or immediate acion, plus one bonus action based on your realms' bonus action(if your realm has a bonus tech action, you can do any action one time per turn, plus a tech action). (this part is subject to change if the game flow isn't right.)
3)discuss with your compatriots which actions you will take. Once you're done, reply to my recap anchor post with the recap of your actions.

Three tribes just landed on this island, for their own reasons. They will have to explore, and find somewhere to settle.

But first, we need to create and populate the tribes. And that's what thread 0 is for.
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I will join the annoying trade gunsmen
No village, however remote, will escape our trade.
what do you guys use to edit/draw ?
ms paint Be aware that I have six million hours of experience so your results may vary

Anon, I'm giving you ten million dollars of my money.

You must invest all of it in the stock market at today's rate.

If you give me a positive return, I'll reward you handsomely.

But if you end up with less than what I gave you, I'll cut off your balls and feed it to my goats.

So, good luck.

>>Buy the shares
1. You must invest the entire amount
2. You can only buy stocks listed in the united states stock exchanges
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>8 shares of Berkshire Hathaway Inc Class A [BRK.A]

>1,324 shares of NVIDIA Corp [NVDA]

>12,285 shares of Alibaba Group Holding Ltd [BABA]

>21,440 shares of Reddit Inc [RDDT]

>149,253 shares of First Majestic Silver Corp Stock [AG]
"just kidding. there's no way i'm gonna have the highest return with your boomer stock."

>sell 8 shares of BRK.A
>buy 64,838 shares of Cloudflare, Inc [NET]
what's the timeframe here? when do we have to close all positions?

I'll go forward and assume it's every week.
>buy 900 000 SQQQ at 11.08 (last close)
Buy Bitcoin, never sell. I just won the game guys. I'm from /biz/ so I know what I'm talking about
One week according to >>5992721
So 10th April closing price?

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Are you a fan of World Trigger?
Or are you just curious?
Regardless, let's play a World Trigger campaign.
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I was thinking more like we all kind of contribute to the story and we can all play 1 or a few characters and discard and add characters as we like... is that too random?
the manga (with the viz translations) is better!! the anime was toei'd!
Thank you.
Hit that /qtg/ up, QM.
Anime where Humans are gifted with abilities and archetypes. These abilities are ranked in terms of strength against other humans as a meta plot hook, but the main story was about humans using these abilities to ultimately fend off an alien invasion. Then one of the human-alien hybrids (if I remember right) had an ultimate ability and this hybrid joined the average-ability MC and his rookie sniper friend to boost their team rankings.
>I was thinking more like we all kind of contribute to the story and we can all play 1 or a few characters and discard and add characters as we like... is that too random?
Stuff like that's not unheard of on this board, but if you really want to try and do that I think you need to provide a bit more structure if you want people to join in. An explanation of the setting, rules, char gen, a narrative hook for people to start from, etc. As is, you kinda just posted three sentences that don't explain anything and asked "What do?"
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Japan, Mikado City.
The organization Border uses the substance/energy form "trion" to create advanced technological weapons called Triggers and "trion bodies" which they fight in, so when their trion bodies are destroyed, they "bail out" back into their vulnerable bodies.
The Neighborhood, which is essentially outer space, consists of several countries which are basically like stars or planets orbiting. They all have Triggers as well.
Neighbors invade Mikado city occasionally to collect trion from humans. They sometimes take them back to the Neighborhood. We're on a mission to get our people back.

In story mode you can just roleplay in your posts and roll dice if prompted for a skill check.
In battle mode we can have a grid map and do a turn-based improv thing, some of us can play enemies as well.

>char gen
Pick a name, a character design, introduce their personality if you'd like, and pick their triggers. See https://worldtriggerwiki.com/wiki/Trigger/Border_Triggers for more.

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You are Argentinian who sees himself as an Italian but speaks only Spanish.

You are just Argentinian, Otto, forget this Italian stuff your best friend says.
My paternal and maternal bloodlines dare to disagree, Poncho. Methodically, patiently, placidly, contentedly, I have successfully traced them back to Tuscany, you rootless mutt! you have started disliking him since he came out as gay.
Your name is Otto.
Ah, Tuscany! Old country, home...
Your name is Otto, Otto.
My parents saw themselves as Schleswig-Holsteiners but I refuse to bow down to anything non-Italian!

...gay silence...

You are also obsessed with some French hussar that was obsessed with dying at 30. Now you are kind of obsessed with dying at 25, can't let the French win. Your pompousness, swaggering and boastfulness are also your best allies in making that obsession come true. It is the Italian blood in your veins!!!

Currently you are in a gay bar. Not Italian, just an Argentinian gay bar. Poncho, your gay best friend, was adamant of bringing you here. He believes that you are secretly gay too.

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>the same way Mussolini's royal guard came out with rusty rifles at The Inspection of 1939, my affection for you and your gayness has rusted like a their long rifle barrels [strike a pose, roll dice+1d2 for one that is gay or non-gay]
I’m hooked from this opening
Rolled 2 (1d2)

This pose is definitely not gay!

(it's actually super gay)
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>the same way Mussolini's royal guard came out with rusty rifles at The Inspection of 1939, my affection for you and your gayness has rusted like a their long rifle barrels [strike a pose, roll dice+1d2 for one that is gay or non-gay]
Rolled 2 (1d2)

Same QM as Mad God Ireland or what have you? I despise Paco Pistachio's "art," but the prompts are amusing.
>"Mussolini's guards"
Rolled 1 (1d2)

>"Mussolini's guards"

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It has been 100 years since ancient beings, known as the Old Ones, walked the Earth with their two strong feet. Now they are gone and we animals now rule the remains that they left behind. With our new knowledge of sword and sorcery, we were able to survive in peace for a while, but then came the three factions.
The Apes: Strong giants, claiming to be as just as the old ones and believe they should be the ones to rule over the new world.
The Pigs: An intellectual but slothful group who wish to rule the world with an iron hoof and remain kings while the others remained as dumb animals.
Then there the Lizards: A fast and large group that want to set the world a blaze. Trying to forget the harsh past that the old ones left.
All three sides wishing to go war and destroy one another to bring in what they believe to be true peace.
But, unbeknownst to everyone, there was another group. One that was trying their best to find a way to heal everyone. To bring back order.
You found it.... and now you are taking care of it.

A D&D Homebrew Adventure.

Previous Quests:https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Rise%20of%20the%20Awakened
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Nice. What do you whip up to go with it?
First of all got a frigde for about $300 so that's a plus.
Also that bread looks good.
It’s literally just feeding a sour dough starter witch is a yeast culture that effectively digests flour sugar and water and then with a small amount of instant yeast to add to the dough mix when making the bread it’s really simple
Thanks man
No, I meant...what are you have the bread with lol? I know how bread is made.

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You are a weirdo, an absolute strange one. After a lightning strike against some magic clay, you were born. You have no name, no goals, and an entire world of poorly illustrated weirdos who each likely have their own schizophrenic wants and needs!

Our story begins on the road where you finally have your ego slip into your new form. No deity claims you, and you don’t know what to do with your hands. In the distance, you see a quaint village bustling with activity. Its inhabitants are just as bizarrely drawn as you, moving in peculiar, jerky motions as if they're part of a child's flip book animation.

Nearby, a crooked sign swings slightly in the wind. It reads 'Welcome to Twisty Hollow.' Just past the sign, a group of creatures, looking like a mix of turnip and human, argue loudly about the best way to grow magical carrots.

As you stand there, trying to make sense of this odd world, a small, scribbly cat with two heads, one smiling and one frowning, approaches you. The smiling head purrs and says cheerfully, 'Hello there! New to these parts? You look like you could use a purpose! The folks around here always need help with something. Maybe helping them will help you find your own path!' The frowning head adds grumpily, 'Or just create more confusion. They're a weird bunch, after all.'

Your hands still feel weird and awkward, but you decide it's time to interact with this strange world. The cat continues, 'If you're looking for something to do, I know a few troubled souls who could use a hand:

>Help the turnip-humans with their magical carrot cultivation problem.
>Assist the local baker, a floating loaf of bread, who seems to be missing some crucial baking ingredients.
>Investigate the mysterious singing coming from the old well on the edge of the village.
>Simply explore the village and see what other odd jobs you might stumble upon.
What will you do?
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I agree with this.

>attempt to use divination to diagnose the problem
We aren't a druid, we have a diverse skillset and the willingness to use it.
Rolled 2, 11, 2 = 15 (3d20)

First 2 are for how clear of a vision, 3rd is what is causing it
OP here, plans have changed unfortunately, I may get around to updating later but no promises, quest is not flaked on I promise just busy
You got this OP.

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Pick race and location
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Big Ma'ma sends out her workers to acquire resources in the swamp! They return to the nest carrying large boulders! With some effort, flint can be chipped away from them!

Resource acquired: Boulders!

Your warriors capture a slime girl. You attempt to interbreed with her but you fail. Your reproductive systems are too different. The slimes just eat a lot and then they duplicate their core and become two slimes. Their breeding patterns seem incompatible with your current reproductive capabilities. Maybe if you evolve your reproductive system first you would be able to breed with slimes.

Year 2

Food: 6/10 (4% pop growth)

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> Improve Culture
Bugmen shall lift boulders the bigger the more food they get.
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You introduce boulder lifting culture with the bugmen! The population begins to become stronger! However, they start eating more and so the food situation degrades slightly.

The slime girl multiplies.

A bunch of orcs show up at our settlement. They kill a few workers and leave. Our warriors track them back to their tribe by scent. The orcs have more warriors than we do.
> Send a gift to the orcs seeking peace
> Launch a raid on the orcs
> Now is not the time

Year 2

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it was year 3 I forgot to change
> Now is not the time

> Improve Food
Expand the fields. Use the Shinanas to clear the weeds.

> Diplomacy/War
Have Big Ma'ma talk with the slime girls and then release them.

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If you want to play from here, you can, but be aware it's hard for you to do anything covertly All your moves can be looked up by other players.

We are missing Iran and Sunni Opposition, but we got enough people to play.

>Last thread
>Recruitment Ad
Ready for a wargame with a unique twist? Introducing a "Matrix Game" where your strategic arguments and knowledge of history directly impact the outcome. Think Clancy/Battlefield triller intensity with deeper geopolitical intrigue.

>Key Features:

- Argument is Your Weapon: Persuasive tactics earn you combat modifiers. I'll arbitrate, channeling my history expertise and healthy dose of insanity.
- Volatile Modern World: Choose between Central Asia, the Middle East, or East/Central Africa. Expect volatile factions and superpower powerplays. (Mercenaries 1/2 fans, this will feel familiar)
- Hyper-Realistic Conflict: Amplified economic and technological factors fuel relentless, plausible warfare (The Pentagon/Analysts uses Marix games).

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Important question for my next action, are Kurdistan's troops from Arbil currently in Dahuk since they intercepted my oil trade, or did they use some imaginary/not-displayed militia to do it

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>You are an Inspecter looking to find out the truth on the matter of Son Gohan being severely injured. His sister, Son Peppa, has not been injured, but may have some clue as to why her brother was injured. You will have to find out what she knows.

>WARNING: This is a spinoff of Dragon Ball Tuffle Quest. Being familiar with Tuffle Quest helps, but this spinoff will also have topics such as bullying, abuse, self-harm, drug use, grief, suicidal ideation, grooming, violence, and rape.


The Inspecter actually three of the tuffle Maple Son-Mahogany, Peppa's Mom, in a trenchcoat has heard Peppa describe in detail how her chocolate, meant for her girlfriend, was stolen from her on February 14th.

Then, Peppa talked of how she was fighting with her brother Gohan since that incident, but then the fights got too severe for Peppa to recount the rest, so the Inspecter motioned for her to take a break.

The Inspecter went out and had coffee, and the three components of the Inspecter (Scolding, Doting, and Inquiring) discussed some theories based on the info they had, then went over some of the big questions of the case.

In the end, there was only one question that could be answered with any certainty...
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“Maybe the culprit behind stealing the chocolate has a crush on Peppa?”

After a long pause, Inquiring pipes up, “Dottie? Let’s say that’s true or not. In either case, how would that factor into what happened on White Day?”


Scolding shrugs, which sorta throws off the balance of their totem a smidge. “Eh, Dottie did figure out something to link the dates together. By like, a hair. But it is something.”

Inquiring scuffs her shoe against pavement as she mulls it over. “How is it helpful though?”

Doting thinks for a bit. “...hm, hm!” She raises a finger, which jostles the crank on the mechanism for their arms. “It is something else to talk about!”

Inquiring compensates with some quick steps to the side, and asks, “Why would we talk about something else?”

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>C. You have gleaned new info about Izzy, what with these odd reactions to her name. Ask Peppa if she saw anything else like that.
>B. Go hard, go ham, go hear about Gohan. Doting will have to pull double duty, but it should be worth it. Peppa wants her brother’s torturer to be punished after all.
And also
>D. Put the other two of us in timeout, have both of them wear a sign that says "We Get Along"
>A. Go on a trip down Filler Lane, this business about Valentine’s is unrelated but it should have less bumps in the road.
And this D

"Become my husband, Yuusha! Together we can overthrow the demon king and rule the kingdom as equals!" The demon king's top general whom you've fought multiple times as the chosen hero makes a shocking proposal! How do you respond?

>No, you're evil, I'll never marry you!
>You're just going to betray me after defeating the demon king!
>Sorry, I already have a girlfriend.
>Write In
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I don't know, anon. Feels like it would turn into a harem situation easily. I kind of want to focus on the dense, innocent, battle maniac instead of the elf girl. As for the thread, maybe QM meant it's the start of the next chapter and interchanged that with the word "thread"?
The elf girl can be a comedic unsuccesful rival.
Then just don't vote for a harem. Simple as.
>The demon king's top general and the chosen hero go on their first date!
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Welcome to Do Your Best Quest: Relevant Times. A collection of auto-conclusive short sidestories in Prancijan!

Select one of the characters, complete their short story, and move to the next one! You’ll decide the fate of each one, help them succeed or watch them fail! It’s all down to your choices!

Please, pick who you want to play as first:

Rob Banks – Officially demoted (again) from his position as Police Chief, Rob Banks has been tasked to aid the mysterious Unit 95 with its most important mission so far: Apprehend the most powerful homeless man in the shelter. Can they defeat the man blessed by the city itself?

Dunja – This Orange Star United spy snuck into a high society party where President Lazarus Gordon Junior and his cabinet are guests of honor. Her mission is to assassinate the ‘Air Force General’ Wichapi Cherrikano. Will she taint her hands with blood? Or will she die in the process?

Ivanna L. Tavarez – After years under the tutelage of the former head of government Lazarus Gordon Senior, the second phase of his revenge is underway. As the future head of state, Ivanna has to pick a right-hand man from the prisoners locked up in the highest security prison in the country to serve her. Will she choose wisely?

Uzziel – The most outstanding prospect of the Saoinji & Koroma Educational Program of Excellency is being interviewed to work directly under presidential candidate Elicarto Lloydington. To test his competency, he’ll face challenges not even the bravest in Pokyo Lokyo could hope to survive. Will he tame the metaphorical White Tiger of the Concrete Jungle?

Richard Wright – The reinstated detective started his own private investigation on Elicarto Lloydington, and gathered enough information to get a search warrant for his office. He’ll find more than mere clues if he’s not cautious. Will this be the first step towards the politician’s downfall? Or will Richard be made to disappear like countless others?

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>>Assist the Security to apprehend the criminal.
Possible wild card for us to recruit?
I was gonna vote for iris but I like this line of logic, +1
>>Find Iris.
>Find Iris.

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You are a Cutémon!

You are one of the rarest types of mon: a mon that looks like a cute human girl!

Like all mons, you gain energy by fighting and defeating other mons. Your trainer is the human boy Joe Apple of Patina.
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The big lock unlocks and the mon pen door swings open and you see Dipoelagus! You're so happy you can't contain yourself!


"I APPRECIATE BEING RELEASED." Dipoelagus waddles out of the mon pen and says "WHERE ARE WE GOING NOW?"

You point away from the cabin toward the big mountain!

"That way!"



You start walking toward the big mountain with Dipoelagus and Intangerbil next to you! After a little while you look back but you can't see the cabin anymore!

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>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
One (two?) crisis at a time.
>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash
>Ask the Pengouts to help you find Snowsquash

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A cute voice echoes,"Yuusha-sama! Yuusha-sama! Rise and shine!"

Startled, you snap awake. But there's nobody there. It was just a dream. Alone in your cramped studio apartment, you realize it's Monday morning. School awaits, yet the thought fills you with dread. The bullies are going to beat you up and steal your lunch money once more. Such is the fate of a fat loser in a school from a poor neighborhood.

Will you attend school today?
>Yes, there’s no choice.
>No, perhaps it's best to skip.

Roll 1d100. The result will determine today's luck.
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Rolled 56 (1d100)

Rolled 74 (1d100)

>Aaaiieeee Nakamura sama I kneel! Please don't unleash your wrath against me!
>I’m sorry, Nakamura-san. My bad. I'll get you a strawberry milk to make up for it. [DC 80]
Rolled 40 (1d100)

Assault her

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