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You float about the void, a wasted carcass of white flesh and bleached bones. A slug relentlessly clutches to your remains as you bare yourself to the motherly embrace of the cold black nothing.

You’re submerged in the loving abyss, the parasite your only tether. This is your birthright, revel in it. Feel.

You feel
You are

> Alone

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Vote locks in shortly, taking time to read and tally. But right now I’ll be taking advantage of this window between updates.

I’m currently debating whether or not to prune suspicious one ip’d votes before the lock in on this current vote due to the sudden influx of quick single postings.

Regardless after the next update and from now on non backlinked 1ip posts will simply be disregarded, a trip will also suffice.

The discussion regarding the options is greatly appreciated, and I’m surprised to see this much investment so early. Even if it’s caused it’s share of discourse.
All of my votes. I can only assume the QM is stumped by the sudden cascade of samefagging, so everyone link back all your votes in order. This is far too interesting a qst to die off due to blatant bullshit among the voters.
Those are my votes. I know I voted for EMBRACE THE MOON in the beginning but I don't remember which was me
Hope this ain't dead really wanted to see where it would end up.
Samefags ruin all the good qsts

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-Imp tail (E)
-Greenwell Potatos (D)
-Sickle Herring (D)
-Darkbloom Mushrooms (E)
-Mystery Meat (?)
-Rockshell Tomato (C)
-Bilehound Slab (E)
-Leadborn Peas (B)

-Eastwind Spices (E)
-Salt (D)
-Pepper (D)
-Diluted slime (C)

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-better tongue, yes. Can talk, can haggle.
-New face. Not adventurer. Homunculus like you.
-girl, pretty, merchant, food, more?

" Instersted in my wares? Cough up some coin first~"

Quality (E->D)
Meat Ing.-> 45 Gold
Non Meat Ing. -> 35 Gold
Extra Ing.->25 Gold
Ing. from a specfic Region-> 55
Upgrade stock-> 475 Gold
Random Race Info-> 45 Gold
Random Food Recipe> 75 Gold

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>2 meat
>2 non meat

I don't think this quest is going to get very much traction with this sort of pacing.
I just wanted a comfy food sim quest. Shit you are right. Should I call it off ? Maybe prep a bit for a redux? What should I take into consideration next?
The initial tutorial was not presented very intuitively. You didn't mention that there's only one serving of every ingredient, for example.

I'm thinking
>skipping any preamble is fine
>start with 1 adventurer, with a line or two of what they want and MAYBE the opportunity to accept multiple different dishes so more than 1 anon's vote gets through.
>Bigger quests than this have died shopping. Just do a single lump purchase, or don't make it a vote at all.
>The second half of the shopping choices don't make sense for low intelligence homunculi to deal with. Introduce them through the master or something, or provide them as rewards from the customers.
>Sprinkly narrative hooks to slowly introduce the tavern, whoever operates it, and the surrounding areas.
Well, I will be back soon with vengeance, thanks anon!

This is a Toriko fan quest, taking place after the manga/anime ended.

The world is in the Second Gourmet Age and you are Sterling Pister a student in his final year at Gourmet Hunter Academy.

Alright, your final assignment, which is necessary to graduate, is as you all you know the so called Graduation Full Course. This means that you need to come up with and hunt a full course meal using the ingredients available to this school. As a reminder anyone who successfully captures an ingredient with a Capture Level of 3 will be injected with gourmet cells, though I only recommend doing this if you're confident in your abilities. [/green.]

The moment your teacher is done with his speech you look at the form on your desk. There are of course eight courses in a full course menu and you had a good idea of what you wanted to go for, but the highest capture level is 2. Even your Main Course has a Capture Level of 1.

You have no doubt that your planned full course menu is good enough to let you graduate as is but should you keep it or try to go for the Gourmet cells? Of course as Gourmet Hunter you will get Gourmet Cells eventually just by eating delicious food but that way it can take a while. As you think it over you decide to at least fill in what you're already sure of.

*Hors d'Oeuvre: Almond Cabbage (CL less than 1)
*Soup: Rock River Soup (CL 1)
*Fish Dish: Garlick Crab (CL 2)
*Meat Dish: Bacon Leaves (CL 2)
*Main Course:

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Rolled 15 (1d20)

> Try to fight

Let's back up Zongeh-- he already seems to be engaging one of the bandits (?) with his axe, so we might as well.
Rolled 14 (1d20)

> Try to fight
Gas them with pepper spray
>> Shout that there are intruders
They said they don't want attention, give it to them.
> Try to fight
Nice finally some blood sacrifices for Mazela
i want to believe

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A narrative evo game. Pick a creature, make a single iterative change to it that helps it to adapt to its environment.

Your creations may antagonize other player's creatures, defend themselves, adapt to an environment, or meet change through periodic "evolution table" events.

1. Always save your picture as a .png, and never use a soft edged painting tool. This allows other players to easily edit your creation should they wish, and lets less experienced people without developed artistic skill join in.

2. Any player can edit any creature. If two players edit the same creature that creates a split in the evolutionary line, which is great for biodiversity.

3. If a shitpost emerges, instead of complaining, try to herd it full circle back to plausibility. It's fun.
The Cast:

The titular Ramel, a sort of warm blooded repto-insect with a blade on it's face and tail. An omnivore with a preference for delecious ragas berries or the occasional bord. Stupid, territorial, and asocial. A patrician choice for a sensible player.

The noble Ragas. A semi mobile plant that reproduces via berries. A mild acidic secretion allows it to break down soil for maximum extraction of nutrition, as well as any tough carrion, or incapacitated organisms it comes across.

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The Poisonous Ragas has stared its acids in its berries making them less tasty and more likely to hurt anyone trying to eat them.

Having had a lot of succes with dropping rocks the Blade Berry Ragas has grown a stronger and longer flail and now drops the blade of a Heavy Ramel. Unfortunately while this is more deadly it is also easier to spot to its succes rate when hunting dropped
Rolled 1 (1d5)

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Eventually, some of them become so tall, they can be categorized as a new species: the Glumpier Ramel.
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a genetic fluke has granted it more intelligence enough to see that the world is ugly its UNEVEN
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The longneck Ramel grows a longer neck to easier reach Ragas and water without having to bend over.

For both camouflage and to appear better protected than it is the complete body of the Stonebody Ramel takes on the coloration as its rockyhide like armor

By the authority vested in you through the Law On the Administration of Special Military Districts under the Ministry of Defense, you, Lieutenant Colonel Gennady Nasirovich Liptsov, are the sole and final established authority on civil and military matters within Gordon District. All decisions there are ultimately yours to make.

Since arriving in Gordon, you have made it your main priority to establish contact with the security forces stationed in the region. You now command the 7th Glorian Internal Ministry Company, encamped at a local high school, and are searching for radio equipment that would enable you to contact the 216th Independent Motorized Rifle Battalion, stationed somewhere in the distant countryside north of Vadim-Tepe.
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>>Say something, Gennady! Stop them! The way in which V Platoon is conducting the assault is totally inappropriate to your objectives. They risk damaging the radio equipment you mean to acquire and, even if that were not the case, an approach like this risks injuring civilians when conducted in an urban area.

The fault is ours for not clearly communicating our expectations, and ignoring the tools at our disposal.

We went into this expecting their performance to mirror army troops with which we are familiar, they simply are not the same.

We mustn't be harsh, but we must correct the action and establish expectations.
>>5991758 me

Backing this, as it's my rationale.
>3 votes for Rashidev
>6 votes for damage control
you should have listened
Okay, I am closing this in favor of order them to stop firing immediately, even if it means we have to take control from Rashidov right at the start of the operations.

I have had more work than I expected, but I hope to get something up here on Monday -- I will also post in the general thread
Looking forward to it!

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Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Disappearing%20Hogwarts
Character Sheets: https://pastebin.com/mTYzU5uL
Twitter: https://twitter.com/head_qm


In the last thread you:

> Got shot at with blanks by Harry Potter

> Snuck into St. Mungo’s and discovered who were the hosts of Rowena Ravenclaw and Godric Gryffindor

> Found the entrance to Avalon and discovered you’d need all three Deathly Hallows to open it before Salazar broke through it

> Discovered that the Beast is actually Merin, fragmented beyond recovery

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> I would never dream of pleading for my life with a poltergeist. But making a deal for my life with a poltergeist? That I could do.

all we have to do is the proper deal and we win
> I would never dream of pleading for my life with a poltergeist. But making a deal for my life with a poltergeist? That I could do.
Wheel and deal
I guess I will support


I don't have anything for this, it has been a draining few days.
only one last thing to do now anons! vote for Arty and give her the victory! we can do this!

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This story is about a young man working hard to make a living.
What is his occupation? (Choose one)

>1: Farmer. Strong muscles makes tilling the earth easier. (STR+)
>2: Thief. Nimble hands means easier pocketchange. (DEX+)
>3: Doctor. Smart mind finds the cure. (INT+)
>4: Musician. Silver tongue pleases the crowds. (CHA+)
>5: Write in. (Define which stat this would increase)

One night while the young man sleeps tight in his bed after a long days work, something strange happens to him...

What is that strange thing? (Choose one)
>A: A burgler tries to steal from his room.
>B: Wild and vivid dreams of adventure occupy his night.
>C: The moonlight slips through his window, bathing him in mystical light.

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>Let Joergen participate
Sorry for the long gap since last post. Had some irl things to do
I will write soon ish
>Let Joergen participate
Inindur and Joergen interrogates the bandit for a couple hours. When questioned, the bandit replies with insults, jokes about genitalia, and how ugly Inindur and Joergen is.
Joergen remains calm, but Inindur can sense how Joergen is waiting for a good moment to perform some violence.

How does Inindur proceed?
>Convince the bandit to give up information
>Intimidate the bandit
>Let Joergen do his thing
>Try a different method
>Write in

Roll me a d10 with your vote
Rolled 8 (1d10)

>Write in
Perform a blood ritual in front of the bandit, scare the living behesus out of him. Tell him he'll be next if he doesn't give you answers
Rolled 9 (1d10)

>Convince the bandit to give up information

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Sing, goddess, of thirsty Argos, and of the glory of Hippomedon Aristomachides - sing of the folly of Adrastus, of the savagery of Tydeus and of Oedipal transgressions! Sing, O Muse, of Zeus’ designs, which even now come to fulfillment…
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In rare moments such as these, time stretches – the grind of Chronos momentarily stuttering in surprise. Your well-aimed spear swims slowly through the air, piercing the chest of Archigeiros’ lead horse – it seizes and begins to rear wildly as it dies. Your gaze drifts above the dying beast - Cleombrotor is hacking at the binds of the dying beast with a silver-nailed sword, the razor edge moving closer in infinitesimal fractions. His father, King of Tegea, is straining at the reins, drawing them decisively to his right hip; the chariot beginning to buck fiercely, slowly rising on its right wheel. The clearance will be enough – the chariot bounces over the fallen lead horse but stays righted; Archigeiros will be able to maintain his speed even with only three horses, at least for a time.

A flash of bronze in the corner of your eye triggers alarm - instinctively, you angle your back as you ride, Cleombrotor’s return-cast striking the center of your strapped shield truly – but the bronze disc holds, and the cast deflects away into the dark. You glance back at your pursuers and what you see astounds you – Pronax’s spear has embedded itself into his equine victim, causing it to collapse instantly. The horse’s body crumples slowly against the earth, its lips peeled back grotesquely, and the colliding corpse reveals some fault in the left wheel of the twins’ chariot, shattering it – the car of the chariot drops violently to the earth, and one of the twins, on the right-side of the car, has the presence of mind to vault off the deck of the car – his wild leap transforming into a controlled tumble as he flies. The other is not so lucky – he attempts the same, but the dropping left-side of the deck robs him of sure footing, just as the chariot smashes against the ground, abruptly decelerating – his shins are caught against the top of the chariot, flinging him violently forwards over his chariot-team. He breaks his fall against the rocky earth with a stiff right arm; you see it bend wrongly before he begins to slide against the rough trail.

You glance left, and see Pronax’s helm is askew; he is struggling to restore his vision by rotating it back into place – you must have missed it, but the return cast from the twins must have spun his helm across his face, a near-miss indeed…
Time restores its normal march forwards – your ears are assaulting by the shrieks of Tegean horses as they die or suffer broken limbs. You hear a prince’s voice shouting:


Turning, you see the shouting young man, the nimbler twin, sprinting to his fallen brother – clearly, he must be Kleobis. Behind him, their chariot is an unrecognizable mess of splinters; their horses in a thrashing heap, some with broken legs. The twins are now out of the race – their chariot smashed to pieces.

Your eyes flick back to Archigeiros and Cleombrotor; Cleombrotor does not turn to see his fallen brothers, but instead vaults athletically out of his father’s chariot, sprinting as he lands, and keeping pace with his father. He has a new spear in his hand, and already, you see the subtle change in his body language – he is gauging the distance for a new spear-cast! You hiss in frustration – he does not intend to fall into the same trap as his younger siblings – he’s forcing you to target him separately! Without his bulk in the chariot, Archigeiros will be able to keep pace with you more easily. It’s something you might have done in similar circumstances…

Out of the corner of your eye, you see Pronax take aim at another of Archigeiros’ horses – but what will you do? Your right hand begins to dart for a weapon –

>to disambiguate, Cleombrotor has given up his “instantaneous” initiative to reposition himself, so Hippomedon has the time to strike first here. Once this vote is decided, we'll tackle the math. This vote will end at 2pm EST tomorrow.

>and you withdraw one of the lesser Tegean spears from your back to cast at Cleombrotor! Such a missile would almost be certainly be lethal to the man, but you simply cannot risk another spear-cast from the man, he is too dangerous!

>and you grasp one of the “Argive Stunners” from your belt to cast at Cleombrotor! A successful hit would stun the man, toppling him, and would likely spoil his spear-cast in the process.

>and you withdraw one of the lesser Tegean spears from your back to cast at another of Archigeiros’ steeds! You resolve to simply withstand Cleombrotor’s return cast and leave him in the dust – he cannot keep this pace indefinitely and without weapons, his options will be limited.

>Something else I haven't thought of?
>and you grasp one of the “Argive Stunners” from your belt to cast at Cleombrotor! A successful hit would stun the man, toppling him, and would likely spoil his spear-cast in the process.
This is the culmination of our write-ins! Our preparations were all for this!
Holy h*ck, Cleombrotor is a chad, shame he isn't on our side for the war. Unless we forge something indicating a Theban-Dorian alliance....

Is my first instinct, but actually if he only has time for one cast, & we have the fleetest steed in the world quite possibly...

>Target Archigeiros' transmission (& steal his catalytic converter)
>Compel Arion to serpentine/dodge out of the way
>and you grasp one of the “Argive Stunners” from your belt to cast at Cleombrotor! A successful hit would stun the man, toppling him, and would likely spoil his spear-cast in the process.

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In times past, giants walked the earth. Now, they shall awaken and walk again.

The first nuclear weapon detonated in 1945, showering the earth in radiation that had gone unseen for millions of years. The opening of Pandora's Box led to countless explosions, twice against man, and many more in barren deserts and oceanic depths. As the crust of the planet became charged with energy once more, ancient things began to stir.

You play as one of these creatures: A young Kaiju, awakened by radiation and ready to feed on it. As one of many who are emerging into existence, the time has come for you and your ilk to reclaim your rightful place as the rulers of Earth.
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Let’s wait for QM judgment on whether this is possible, but I would note that Ursa is already attacking you for his Turn 1, so you might not even survive to dodge in your Turn 2, you know?
I don't think the actions are that linear especially when a mental one is involved which is the case here. Of course if i was explicitely staying in place to gather energy or whatever and then rising up things would be different, but here it's a mental action and a physical action that lore wise can happen simultaneously.
Also Ursa would get attacked by you during the same time which will probably slow it down.
That being said i wouldn't be surprised if i did die this turn. The dragon especially worries me.

Well, even assuming that the QM approves the “mind-meld to boost DP combat actions” thing, I wouldn’t change my turn actions anyways - I need to try and regen to survive Ursa’ attacks on me, since I have currently have 2hp and he deals 2hp of damage per attack.

Secondly, I don’t support your decision to attack Qing-Long, seeing as he is currently nonhostile. I’m pretty confused why you would attack him at all when Ursa is currently killing us (like RIGHT NOW) and Qing-Long has never actually dealt damage to you. I really think our only chance to survive is to focus-fire on Ursa.
I decided to make defending not fully linear so that nobody ends up making a self-destructive decision from ordering the actions a certain way. Defensive actions count as ‘try and negate the NEXT attack’. >>5995442 and after that, offensive moves go sequentially.

Is Dewa-Penyu resisting this mental control? If you guys are intending on being in sync, I’ll waive the need to contest their special stats for action 1.

Eh, fuck it - I accept the mental override from Hive-Mind. I feel like we're about to witness a rare triple-death and Qing-Long will be laffin about it later when he's huffing primo opium with Xi Jinping, oh well.

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You're a stick with a witches hat. Your name is Mazela. You're a queen of the witches forest.

>Stick around
>Become a bigger stick
>Grow other stick parts
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>Other (write-ins)
Why are we wasting time here? We have houses to build.
>Nudge harder, then check pulse
You better not be dead, we have a crack pipe to sell for mad cash money
Rolled 1 (1d2)

I'll roll now, but do the drawing later when I have time
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Mazela thinks to her "Fuck this shit, I'm tired of this life, I'm tired of doing drugs, getting drunk and going to parties. I'm going to clean myself life, lead a life of sobriety and become a house builder like my papa was". And it was at that moment that the door bell rung. Mazela looked who it is and noticed it's the pigs. "AAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWW SHIIIIIEEEEETTTTT, just as I'm about to sobber up."

>talk to them, see what they want
>try to wake up Width Stick Mashallah again
>abscond, since fuck this shit
>wait, they'll probably leave
>>wait, they'll probably leave

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Previous chapters: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Heretic%20Cultivator%20Quest
MC info Pastebin: https://pastebin.com/x5rCdZpq
Sect/ disciple info Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1A0Yghkqs4WxALnnlVJ2uPpphQk9NQ4ME32DzC1qWp7Q/edit?usp=sharing
Folklore: https://pastebin.com/AnbsrDcd

You are Huanliuxue (欢流血, Happy Bloodshed/ Happy to Shed Blood), She who touched and dyed the moon red, the rightful ruler of and most impressive amongst all beasts, the heir to the primordial throne of true primordial nobility, an popular amateur writer, the founder and first and current grand master of the palace of natural laws sect (宫殿的野生彝宪, Gōngdiàndīyěshēngyíxiàn) and creator of the cultivation technique following the dao of ghosts and grudges, there heretical art of the Ruler of the Great Wheel's Law(统治者的这重大轮回法律, Tǒngzhìzhědīzhèzhòngdàlúnhuífǎl), and you are also the rightful monarch of the kingdom of the buried army of those who dared oppose the order of the heavens, the aggressors and only victims of the bloodless war, a kingdom of graves, tombs and quiet catacombs filled to brim with vengeful spirits, hungry ghosts and ancient warriors turned phantom calamities.

However, the king who has lost his name and been forgotten by all outside of his cursed followers and soldiers trapped beneath the now split mountain you claimed and marked as your own years ago, still holds most of the lands of one of your rightful domain. And while it is but one of the many kingdoms and titles that are rightfully yours, the forgotten king and his toadies have earned your ire and enmity through all the wrongs they have committed against you and yours. They tried to attack you while you were in deep meditation and refining the ghostly essence saturating the tomb kingdom, and during your student's valiant defense of your cultivation chamber, one of those brute's cursed one of poor Qiang's eyes, forcing her to tear it out herself! And since everyone, men and beast alike, mistake her for your daughter, you may as well pay them back for that injury as if she truly was from a litter of yours! And that isn't to mention the insults the governor of his that you've been using like a caged canary and footstool has spat your way. And still is. Even though Yin Zhao has been your prisoner for quite some time, he hasn't once wept or wailed pathetically with the other loyalists you keep caged to sing you pretty and sorrowful songs while you hold court and appease your subjects by alleviating the agony of their wretched and cursed existence trapped here beneath the earth. Not quite in hell, but certainly not alive.

Subjects who are now braying and barking for "blood" and vengeance, the fury they feel towards their former leader for getting them trapped in this sorry state driving them all into a frenzy, even those who are usually cool headed, composed and mostly sane after the long centuries confined here by the heavens' spite.
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>Defensive fighting.
>>By charging him head on and vomiting a river of grudges imbued with sorrow down his throat, to weaken him and slow him down [Magic trial. DC 145]
>By charging him head on and vomiting a river of grudges imbued with sorrow down his throat, to weaken him and slow him down [Magic trial. DC 145]
The gods have found the best way to indirectly mess with us
>Defensively, trying to keep away from him as you rub the last of his blood out of your eye, blocking and dodging and retreating towards the sky [Agility+ martial trial. DC 135 ]
>Defensively, trying to keep away from him as you rub the last of his blood out of your eye, blocking and dodging and retreating towards the sky [Agility+ martial trial. DC 135 ]

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>Art: Dan Mora
>Alt-Text: Comic cover of The Riddler in the foreground. In the background, cut out newspaper letters spell “Riddle Me This” while Superman and Batman leap into action in front of a maze.

Batman: Superman! You have to fight it!
Ivy: The sun doesn’t fight. It feeds.

Clark starts glowing as a field of flowers spawns in a ring around him. The parks shudder and flexes, the ground itself pulsating.

Batman: You are stronger than this! Stronger than most people! You landed on a world of hate and violence and chose to make it better. It doesn’t matter if she’s sapping your energy. Your real power is your will!

Your ally grits his teeth, Failsafe buzzes in your ear about magnetic waves but it doesn't have to bother. You can taste electricity in the air. Leaves rustle, but this is no wind.


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I mean this guy
A quote from "Artifacts" from The Batman, good taste on that anon.
Fun fact, the episode was written by Greg Weissman and directed by Brandon Vietti, who would go on to co create the Young Justice animated series.
>Everything Must Go
We talk them down, or we take them down. Cutting a deal with Waller is not a great idea right now.
Changing my vote from >>5992807 to
>Everything Must Go
in that order. If talking them down fails due to Threshold or something, we have no choice remaining but to fight. Other than Threshold himself, it seems like the other three really do not want to be involved in this.
>What the hell, Threshold? I didn’t sign up to fight the Little Shop of Horrors!
>Sorry to interrupt your hot date but the bossman says he’ll yeet me into a wall if you’re still breathing.
>I’ve just been defrosted with a hangover to kill some poor mopes again. I am NOT in the mood.
EVO and Frostbite seem like the easiest to flip. The former because he can be a fellow bat, literally. The latter because if Threshold goes then Frostbite isn't threatened with imminent head explosion. Powerhaus seems more no-nonsense plus he's in a shitty state overall, so he might be a bit harder. I doubt we can ever win over Threshold in any way, and if we can then I can't see the way through to him.

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Previous thread: >>5952601

The weird thing that came out of the wall can talk. It tells you that she was just in a room like this, and asks you where she is.
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You tell her that she is in the famous brothel Wet Bussy and that you're both bondage fanatics
>"Aaaaarms? I don't know where we are. I'm Derf."
"Where's your bleeding hole?" Of course, we mean the trepanning, what else?
>I have no Idea. Could you please search in my headhole for secrets?

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The great hosts of chaos marched towards Karag Dum. Thousands, tens of thousands made their way towards the ancient ruins of a proud dwarven bastion that had held out for so long. Its cannons had roared, its mithril clad warriors had cut and hewn and cleaved and shot the warriors of chaos. Its forges churned out endless suits of armor, countless weapons, endless stockpiles of bolts. Its mighty walls, placed atop a lone mountain domineered over the landscape, the towers seeming to pierce the very sky and disturb the gods above. And for that, it had to fall. The dwarves fought, and yet, they had fallen to the hordes of chaos. Despoiled, ravaged, raped, as all lands ought to be, sooner or later.
You had never seen the Karag before. And now, only crumbled ruins remained. Maybe, the next time you visit it, it won’t be so far in the future, for the crumbled walls and broken towers more remind you of the rotten jaws of a warhound than of a proud bastion overrun by brave soldiers of Chaos.
As you crest the bleak ocher hill, you see what you long expected. Beneath a burning orange sky, a gathering of armies, warbands and hosts. Spitting on the ground and uttering a oath, then continue forwards, order your host to make camp while you head for the centre of the gathering, towards the lone tent overlooking the countless hordes.
As soon as you step in front of the tent and try peering inside, you feel a shove from behind. Tumbling forwards and already drawing your weapon out, you turn to strike at your assailant, but to no avail, as you fall through the tent flaps, which close shut behind you. A cleave at them leaves your blade harmlessly bouncing from the magical cloth. A rough chuckle emerges from behind you.
“Another one!” A Hung chief laughs. “Settle in friend. We all wait long.”
A quick scan of the massive tent reveals a impressive gathering of warlords, chiefs and champions, of Kurgan, Hung and Beastmen types, all eyeing each other with doubt, suspicion and spite. Yet, all keep their weapons by their belts. They must have been here for long in order to have relaxed so much in such company. A moment of thinking later, you choose to follow their lead, but keeping your gaze on a bestigor with a head crowned with 3 pairs of horns.
You think of speaking to the mob, yet before you can, a female voice booms in the room. “You won’t wait for any more.”
In a flash of motion, every blade is drawn and more than twice that many eyes are anxiously glancing around the tent.
“A whispering on the steppes had called you all here.” The strange cloaked figure spoke as it appeared in the center.
Within a moment, the champions and warlords and reaves and warriors all surrounded the figure, distrustful of each other, but afraid of the figure that just appeared between them.
“I called you here.” The figure continued, concealed by the dancing shadows too thick to be natural. “I called you here so that you may wage war upon the southlands.”
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There will be no conflict between us in this raid, blessed one. This I have seen.

Truth and falsehood are not so hard to discern, for a strong enough mind. The ravens speak. You need but listen and heed their words.

Well said. The true nature of the Dark Gods can be difficult to grasp, much less explain to those uninitiated in the deeper mysteries.

I haven't even began playing and I've only skimmed the thread so far, but it looks like a nice, simple system with a lot of passion behind it. Do you have any experience with other skirmishes?
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Alright, I think I'm just about ready to commit to killing the Aeslings as per the suggestion of the interim Hung Warrior. My only question for the QM is that if I accept the task, will there be a time limit? Will I have to succeed before the end of the next raid, or will I be able to chip away at it across multiple seasons like the Hellpit or Ostrosk missions?

If so, then here's my invasion plan for everyone to see. I am calling dibs on all the COASTAL pink settlements. If there are still Aesling towns further inland, then those are fair game (although I'll still probably go after them anyways).
I'm going to deploy from where I assume we'll start, which is at the bottom right. From there, I'll follow the orange line in pic related and sail the long way around until I reach a little north of that tier 3 city. My boats will land and I'll surround the place with monsters and chaos warriors. After looting, I'll get back on the boats, and go along the the purple line until I hit the blank space at the top left of the map. If it does not get revealed, then I assume I'll need to follow the green line to capture that tier 3 dwarf city before I am allowed to move on to the next zone and kill more Aeslings.
If the map does get revealed, then I'll follow the blue line instead of the green one, and see where it takes me.

If anyone needs help along the way, they can just ask and I'll send some reinforcements in exchange for a small share of the loot. Hopefully everyone will be able to manage just fine on their own, but I'd be in a unique position to help by attacking the enemy from behind since I'm sailing aaaaaallll the way around.

Everyone okay with this?
If any object, crush them.

I'm pretty sure Huffud and I will be in Rat Vietnam for your raid on the Aeslings, but I see no problem with it and wish you success. May you feast upon the entrails of your victims, etc etc.
no objections from me. i wanna hunt mammoths and then kill giant fish.

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"Wake up." You open your eyes to the familiar, yet always somewhat imposing, stone walls of your room in Blackthorn Keep. Your name is Caden Blackthorn, the eldest son and heir of Lord Edric Blackthorn and his dear wife Lady Agatha. At fourteen, the weight of your future responsibilities as the lord of Blackthorn Keep already presses on your shoulders, a constant, if not entirely unwelcome, companion.
The morning sun barely filters through the narrow window, casting long shadows that dance across the floor. You rise, the cool stone beneath your feet a stark contrast to the warmth of the bed you reluctantly leave behind.
Today, unlike most days filled with the rigorous studies and training expected of a lord's heir, promises a brief respite. It's the day of the Autumn Festival, a day when the entire keep and the surrounding villages come alive with music, laughter, and the scent of fresh harvests.

>A) A strange sense of déjà vu washes over you, leaving you with the eerie feeling that this moment has unfolded before.
>B) Fragments of a half-forgotten dream flash through your mind, hinting at terrible things on the horizon.
>C) Memories of another life, filled with a decade of pain and heartbreaks, the adventures of a prodigal son, flood your consciousness vividly.
>D) Your mind is clear, with a focus solely on the present, unburdened by the past.
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When you and Mirena return to Blackthorn Keep, darkness has already fallen. The Autumn Festival has come and gone, leaving the grounds empty and quiet. There's always next year, you think to yourself, suppressing a sigh.
"I found them!" One of the guards shouts upon seeing you and Mirena nearing the gates.
Soon, your father, mother, Castellan Hugh, Sir Allister, and others arrive. It’s clear your absence was noted and didn’t go unnoticed.
"This is unbecoming of you, Caden," your father, Lord Edric Blackthorn, shakes his head, disappointment lacing his words. "I understand that Mirena has blossomed into quite a pretty woman, but a nobleman should take care not to disgrace a woman living in his castle."
"We didn’t do anything like that!" you protest, your face flushing. The implication that you sneaked out to indulge in illicit activities with a common-born girl sends a ripple of anger through you. Castellan Hugh looks furious, clearly unhappy with the idea that his daughter may be considered tainted, ruining her chances of finding a suitable match.
"Caden and Mirena are childhood friends who went on a walk, nothing more," your mother, Lady Agatha, steps forward in your defense, looking noticeably healthier than she did that morning. She smiles at Mirena. "Isn’t that right, Mirena?"
"Yes, my lady, we went on a walk. Caden escorted me safely," Mirena adds hastily, her cheeks reddening. "He did nothing dishonorable."
"Even so, this could cause a scandal," Castellan Hugh mutters. "People may think my daughter is ruined, harming her prospects for marriage."
"In that case, perhaps I can play matchmaker and propose a good match for Mirena, here and now," your mother suggests with a smile, nodding at you and Mirena before turning to your father. "I propose we betroth Caden to Mirena. Our son will soon need an heir to carry the Blackthorn legacy, don’t you think so, Edric?"
"This is a bit sudden," your father replies, taken aback. Clearly, he had hoped for a match better suited to his only son and heir than the castellan’s daughter. "We should think about it longer."
"Edric, they have been in love since they were children," your mother insists, making both you and Mirena blush, your heart pounding in your chest. "It would be a crime to tear their young love apart for political reasons. I don’t think we’ll ever find a better match for our son than the girl he has always loved."
"What do you think, Caden?" your father asks, genuinely considering your mother’s proposal.
"I would be honored if Mirena takes me as her husband," you reply, your voice surprisingly steady despite the racing of your heart.
"And you, girl?" your father turns to Mirena, eyeing her appraisingly. "Would you take my son as your husband?"
"She would," Castellan Hugh interjects, speaking for his daughter. He had hoped to marry her to a second son or an old widowed lord. Marrying his daughter to the lord’s heir is a match he could have only dreamed of. So, he doesn’t bother with his daughter’s consent.
"Let Mirena answer for herself, Castellan," your mother says firmly, a quiet strength in her voice that makes Hugh back down and lower his eyes. "Mirena, would you take Caden as your husband? You are free to answer truthfully, without fear of coercion."
"I’ll be honored to marry Caden, my lady," Mirena murmurs, filling your heart with happiness. "I have... always been in love with him."
"I know, girl," your mother smiles, then turns to your father. "What do you think, Edric?"
"Well, I’m not the kind of monster that would tear these young lovers apart," your father chuckles, "Social status aside, any man would be fortunate to have such a pretty bride. You have both my permission and blessings, Caden."
And just like that, you became betrothed to your childhood friend, the girl you’ve loved for as long as you can remember. Yet, not everything is perfect—you remember the pagan hut you had seen in the forest and the evidence of blood sacrifice within. You'll need to raise this matter with your father and investigate further to protect the peace of the Blackthorn lands.
But that is a problem for another day. Tonight, you’re the happiest man in the realm.
This is where we'll leave Caden and Mirena in this timeline. The next chapter will likely return to the original timeline, where the crusade veteran Caden awakens in the inn where we left him in the first story.
alright, thank you OP. As I haven't played the og quest, can you give me a summary of it ? all I know is the "cucking" that happens since anons always talk about it whenever this quest is mentioned

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