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You are Kuroda Haruka and King Lot of Lothian and Orkney. You are also King of Camelot by right and claim! Of course, so far, shouldering this heady title has only resulted in lots of work, bizarre discoveries of how things work in Avalon, and the responsibility of fending off attacks from enemies.

Like the monstrous Wyvern, which had the temerity to eat two of your vassals!

Even if all the vassals are unruly Anarchists, rigid Nomenklatura, religious Fanatics, disloyal Pirates and other such odd characters... Going down that mental route is verboten for a King. You need as many Baphomets alive to enact your ultimate ambition of returning home with your identity restored!

The unnatural two headed creature lashes out with its long, poisonous stinger tail to disrupt your attack. Black smoking ichor beads at the end of the scorpion-like stinger, and the odd droplet sizzles as it drips on to the ground.

Perhaps attracting the attention of this thing wasn't the best idea...

Kuroda Haruka, 16 year old. A forgotten but genuine member of the Kuroda samurai clan.

Identity: King Lot of Lothian and Orkney

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>You hear unnerving whispers...

I'm off on my trip so I won't be posting soon... but I guess everyone really like J-Horror stuff.
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>You hear unnerving whispers...
bet its gonna be ghosts
>>You hear unnerving whispers...

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You politely listen to you friend's concerns. Given all that the two of you have been through you found their fears to be valid although Xin Lan was never one to exaggerate or dance around the point when they were serious. A trait that only served to punctuate what they said as they didn't hide it within a joke or a tease. "Xin, I don't intend to use magic or even want you to attempt to remember what was done to you." You stroke your chin as think about how best to explain your intent. "I don't want to completely cut my emotions out. Hmm..." You pause again. "This new style is supposed to be empathetic. To truly understand their suffering or anger. To that extent I need to be able to ignore everything else. Any anger I have towards them, or fear, or perhaps even doubt. If wanted to use this style then I can't be angry if they're holding you, Ming, or Ren hostage. You're the best at doing that sort of thing and given that you can do it at will, I was hoping you can teach me."

"It seems rather limiting. I mean the reason you're fighting someone is because you're angry at them." Xin Lan points out. "Do you really think you can empathize with say...the guy who destroyed the Library?" You go quiet. You weren't sure about that. You did defeat the ones who were behind that atrocity and even let them live but you couldn't say you did it because you felt bad for them. You're not sure if you could do the same for whoever sent the order out.

"Well, I suppose for now I'd try to use it against those who are simply lost. People who are simply lashing out. I think it's at least worth learning for purpose. Someone who doesn't really want to hurt others but they think they have no other option isn't the same as say a bandit or raider who sees themselves above morality." You explain. Xin Lan might have a point but you'd be glad if you could use it to pacify innocent people at least. Xin Lan tilts their head.

"There's plenty of styles for that. Or you can just hit their Chi points like you always do." They point out.

"Yes, but there's the challenge of it. It's like...writing a whole new story. Or discovering a new medicine. Right now, it's less about it's use but more about making it. We might never find it's true potential but now it exists. Someone else can find it, learn it, and take it to new heights I could never dream of. Just thinking of that...I think it makes it worth it." You eagerly. Xin Lan let's out a sigh before moving to lay on their back with a bit of a struggle.

"You're being weird." They say and you take their tone to indicate they had be placated and their worries assuaged.

"I can't help it." You say. "So can you help?"

"I dunno..." They admit. "You're asking for something weird. To not feel and feel at the same time. You know I don't work like that right?"

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I'll support >>5992025

Fuck it, we got 5 limbs fools!
The cats are fighting! But our cat is bigger. Writing
I come back to see that my post did not go through...damn.
You were impressed by Tigress's plan at least in concept. She was attempting to deny you the advantage you had for being taller by preventing you from being able to draw back and strike. In staying this close, you had less options and attempts to attack would leave you open with no ability to dodge or evade. Such a tactic would have served well to lock down an opponent while maintaining a full on attack. However, you weren't just any opponent and her strategy came with an obvious drawback. It was a double edge sword and in denying her opponent room to maneuver and defend so did she lose her ability to do the same.

You use your legs to lock Tigress's down before shifting your body to pin her arms under the one she was clinging to. It was a bit of a mess and it looked more like you were simply trying to sit atop her but the awkward positioning allowed you to drive your only free elbow between her shoulders. Tigress was no fool and she headbutts you with the back of her head and begins to shift her position. The two of you roll around the ground attempting to get the upperhand. You strike with everything you had arms, legs, knees, elbows but Tigress returns equal fervor. Even on the ground, the two of you knock chairs arounds, topple vases, and crush some plants. It was clear that something needed to change or the two of you were simply going to spend the rest of the day giving one another cuts and bruises.

>What do you do?
>Aim for the steps. Falling down them would probably cause the two of you to split in an attempt to break your falls.
>Turn it up a notch and simply tear Tigress off of you. You're not really supposed to escalate a spar but you don't really have anything else.
>Just hug Tigress. Fighters are more than just who's stronger. There's also the mental aspect. Simply hugging her would probably confuse her enough to throw her off her game.
>Write in.
>Down the stairs.

Scene transition! Get em outside! More space to move and more time to fight.
More spectators to increase the emotional tension as we meditate.

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Megan was trembling in fear, as she and her three guardsmen friends, Flora, Daniel and Gregor entered the large, dimly lit hallway. The four were noticeably injured and anxious, with Flora being carried by Daniel. "G-Guys, I-I can't do this... I-I don't wanna t-tell her we failed. I-I know s-she'll hurt us if we tell her the bad news." Megan said, Gregor sighing in defeat. "We agreed to just tell her the truth. I'm sure that, if we're just honest, she might show some mercy. We just... need to keep calm, okay? Besides, if you run from her, you'll be as good as dead anyway..." Daniel started sobbing already, shaking his head and clearly panicking. "W-Why did have to happen to me... I-I just wanted to do a good job... w-why me..." The four would soon make their way to what used to be a containment chamber, the glass wall leading up to it having been destroyed. Aside from the destruction, the place was eerily clean and well maintained, with electricity allowing the place to be properly illuminated.

And in the remnants of the chamber, upon a large golden throne, sat their queen. Beside the queen sat many anxious guardsmen and a few scientist, some crouching whilst others were clearly on guard. Their queen had her legs crossed, her eyes looking down at the four soldiers who approached anxiously. She kept quiet, as the four would immediately bow in fear. "Y-Your majesty, w-we have failed t-to... c-convince the s-survivors n-near the f-factory of your rule. T-They f-fought back... a-and as you c-can already s-see, we... w-we unfortunately lost a m-man." The queen scoffed, hardly seeming to care as she leaned back a little. "I am already well aware of your co-workers failure. He was shot in the leg and taken in by those non-believers. Of course, I made sure he did not... betray me and my mission." The four guardsmen all looked terrified, knowing what that entailed.

Though soon after, Daniel broke down in front of her, much to the panic of the guardsmen. "P-Please, y-your majesty, h-have mercy! W-We're sorry for f-failing you! W-We will do better, we promise! Please j-just-" The queen would stand up with a soft stomp, before approaching Daniel and grabbing him by the neck. "Did I allow you to speak?" Daniel kept quiet, trembling in fear as the queen would tighten her grip on his neck. "I was going to pardon you, yet you speak out of turn and show your cowardice." She jabbed her fingernails into his flesh, before he moved his hands to her arms to try and get her to stop. Daniel started screaming in agony, the rest of his men looking down or away. Daniel's screams soon turned to gurgles, before a strange fleshy matter would wrap around the queens fingers, seeping into her flesh. She let go of Daniel, who fell to the ground and covered his neck with his hands as his breath sounded raspy and broken. He tried speaking, but no voice came out as he started letting out tears.
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Rori literally tortured his subjects, he's worse than Elbrus
Andrei 100% seems to be weapons focused with his subject designs, similarly to Roraima. I presume that the queen was meant to be either a combat subject or a warden of a forced labor camp or prison. Having your own soldiers mind controlled to fight against you, and being forced to put them down would be truly devastating for morale, as you stated. Meanwhile in a prison or labor camp it'd ensure order. After all, solitary confinement in your own body is probably worse than solitary confinement in a small concrete box.

Is rape really better than torture? I'd think they are both equally deserving of facing the wall, if not drawn and quartered.
Both of them are wanted alive by GalGov. If we catch one of them, there's going to be debate whether we actually hand them over or if they have a little accident in custody involving a clip's worth of shots to the back of the head. For all we know, GalGov wants to just recruit them again scot-free.
>Wish everyone a good night and get some sleep in. You'd be waken up sooner or later, once Morgan finished up her turn as a guard.
After you told everyone you were ready to sleep, you'd put your empty bowl to the side and got up. Though before heading for the nearest tent, you'd remind Morgan of how she could wake you up an hour after she started her guard duties. "I shall do such, Mikhail." She remarked, after which you turned to your men. Seeing them read through all the files, you'd remind them that Andrei was still someone who might be quite the bad guy. You'd point out how he trained two subjects to be crueller over being reasonable, which was an indicator he wasn't 100% a good guy. "Don't worry, Mik. We'll treat this guy as a baddie until we've found him and confirmed he's good." Mike remarked, to which some of your men nodded, others continuing to read up on the subject files.

With that settled, you'd wish your men a good night, reminding them to dream of regicide whilst they slept. This made some of your men chuckle, Arty casually saying: "Aye, gotta get prepared for that revolution." Afterwards, you'd head to your tent, you finding a sleeping bag which you quickly entered. You'd actually get a solid hour and a half of rest in, after which Morgan awoke you and you were able to go on guard. By then, everyone aside from Zaria had gone to sleep. She'd also act as guard, checking the other side of the hallway you were settled in. Nothing would happen fortunately, time passing by quick and you soon getting the next person to stand guard for the next hour. Though by then, you had already fallen into a pleasant and deep slumber...

>A little change of perspective... OB-6, Kiyohime Sakamoto.
How long had it been? You had been incredibly bored for the past few days of roaming the facility. Not to mention, being quite lonely and very thirsty. The last time you had had anything to drink had been when you ransacked that death squad outpost after you had beaten the living daylight out of 'em. The alcohol they had taken along wasn't the best you had ever tasted, but you certainly missed it now that you no longer had anything at all. Honestly, you'd kill to find some death squads right about now. Not just for the off-chance that they also smuggled some booze in, but because you also kind of missed the physical interaction with... anyone.

And sure, the death squad soldiers did on occasion get some good shots in on you which hurt you, hell you still had a pretty bad wound just above your thigh thanks to a shotgun shot. But at the very least, the fights you had with them were also just enjoyable and a great way to kill time. Not to mention, being able to interact with folk and actually talk, even if those talks just consisted of you mocking their pathetic attempts to kill you. You had been searching this place for some time now to find anything, though with little success so far unfortunately.
At least this place still had electricity and light, meaning you could easily see where you were. Hell, it also meant you could occasionally find a turret to have some fun with by pretending it was some sorta enemy you could beat the crap out of. Hopefully, Zephyr wouldn't mind the fact you were destroying the turrets, but that was something you couldn't really care about right now. Unfortunately, the place you were in right now had no turrets to destroy or things to explore. It was just a huge open space used for subjects to simulate real life combat situation. You were heading up north, after having heard that there were folk trying to enter the combat sector from there. Not to mention, being able to head over to the freezer sector which had to have SOME kind of alcohol in there for you to enjoy.

And after traversing the decently lit up faux battlefield, you'd finally see the exit to this huge space in the distance. At long last, you could head northwards and find some folk to beat the crap out o- hang on, what was that? You'd squint your eyes, before noticing something odd. There were these large metal structures surrounding the exit. They didn't look like any of the mock fortifications which the facility staff used in this place. It looked far more modern, sleek and recently set-up. You quickly remembered seeing something different before, at which point you realised what it was. It was one of those death squad forward operating bases! One of those places which had ten or so death squad soldiers watching for any and all threats which came their way. And given our previous encounters with such bases, you also knew there was a likely chance they'd have some booze for you to nick! And if not, maybe they had some alcohol in their medical kits which you could take. It wouldn't be good tasting at all, but at least it'd help with your irritating injuries.

>What do you do?

>Charge those morons! What the hell were they going to do?! Shoot you with those lousy toys of 'em?!
>Maybe it was better to just sneak over. Yeah, you could beat the ever living shit out of them probably, but given your injury, it was maybe better to just sneak in and pull a surprise ambush. (Write in how you'll ambush them.)
>Given your previous encounters with these forward operating bases, you probably could just waltz over and ask them for some alcohol. Your size, resilience and strength was probably enough to make them piss their pants and just hand over some booze. (Write in how you'll approach them and if you'll say anything specific.)
>Something else...

(Let's have some fun lads. Also, in case you're curious, Kiyohime is in the government sheets. So, feel free to use that for reference in regards to your abilities and strength. Maybe, just maybe, I'll also post the pic of hers later, if you guys really want that.)

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Come help this talentless and skill-less peasant forge a future, or will you let them fade into obscurity?

What were they again?

This is my first time as QM and I make no promises this is going to be any good or enjoyable! I hope I got the formatting down and haven't already butchered this into oblivion.I will try my best, hope you enjoy!
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As you approach the town's gate, you noticed two guards are stationed at the exit. This town is typically peaceful with little activity. It's unusual to see guards taking such a serious stance.

> Well, we tried; we might as well go see our friends.
> Just walk past and don't say anything.
> Write-In
Ask the guards what's up?
> Write-In
Show a little cleavage and ask the guards what's up

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Anon, you, that's right, you have somehow acquired Feyd Rautha's harem of cannibal slave girls (after Feyd Rautha was killed by Paul Atreides). What do?

>Ask for a blowjob.
>Ponder the life choices that have led to this moment.
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And containment board breaching quests earlier in the year in a flood
You blow cannibals?

Have you tried running a quest which isn't incredibly low-effort and primarily about having sex?
Fuck off janny
yum yum
it's cannibover

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You are Ben Parker, super-powered criminal and thief extraordinaire. After being bitten by a radioactive spider, you underwent a miraculous change, and adopted the identity of "The Huntsman"! But it's not all bad! Your clone brother, Abel Parker, works to protect the city, and potentially help clean up some of your messes. He goes by the name of "Spider-Man"!


Last time: The Huntsman swung over to Central Park and met up with the Morlocks residing there. Shortly after arriving, he ran into Gwen Stacy, a.k.a. "Bastion", and her father, Captain George Stacy, and played a part in introducing them to Gwen's clone, Joy.

They didn't get along at first, but with a bit of persuasion, Joy was willing to sit down and hear her family out.

While that was happening, Ben spent some time with Ester, met up with Glass, and helped the two of them gather the rest of the Central Park mutants in order to discuss their plans going forward. Only, those plans were almost immediately derailed when Screwball crashed the party!

But oddly enough, she actually seems willing to help the Morlocks find their footing here on the surface.

Can she be trusted, or is she simply taking advantage of them in order to gain more clout? How will everyone react to learning that the Morlocks don't have any intention of leaving the park anytime soon? Will Ben ever be able to persuade his team to roll out of bed and help with Screwball's plan?

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>"Word to the wise Joy, pace yourself with the sweets. A super metabolism is only gonna make the crash hit that much harder, believe me."
>”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city since she started living with the mutants.”
>”You don’t have to restrict your activities to the park or your house. Go out for dinner every once in a while, or go to see a movie. I don’t think Joy’s really had much of a chance to explore this city before or after she started living with the mutants. Just keep the super senses in mind and skip the rock concerts at first.”

We've got two for this vote. Would you like me to move forward with it?
I wouldn't be opposed
I’m willing to switch to >>5993730 to keep the little write-in!
Gotcha! I'm gonna be a bit tied up tonight, but I'll post an update as soon as I possibly can tomorrow.

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Part 4 has successfully loaded!
Character sheets, shopping lists, and more: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1V0eqo-5JEuUwZ-AODD9jkxGMwEhkvn77?usp=sharing
Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Lodestar:%20Dawn%20of%20a%20New%20Age

Last time, we took control of Val Lasombra as we learned of Gremory's past as the infamous Demon of Water that once terrorized Gaoth's lands with three other demons that were slain. We expanded our understanding of the world upon the reveal of Time and Space magic that Demons could wield through the counterelement of Mana called Soul, and went on a much-needed shopping spree that ended in The Flame of Arcadia undergoing some upgrades at the hand of the Shipwrights Guild that would render it inoperable until complete. Lobo relayed important information on a collection of reliable crewmen available for recruitment around Threespice, and the gang collected valuable blackmail information and loot from Stillwater's caches around the city. Lastly, they set out from the safety of the city to search for a group of independent Eldingarian engineers that were late for their arrival, only to find that they had been attacked by a group of Black Pirates that stranded them.

As we pick up our adventure again, the group is aboard the Skyseer, an intimidating and powerful Gaoth raidship run by Captain Jaghatai. They had negotiated peace with him, and convinced him to hunt down the pirate that felled Aito's ship nearby. As of the moment, the group is learning about the finer details of Gaoth culture, courtesy of Jaghatai's talkative and patriotic nature. For now, though...who will we be playing as this time around?

>Ramza Valentine. You're cocky, charming, and killer with a Mageblade.
>Val Lasombra. You're great with magic, but even better with a pistol. Not one for words, you think actions speak much louder.
>Gigas. You've yet to meet anyone that can best you physically, or resist your infectious cheer.
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>Accept the invitation, in hopes that it'll lift your mood. You could use a bit of cheer after that.
Weekend at Jaghatai's
>Stake a claim on the Eldingarian's crashed ship nearby. You're sure they would appreciate having their vessel and belongings back on hand, even if it's not all that combat capable.
+ask about Gaoth history/historians
>Accept the invitation, in hopes that it'll lift your mood. You could use a bit of cheer after that.

>Stake a claim on the Eldingarian's crashed ship nearby. You're sure they would appreciate having their vessel and belongings back on hand, even if it's not all that combat capable.

I say we flip it for a high end midweight. Can we get the bounty since we were nearby when the enemy captain died?

>see very profitable to work with us! Hopefully the next ones fight a bit harder next time. Tell him about the countess and if he'd let you take squad three for a fun in town adventure. As "our crew" so we can slip them into three-piece. We'll raid the countess and split the loot. Since she's a mutual enemy.

Maybe we can capture her and keep her as ramzas concubine.

>Accept the invitation, in hopes that it'll lift your mood. You could use a bit of cheer after that.
>Stake a claim on the Eldingarian's crashed ship nearby. You're sure they would appreciate having their vessel and belongings back on hand, even if it's not all that combat capable.
Eurgh. Even so...
>Accept the invitation, in hopes that it'll lift your mood. You could use a bit of cheer after that.
Gotta' keep these freaks on-side.

>Stake a claim on the Eldingarian's crashed ship nearby. You're sure they would appreciate having their vessel and belongings back on hand, even if it's not all that combat capable.
Eldingarian tech! And technicians who like us.
>Accept the invitation, in hopes that it'll lift your mood. You could use a bit of cheer after that.
Could use more info on Gaoth anyway.

>Stake a claim on the Eldingarian's crashed ship nearby. You're sure they would appreciate having their vessel and belongings back on hand, even if it's not all that combat capable.
Should be easy to argue for, it’s not a combat ship (yet) and we know the original owners.
>Argue for keeping the cannons you pulled off. While your sailing was masterful, it’s clear this ship needs more punch.
Another one that should be easy to argue for. Jaghatai should appreciate the desire for us to be more lethal, and a couple cannons may be all we need for a ship of this size.

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You are Kai, a newly minted edgerunner trying to scrape by in Night City. Almost two weeks ago your father, an NCPD netrunner, was murdered under suspicious circumstances during a Cyberpsycho attack on Kabuki Marketplace. You’re out looking for answers. Answers and eddies. Eddies to pay for your several ill mother’s medical expenses, eddies for more gear, eddies for information, eddies for allies. Everything in Night City has a price, and everyone has secrets, especially your family. Dad was an Edgrerunner for decades in secret, and your Mom used to be a big corpo scientist for Biotechnica, running a whole genetic enhancement and cloning project you didn’t even know existed - or that you were a part of - until a few days ago. The only person you can fully trust is yourself… and perhaps Alice (Hlin), the ghostly AI that your netrunner father was working with in secret before they both got attacked on New Year’s Eve. The last couple of weeks have been busy with small jobs for the static Aldecaldo fixer Dakota, both solo and with other edgerunners, and right now you’re recovering from nearly getting flatlined trying to infiltrate a Raffen Shiv subnet. Ouch. You’re still one of the freshest faces around Night City's shadows for now, but all it takes to end that is a single bullet - This line of work is a meat grinder, and runners are the meat.

2076.01.012, 07:15
Night City (Kabuki, your apartment)

Sitting on your apartment’s worn old sofa, you munch on a plate of mind bendingly delicious cookies Vicky baked last night. Real chocolate, baked with care, still fresh enough to be almost gooey it is so soft but not crumbling apart… Maybe you did die during that last run, and this is heaven. Vicky is out handling some early morning biz, she just left a few minutes ago with a vest and her Metel, but you weren’t left alone in enjoying these wonderful baked goods.

You’re never alone anymore.

With every bite you take, Alice savors the flavors and textures as well, a second ghostly sensation radiating throughout your mind as you experience her pleasure at each bite as if it were your own. The cookies are twice as good in this strange gestalt state, and for once you really don’t mind it at all. There are benefits to existing spread between two minds it would seem, when you are acting in accord the intensity of your shared feeling and sensations is… fascinating, if a little worrying still. Your entanglement has deepened after your shared IC induced coma, but you’re determined to find a silver lining to this whole synchronization mess.
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>>You’re going to put in even more netrunning practice all day, can’t get enough of it.

>The day will be spent chasing down Alice’s BD stuff, get that settled.

We gotta get to business, guys, we got things to do, bills to pay
>>Ask Vicky if there is anything you can get done for her in your current state to help her save some time.
>Practice netrunning
>The day will be spent chasing down Alice’s BD stuff, get that settled.

If Judy hasn't forgotten already, lol

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You are William Daylight. You almost beat the shit out of a random furry, survive getting disemboweled again, convince your landlord to take a bet in exchange for armor, trusted a librarian, finally made plans to look for a druggie, and made plans to jump some gangsters for a bakery girl’s knowledge. All in all a very eventful week of work and progress.
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“Any problems for me to fight gangsters?”
“Which type?”
“Racketeers and junkyard.”
“For the junkyard just take Peacock with you and she can deal with it in a few seconds. For racketeers go for it as they are too incompetent and stupid to recruit. I would have sent a team but we are already stretched in resources and priorities. Just watch out for awaken ords.”
“And those are?”
“You, me, your artificer, Peacock. They are ords that know helplessness and decided to still push through gaining levels. Usually they can be spotted as normal quiet ords that have their backs completely straight, don't bow their heads anymore, and don't flinch when a hand raises against them.”
“R-Peacock how did you not tell me part?”
“I assumed you were a stupid half-blood that came at me and not an ord.” Adds Rose.
“So uh what magic do you guys have?”
“Blood magic. So everyone has magic in their blood which can be distilled and refined into concentrated magic blood for scroll making. Blood scrolls if you will. Ord blood can only make cantrip scrolls and we require corpses of higher level mages to get better stuff. Usually we pick off a level 10 mage and distill their fluids into concentrated ink and pull enough magic to cast tier 3 spells and below. The same can be done to level 20 mages but I will not put my people on that risk even if we have a prepared area.”
“Wait Alter Self, Minor Illusion, and scrolls Peacock had where all tier 3 and below?”
“Yup when you got limited magic you find ways to more creatively use it and getting a tier 5 spell is a rare treat. The outskirts have more tier spells but they get priority for that magic as they are doing more brutal fighting there. With the mage stone we can now become a logistic point for other cells for tier 3 magic equipment.”
“It is a demon stone that gives tier 5 spell equipment.” Adds in Peacock.
“Okay shit it was a lot more than I expected and saves me a lot of time. Just put in a request order and limit it to three spells a week as Peacock will be busy cranking out spells for everyone as she can skip the blood requirements and use the ambient magic of demon tools now.

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“That would be a mantle of a field of expertise. Usually the way to make them is preparing an area beforehand with traps, obstacles, and knowing where items are placed. Turning a random patch of dirt into your lair as you know the area and how to best exploit its strengths. Using bushes for concealment, trees for cover, and knowing what tree branches are nearby to be used to block a hit.” Adds in Peacock seeing her topic being brought up.
“Just pick an area and put traps down?
“It is more complicated than that as you need to fully plan out what to do in your lair, see which feats will bolster its effectiveness, and have two more stages in reserve in case you keep a mage that counters your first plan. And to have a strong memory of why you fight to keep focus as the panic rises. You have several options for mantle builds. Zoner: harsh terrain pit falls, bombs, spike traps, snares. Armorer equipment boosting abilities and feat integration. Ghostrunning hide, misdirection, smoke bombs, assassination, hit and run. Banner team where a bunch of people get together and sync their attacks and dump all their attacks in one round. Duel attrition: mage slayer and counterspell team, poisonings debuffs, take their focus and risk them imploding if they cast teleport. Plans give you an edge as my main focus was armored with minor plans in ghostrunning and zoner. So I didn't even pull out my best build before you dropped.”
“So make it up as I go?”
“Yup it will take some trial and error but with demon tools I can make more Dream scrolls to help you simulate your mantle builds. Should take like a week or less if you find your lair spot and have a good idea on what to build.”
“Any feats to avoid getting ambushed and how to better act?”
“We do have a feat we dubbed Alert but acting we don't as we usually try to avoid meeting with mages. Except for Peacock as she only deals with druggies.”
“Any class with experience in ambushing others to hit harder?”
“Oh gloomstalker I have that.” Adds in Peacock.
“Why is it called gloom?”
“I think one of our guys was depressed and picked the first thought on his mind. But yeah I can give you that knowledge.”
“What magic knowledge can you get?”
“Anything at or below tier 5 spells now but it will be staggered as a lot of agents have pending requests that need to be filled. Might take a month as we have to request memory strings so Peacock knows how to even code tier 5.”
“Oh my god I have to study all over again.” Whines out Peacock.

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“Make that four months as Peacock will suffer under the education system again. Also quick note while we do have access to
magic, if you use a blood scroll and its a concentration spell you can't activate and hold another concentration spell. You can put that concentration spell to a weapon instead but will take your action to activate it as your reading off magic glyphs. So anything else?”
“Longbow training?”
“Aren't you a fist type of guy?”
“I need a range option.”
“We mostly have crossbows as that lets you free up a hand. It will take a day to get the memory strings for alert and installed and enchanted fireworks to damage flying mages but that is possible.”
“Why fireworks?”
“Big area of effect, sky option, and gives a chance to break their concentration and spell casting with fire, sonic, and shrapnel damage.”

>At the end of Saturday
>Spend 3 levels and gain ranger gloomstalker
>Gained Alert feat
>Gained crossbow weapon and enchanted fireworks
>Easy access to blood scrolls at spell tier 3 and below but tier 4 to 5 spells will take four months to be learned and issued.

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>Ask for any tips on the Animus fight, Prisma social, and High Ring attention.

If she thinks us pitting any of the factions against each other. If we should throw the fight or not.
>Go with Rose to begin planning on your mantle and combat plans
>Ask for any tips on the Animus fight, Prisma social, and High Ring attention.

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You are Lorinda de Lindan, princess, weapon autist, and inquisitor-in-training. The last few days have been a whirlwind of violence and revelations after joining the neverending hunt for Strangers. Deadly beings from another dimension, each armed with a personal Cheat Skill that left unattended can cause catastrophic damage to both your kingdom and the world itself. If only you never stepped out of line at the Royal Mageknight Academy then you’d never have to enter under the watchful eyes of the Inquisition.

Currently, you’re on the hunt for a kidnapper in the northern city of Ivern along with your fellow inquisitor-in-training Marie Sarodieu, previously known as Midori Suzuki, by masquerading as helpless maidens. Both so you can help prevent more tragedy from befalling your loyal subjects and so you can acquire more information on the strange Metal Castle that appeared nearby not long ago.

Only time will tell if this endeavor proves fruitful.

Archive: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%20Isekai%20Inquisition
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>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse

We're the only ones allowed to kidnap and experiment upon them!
>>You propose disembarking here and sneaking into the settlement so you can calculate your next move even at risk of more harm befalling the populace in your absence
>>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse

>You propose you land as close to the settlement as you can, even if you risk giving your arrival away and making the situation worse
Ask the resident Stranger(s) and sailor where they think the parts that control or move that boat thing are so we can destroy them. Best to cripple it now before the clan becomes permanent citizens.
Oh, and whoever has lightning magic should use it on the guards. Try to lure them away from the hostages so they don’t get caught in the ensuing explosion. Like how our kidnapper caught us…

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Lucian, once a peasant, has ascended the ranks to become a Grail Knight. Now he must return to Bretonnia, to the Duchy of Mousillon. There the threat of Vampirism, those under the Sway of Nagash, seek to send forth their terror upon Bretonnia.

++The Rules++
>Vote with Greentext, otherwise they probably won’t be accepted.
>Write-ins can be accepted, and might even be used in the final without majority rule.
>If you are going to change your vote, make it so your post only links to the numbers of the previous vote. It's cleaner that way.
>If you mix votes together without modifying them in any way, I reserve the right to employ your top most pick as your vote. Claiming it as a write-in won’t work either unless you modify it to convince me otherwise.
>The aim for rolls is low. Crits override (1’s overrides 100’s)


For the update schedule expect to be semi-daily with the chance I disappear for a week. If something comes up for myself I am placing that before this quest, so that should be kept in mind.

Dramatis Personae

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When the screams from the camp roared across the tents Lucian was already moving towards them. A Grail Knight was a tireless who did not need anything like sleep or eat, they were simply a weapon of the Lady’s might against the perils of the world.

As Lucian came to face this next one he saw the tents that were covering the tunnels crafted by Adok had been brought down. Many of them were ripped to shreds while others appeared to be worn by the men and other things as they quickly ran through the cloth.

What caught Lucian’s attention faster then the men who were running for their lives was the loud screeching and chitters of rats. Running towards his people were Skaven dressed in green robes, each of them throwing themselves with an insane fury.

Without another thought Lucian was upon them. His scythe cut through three of them with a single slice with ease. Their bodies were even easier to cut than many of the other creatures Lucian fought for their bodies were closer to puss than actual muscle.

He did not hesitate to slaughter them by the dozen. Their number were small though, clearly just an accident by the miners to have intercepted one of the many Skaven tunnels. But the fact that there were Skaven tunnels, perhaps even an undercity underneath them, struck Lucian as he slew the last of them.

As he slew the last one whose twin knives failed to pierce the armor the Adok had made for him, Lucian looked at the men who were laying on the ground. Some were clearly struck by the Skaven, their backs filled with knife holes as they were killed by a berserk and unexpected foe.

Others Lucian did not expect. Picking one of them up, an Albonish warrior, Lucian noticed that the man’s face had gotten red and was sweating far more than he should have even after a battle. When his armor touched the man’s skin he could feel the immense heat his body was making even through the thick armor that he wore.

In dire straights and with no way out, the Duke had made a gambit. To make such gambits with Skaven was the most foolish a still living man could do, they would all learn.

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>>Break off part of the siege, keep the plague down
fuck... FUCK!! Did the Duke really allow the Skaven to permeate in his lands just for this? Stop the siege and completely pull back if necessary
>Keep the siege going, they will die before us!

>Get bok and the Skink. The Skink should be able to get rid of the plague. And bok can help us hunt in the tunnels. If we collapse the undercity should collapse the fortress.
>Assault now

Our strength will flag with that disease. We either break it off or attack while our forces are healthy.
>>We need to assault, NOW!
Burn the under city

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"In the myth, God is Force. In the parable, God is Motion. In the faith, God is the Spark, that which moves all life."
-22nd Hymn of the Omnissiah, Collected M34

A change of fortune diverts you from the cliffs, to a place you never expected to be - the heart of the Omnissiah's worship in Odrev. Once you arrive, though, you find it increasingly difficult to focus on what's literally before you.


Read the previous threads at: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=False%20Woman

You possess an amount of Strain equal to your Conditioning score. When attempting actions beyond your current capacity, you gain a point of Strain. Attempting to Strain while at maximum Strain will result in a Strain Check. During a Strain Check, roll 1d10 for every point of the relevant Parameter. Results that are 6 or above count as one success. Results of 10 count as two successes. Three successes must be rolled to avert a critical failure. Fail or pass, after a Strain Check, you cannot Strain again until you restore your Strain by seeking shelter.

This quest allows you to designate a second-choice vote on decisions with three or more options before Write-Ins. When votes are totaled, the option with the least votes for it will be removed, with votes for that option instead being changed to the second-choice of those voters. Second-choice votes are also used to break ties. This helps increase the accuracy of votes, but is not mandatory. Please specifically mark your second-choice as such if you do so.

Vote stay open for a minimum of six hours, but will usually take longer.

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>"I don't understand. Am I so different?"
>>"That doesn't apply to me."
>"I don't understand. Am I so different?"
>>"I don't understand. Am I so different?"
>"I don't understand. Am I so different?"

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Murderhobo Edition

>What is this?
"The Mystery Dungeons 2e" is a text-based role-playing game created to expand on the setting created by the spinoff series, Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. This has no story relation to the first quest, and is its own new story. Players still isekai themselves into the world and become Pokémon, going on adventures with their newfound guild mates! SFW ONLY

A deeper explanation of rules, related pages, and whatnot can be found here:

>I'd like to participate!
Currently, we're at full capacity as far as threads on /qst/ are concerned. However, there's always the chance that space for another player may grow in the future, or that you simply wish to play outside of /qst/ and the quests hosted here. There are other ways to participate, about which you can learn and do here: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org

>Okay, now what?
After you've read up and familiarized yourself with the rules and setting, be sure to hop into the Element: https://matrix.to/#/#the-mystery-dungeons-2nd-edition:matrix.org. Everything that doesn't involve Main Quests occurs here and is helpful for coordination.

Character sheets and the guide to making them can be found here: https://rentry.org/tmd2many_characters

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Rolled 14 (1d20)

>Ishmael is falling, with brook!
>but still falling.
"One of these days we'll end up going somewhere dry."
>he tries to joke, knowing things will suck.
"But, uh... we may want to get aiming for the lilypads. or..."
>Ishmael lands his bounce, on the Dragalge!
Rolled 7 (1d20)

Cubone taps on the Ludicolo he's riding on's sombrero with his foot to get its' attention. "...See if you can get your Lotad to catch the freefallers." he instructs, or rather, requests. It's not a very forceful command.
With Brook's final aerial move, he does some quick intuitive mental pseudo-math to try and predict where most of the fallers (except Ishmael, on the sole grounds that leading a Lotad to the Dragalge directly is a horrendous, counterproductive idea) will land in the water, then aims a Water Gun to hope for the best and produce ripples in the general location for the Lotad to collect the others. Hopefully his quick draw isn't terrible... it is a pretty haphazard way to go about it.
Rolled 19 + 3 (1d20 + 3)

Wallis remains closeby to Evan and the Chieftain.
"Seriously, the sooner we leave its turf, the sooner it stops being a problem!"
Wallis pushes the straggler escorts along with a Surf wave, comically sliding across the water and hopefully offscreen.
(Original roll was 16 +1, rewrote it to sound a bit better)

>Brook wakes up to a painful soreness in his throat, made only worse by the harsh wind blowing into his face

>his eyes blink open, the scenery in front slowly coming into more focus until finally when his vision becomes clear his pupils dialte as he realizes the situation

>The pain in his throat completely forgotten, he lets out a scream though whether it's from the falling or due to seeing the mon waiting below is hard to really say but it doesn't really matter
>What does matter is the strength he feels returned to him, he isn't sure why or how but at the moment he doesn't care

>As if by instinct he extends all four legs, making his body resemble an X to not only slow his descent but also allow for a lot more air to blow over his falling form
>Finally when the sky blue glow begins to form on his paws, he releases the energy in the form of an invisible vertical platform. Pushing off with his hind legs he hopes to escape his current trajectory and hopefully grab Ish along the way
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The bounce lands with its 0 damage, and it's with Ishmael is able to land on the Sashay Chieftain instead of in the open waters on the rebound.
...He's preoccupied guiding your landing towards him like an air marshal, so Evan has to pull the two of you away to safety.
Cubone and his Ludicolo are able to direct a Lotad to catch Brook with time to spare; they are the best for getting around of these Pokemon. A thank you and apology may be in order, as Brook's hasty aim and decision making has himland with enough forward momentum to crash into his other savior, Sagira. One out of two ally grabs successful.

Thus, a frantic and winded swim-away is made from the Southern Strait's visiting guardian. It's a little graceless with one of you KOed, a messy escape and many panicking ride Lotad fretting over your injuries...but nobody's been taken or gravely injured! That's a success!
Before long, the seawater below begins to light your path better than the setting sun. Underwater dugouts let out an entire community of glowing Staryu and Tentacruel ready to welcome your arrival, with a few stray Chinchou and Lanturn to light and mark the Water Continent's shores. The sand and plant life is robust enough to make a little underwater neighborhood, and the Sashay Tribe are already celebrating their safe crossing on dry land. A few are even scuttling past the dunes and already bringing back headfuls of fruits and berries! This is Bountiful Sea, if anywhere ever was.

Before you get to soaking in the atmosphere next session, go ahead and take 40 Exp. You've earned it, no?

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Welcome to Lingdom Quest, a cute and comfy slice-of-life quest about exploring the Lingdom, a kingdom of cute pygmies!

You are Rika, a 15-year-old Ling on a journey with your cousin Kari, friends Bubu and Puki, and fox friend Moochy. You are on your Youthful Journey, a custom among your people where you leave your home to travel across the Lingdom to visit relatives and friends in other villages to help out and learn new skills. The function of the Youthful Journey is also to reconnect you with your wider family and make pleasant Memories.

>What are Lings?
Pygmy humans with large, round ears who live in the Lingdom, a kingdom separated from the rest of the world and under the protection of the Emperor. The Emperor is known as a "Tallie", a human of normal height and normal-shaped and sized ears. Among your people are also "Halfies", individuals with both Ling and Tallie blood who appear like Lings in their childhood but enter a rapid growth spurt in their young adulthood.

>Where did Lings come from?
The Lings claimed to have once been hosted by the Great Turtle where they learned to be good guests. Much of their core values come from their time being the Great Turtle's guests;
>To be neat, tidy, and clean after themselves.
>To eat sparingly so as to not overburn their hosts.
>To reciprocate gifts so as to share Memories.

Memories are something of a religious and spiritual concept for Lings. They represent literal memories that an individual holds but also represent their relationships as well as a connection to their wider family (their "people"). It helps bind them all as one people, not only throughout the land but also through time. Ways Lings share their Memories:

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>Pick another crocko with your friends.
>>Pick another crocko with your friends.
>you awoke to Bubu nudging you to get up and the smell of roasted pinecone
Nice foreshadowing.

>Pick another crocko with your friends.
>>Let Bubu swim with the crockos while you console Moochy yourself.
>Pick another crocko with your friends.

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You are Bol, a schizophrenic gnome with quasi-magical powers.

Today you feel resentful towards your fellow gnomes. What will you do?

>Ignore these hateful feelings
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>>Go through the archway
>Go through the archway

You proceed towards the stone archway and enter the next room.

As you had imagined from the outside, it is a spacious banquet hall. A large table sits in the middle, with a great quantity of food on top of it; the food seems remarkably fresh and tasty, despite all the chairs around the table being empty. There’s another door in the back of the room, probably leading to the kitchens.

You wander around for a few moments, but when you look back at the table, the food is now half-eaten.

If you stare at the great chair at the end of the table, without blinking, it sometimes looks like someone’s sitting there; a silhouette more than a full being. A gnome, with flowing golen-lined grey robes. If you concentrate, he almost seems he’s trying to speak to you.

You … see …?

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Throw dust on him to render him corporeal.
>Attempt to speak with the strange figure

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