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On the star of Velekam, the small eye of the world god known as the continent Vinstraga, the outskirts of the capital of the Archduchy, Strosstadt in Strossvald, a young woman from nowhere tries her best to sail the sea of fates in a place most unfamiliar to her.

For a warrior woman, more at home in the commander’s seat of a panzer than any household or city street, a life away from battle is not so simple. Where power does not come from strength of body or force of arms, can she still steer destiny to her will?

She must, for a life without freedom to her is no life at all.

This is a drawquest taking place in the Panzer Commander setting. You shouldn't need to know anything about it beyond how the current player character acts like and what she knows, but any questions will be answered readily, to aid in staying in character.

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>Request denied. Van Halm was only your friend, but friends helped friends when they were asked to.
Buddying up with Mathilda probably won't do Anya many favours on the path towards the functional working relationship with Maddy that Richter's been trying to negotiate.
>See if we can't talk to Van Halm again tomorrow, while we did go behind Mathilda's back, that was his doing not ours, it wouldn't be right to go behind his. Basically try and stall her.
This outfit suits Mathilda though, maybe it's cause we usually only see her at home or when Maddy is around. This has to be the most concerned expression I've seen on Anya's face.
>Fine. You could agree to that, not like Van Halm couldn’t watch for himself. What about that compensation, then?

Depends on what she can she offer us in our struggle with the silver bitch.
>Request denied. Van Halm was only your friend, but friends helped friends when they were asked to.
>Or else what? From what you heard, plenty of men had shared Mathilda Von Blum, after all.

Your name is Hass Takar and you are the Supreme Ruler of the Hegemony.


During your reign, you defended the Stand from the aggressive expansion of the Consortium's business interest, and defended your people. You only took up your position in your selfishness; killing the previous Supreme Ruler in a duel, but have since learned and changed. But only now does a new reality reveal itself.

The previous victims of the Hegemony's genocidal racism, the Swall and the Vetucker aliens, have since been found again. Revived by some strange pods deep in the soils of their rightful homeworlds, you have found them once again.
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>Just take my time with it?

Take your time, choom.
I'd support this, make Monke the focus but not the 'only' thing, if that makes sense.

In the end, though, you have to do what works for you Bananas.
Do monke quest at whatever timescale you want. I think it's important for Qmers to not feel obligated.
i love this quest but also variety is the spice of life like make it the main thing but do other stuff also for the fun of it
Link to the real Thread #11 for conveniance.

This quest is the story of the rise or demise of House Duntreow as seen through the eyes of two unlikely characters. Lady Gwynfryd Duntreow is the current heir to the keep of Hallowgrove and the Duntreow legacy. Before Robert’s Rebellion, she was sixth in line to her father’s seat. With enemies and rumors lurking in the shadows, the former lady-in-waiting has a long road to overcoming or harnessing burdens now placed upon her. A fateful counter with a Tyroshi sellsword has placed her on the road home. Vaaro Orlios is the second son of a merchant and former paymaster of a dying free company. The cunning and ofttimes duplicitous sellsword has sensed opportunity through the burgeoning future Lady of Hallowgrove. Time will tell if his instincts will be to the house’s benefit or downfall.

Previous threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=House%20Duntreow
Character sheets: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1kWLdiwaUG4Iqr-zOPQJLVp9ug45R8MSO-3Da77fYENg/edit?usp=sharing
House history and important personages: https://docs.google.com/document/d/17z4CFDMRRmtGowj6oSsNi4-xfb-SOzxijLeZSwMmPe8/edit?usp=sharing
Various PDFs that might be of interest: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1gieuIrCoHbYbWdm-BNFQQW_ruLlMTdVu
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Rolled 3, 5, 4, 5, 5 = 22 (5d6)

Rolled 1, 4, 1, 3, 2 = 11 (5d6)

Thankfully it won't count
>13. 1 degree of success vs DC 13. 4x1 dmg. 5/9 composure remaining.
>19. 2 degrees of success vs DC 13. 4x2 dmg. -3 composure remaining.1/3 VP
>16. 1 degree of success vs DC 13. 4x1 dmg. 5/9 composure remaining.
>19. 2 degrees of success vs DC 13. 4x2 dmg. -3 composure remaining. 2/3 VP
>17. 1 degree of success vs DC 13. 4x1 dmg. 5/9 composure remaining.
>19. 2 degrees of success vs DC 13. 4x2 dmg. -3 composure remaining. 3/3 VP


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Pale light dawned gently in the furthest reach of the sky. Solid black blades of charred grass crunched lifelessly beneath the shoes of uniformed men and women as they worked to secure what remained of a natural disaster that perhaps only the Shrine could explain.

Shards of shattered hulling wedged into the carved furrows of Lake Resuri, but the rays of sunlight beginning to skip across the now placid lake's surface betrayed the fact that they were only a fragment of the wreckage still finding its way to shore. Where the earth was not crumbling char, evidence of having been scoured by a flame the guards had to assume were Adept related, it was upturned or flooded, and in some cases, both.

"I don't even know where to begin looking for what caused this." A guard scowled, "This stuff isn't normally our purview is it? Seems like Shrine business."

"They're saying they won't be getting involved with it." Another groused, running her hand back through her hair as she looked out across the ruin with a heavy heart. "Usually they're the ones telling us to fuck off, but now when we actually want them to step in they're refusing to budge."

"At least there don't... Appear to be any casualties. Small miracle, that."

"No casualties on shore, anyway." The woman corrected darkly, "No telling if they just got washed out. Or buried."

"Really wish you hadn't said that." The first guard sighed, raising his foot uncomfortably from the upchurned mud. His peer's laughter was cut-short when a sudden shout from one of the other guards made the morbid joke into a prophecy. "Wisp preserve, there really was one buried!"

"Should've kept my damn mouth shut..." The woman grumbled as the two of them jogged to the source of the commotion. An arm had been found sticking out of the ground. At a glance, despite being caked in mud, it seemed feminine. There was already an effort rallying to begin digging the rest of the body out when... The supposed corpse's digits twitched.

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Thats cool Rizzy. Its all part of Valen's new direction as an easygoing relaxation qst
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While Riz is recovering, have this AI slop that I made while waiting for this thread.
Post more
We might not get many more chances with where the thread is heading
How have you achieved your AI wizardry?

Hopefully and with luck, this will allow Riz to add greater depths and realism to Irue's suffering by the next time he delivers.
The site is app.prodia.com, the model Counterfeit V3.0, default settings and a lot of tries.

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Welcome to the fourth installment of Naruto Quest: Feeling Blue #4!

For my returning players, thank you for your continued support. You're the lifeblood of these threads, and I appreciate that you give me your time.
For any new players, I highly recommend that you read the archives here: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Feeling+Blue

Note that the first thing I do is archive the thread the second I create it, so realize you may catch up a little sooner than you think! However, for any of you who are impatient and want to join the action immediately, here’s an extremely quick and dirty recap of what’s happening at this exact moment:
>You are Otomo Mizutani, ninja of the village hidden in the leaves.
>Your squad consists of yourself, Masami Igarashi, Naoki Fuma, and your team leader, Hotaru Nakagawa.
>You are currently on a mission to escort a trading caravan into and out of bandit territory, the territory of an anti-ninja separatist group that calls themselves The Lords of Fire.
>Your real purpose is to cripple the bandit group, which may be harder than you think because you have extremely strong suspicions that they’re being propped up by four of the Daimyo’s disgraced former bodyguards.
>You just left a temple wherein you met the deceased spirit of a priest named Hiraku Hyuga, who insisted that you purify your soul of an old wound that might one day be your doom.
>For your own personal reasons and because you didn’t fully trust him or the purification ritual, you’ve decided not to listen to his advice.
>Hopefully that turns out to be a wise decision, but like so many other things in life, only time would tell.
>You will soon travel away from the temple and towards the end destination of this escort trip.
>You are currently safe and can relax, but every day that passes from here on out will increase the danger to yourself and charges.

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Just a suggestion, but you could indulge, leave out some details and include something thats fun to write. If you're worried about quality already then you may as well try something that you like, and even if it doesn't turn out how you want (and never will, art is like that) then at least you experimented, maybe learnt something, but most importantly, moved the plot along. The curse has killed far more than a brief drop in quality ever will.
Blue has been sougugueing dounggrdses
Hope everything's going alright for you, my boy!
It's going! It's just not going too well if I'm being honest. I'll spare you the venting sesh because my personal life is irrelevant and talking about it won't achieve anything, with the exception of the fact that I can say there's a lot of stress I'm experiencing oriented around finals week.
I'll probably manage to squeeze out a post or two before it's over, but I can't hold myself to any promises until after Wednesday.
Yeah, this is good advice. I might scrap what I was planning on and just pivot to doing something else I'd prefer more, fuck it. It's essentially a random encounter anyway.

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In @ world filled with dangers an explorer sets out with oneshot to delve within an even more perilous dungeon, this character. What was their identity like?
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There could be some secret rooms or something we missed, flatfoot could of done some wacky stuff, and we could of missed some things while we were tripping balls but we would probably be spending the entire quest in the first area if we tried to find every little thing.

+1 also I say leave the corpses for now we already got overheal and we can come back later if we get real desperate... probably.
Also wait hang on where's the fourth jackal?
Well, we WERE going back to the crevice so +1

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Previous Threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=The%202nd%20Primarch%20Quest

You are Lieren of Nothing, a man of many aspects and roles. Farmer, hunter, architect, rebel, general, scholar. philosopher, student, teacher, enemy of the wicked, Primarch and son of the Emperor of mankind and soon you shall also be groom and husband. Having arranged for your known kinsmen, brothers lost and father distant, to converge for a time upon Shangrala as guests for that most joyous of days, you greeted and welcomed Magnus and Perturabo most gregariously and grandly, with ceremony and pomp reserved for great men such as them. Presently, Perturabo is giving his unabridged and honest criticism to those amongst your ministry of developments engineering and architectural corps and branches, which translates into a scathing judement of their capabilities that might drive lesser willed men to suicide. And Magnus is meditating near by, while he along with Amon, his friend and once mentor, and Wenyan, your adoptive father, watch Perturabo's adoptive sister, the bright Calliphone.

Reaching out to your red hided brother, you do not even need to brush his mind to sense the turmoil it is rife with. He had bitten into the mere mention of "angels" and has been pondering how to approach you or Farmin to here the truth of the matter, as the last time you and he encounter Warp entities together, a life or death struggle began, your fiercest battle and closest brush with death. One that taught him of the dangers the denizens of the great sea can represent. But, while he all but knows the truth of the discordant powers ever plotting the downfall of man kind, he was not trusted with keeping the secret that weighs heavily upon your mind. And you would not so easily break the oath of secrecy you made, even if at times necessity has forced you to straddle the line of doing so. Until your father has given his word, you will not betray his trust, even if you are certain Magnus would be as stalwart an enemy against the dark powers as you or Elazar has proven to be.

'The matter that troubles you, of the reference to the slaying of a being dubbed an angel by misguided and twisted minded psykers during my introduction of the valiant pilots of the steel giants, is one we shall discuss when we are able to hold a truly private conversation with our sire' you wind whisper into his mental ear as you watch Perturabo point out fault after folly after miss measurement by the merest of estimation 'For it is a matter that concerns him as well, the fall of the Shuni Caliphate is something you and Him should be aware of. As well as the ruination that was wrought upon it by itself in its final death throws, but, I cannot say more, for my tongue is bound by promises made'
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>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention

This is one of those cases where no matter what the idea is, the only *lieren* option is to to the introduction followed by engaging with pert. It's not what i'd normally vote for, but it's what lieren would do.
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
>Introduce your father to everyone, and tell him all about Jinhai and Daiyu
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Continue explaining your plan, bouncing ideas off of perturabo as your father becomes the center of attention
>Covertly tell both your father and Malcador of your efforts to counter chaotic plots, through the creation of the Nameless
>Speak of the fragment of the great plan you obtained as well as the results of your still incomplete study of it, several of the greatest psykers and minds currently alive are present so something fruitful will likely result from discussing it.

I am honestly not sure how much objective and narrative time we have to do family projects with the primarchs and emperor so the great plan fragment discussion might be premature or something that should have a entire action dedicated to it alone but honestly we have a psychic Angron, Lieren, the ship sisters, Malcador, The Emperor, and Pert in this room right now talking seriously about things like terraforming and for all we know the top custode, Horus, or Alpharius might suddenly walk in and join.
The main issue with the great plan fragment is that we cannot completely comprehend it due to our soul being too weak and for anyone without our eyes would take time to understand it. Fortunately we can cheat this by channeling our eyes into someone else to read the plan.

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You are Gondola. You walk around. Where do you go?



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>Take the right path
the forest is always comfy

You're not selling it very well - now I know what quest to avoid
>Take the left path.
The voices are calmer this way.
I want to believe QM didn't abandon us, just a bit tired is all.
Come back please, this is a very nice quest!
>I want to believe QM didn't abandon us
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A few years back, the evil government of a distant nation embarked on a secret project: to mold young girls into heartless killers, void of emotion and remorse.
However, these girls, honed into lethal assassins, defied their grim purpose.
Rather than serving their cruel masters, they turned their guns against them, breaking free from their chains.
Yet, freedom bore its own curse.
Haunted by their past and alienated from the ordinary world, many found solace in the shadows, embracing the dark craft they were forced into as contract killers, as killing was the only thing they knew.
Among these tormented souls, you forge an unlikely friendship with one such girl.

>Who are you?
>A young medical student, you found yourself patching her up after a hit went awry, a secret that binds you both.
>A drug dealer, you are the dealer whose drugs keep her alive.
>A crime boss, you've brought her under your wing for missions only she has the cold precision to execute.
>A hard-boiled middle-aged detective, you see in her the daughter you once lost, stirring a protective instinct you thought was buried.
>A normal teenage boy, your ordinary teenage life took an extraordinary turn when a chance encounter in the park introduced you to a girl with a past as mysterious as her gaze.
>A tech-savvy high school dropout, you become her eyes in the digital world, helping her navigate threats unseen.
>A journalist on the trail of her story, only to find yourself entangled in a web of conspiracy that puts both of you in danger.

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You make a point to step away, giving Luna the room to breathe and the privacy she needs in an unfamiliar place. She finishes the meal you prepared, cleaning every bit off the plate—a rarity for kids these days. "Thank you very much for the food," she says, her gratitude sincere.
"Don't mention it," you reply, a smile unexpectedly crossing your face—the first genuine one in a long time.
That night, you let Luna sleep in Hoshiko's old room, on a bed that hasn't been used in six years, while you settle onto the couch with a makeshift bedding. Although tomorrow you plan to take her to the police station to find her legal guardians, tonight there's a certain comfort in seeing your daughter's room occupied again, even if just for a little while.
Morning arrives too soon, and with it a silence that feels out of place. You rise to find Luna gone, only a note left behind: "Thank you for being so kind to me." The words are simple, but they leave a hollow feeling in your chest, echoing louder than the quiet of the apartment.
As you're lost in thought, your phone erupts with the shrill ring of urgency. It's the police chief, your boss. His voice is urgent, cutting through the morning haze. "Kurosawa, get your ass to the station now!" he barks. "Boss Yamada of the Yakuza clan got hit last night. We're looking at citywide gang warfare soon."
"Shit," you mutter under your breath as you light a cigarette. The implications are clear; this shit is going to spiral quickly. "Where was he killed?"
"His penthouse, right near that dive bar you haunt," the chief continues. "And you know what the weirdest part is? Word on the street is that he was whacked by a little girl with a gun."

~[End of Prologue]~
I am sure this is totally unrelated to the girl we housed last night. Surely a murder and a kid is in no way related and will come back to us.
They claim it was a kid, but you can never really trust witness statements. It's clearly far more likely that it was just a midget assassin.
Please don't let this die.
It is dead anon retarded flakes can't live more than a week before dropping off.

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Not a single builder going? Let's fix that!

Welcome to Standard Fantasy Nation Builder. First, start with providing description of your future nation.

Fill this in:
>Leader's name:
>Color(for if/when I get a map):
>General location:(mountains, jungle, plains, ocean, lake, etc. More detailed the better I can make a map..maybe)
>Fluff about nation:
>Fluff about leader:
>General magic practises or other speciality (for a magic-related bonus, can be replaced with tech or situational bonus, too, so it doesn't have to be magic, but make it ONE)
Don't fill this in:
>Population: 10000

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Forgot to check the thread for a few days.

Necran Holdings
>Population: 10100
1 Necran Militia [Militia]
>Power level: 1
>Tech Level: 1
Necromancy +10
Survival +5
[Walls I]
[Cemetery I]

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Rolled 63, 13, 44, 85, 100, 92 = 397 (6d100)


>Necran Holdings
1-3) The power has finally increased!
Power: 2
4) Karate, tai-chi, aikido... dance fighting? Is that even a thing? (5/6)
5) A new dojo is being constructed, to find the best and most optimal ways of killing people dead - and then passing that knowledge on the trainees
[Necran Dojo I ®]


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Authorised by my trip
Rolled 94, 12, 66 = 172 (3d100)

>>Population: 10500
>>Power level: 3
>>Tech Level: 1
>+5 Research
>+1 Defense
>[Mage School II], [Magistrate I] [University I]
>[Construction II], [Bureaucracy III], [Magic Theory III]
>[Confederated Bureaucracy I ®] [Army Professionalism I] [Crafting I], [Standardized training I]

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With the Supreme Kai of Time Chronoa dethroned, the Demon God Dumplin beaten, and Karn's whole family now able to live in his timeline, things have been looking up for the Saiyan General. But all good things can't last forever. And when conflicts arise between deities, mortals are inevitably caught in the crossfire. Does Karn, the Berserker God possess the strength to protect his family, people, world and reality from their fickle nature? Or are the beings above mortal ken also beyond mortal reproach? This outcome may be up to you.

You the players control Karn, wielder of the mighty Berserker Soul. Granting him the power to fight against gods and other divine beings, to resist their influence and strengths. From his lowly beginnings as a Saiyan Brawler with a sub-3000 powerlevel in Age 733, only a few years into his time as a member of the PTO, he has now become the strongest Saiyan of his time. With the power of the Berserker God, combined with That Which Should Not Be and having devoured a soul born of the Abyss itself, his strength is now unlike anything before seen in his reality. But will this newfound strength be enough to overcome the threats headed his way? Only time will tell, your choices can spell the difference between success and failure.

Character sheets and other info:
Help fund quest art commissions and get exclusive side stories as well as artwork here: https://www.patreon.com/GrandDragonQM

Quest rules are as follows(unless otherwise noted):
>30 minute vote times
>Pick ONLY ONE option when voting
>Dice rolls are all best of first three correctly-rolled dice

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>Would depend on how you phrase the wish.
You just wish that your "prime" would last 20-40 years longer.
Less than 250 seconds to go.

Would probably work.
It is time! >>5982260

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Magic Moon Return Quest

The magic moon returned to the world after a thousand years absence and magic is being rediscovered! You're a young and talented magician traveling the land seeking to improve your magic!
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I am using the OP intro as a prompt, and a world where 'magic is being rediscovered' will have many ways to solve problems that are mundane. It's shaping up to be urban fantasy, so there would be plenty of rogues, warriors, etc.
Psionics would be another form of magic in the setting, I dont think I'll use the elemental+light/dark tree that was proposed though.
Ah. Well, I'm keen on seeing what you come up with all the same. Especially if we get some sweet psionics.
Bro, I hate when niggas say they finna do sum and then ghost. Word to my flag, y'all corny af on here.
I have been working on it on and off, I got most of the setting fleshed out, a few maps, but I got stuck trying to put together characters and plotlines. I'm not a good writer.
That being said, I want to thank you for your support getting me to even start, but I don't think it'll be this thread if it does happen, sorry for disappointing you man.

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The truth is you should be the next Fire Lord.

You are stronger, smarter, more cunning. Uncle Iroh is a coward, Zuzu is weak. And father? He was great, of course he was, but he is lost in his own delusion, too haughty, too proud. You could be more pragmatic, understand how a Fire Lord’s tools can remain useful. Father banished Zuko, you would’ve simply shamed him, then you’d have kept Iroh as well. Iroh was not the Dragon of the West for nothing. Simply removing Zuko’s right to inherit would’ve been enough.

You clench your fist, of course, father would never trust a woman with his birthright. You were always better, you learned first and learned faster, you did everything you could to please him, but it wasn’t enough. You never dared mention it to his face.

“Lady Azula.” A voice says from outside the palanquin. “We have arrived.”

“Good, this journey was getting tiresome.”

You step out and your servants bow. You take the first steps on the palace’s front stairs.

The Fire Lord’s room is blazing hot, as it always is, yet this waiting your father put you through before he turns around and speaks feels cold, as cold as the bloody ice sheets of the water tribes.

“Azula.” He says, not turning to face you. “Dire news have come to my ears. A great surge of power was spotted by a passing ship in the northern arctic seas. I believe this can only mean one thing: The Avatar has returned..”

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>Look at him like he's stupid, because he is.
>"(Rank goes here, can't remember whether he's a commander, a captain, or an admiral at this moment) Zhao, what did you think the Fire Lord's intentions were when he banished Prince Zuko on this wild ostritch-horse chase? To *actually* find the avatar, who hasn't been seen for almost a hundred years? How did you make it to this rank without realizing this, really."
For him to be this high-ranked and NOT realize that we're clearly already the favored heir is... kind of astonishing, especially considering I'm pretty sure he's more of a politcal player than a strategist.
>Look at him like he's stupid.
>Zhao, if you ever say something so stupid again, I will circumcise you with lightning bending repeatedly until whatever control you and your cronies think they have disappears. If you die, then I will move on to your cronies, then your family and then your cronie's families until every single person related to you are eunuchs.
>”Any further slander about my brother, and I will forfeit his right to an Agni Kai against you in favor of mine.”
Supporting this >>5995276
Tbh I don't think Azula would even think of getting help from him. Plus she knows for sure he would turn on her eventually since he doesn't seem to think much of the Royal Family.

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Relevant Links:

>Past Threads
>Rentry masterlink, includes character sheets, shop information, inventory, and general information
>Popularity Contest Round 2

A couple months ago, the world changed forever.

Individuals worldwide began manifesting the qualities of various figures- gods, spirits, heroes, beasts, and monsters- from Greek mythos. The system that caused and continues to facilitate this phenomenon is shrouded in mystery, both in how it functions and why it began its activities when it did.

The protagonist of this tale is the incarnation of Atë, a minor goddess in the grand scheme of Greek mythology, who causes and presides over folly and ruin. She, formerly a miserable but ultimately normal office worker, has since accepted her role as the embodiment of her <Myth>. She, along with her partner in crime, the incarnation of Pheme, titan of rumors and gossip, have been working to expand their influence and stack the deck in their favor against not only mortals, but also rival incarnations. In her own eyes, she is no longer human. Her ultimate goal- the elimination of all rival incarnations and, eventually, complete and total world domination.

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Always be paranoid.

>ask for more information about anything he knows.

>see if he could bait others here. So we can gank more people out here.
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which one tho? >picrel
I'm gonna need more info first

>check out what each of the items do before making a decision
>ask him to tell us about his incarnation to clarify which Pallas he is, and what he does for influence
>ask him about any epithets he has
>casually tell him that we can do a miracle redeification
if we get a combat specialist epithet, like Achilles, if he's interested to do that

The stygnian pact with mouse should still hold, right? he can always do a rematch to get Achilles, or just ask mouse to formally surrender the fight and therefore the epithet
I think he means Pallas like the cats.
>all of the above mentioned suggestions
>pop his drops of chaos
>ask him for his perspective on the world and currently known powerful incarnations
basically nuputin, isa and chinawoman
>ask if he knows about enchanting stuff because he has nice relics

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The Divines are fickle. One minute you were racing toward the border into Hammerfell on a stolen horse, with glimmering hopes of a new life. You were going to turn things around. No more gambling. No more thieving. You were going to become a respectable Nord. Instead, you find yourself clapped in irons, not for the horse you stole, nor for the debts you've left unpaid, but for a rebellion you were never a part of.

Ulfric Stormcloak, THE Ulfric Stormcloak, leader of that same damned rebellion, just told you to take heart and have courage, but at sight of the executioner's massive ax, your nerve fails you. You make a run for it, somehow managing to pull away from the guard attending you.

The captain does not bother sending someone on a chase. He gestures to another guard wielding a bow to fire. You were going to be executed anyway, it makes no difference if it's by ax or arrow.

You make it as far as the eastern gate when pain explodes from your right shoulder. The guard, having missed your heart, clicks his tongue, and lines up for another shot.

But he never gets the chance to loose it because just then something completely impossible happens. A dragon, an actual, flying, fire-breathing dragon, appears overhead and begins burning Helgen to the ground.

You don't stick around to witness the carnage, you hightail it as fast as your legs (and your wound) will allow. Through the eastern road, south until you come to a fork and the sound of the fighting and the burning and the screaming begins to fade.

>Keep running, you need to make tracks before more Imperials show up
>Look around for a place to hide until the hubbub dies down
>Tend to your wound before it worsens further

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May I also interest you in some Omegaupdate?
>stricter moderation
So they aren't better, then.
You also have the right to kill yourself.

>less hostile spergs
>less hostile discord community
>quests that are actually good
>more chill culture/voters overall
>somehow not better than /qst/
What on God's green one are you smoking, anon?
>oh, hey, there's a new post made on this long ditched thread. Maybe this dead quest got picked up by a new QM!
>fond memories of Spooky Girl Quest flood back
>takes a look
>it's just one of the anons who keep bitching about /qst/ dying trying to advertise

Also, fiction.live's interface is so bad that when Elf Maiden moved there I gave up on following it after I couldn't parse it.

Just... think about how bad that is.
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