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Your name is WALTER HARTWELL WHITE. You have just woken up after your 50TH birthday. It's time to go to the hospital.
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>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
>BURGER TIME. You need some comfort food to get over these depressing results. (+1 WALTER POINT)
>DISCUSS WITH THE FAMILY. Talk to your family in the car. (+2 WALTER POINTS)
Start driving like a maniac on your way home.
Fuck it, might as well live a little.



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"Jr., don't you kids have a saying?

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One day, while searching the woods for a sparrow to crack with your pocket of stones, you come across a small cave at the base of a mossy hill. It smells like wet stone inside but as you venture deeper, you get whiffs of an odor like the one that hangs over the village cemetery on dry summer days.

It is then you see it. There is a man sitting against the cave wall, his legs outstretched. Sleeping, you think. The light from the mouth of cave is not enough to make out his face and hailing him does not rouse him from his slumber. You inch closer. A rusty gauntlet glints from his hand, resting just above his knees. You reach out to shake his shoulder and small mouse jumps out from his head and runs into the darkness making you yelp and jump back. You can make out now a white skull, picked clean of all flesh, and masses of cobwebs in the hollows. A cruel black arrow sticks out from the man's belly. He is most certainly not sleeping.

In the other hand, you see a leather scabbard clutched close to the chest. It is with a great effort that you wrench it from the chewed fingers. It is covered in dust and smells vaguely of rat droppings, but the blade inside, when you draw it out, is as sharp and shiny as the day it was forged. You've never seen anything so fine.

>What do you do?
[ ] Show the blade to your father, it'll surely fetch a fair price at the market, and your family will be glad for the coin.
[ ] Hide the blade inside your tunic and present it to the old watchman, Delaney Halfhand. Perhaps he'll teach you how to use it.
[ ] Wear the sword on your back and swagger triumphantly to the village well, showing it off to the other boys. You can't wait to see the green in Thomas Bishop's eyes!
[ ] Other
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>[ ] The cavaliers of Riverstone would never lie and neither will you. You've always been a straight and honest boy and choose to remain sinless.
>The cavaliers of Riverstone would never lie and neither will you. You've always been a straight and honest boy and choose to remain sinless.
>[ ] Admit no more than your finding the sword in the woods. It is the truth, after all, and the part which you've left out will not harm anyone.
We dindu nuffin after all.

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Old Maple Hill. That’s what they call it, mostly because that’s what you called it, and even then only because it is centered around... Well, a small hill, with an old maple tree, and you were a child, and you never thought it would be the center of an entire community.

Funny how things change.

Your name is Ezreal Mious Van Houtzmann. ‘Mious’ means ‘wisdom’ in the language of your mother's people, the Sylvan Elves of Dappulyet, whom you may never see or visit again; you can only hope she got your last letter, before you fled your homeland in the pursuit of world peace and personal freedom (it’s a long story). “Van Houztmann” is your human father’s surname... Well, sort of. He was born merely ‘Rudolfo Houtzman’, and seems to have added the ‘van’ and the extra ‘n’ as some form of dramatic flourish. You adopted it much later. It means ‘of the strong men’. Despite all your hereditary strength and wisdom, however, sometimes you feel like a leaf on the wind—a summoned wind, a night-wind, generated by the beating of great wings beating in the unseen dark.

Under your stewardship—and that of Izirina and Costella Fanucci, the women whom you love—Old Maple Hill became first a sort of sanctuary and rehabilitation center for those humans of Hawksong—the world’s preeminent metropolis—who had been afflicted by the chimeric plague better known as ‘the dragon-pox'. As a reward for your good works, your trio was granted the hill itself and the land around it was gifted to you in trust, to preserve and protect in the name of the fairy court upon that eponymous hill. After a year-and-a-half abroad—first in homeland and then upon the sacred moon itself!—you returned with divine knowledge of the holy arcane, to share with those grateful and newly-sorcerous subjects of Hawksong who had decided to remain there. Partly this was out of pride, and out of solidarity with Izzy and Costella, and partly due to a sense of responsibility for what you had wrought.

More and more, though, you wonder if you really had any say at all...

Almost four months ago, you undertook a diplomatic expedition to the Sylvan Realms to rescue the monstrous son of Hawksong’s prince Cosnort—secretly some form of ‘aragonborn antipaladin’ in service to the Gods of Darkness. You hadn’t done this out of any love for those horrid entities, or even the Prince Consort or her majesty Queen Ekaterine, but because you believed it the best way to keep the peace between your peoples.

You’d succeeded, but at a great cost.
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You reach out to hug Zith-Zi, but she takes a step back, looking genuinely confused.


“You… looked like you could sue it?” you suggest.

Zi stares at you for a seconds, then cracks up laughing. She keeps on laughing, and laughing, until everyone is staring at the two of you, and the nilbog is nearly doble over, actually crying with laughter. Hershy, annoyed at being s jostled, flutters away to alight upon a nearby spire-like stone protrusion. It’s now YORU turn to be confused.

“I’m sorry, Tips, it’s just… Holy shit!” Zith-Zi gasps for breath, wiping her eyes. “You really, REALLY don’t belong in this place.”

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You gather your allies and discuss your plan. You’ll rest here, long enough to eat some of the food you brought and to recuperate your energies. You move down to the base of the small mountain, though, leaving the hobgoblin corpses where they lie, unburied. Eventually, you see buzzards swooping in to gather upon the peak. Even as his two mammalian heads each take their respective sustenance, Muffins watches them enviously as they feats upon the bounty you’ve provided.

“Hopefully not the first of many meals for them…”

“Huh?” Costella asks from beside you.

You fore a smile, and shake your head.

“It’s nothing.”

Once everyone is ready and packed up, you leave this once-hallowed place, which hopefully will be sacred against soon—if you can find those who lived and worshiped here, and save them from the cruel fate their captors might otherwise have in mind.

How will you track the goblins? What will you do when you get there?
>Let Zith-Zi be your group’s face—she knows how goblin raiders in this region operate, and how to haggle with them to buy the information (or people) you need

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>Under cover of night, with you in Aethereal form and Carazzi’s natural demonic abilities, you could probably evade even goblin darkvision and infiltrate the goblin market to liberate any prisoners…
>Under cover of night, with you in Aethereal form and Carazzi’s natural demonic abilities, you could probably evade even goblin darkvision and infiltrate the goblin market to liberate any prisoners…
>Under cover of night, with you in Aethereal form and Carazzi’s natural demonic abilities, you could probably evade even goblin darkvision and infiltrate the goblin market to liberate any prisoners…
Neat plan and Cazzi's booty is only average anyway.

You're Mazela, the queen of the witches. You live in a hut standing on chicken legs deep in the forest and use your psychic powers to defend women who have been abused by men. Today the miller's wife has come to you with a black eye. "My husband beats me when he is drunk," she cries about her abusive husband. How do you help her?

>>Grant her psychic powers to enslave her abusive husband.
>>Teach her a curse to kill her abusive husband so she can find someone better.
>>Write In
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>>The boy you loved in your youth betrayed you and abandoned you for a rich girl with big tits.
Is the quest always going to be filled with annoying spam?
I will swap my vote from >>5977060
>The boy you loved in your youth betrayed you and abandoned you for a rich girl with big tits.
just to get the quest started
Dead quest
Oh no :(
OP don't fuck me over :'(. I'm counting on you!

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>After many moons, the Narrator returns from actions which would make the most homo of fags tremble.
>The Narrator, that amorphous blight, will not divulge into this further. Spinel's world has enough faggotrous activities at present.
>GRAPE FLAVOUR is back and has undergone slight mutation in how to play.
>Players will submit suggestions they'd like to see!
>Narrator will choose ONE suggestion out of all sent to guide the direction of the quest.
>Narrator may take handful of suggestions at any time to present for a vote to decide how we progress.
>You are currently Spinel and last we saw you had been presented some options....
>Dig yourself a hole and crawl into it in the feral position
>Was there any cool and strange technology Pink Diamond left behind? Go press some buttons
>What will you do?
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>Off you go!
>You are now Lapis.
>You rub your temples in frustration, Peridot some few feet away from you lays exhautsed on the Stinky Couch.
>You can hear her...juices...dripping against the floor and squelching under her as she moves ever so slightly.
>You just wanted to get high.
C'mon pick up the phone Spinel..
Urrghh...Spinel this is really important...
>Try not to groan, because it excites Peridot.
>You didn't want to deal with a bunch of stupid garbage too.

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>I see you need help from the one.
>The only.
>Peridot's help to understand
>Players send in suggestions!
>Narrator chooses one suggestion at a time (mostly), these will help direct the story.
>Narrator MAY choose at random intervals a handful of suggestions to be voted on.
>This is the only time narrator will provide choices directly.
>That's it! Hopefully that makes sense.
>Now if you'll excuse me...i have a marshmallow waiting to meet a VERY unconventional hole, ehueheuheuheh.
Play some vidya. Do gems have games?
Play vidya (if we have some) or board games.

Play vidya and then gawk in horror at the audacity of the male fantasy.

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The tides of history have called upon the line of Marik once more to remove an imposter from our country’s throne. I call upon all patriots, at home or abroad, and ask that they rise against the Empress. So with iron and blood, we may reclaim our future from the hands of a mad despot. So that their children, and their children’s children can live in a secure, safe world.
-Jaime Marik, Patriot’s Address

The Ferrum Empire has descended into Civil War. The weapons built to subjugate the world and decisively crush their neighbors are instead turned inwards.

You are one of those weapons. Beta Core, an Artificial Intelligence built to operate the Empire’s most advanced mech frames against their enemies in tandem with a human pilot. Only together with a pilot, can you move the frame, merging the raw processing power and reflexes of an AI with the knowledge and restraint of a human.

This mission, your pilot is a teenager named Sophie.

You, along with your AI sister Delta, currently are operating for the Patriots. Your other sister, Gamma, is presumably operating for the Loyalists, but you are uncertain of her whereabouts.

Prior threads can be found at:

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What's more, Sophie would have gotten in big trouble, meanwhile Beta is on thin ice as it is.
>No, you have your mission. Every minute you delay brings rising risks. You’ll see Gamma another day.

> Use Sunbeam to mark the Beta, Gamma, and Gamma symbols onto a surface. Just to let her know we're all still alive.
Should only take a second. Pity the sunbeam isn't fine enough to inscribe binary data at a quick rate.
>>No, you have your mission. Every minute you delay brings rising risks. You’ll see Gamma another day.

Supporting the idea to itch Beta, Delta, Gamma in a way that makes her understand we recovered our other sister;

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The Eternal Empire has stood for 14 millennia and has endured hundreds of wars, calamities, and rulers of every type. As the Reaver Clans have been forced to yield, the first generation of House Heinrich's rule begins to pass from living memory.

Though Emperor Otto's reign reaches near its final days, it is not yet finished. Only time will tell what his legacy will be.

>Previous Threads
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Either way, this doubles-down on my vote for having them produce Matador-pattern ships. They're the ships I feel most comfortable selling to civilians and merchants, while later sercing the important role of expeditionary forces and armed logistics in our own military.
How old is Otto at this point? I'm thinking it's getting around the time for him to abdicate, not anything particularly destabilizing going on that requires him to remain.
Emperor Otto is 85, pushing 86, and Empress Jeanne is 58. Ferdinand is 36 and nearing the completion of his work, Leopold is 34 and busy guiding House Uvar, Grayson II is 32 and still involved with the Landstaat, Alphonse II is 30 and has already reached the rank of admiral, Theo is 29 and studying, Konstantin is 27 and an upper mid-ranking general in the Imperial Army, Konrad is 22 and progressing his mastery of sculpture moving on from clay to marble, and Arnette is 19 and her absolutist views haven't changed over time, rather, she's written extensive documents in its favour under several pen names. They've been less than influential, even among House Heinrich, but she has high hopes and her prose improves by the year.
I didn’t realize that there was a near three decade difference between Otto and Jeanne.
>The Corps are involved in some degree of research but none have specialized in the field.
I really think we should start up a dedicated research division in Crown Corp anons. We have the money, and if nobody else is doing it we can kickstart an innovation race that will only benefit the empire even if we lose out.

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>In the name of all that is evil and unjust!

You are Carrie Cross and you've spent your whole life giving to the world without anything to show for it. Well it's about time you think... to take some back! You're done playing nice and by the rules, so why not start breaking them and playing nasty? Growing up with Saturday morning shows and your enduring obsession with them, will surely pay off now!

And perhaps paid off a little too well... to avoid some of the heat from your growing infamy, you've decided to skip town for awhile and take a little vacation down to sunny Miami!

>While you're here, you'll need a place to stay! Someplace nice but modest and out of the way should be fine.
>This is a vacation so you want to stay at the most luxurious place you possibly can!
>While here, besides relaxing you also had a mind towards some villainy, so a downtown location is preferable.
>...perhaps there's a branch of the secret society here? If you dare to stay with them, you know they'll accommodate you well.
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>As far as it seems someone was barbecuing indoors or on their deck.
What kind of fucking mongoloid would do this? Someone oughta swipe that grill from them for the safety of everyone involved. I hope you can bounce back soon, just focus on stability first or something.
Hey all just a heads up, so I got a place to stay temporarily but the problem remains now that I don't have a computer. I am able to reply like this, but can't really write the kinds of updates typical of the quest so far, to be able to keep it going.

Going to have to work extra to earn what it'll take to replace everything I lost, but even then it could take awhile to get some sort of computer replacement. Will try what I can and update if things change or look to, though!
Sorry to hear about this man, I'd recommend a cheapass rig just to tide you over.
Take it easy OP
That's the plan yeah, but until then I suspect the quest will have to remain on hiatus. Which is disappointing because I can still post like this at least, but not at the caliber necessary or deserving for this quest.

Hopefully it won't be so long though, will have to see.

Always easy!

You are Mouse, the ogre. Although raised by humans you found yourself in service of the dark elven queen - and with her blessing you have embarked on a quest to purge the corruption plaguing the very world you live in.

You are not alone. Your mission is shared by an eclectic band of companions:
-Phineous, the sophisticated orc of culture.
-Smutkin, the formerly depraved bard who took your mission for his own
-Sparky, the formerly warped imp that was, by touch of holy power, transformed into something else
-Tithe, the diminutive yet vigilant gargoyle
-Chloe, the shadow of the queen sent to safeguard you and your mission.
Your band has since grown with additions no less colorful:
-Elle, the royal courier who has since sworn herself to your quest
-Harriet and Janet, the twin scouts you've rescued from the mercenaries
-Diana and Minerva, twin golems you've freed from their questionable service to the old order
-Her majesty queen Olga Discordia, the dark elf ruler turned exile after the Beast possessed her minions into mutiny
-Mercenary princess, Maia, seeking to confront the man she loved
-And quite literally in spirit, a fragment(?) of the goddess Laurentia you had wrestled from the clutches of darkness (and in doing so, likely forced the enemy's hand to the desperation he was showing...)

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I have not been idle. Laurentia shares at one point, entering into the steady rhythm of your footfalls and echo of Smutkin's tunes, but without disrupting either and with her voice an undercurrent of resolve joins the eerie symphony. From all that we've talked about, through what you allowed me to see through your eyes, to all I've been able to discern on your nature.

You get the impression she's not talking of your nature as an ogre. But then, what?

I'm getting to that. Although there's not much I can tell. Your existence seems aberrant to the world. Or at least portion of it that makes you what you are, and what allows you to keep your rapport with your companions.

Well some of that is what you've been asking yourself occasionally, but still no answers or explanation.

And there won't be any, at least for now. Laurentia says. You are the limits of my sight. And I infer that it is the same for the Beast, and part of the reason why he is afraid of you, or perhaps that spark you shelter and carry. The goddess falls silent. This is not nearly the first time someone had defied him. He can grant immense power to those who embrace his offers, but as is my experience, simple refusal does not foil him. You have met people who did refuse, and without your intervention, their fates may have been grim.

You look around you, the cluster of luminous figures advancing in front, behind and to either side of you.

Yes, your companions, and more. My vessel, my daughter... There's another brief wistful pause. I do not yet feel or understand what exactly it is that makes the difference here. But I've come to feel that there IS a difference that can be made. And... I feel that I've been touched by it, as have your friends. I feel it allowed me to go on when I shouldn't - didn't expected to have.

You grimace internally, reminded of how she seemed ready to lay down her.. existence? ...to not endanger your mission.

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>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
>This looked like something that would demand your full attention and freedom from any possible distractions. Terminate the travelling trance with securing a tiny strip of ground and have the company stop.
>Although you welcome her resolve, perhaps it would be best to leave it for when you've stopped for the evening, to ensure you would be able to rest after what might turn out to be a harrowing and exhausting experience.
>other idea
I will. But odds are its gotta be here.
>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...
No balls
>Do it now. No time like present, although you couldn't tell what would happen, and how Laurentia's exercise would impact your travelling trance...

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In a country on the cusp of war there exists two sides. The country of Westalis and Ostania, many people live their lives attempting to keep peace and prevent an all out war from taking the two countries once again.

You are one such person. You've seen the way society was ravaged by war. So you've sworn your life to protect it. The only question is...

How exactly are you protecting it?

> An agent of WISE, Working from the country of Westalis and keeping the peace. (The Same organization as Loid Forger and Fiona Frost)
> A member of The Garden an illustrious and secret assassin Organization, who work for a shadow government to take out traitors(Same organization as Yor Forger)
> A member of the State Security Service an organization dedicated to torturing and interrogating Westalis spies(Same organization as Yuri Briar)
> A Renegade/Mercenary operating on your own morals and beliefs with no true allegiance simply trying to prevent war.
Welcome to Spy x Family quest! This is something I decided to run to potentially gauge interest in any sort of Spy x Family quest. If I see there isn't much activity. I'll leave it as a one-shot, if not we can keep it going!
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> Skip ahead
I'd prefer the dangerous thing that happens with the son to involve meeting the potential wife
> Stay for now
lets have cyril and samuel get to know each other a little more before finishing the family
>> Stay for now
>Stay for now
qm are you still alive

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The smell of rotting synth-meat and stale kibble forces you conscious. It's dark, and as your hands grope around the pitch blackness, it's wet. You attempt to stand, and a resounding crash happens as you whack your head on metal.
The pain forces memories back into your head, the shooting, the car chase, hiding in this very dumpster... and who you are...

1: Corporate Netrunner. Raised in a training facility, the net's a second home to you, and you know your way around it better than meatspace.

2: MedTek Dropout. You used to be trauma team, now you're... whoever pays best. Couldn't keep up with the constantly raising deadlines and demands. Burnt you out.

3: Classic Solo. You were born out on the streets, grew up fighting. You were good enough to make a living out of it.

4: [Write-in!]
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very nice. im imagining a proper cp2020 quests with character sheets and dice rolls and the likes.

Very well done for a first quest, thanks for your efforts! A finished quest is a great quest around these parts, I salute you
i will probably do that fairly soon!
if you cant think of much for an adventure you can just take one of the adventurebooks from 2020 and use those
Followup or another Qst forthcoming QM?

Anon, you've angered the Gazebo.

What do?

> Shoot an arrow

> Commit seppuku

> Flee
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Gg guys. We will get him next time.
>Commit seppuku
Now can we play as the real hero of this story: The Angered Gazebo. Will its righteous anger ever be quenched? Will the slain scatological protagonist ever be avenged?! Find out next time if OP ever delivers!
Give him some credit. He actually ended the quest.
Thinking quickly i use a squirrel, some string, and a shrink ray to build a shrink ray and use the shrinking rays fired by the shrink ray to shrink the gazebo's anger to a manageable level.

"Carl you're better than this. Think about your wife. She's got two little gazebos on the way and she's going to have to build them by herself if you're sent to jail."

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Entity Name: Normal Zombie (Designation: NZ-001)

Normal Zombies are reanimated corpses exhibiting typical characteristics of undead entities. These entities are primarily distinguished by their insatiable hunger for living flesh and their limited cognitive abilities, primarily focused on locating and consuming human or animal tissue. The appearance of Normal Zombies varies widely depending on the state of decomposition, ranging from recently deceased individuals to significantly decayed corpses.

Physical Characteristics:
- Normal Zombies typically display signs of decomposition, including discolored skin, rotting flesh, and varying degrees of physical deterioration.
- Their movements are often slow and clumsy, lacking coordination and fine motor skills.
- Despite their decaying state, Normal Zombies possess remarkable strength and resilience, capable of enduring significant physical trauma without cessation.
Behavioral Patterns:
- Normal Zombies exhibit a relentless pursuit of living organisms, guided solely by the primal instinct to feed.
- They demonstrate little to no capacity for communication or strategic planning, relying instead on primitive hunting instincts.
- Normal Zombies are attracted to sound, movement, and the scent of living beings, often congregating in large groups in areas with high population density.


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I think he mistook this for/x/ and tried to make his own shite scp
He became a zombie
What kind of shitty scp would even be accepted in /x/?
>Look around if there's any brain to eat

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>Join the cause
>Look around
Really jannies?
this is the only good thread on /qst/
Should make a dragon warrior quest or as a cursed shapeshifter born under the stars of the gods of misfortune
>Blessed with Misfortune: You were born under some unlucky stars. All of the unlucky stars in fact! Your birth under such unfortunate signs drew the attention of the Gods of Misfortune and they see you as their favored child. They look over you and bestow upon you their 'blessings'. They love you, in their own way. You take -50 to almost all luck rolls. Your enemies lose all of their advantages and take -75 to their luck rolls. If a luck roll would kill you you instead get a +50 bonus.

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You are Anon, an albino man with extraordinary strength and magical energy who can remember only faint vestiges of his past, is unaware of his real name, and is a Master in the Akeldama Great Holy Grail War, which is taking place in a city in an artificial world called Akeldama. Your Servant is Avenger of Red, a winged girl wielding considerably powerful magic who has declined to tell you her true name so far. Most recently you destroyed a zombie that had been sent to survey the boundary of the area that you’d set up camp, after making contact with an unidentified pervert (?) through a walkie-talkie that the zombie was carrying. A while later, some kind of sporadic bombardment began targeting your general area, and you and Avenger gathered up the noncombatants who you’d taken in to consider how to respond.

First thread: https://archived.moe/qst/thread/5331278/
Subsequent threads: https://suptg.thisisnotatrueending.com/qstarchive.html?tags=Low+Speed+Anti+Divine+QM
Reference for Servant (and other related) stat-blocks: https://pastebin.com/5mPbUP4G
TL;DR timeline recap: https://pastebin.com/fYqqL7s4

Suzaku, Koko, and Anne all join you before long, and Anne observes, “We’re under siege. My supposition is that Caster’s defenses stopped them from discerning our exact location, so they opted to target his entire territory and see what happens.”

“Earlier, someone sent a corpse-familiar to skirt along the border of Caster’s territory. It could be that they were trying to draw up a target area.” You report.

“The Dead Apostles are behind this?” Koko asks frantically, “In that case, go ahead and kill them all!”

“It seems you have a bit of ferocity in you after all, child.” Avenger chuckles in response. “But that is what I was planning to do.”

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>Disengaging to carefully analyze and react to the Assassin’s attack
>See the mana in the ground or something?
Good observation

Will get to writing
A Noble Phantasm with its True Name invoked is a serious threat even if the enemy is on their last legs. You halt your advance and decide to direct your effort into discerning the method of your enemy’s attack. But how can you do that? It sank into the ground.

Then it occurs to you: you’d let your Mana-Sight ability lapse in the course of the fight, but you ought to be able to detect the traces of magical energy of the Noble Phantasm after it sank into ground by reactivating Mana-Sight.

As you do so, you find that after the Phantom Maiden sank, its constituent magical energy left a wake that you could follow with your eyes. Turning as you track its path, you can tell that it’s size has somehow expanded and that it’s about to emerge behind Avenger.

Catching her hand, you pull your Servant down the tunnel, gaining a little distance from both Aka no Assassin and her Phantom Maiden, which swiftly rose from the ground with its spiked doors opened wipe to snap up Avenger.

“Uwah!?” She yelps, startled at first by your sudden pull, and then by the fact that you again moved to protect her from the enemy’s Noble Phantasm when she glanced back to see it. However, you’re not out of the woods yet, since now the bulky torture-device is sliding along the ground after you both with its doors opened wide.


All of a sudden, something resonates in you, a feeling all along your spine. Your grip on your mace tightens as you stop, pushing Avenger past you before you turn around and face the enemy’s Noble Phantasm head on. You’ve had enough of this. Enough retreating, evading, or cowering in the face of the enemy. The Phantom Maiden is a weapon of cruelty, and it’s time you break its attack with a weapon of war!

“Counting on your support!” You order your Servant tersely, as time is short before the Phantom Maiden is upon you, and she immediately reestablishes her Fortification spell onto you without any bluster or fanfare.

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Well, not entirely. Your strike blunts the Phantom Maiden’s momentum, but it begins surging forward again. No matter, you’ll simply hammer it back every time it tries to advance. Its doors snap open and shut trying to ensnare you, but your reach is long enough to stay out of its maw as you repeatedly bash the enemy’s Noble Phantasm with your mace. With each clash, you understand the Phantom Maiden’s true nature a little better. You’d already deduced that it was a weapon of cruelty, and you further come to realize that it’s designed specifically to be used against women. As a man, you’re suited for fighting against it on a conceptual level.

Even so, Aka no Assassin isn’t making it easy for you as your arms grow weary from the stalemate. But the Phantom Maiden suddenly dematerializes, and through the dim light you can see the vampire called ‘Delta’ running away through the tunnel as one of the lions that Avenger summoned begins attacking the other two, and the Assassin herself reverts to spirit-form in an attempt to flee. You’re able to make out a shifting shape of her with your Mana Sight though.

“Did that vampire somehow make one of my familiars defect? The insolence.” Avenger says in a venomous tone in her analysis, before blasting the traitor-familiar with a beam of raw magical energy, killing it immediately. The other two lions are panting or licking their wounds, and your enemy continues to flee down the tunnel.

“The Assassin shifted into spirit-form, would we be able to damage her if we pursue?” You ask your Servant, unsure of how you’d continue fighting an immaterial enemy that’s trying to escape from you.

“Entering spirit-form generally makes attacking a Servant trickier than usual, but I know of ways to do it.” She answers. Looking at her two remaining lions, she asks you, “Would you like me to heal them and prepare a countermeasure against them turning traitor? It had something to do with the vampire injecting its blood into them, so I could cast a spell that makes their veins eject foreign substances like vampire-blood. Alternatively we could save time and pursue immediately.”

You’ll go with:
> Heal the lions and prepare them to continue fighting as needed
> Time is short, you’ll pursue right away
> She can dismiss the lions, but you’d like her to cast such a spell onto you so that in the off-chance you get bitten it won’t be too much of a problem
> Something else (write-in)

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> She can dismiss the lions, but you’d like her to cast such a spell onto you so that in the off-chance you get bitten it won’t be too much of a problem

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