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I have access to 48v ebike battery's and I would like to use them with solar.
But my inverter can't use 48v.
Can I just use a reducer and just use 12 or 24 v?
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I don't care I have access to free solar panels
You say that now, but when you don't get full sun for a few days you'll wish you weren't wasting your battery bank so much. Oh well, you can pay the lazy tax I guess.
My load is 100w you can make that even on a cloudy day.
Also I've seen a guy run a mini fridge 5 days on a 200ah battery
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no, that is a different setup than my solar, 500km apart.
i just use the bike battery in my garage, bc it does not have electricity, as it is not mine.
so its 60v battery, dcdc, big old lead battery and shitty ups

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>commercial brewing legal advice edition
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Just bottled my first mead and cyser
mead after 19 days of fermentation finished at .99 gravity, 17% abv
cyser after 16 days finished at 1.00, 14.4% abv
I have no more bottles
the showdown between treetop and foodclub begins
Gonna order some ingredients soon and I wanna make a wheat beer.
What % of the grain bill should be wheat malt just so I know how much to order? Like I know rye is ideal at 30-40% but wondering if wheat is similar.
>had some bits of strawberry floating around
>decide I will let it sink to the bottom, let it clarify for a week
>already backsweetened, just need to get it clear to bottle
>come back in a week
>fuzz all over the surface
Damn, wasted the past few months. This is annoying.

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Can this muffler be weld back into life or is it over?
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Whats with the faggity background
Slap the bung back in and use flexseal muffler seal
it can be welded and reinstalled, sure. no muffler shop would do that, not even the ones willing to save you a buck. also if you have emissions or inspection it might be rough going.

try a mom and pop muffler shop, try to get a take off that's in not awful condition. doesn't have to be exact or anything. you could also hit up the junkyard and cut yourself one from the source.
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>Worth it or better to buy a new muffler?
How much for a new muffler? And how good are you at welding? I've welded up a lot of rotted out mufflers for tractors and other equipment, because a proper muffler replacement would cost a lot. This one for my John Deere 8630 would cost me around $475 for a new one... So I just pretty much straight piped it using the perforated pipe that was inside the muffler and then put the oval shroud back on so it filled the hole in the hood and didn't look retarded.
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After this I cut the top section off that had holes in it and added the original top tip and exhaust flapper. Ended up making it about 6" taller than it originally was. Really didn't sound any different with it being "straight piped" than it did before with the chambered muffler.
Appreciate the help guys, decided to buy a new one instead and already installed it. Cheers.

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What do

I tried to clean a stain and it just got bigger

Are they water lines? How do I get rid of them?
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take the couch outside in the morning and hose it down completely, scrub it like you're washing a car, then rinse out the soap with more water, and let it air-dry in the sun all day - cover it that night and let it dry another day in the sun - take it inside and enjoy the clean couch - but if it stinks throw it away and consider setting it on fire for rapid disposal
you need special tools for that, better leave it to professional, it doesn't make sense to buy tools just for that one couch
god this place is hopeless
use la's totally awesome carpet cleaner and pick up a wet/dry shop vac
there's soda or something soaked into the cushion foam and dried, so when you soaked through the fabric it came back.
steam cleaning will get the fabric clean without wetting the dirt but you're never gonna get all that crap out of the foam. if you're in ant or roach country you should trash it before it becomes a nest.
use a good foam cleaner and treat the WHOLE surface. Let this adsorb, then take a sponge /brush and clean the WHOLE surface, not only the spot.. Repeat if required. 50 % of success is mechanical treatment.

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How do you make your house UV proof?
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bunkers are impervious to UV by nature
You still haven't solved this after hundreds of years alive?
You’re funny, OP. But how come tho?
Even from like photons and atomic radiation stuff?
Oh, you’re funny too. I would think that vampires would have a short life expectancy. It’d be such a hassle to successfully avoid the sun unless the lived underground, I guess maybe.
OP doesnt want his house roasted by a -man made- space ray, right anon? Paint the roof blue lol
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Hello I want to make this device for my water tank based on this youtube vid
The schematic is here
However I am completely electronically illiterate, I'll have someone print a PCB based on this. But is the power source supposed to be AC or DC? That 12V2 thingy to the left
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>which is when babies prefer bottles
god, that must be crushing for the mother's self esteem lol
misinformation from the 50s still propagates today, the same reason they cut part of your dick off.
Just use a float switch trigger a relay that activates the pump when the water gets lower. Like an electric toilet, come on man!
You can buy actual float switches, they use a sliding metal contact on a float so that the pump doesn't turn off and on every time the water level goes down 2mm
motorhomes and trailers use those. rip one off there.

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is there any way to repair the damage on this wood surface?
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explain yourself nutsack
Wipe it with Muratic acid
i did consider picking up a jug while at ace
Depending on how you apply your poly, you may need to take map to the surface as it cures to remove bubbles. Some recommend using diatomaceous earth to sand the last layers of poly for the smoothest finish. It will take time, but if done right, it will last a life time

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I repurposed an 80s Toyota car seat as my new desk chair and all I'm wondering is why the fuck more people aren't doing this. Comfiest AND cheapest desk chair I've ever had by a huge margin.
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>ancient white brick on the desk
is that the rosetta stone
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I heard of this happening and saw a video of such a thing in extremely cheap Chinese chairs in China as well, because they lacked the steel plate underneath to protect you from such an incident.
put a sheet of steel or something on top of that plywood between you and the hydraulics.
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4chan doesn't republish image metadata because one time metadata accidentally revealed that MH370 was a hoax to get the US into a war in Ukraine.
i'm not seeing what this unnecessarily blurry image proves. the post was made 11 days after the disappearance and manifest was made public. anyone could've posted it.

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I will be posting a video of miku talking soon ;)
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So I got the ai to respond to my voice. I had to get gradio to work on the terminal with gradio cli api and there wasn't much documentation regarding that. 4chan doesn't allow videos with sound though. Either way this would have been done quicker had it not been for the hacker. He won't be on the street for much longer.
Yeah I'm sorry but im going to stop progress posting in 4chan. Please join my discord for more progress posting
and please like and subscribe.
>Yeah I'm sorry but im going to stop progress posting in 4chan
At least keep giving us the important updates OP, discord is gay.
Doesn't matter you're in Kazakhstan
you sick demented fuck
anyway, if you have problems with silicone, try to rub some vinigger on it, strong stuff

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Gotta take down a whole shit load of trees on my first (and only, but I’m proud of it) property. Probably close to 50 trees across 10 acres.
How many new trees do I need to plant to offset my destruction? 5 for every one tree taken down? 10?
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Alternative woodland management strategies...

Not sure I trust them
>Implying helicopters arent the coolest fucking thing in the world.
It's hightime we all joined forces with the magical helicoptor alliance
>I'm trying to figure out how much of my carbon footprint I have since I am about to fell 50 trees.
you shouldn't be running equipment or using tools required to fell trees if you're this retarded, it's just basic safety
>What should I do with a giant pile of cottonwood trunks?
I've heard that the bark sells pretty well to arts & crafts people online. If it's in decent condition still you should look into this. source: a local guy and his son sell the bark to americans online and make pretty good money off something that is otherwise only waste to burn
Holy shit anon, I read somewhere that the bark was good for carving, but didn't figure there was actually a market for it. Looked on e-bay and sure as shit, people actually sell the bark.

Might have to see if it is worth it to pack some in a flat rate box and sell it.

I have used it as a mulch around bushes and trees before. We just broke up chunks with hammers and then covered the ground with it. Pretty much keeps weeds from growing where it lays if you get it layered thick enough.

I even started making a wedge style chunker out of a gearbox like I saw some gassifier people using on youtube in order to chunk up longer strips of bark, but I never got around to finishing it.

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should i get a stilhl knockoff 36" chainsaw?

Which one shoud i get? thinking the farmac that project farm reviewed. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqSxYlfNP6Y

ill mainly use it for cookie cutting and stump quartering

leaning towards the 42" cause why not
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i have one i put together from a kit in about 2015. the chinks obviously copied a millbilly hot rodded 066. the muffler was gutted and ported. the jug headspace was so tight i had to use the base gasket, so it's got wicked compression. the chink decompression valves leak. either plug the hole or buy a real stihl one. i had no trouble getting it tuned in with the stock carb. they need 25:1 mix and are picky about running different if your mix changes between batches
that said, an 066 is not a beginner saw. if you've never run a saw, for gods sake, go buy a ms250 with a 16 or 18 bar and run about 10 cords of wood before tearing loose with a big falling saw
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yeah i have a ms271 20" 81link
its awesome and my go too
this le huge 42" will be for simple up down cuts quartering stumps not felling (unless i have to use it caues the tree is to big) i don't like to mess with giant trees adnd dont have too many on my property
gonna spring for the 42 cause i dont see why not, maybe 36 is better if you are planning to fell with it or do fancy cuts
ill report back if thread still up
archer chains are the best bargain. stihl rs have gotten outrageous and the last couple oregon chains i had spun up were soft junk. you want skip chain for sure on anything over 20"
Unless you are milling or a giant you don't need more than a 24" bar. Get an Echo CS-620P and put a 24" Sugihara bar on it.

I used to sell the Chinese saws, they are crap.
>not felling (unless i have to use it caues the tree is to big)
you're going to end up killing yourself

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I recently had a locksmith come to my house to open an older gun safe that I had and forgot the combination to. He drilled a small hole about 1/4 inch to 1/2 inch wide through the door and unlocked it with a borescope. Nothing of particular interest was inside, but now I have a nice safe with hole on the door next to the dial.

Is there anyway I can patch up or remedy the hole to at least make it look like nothing happened to it? I was thinking some kind of industrial putty and maybe smoothing over it before repainting.
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I'm not so worried about the security of it since I don't plan on using it as an actual safe, I'd rather use it as a decorative piece in my living room. I was planning on using the door as a coffee table.
Just strip the paint, get the hole welded shut, and repaint. Take a picture if you wanna copy the old look.
/shit thread
Is it that burgundy color like your OP pic? If so start by finding a matching paint color.

Then if you can access the back side of the door where the hole is and there isn't anything in the way you could take a piece of sheet metal and JB weld it to the back side of the door. Then a bit more on the front side to fill up the hole to level it out with the rest of the surface.

If the safe is like the one pictured, then it will have a grained textured surface to it. I have had good luck matching grain textures on things by Laying the surface flat, and putting the JB weld onto it until it is even, then wadding up a napkin or paper towel and blotting at it to give it a texture. You might have to wait until the JB weld starts to set up a bit so that it doesn't flow back flat again after you blot at it.

They also make graining patterns you can buy to mimic different textures.

>/shit thread

Better than most on here.

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Looking to get into school to gain a degree in CS but figured that until I have enough money saved up to enter school, I can do the learning (via textbooks) now to prep me for later, so I am wondering;
>1.) Any CS Major or Graduate, what or how would you modify this map?
>2.) Most importantly, I am seeking good college text books that covers these blocks of learning
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is whatever you wrote down for compilers the dragon book? quick lesson, no one in cs calls any book by its actual name. Next thing you're gonna need is the wizard book and k&r
Honestly OP the industry is fucked so proceed with caution. Even if you know your shit it's hard to get your foot in the door with employers. I know several guys who have obtained their degrees, and they're currently applying to hundreds of positions with no reply. If you go into any career thread on /g/ only 10% of the posts will be about actively working people, the rest are venting about job applications.
I've seen the progression of desperation throughout my college years and when I was a senior, there were mobs of people in line for a chance to speak to recruiters at job fairs. I suppose it IS still possible because I did manage to get a job, but you really gotta spend a lot of time working on job interview shit. It is probably just as essential as knowing how to code nowadays.
Sorry, I don't have any advice to avoid this. There are forces at work destroying the middle class. Do your research before committing to this path.

>also the whole point of going to school is to learn the theory
This is untrue just because of the state of the industry. Having a CS degree is as essential as having a pulse. You could maybe get away with no degree if your dad is the owner of the company.
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>This melinated gentleman asking for academia advise on a tujikistani moat building forum
Here you go my autistic child:

Many schools have their courses for free online.
>verification not required
>Looking to get into school to gain a degree in CS but figured that until I have enough money saved up to enter school, I can do the learning (via textbooks) now to prep me for later, so I am wondering;
>>1.) Any CS Major or Graduate, what or how would you modify this map?
I studied comp sci and also medicine.

I see a chart like this and I think to myself "wow this is a notably organized person wanting to go into a legendarily disorganized field" -- you sure you don't want to do medicine or get a Phd in some science? Ignoring the academics seems like it would suit your personality better.

You seem a super organized person and computer science nerds, we're a very very disorganized folk. Your competition in these classes aren't planning every next step, they're probably not even planning the next week or even day, but what they love to do is sit in the basement and code all day. Your competition is probably coding right now, not to out-compete you, not to be the best, they just love writing assembly games for the Atari 2600 as a hobby, and that level of joy and intensity inadvertently makes them the best.

Or, go into a field where your immense organization skills, themselves, make you the best.

Food for thought, do as you will.


What type of connector has a 1mm diameter pin?
I want to be able to connect these things with a female socket of some kind. The pin pitch doesnt have to match this (10mm), I'll just use two single sockets.
But none of the socket types I know of accept 1mm pins.
Amphenol sc000146
definately not ideal, also a little difficult to obtain, but thanks for the suggestion.

Is there even a way to search by pin diameter? Any time i try i get 1mm pitch results instead.
could you restate your question, because clearly I misunderstood it
You didnt misunderstand, but you are (presumably) american, so you assume its practical for someone on the other side of the planet to pay freight from the usual companies you are searching here.
Searching fitting manufacturers where i live isnt this convenient afaik, mostly i'd need to examine pdf based stock lists with virtually no description and then send individual pricing requests for large batches.... or search aliexpress which always assumes 1mm is pitch.
However if you tell me the site you used there it would be very helpful for knowing the proper names for those types of connectors, which would help me to find them from a distributor more local.
and just like that a random aliexpress suggestion is exactly the keywords i need
DTM 1.0mm


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I'm having a hard time finding information on cement roof sheathing.
Is this just not done in the US?
I'm trying to sheath my roof with cement boards, and then put a metal roof over that using adhesive. Cant find shit for information.
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its an a-frame house so doing it like that would be extremely loud in the rain and provide very poor sound insulation in general.
Why not just use hardibacker?
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then use something like pic rel and get actuall insualtion against heat cold and sound
Well you're gonna insulate your roof, right? RIGHT???
why not pour the roof out of concrete?

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