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Discuss all things Street Sharks here.
-Likely new show?
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>seaviate merman, clawful, and spikor
>shark seaviate He-Man but he remains a good guy
>Laser Light Piranoid, Thunder Punch Ripster, Landshark Streex
They are getting a new show produced by Ryan Reynolds though.
>Slash and Slobster are fused into a Two-Bad esque monstrosity a la Bebop and Rocksteady in TOGS
>The Mecho-Shark combined with Landshark
>Anglerfish Seaviate Trap-Jaw
To be fair the original show was pretty much that.
Just not in an obnoxious way like recent MCU movies or Mutant Mayhem.
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Wonder if Mattel will try to buy the rights to these guys like they did with Sun-Man.

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Previous thread: >>10954256

Did you order anmything?

>Updated Marvel Legends Checklist: https://imgur.com/a/YAVUq40

>Searchable, Tagged Database For Marvel Legends Sorted By Year: https://figurelist.co/marvel-legends-checklist
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They also make it ugly and thus unbuyable.
Well, the other thread has devolved into the usual faggotry.

My favorite Spider-Man pose
You are the only one who cares OP.
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not unplayable
Man that crotch is bad

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Calling all diecast enthusiasts!

Welcome to the Diecast General, your one-stop shop for everything diecast! Whether you're a Hot Wheels fanatic, a Jada Toys collector, or simply love miniature metal marvels, this is the place for you.

From cars and trucks to figurines and statues, we celebrate all things diecast. So buckle up, join the conversation, and let's roll!

>Hot Wheels:



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Tbf Transformers RPMs sort of did this except with the full robot mode sculpted underneath the (plastic) car
Thanks, so R 49 / 01 is Dodge. Thank you.
I just press the car against the white part of the packaging. You can pretty much see the car through the bag.
Went into a Secondhand game store last night that happens to sell Hot Wheels secondhand as well as other collectibles. Saw the paint from the side and grabbed it. Couldn't believe it. Thinking about it further, I think the store bought a case and put it with some of their used stock.

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welcome to the thread celebrating the squishier side of /toy/

>Build-a-Bear has released a tardigrade bear, relevant so that I can make the joke in the title
>due to the Garfield movie, there is an abundance of baby Garfield plushies.
>what is the next plushie you want?
>thrifted or used plushie- yea or nah?
>how do you store your plushies?

Previous thread: >>10933143
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That's one reason I wanted to try making her actually. Very unique character design that I've never seen attempted in plush before. I tried to make her fairly show accurate in head shape and size. She stands just under 3 feet tall.
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But why though.
Inbefore Chris Hansen goes to your house.
Bro don't know a shit post when he sees one....
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Who could I contract to make a cute dressable plush of Rosalina or Cynthia? Probably the size of a pillow buddy because any larger would be too much.
Oh so you're actually the maker? That's very cool! What are other things you made?

Bakugan gen 3 is probably completely done at this point.
With the near complete second season of the show still without a green light, and year 2 toys reportedly getting destroyed, I think it’s pretty safe to say it’s over

On the 7th, spin master will publish their investor Q1 sheet. If Bakugan isn’t on it, then I think it’s officially over.

It’s not like we didn’t see this coming, G3 has kinda sucked ass and nobody is buying it.
Do you think we can expect a G4 after this? Is Bakugan no longer an evergreen brand?
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>ditch Ultra Bakugan which were the best engineered, non-mechanical toys I'd ever seen
>even if they hadn't, Ultra Bakugans from Armored Alliance onwards had been gimped with those weird-ass tails they put on everything
>do the same mistake as OG bakugan and start pushing side-toys on everything from geogan to nanogan
>line dies because of course it does

>gen 3 comes out
>best version of the non-TCG game with the 3 power levels
>replace Ultra Bakus with beyblade bakus that you can't use as intended without a 50+ dollar stadium
>new bakus aren't even that exciting visually since they're all just half balls now

I don't want to call the guys at spin master retarded but I kinda have to.
HOW do you go from Ultra Pegatrix from Wave 1 to this gen 3 bollocks?
Today is the day, when does the event start?
Who the fuck cares about this faggot dog shit
I do, and you because you wouldnt reply you fucking faggot. Edgy kid

Kill yourself
So is this just a fan-initiated thing? this redditor got the cartoon VAs for a livestream later this month
>baka gain

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What’s the best option for AtLA toys? Mattel was the first but they only really did book 1 era characters and stopped, looked pretty bad though as well. McFarlane and Best Axn both have a 5 inch line, both look and pose cheap from what I can tell. As far as I can tell, there’s best Axn 5 inch (all characters are 5 inch and so they don’t scale together) and mcfarlane 5 inch which do scale together, mcfarlane also did appa and the fire rhino. There’s also the mcfarlane 7 inch line. Curious which one seems the best, all of them don’t seem that good but which one is the best?
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I doubt they’d do it, none of the avatar lines have really sold well so it seems like nobody will probably ever tackle it again. Or if SHF did it’d be the live action version monkey paw like they did with one piece.
I agree. Seems unlikely. I think so many different companies have attempted ATLA figures n various scales that the fan base is so splintered and most casuals already have figures from one line or another. Sucks.
I wanted Tricerhino, but I also want joints
Isn’t this the video that youtube thumbnail is from?


Weird list.

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What do you think?

So it looks like Spector Creative's channel is shutting down. Can't say I'm upset about him leaving but at the same time the whole situation behind the shutdown is interesting. Trying to leave all the drama out of it here's what happened, curious as to what /toy/ thinks about this, aside from the drama nonsense.

So Spector took some photos from a toy review website, The Figure In Question" and used several dozen photos in his various videos throughout the years. The photos were all watermarked but Spector went out of his way to obstruct and remove them. The photographer of the photos found out about this, researched how many of his photos that Spector used, and proceeded to file a bunch of copyright claims (30 in total, less than half of the total videos that featured his work) on YouTube. To make a long story short, once Spector reached out to the photographer saying he would be willing to remove all the photos in question, so the photographer recanted the strikes, assuming Spector would act in good faith, even going on to say he was fine with Spector continuing to feature his work, as long as he received credit in the form of a link to his website in the description or something as trivial as that. He would even let Spector use the existing stuff if he just added a link in a pinned comment or something like that. Anyway, once the strikes werr removed, Spector ended up not keeping his word and demanded copyright proof and what not from the photographer. Eventually the photographer ended up filing a claim with the copyright office leading to Spector voluntarily shutting down his channel.

Setting the drama aside, what do you guys think about this? If you took toy photography in a semi professional manner, at least enough to watermark your photos that you post on your own website, would you file claims against someone using your work without your permission?
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>barely getting any views
>confused all his followers
>made a huge ass of himself
>quietly apologized to Ethan
This. If Scott considers this a win, I don't wanna know what losing is for him.
>normal viewcounts for his videos
>none of his followers give a shit about the drama
>most people are unaware anything even happened
Scott won. Ethan lost. Retroblasting eternally coping and seething.
>Brings RB up out of nowhere
That dude sure does own your anus lmao.
>normal viewcounts for his videos
I love how he consistently got 50k views a year ago and he struggles to break 1k now.
I hope Ethan continues to teabag the corpse of The Mighty Spector.

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LGB Stainz Edition
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>LGB Stainz
No clue, but I still wish my mom had not given away my tin train toys from when I was a kid, particularly since it wasn't like we lacked storage space at home while I was away at school.
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Some great choices there anon.
That's interesting, I agree that N has certainly had some positive development in recent years. It's interesting you mention the realism aspect, as that was one of the things that brought me to the scale originally. Just wish I still had the dexterity for it, 00 is far easier for me
>Dreyfuss Hudson
This would be absolutely incredible.
How little room do you have anon? I'd certainly be interested to see how you've made a layout work in a small space.
That's a real shame. I suppose you'll just have to begin anew and experience getting a train for the first time again!
N, originally because that's what caught my eye in the train store one day, but as an adult because it's all I have the space for. Plus my assortment of Godzilla figures would look even more wildly out of scale terrorising an HO or O layout than they do in N.
>I'd kill for more new steam engines (like a new N-scale Dreyfuss Hudson)
PLEASE give me a new Dryfuss Hudson. I don't want to spend the over 200$ asking price on a Con-Cor that's almost as old as I am and has all the detailing of a wooden Thomas engine. Or a Mohawk or Niagara.
Scale: H0m
Reason: japanese trains with two conditions:
>narrow gauge is actually narrow
>the scale is consistent
This leaves me with OJ, H0m, TTm and Zm. I can;t get the Zm tracks right, OJ is super expensive, takes a lot of space, is incompatible with 0m and 0 scale isn't consistent on its own (1:43,5 vs 1:45 vs 1:48). There's barely any japanese TTm. H0m isn;t a good choice, it's the least bad one.
I feel like we'd all appreciate seeing our favourite kaijus above your model railway
Sounds interesting anon, not a scale I'm familiar with beyond seeing it in passing. What's some locos you have in the scale and what are some you'd like to see added in future?

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Any exo squad figures fans?
I absolutely love their engineering and designs. It's so much fun and I always liked when mechs had pilots inside that would hold on to something to control their mechs.

The TV show is a well written show from the 90s that features serious themes like death, politics and even fascism.
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I remember playing with some of my friend's in the nineties and loving them, but never owned any myself. I bet with all the accessories these things are a bitch and a half to get complete nowadays.

80s shows were toy commercials. 90s shows were so much better on average. Batman TAS, ExoSquad, Swat Kats, Biker Mice From Mars, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs, and Gargoyles are all good examples of great TV shows with compelling characters, mature storytelling, and darker themes that just happened to have toylines.
Ive only got him but id like more, just dont have any. Really decent all around, the figure and exo suit are both equally nice. >>10979199
There really were some stellar cartoons, i remember batman, xmen and gargoyles all being stop what youre doing and watch tv shows. Id catch some exo squad if i were up at 6:30, but i liked it enough to try.
id often see them in meets and stores, but I never found picrel with the translucent gun

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needs nudity. I mentioned those for that reason only
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Cavewoman figure when?
Sounds like you're growing a chunker of a cook right there, anon.
I don’t understand why every single toy line doesn’t do it like Mika and Chun
I get that it has the gap when they bend over but it’s still better than the ass plate
Because Americans don't know how to make toys they're too busy ranking up those epic gamer levels.

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Previous Thread: >>10946823

Toyline general info:

Max Factory figma list & blog
>http://www.goodsmile.info/en/products/category/figma (no longer updated)

Reviews and news about GSC/MF products by Kahotan

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Yeah, I know Herc's a bit outside Figma's comfort zone(though they did Hulk, so it's not unheard of) and Medea would either have a cloth robe or be a traffic cone, but with a spinoff that's been going since 2013 I'd have thought they'd do a few versions of Illya before the Fate line died. The FSN winter look would be my top choice.
Scrunchies would not be period appropriate for little red riding hood
hm... maybe I could get a red cape and an alice apron and dye it red myself?
she usually carries a basket in the fairy tale doesnt she? could also look if there are any 1/12 dollhouse ones that sell the look better
Kamineko's got a picnic basket.

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I recently had to repurchase the neca bootlegs to replace some weapons and noticed the huge drop in quality.
I have a few questions if anyone can help.

I heard that the people pumping these out actually got their hands on the original moulds, how did this happen?
And I noticed the difference in the paint apps, can anyone tell me exactly how this process is done?
Sorry about the low quality pic.
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they only did once in a black and white color scheme box set but it too is expensive as hell
The sculpters who made this set went on to sculpt the Super7 Ultimates.
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>shit toys
>framed printout
>nazi flag PINNED to the wall
>ugly tattoos
>real name in the right corner
>actual photo of himself in the other left top corner
>meds in the left lower corner
you're a fucking retard chris
I dunno, I kinda like those Premium DNA Madballs
JB-Hifi is an Australian store. I'm guessing he's one of our local Wehraboos.


Best sources for Mega news:
Archived Threads:
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Nice foliage in the back. wanted to get something like that for the Mega I have in display that aren't part of a diorama.

Where did you get those/any clues on where one would get something like that?
Anyone here makes custom painted mcx figures?

Post your own! I see a bunch on reddit and instagram. Decided to try my hand at it. Any tips?
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They've come from packages of army men over the years. Can often find them packed with plastic animals or dinosaurs too, though you usually don't get much per set.
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Have there been any new shrunken KOs since that Yoroi Spartan heroes wave last year?
I’ve been lazy and haven’t taken any new pictures, just have old stuff so I don’t post.

Holy grail thread
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What is that? I’ve seen all of the Lio Convoy recolours and none of them look like that.
funny seeing this many anons all lusting after their own ebil optimuses. for me it's pic related. I never even came close to the original optimus version of this mold, so i've come to terms with this one being my eternal white whale. year after year they just seem to get rarer and more expensive. I still fawn over the damn thing more than 15 years after its release. if you ask me the MP01 is the greatest optimus mold, and in these colors, it makes the ultimate nemesis.
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>see Jin's Ramos version of Deadpool
>don't want to drop a hundred so I buy the hydro shrink headcast kit from his friend
>drill up through the face trying to make the hole fit
>buy another, damage the face trying to hold it while drilling, crack the head
>buy another and make it fit
>fuck up by using the wrong paint and the figure is tacky and stinks
>I'm no customizer so I give up
>by this time Jin is making them on the reg
>go to eBay and see they're ending at $500-1k a pop
>years pass
>present day
>have 800 saved
>contact Jin and commission him to make me one just like then original
>"I'm sorry anon I can't. I'm a consultant for Hasbro and can't sell custom Marvel anymore."
fuck my lyfeeeee
More like fragile crap.
My friend had one and it's a good thing they had a spare room.

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