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Holy grail thread
Every transformers repaint looks like shit
Original colors or fuck off
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Id be cool with a mammoth convoy, maybe in nemesis colors? Had one years back, target exclusive i think. I guess a real grail type thing for me would a complete g1 metroplex or jetfire. Nothing crazy but id enjoy them.
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I still want this one so bad.
Miku-looking ass
Buy springer and paint it red.
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>2.5k Biden bucks
I guess I'll just wait for Good Smile to make a Gattai
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A complete collection of all canon alternate bionicle mask colors

I buy one or two that I'm missing once in a while when I use bricklink, so I'm working on it, but fuck the ones that go for like $30+ a pop are putting me off it.
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My one and only, always and forever holiest of grails.

Honestly, it's not even the cost that's holding me back for buying this thing, it's the lack of space. Until I finish renovating my basement, I just do NOT have room for this one of a kind monster playset.
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I've come to terms with the fact that there is never, ever going to be an articulated Bobobo figure beyond the nendoroid. I think I could get the sofubi looking pretty decent with some work, but it's just impossible to find nowadays.
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Almost tempted to make my own instead.
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>saw this figure one time when i was 13 but passed on it in favor to get the talz chieftain and a tactical droid instead
>figured id get him next time
>TFW never see it in stores again and it turns out to be one of the rarest star wars figures in modern times
If cost isn’t holding you back then just buy a bigger house already so you can put it in there.
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I got my holy grail and then realized I don't even like it that much. But now I don't feel a need to obsessively check Ebay for anything and that's actually a relief. The character will likely get a new toy in the next year and I'll probably buy it. This hobby is a sickness :D
What is that? I’ve seen all of the Lio Convoy recolours and none of them look like that.
funny seeing this many anons all lusting after their own ebil optimuses. for me it's pic related. I never even came close to the original optimus version of this mold, so i've come to terms with this one being my eternal white whale. year after year they just seem to get rarer and more expensive. I still fawn over the damn thing more than 15 years after its release. if you ask me the MP01 is the greatest optimus mold, and in these colors, it makes the ultimate nemesis.
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>see Jin's Ramos version of Deadpool
>don't want to drop a hundred so I buy the hydro shrink headcast kit from his friend
>drill up through the face trying to make the hole fit
>buy another, damage the face trying to hold it while drilling, crack the head
>buy another and make it fit
>fuck up by using the wrong paint and the figure is tacky and stinks
>I'm no customizer so I give up
>by this time Jin is making them on the reg
>go to eBay and see they're ending at $500-1k a pop
>years pass
>present day
>have 800 saved
>contact Jin and commission him to make me one just like then original
>"I'm sorry anon I can't. I'm a consultant for Hasbro and can't sell custom Marvel anymore."
fuck my lyfeeeee
More like fragile crap.
My friend had one and it's a good thing they had a spare room.
A prototype I probably won't be able to find but im keeping an eye out and don't want you fucks bogarting my grail
Your fault for customizing something if you're not cut out for it.
I feel being a 1:18 collector in general demands you have a spare room. Sure the figures are small, but that's only to suffice the myriad of vehicles and playsets that always accompany them.

I have a decent space in my basement, but it's sadly fairly low on the list of house renovations and just keeps on getting pushed back to either emergency repairs or surprise bills popping up. Hopefully by the time I'm old enough to retire I'll find the time and space to actually play with my little army men lol.
This Choro Q Optimus Prime who transforms into a Nissan GT with Mach 5 livery that was only given away to children who attended a special event at Fuji Speedway in 2015. I only just found out it exists, but it's such a wonderful little nexus of all of my favorite weeb bullshit that I need to own it.
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Need this one bad
I like to collect black Optimus Prime repaints. I think it's weird having more than one Optimus in my collection, but I have like 8 black repaints of different figures and I just imagine them as canonically being the league of evil optimus prime repaints who all collude together to kill the real Optimus Prime.

I don't have or particularly need an MP01, but if I did I'd like to have the black repaint.
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The Kankrelat from Code Lyoko's first season. Which may sound like a weird pick, but it's because it's the last of a set of four, and the four had the build-a-figure parts for the full-scale missile-firing fully articulated giant Krab enemy from the show. But the Kankrelats barely got any release in the US compared to the main heroes, so MOST collectors (myself included) only have 3 of the 4 pieces to the Krab, and I truly hope to complete mine someday.
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Here's the completed Krab. Fucking UNIT this boy is.
Johnny Lightning's Mach 4. It's basically just the Mach 5 in firemist orange with headlights painted on top, but I loved the comic miniseries it was featured in and the color is gorgeous.

You had to snip proofs of purchase and send them in to get it. I'm kicking myself for not doing it back then, but I was a stupid kid. Now whenever it shows up on ebay, it's always around a hundred clams.
Dude just take the buss to work for a month and buy it $100 is nothing
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anyone got 2 grand to spare
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Tanya is my grail until she gets a reissue. Paid the extra for her preorder awakened face. Close second is my Pure Neemo Azone 1/6 Rimuru Tempest doll
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The closest thing I have to a grail is the botcon stunticon set
I was too young/poor to get it back then, and now anything botcon related is ridiculously expensive and also very rare
I don't think I'll ever even have the CHANCE to buy it
i had something very similar. I think it fired a rocket or something out the wrist. What were they called?
Shogun warriors
I cant wait for the Bionicle after market crash

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