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I think I'm starting to hate people who judge my toy hobby. Maybe I'm just not happy and this is something harmless I do in the privacy of my own home that I pay for?
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She'll probably be dead soon. Don't worry about it.
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It could also be a mix of not wanting to be confrontational. I know I'm like this. Toy collecting is still not quite seen as socially acceptable to most cultures/societies. I think it has a stigma still attached to it. Video games used to be like that, but its become much more common and acceptable. Saying you played video games growing up during my time, outside of your social circle, was still frowned upon for the most part. Arcades and very popular games like Madden or Mario Kart were okay, but anything outside of that was usually considered too nerdy.
I avoid sharing this hobby of mine outside of my close friends and/or family. Not even some of my family knows I love collecting toys.
I get grief from the mrs, it takes up too much space, it doesnt look right etc but i always come back with the fact that she decided to move and rebuild my shelving. Ive got most of my stuff boxed up as is. If im supporting your ass then let me have simething, i dont get laid and if i even think about whacking off the fat bitch knows and starts walking around.
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>getting married
>putting up with shitty inlaws
>not even getting anything out of it
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For one thing, we should look into ourselves and ask "Why do I buy toys?" I buy toys because they're better than back when I was a kid in the 90's. Toys sucked then because it was all flash and no substance because of bad sculpts, worn features and 5poa. Also think about how you earn these toys. Do you still contribute financially fairly or more for the family? Can you still afford nice things that aren't as self-indulgent as a toy, like a huge TV, the occasional party or even travel? And finally, look at your collection. Are you buying because you need them, or because you want them? Big difference. If you're buying because you're a fan, then you're not really collecting right. Otherwise, if you buy because it clicks with you personally and checks all your boxes, then I'd say it's justified. I only buy what I like. I don't complete teams, and I'm not a fan of everything I buy. I still have the common impulses and remorse, but at the end of the day, I'm in a good mental place because I don't let my hobby take over anything more important.

Why are the Japanese so good at making toys?
If you think about it we always look forward to what will be released from Japan, not from the US or Europe
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I feel like just delivering your shit doesn't make you a "trustworthy shop".

The real test is what they will do for you if you have an actual problem with your order like serious QC(missing part/fucked paint/duplicate parts,etc) or shipping damage. If they won't help you out with replacement parts or return shipping, they are not "good".
>>The real test is what they will do for you if you have an actual problem with your order like serious QC(missing part/fucked paint/duplicate parts,etc) or shipping damage.
I slightly mentioned it here >>10985232, basically they shipped me the wrong item and i let them know but yes that is also a valid point.
They asked me to ship the wrong item back with their prepaid label AND they shipped me the item via express mail at the same time. I sent them an email saying that i'll ship the item a week later than expected due to irl shit and they were cool with it.
Other anons got replacement qc shit from them before. Shipping damage though, i read that if it's a fucked box than youre outta luck, damage ditem during shipping they got your back.
get rid of it asap
I seriously hope nobody will ever trust shf shills ever again after this embarrassment

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he have been caught
by investigating anon
like a wolf paw in a snare
he have a choice now
a choice lie before him now:
accept your fate and let exposure take you
or accept the loss
and chew your paw off and flee?
fight or flight response have kicked in
as a spotlight have been shown on his activities
16 hours per day
is not healthy for anyone
You are absolutely the stupidest motherfucker on this board.
What an absolute autistic faggot.
It’s ok faggot nigger
If you don’t know, just say you don’t know.
This is the most cogent post I’ve ever seen from neca baby/ESLanon/lgtbanon/foreignanon.

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Do you throw them all away and keep the extras/accessories in a separate container? Or do you keep them to store the accessories, or in case you decide to sell the figure later or to make it easier if you move to a new house? How do you store all the boxes?
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I throw action figure boxes away since those would get out of hand quickly. Really, the boxes for anything I own get replaced with my own boxes/cases usually. I am very autistic and keep most things in a case or box when not using them but only keep the original packaging for video game consoles and other electronics under warranty. No need to hoard cardboard in most cases.
Yeah, i break them all down for storage and box them up with other stuff. They may not be 'complete' but i figure someone may appreciate that ive kept them all together.
At this point I throw out anything under $100-120 and under 10'' or so. I collect big mecha figures so it's more of a priority to keep the boxes for those than smaller or cheaper figures. Even JP imports tend to have very simple boxes for 6''/7''figures with no original art so I don't have any qualms about dumping them anymore. Tackleboxes lined with fabric can hold the accessories.
>but resale!
If I really need to resell, most imports will still get at least MSRP loose , hell even some domestics that are in demand will be at MSRP or more loose.
Yes, you won't get the maximum resale value- but that's a sick mentality to have. You will go nuts thinking of the money you could've made if you did this or that. If I resell a figure, the usual reason will be a better version has come out. If you hold onto boxes for everything because you worry you'll have to resell after a few years or a better version will come out-you probably aren't living in the now and enjoying the figure you have.
Keep the box for a year if you must, but dump it if you legitimately enjoy the figure and know you want to keep it. If you're still hesitant in a year just resell it.
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IF they have nice art on them, I'll save the box and/or break it down to store it flat.

If there's no art, it goes into the trash.

All accessories go into compartmentlized boxes or plastic baggies (which go into a durable box), whether the packaging is trashed or not.

I have limited space, so it really helps to do this. It's especially helpful that very few companies make the extra effort to produce nice packaging, so i don't even have a box worth of saved packaging despite owning thousands of figures.
unless the box is super nice or its a rare item, it goes straight into the recycling. I used to hoard them and the moment I ripped that bandaid off I felt so much better

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XD <3
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The comics were pretty fucking good from what I understand (need to read 'em myself) but the cartoon was actually decent for an 80s toy-commercial show.

Do you think the tf1 is better?
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At least they learned from their mistake of killing Optimus off to make way for new characters/toys.
>They didn't kill of Duke in the GI Joe movie.
>Beast Wars had new forms/toys for characters that already existed.

This is a fucking abomination and everything I feared a new Transformers animated movie would be, a fucking Pixar clownshow. I hope everyone involved lives long enough to see their children die of rectal cancer!!!FACT!!!
Who is this attractive young lady?

Discuss any related anime character you wish to see in figure from.

Be nice and no bad behavior.
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For some reason, GSC wasn't touching anything animated by KyoAni for years outside of K-On. Even now the Nichijou and Dragon Maid nendos are based off their manga versions. It's bizarre.
In my defense, I don't keep up with Nendos, so there has to be a few more milfs in that line than I've listed.
my hero has the best very good bodysuit designs
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Wouldnt mind more of both.

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Any exo squad figures fans?
I absolutely love their engineering and designs. It's so much fun and I always liked when mechs had pilots inside that would hold on to something to control their mechs.

The TV show is a well written show from the 90s that features serious themes like death, politics and even fascism.
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id often see them in meets and stores, but I never found picrel with the translucent gun

One of those lines I decided to pick up a few here and there a while back. The one I never got around to getting because it was too expensive is hard to find boxed complete nowadays (or I just look at inopportune times on ebay).

It seriously needs a reboot/ continuation.
Who would do it justice?
>my toy commercials were better than your toy commercials

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Discuss all things Street Sharks here.
-Likely new show?
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Wonder if Mattel will try to buy the rights to these guys like they did with Sun-Man.
I suggested it a few times in the last few months. It really makes sense for them to go all in on this if things go well. Plus the roster across Street Sharks and Extreme Dinosaurs isnt as expansive as MOTU, meaning there's alot of room for the muscle mutts and their foes. If they do make it in my only provision is that the cats be developed a little more. Unlike the seaviates and the raptors, the cat villains from muscle mutts were always very plain. Some more variety among them would be nice be it through some new clothes or basing each cat off a different species of cats.
ugh no. These are the shark jump of Street Sharks.
If they're supposedly out in June. Why is there no one with them in-hand via factory leak or release in Asia or something.

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can Super7 just fuck off? I'm sick of overpriced 5poa. I hate seeing this garbage at my target for $19.99 for one Foot Soldier while the Playmates vintage are right next to them for half the price. Fuck you if you bought these.
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5poa is the reason I never collected toys as a kid. Alternately, these werent worth throwing tantrums over.
They're probably getting them cheap because S7 is clearing Disney stuff out of the warehouse
>that lightyear set is $80 retail
what the fuck is super7 thinking
Brian Flynn is a woke retard after all.
I thought that had ended?

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post all the pics that you have abbout toys reacting to something.
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Which side do you prefer?
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I wouldn't pick sides. I'd listen and that's what nobody did.
Always DC
Here’s my Pokémon cards

What's the best Buzz out there that isn't a rape price like the Medicom one?
We've had some decent action figures like the Pixar collection or the Mirrorverse, but I don't think we've gotten a perfect 6" Buzz in his classic design yet. The closest is maybe the model kit or the revoltech.
The current 12 inch disney store Buzz isn't as good as the signature collection but is otherwise acceptable.
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The biggest deal breaker for me is if the green parts do not glow in the dark.
Is he one person? Is it a hive mind? He is an enigma, his identity secret
We've had a few over the ages that do but they never get colors close to the movie. I might settle for the shitfarlane one since it's decently articulated and has the funny belt to represent the Buzz from TS2.
>the ultimate Buzz Lightyear!
>doesn't glow
>no electronics
>no karate chop
>no movie accurate face
why can the disney store one have almost all the bells and whistles for $30 but this one cant? Fuck off
Looks good, how much did you pay and from where?

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>The "leaks" are bullshit
Also Super7
>TMNT 2003 will have double jointed elbows and knees
Things that make you go hmm
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Crimson Commander is trying to cover for his baby's daddy
Super7 is a terrible toy company.
Americans sure are fucking retarded
Well that's all American toy company duh.
Right? I don't get why all the companies suck ass.

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Love that sweet vac metal.
The biggest underrated gem of the 80s. Anyone own any of the toys or have any thoughts about them? Super7 toys included.
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Are the Super 7 figures worth buying? I don't care about vac metal, though I do want the upcoming toy versions of Mon*Star and Buzzsaw guy since I prefer the toy color for Buzzsaw and I don't fucking like the idea of Mon*Star's armor form being twice as big as the regular figures.
Had Copper Kid and Mumbo Jumbo as a kid. I really liked the spring loaded action features of the figures. And they were just cool looking toys. wish I'd had more.
Yeah they’re actually not that bad and don’t suffer from a lot of the QC issues other S7 lines have. Personally I prefer the non vac metalized versions since I can actually mess around with them and not worry about it coming off.
Pretty pathetic, never had a problem with Meta Cooler. Guess Silcerhawk quality just isn't there. Can't trust Americans with anything.
Never seen these before, how are the secondary prices?

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These look great...


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No, on the grounds of that retarded cannon design. It looks like he put it on backwards
You’re starting that argument in this thread too?
I want to throat fuck her so bad while she stares into my eyes.
If you say so, I just wish she didn't wear a jacket in late spring. Should be rocking a spaghetti stap top to display her ballistics.
Neat stuff!

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