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>you need to be at least 6'0 to le date
She's taller than me and doesn't mind it
>You need to be le chad
I look like a high schooler and she doesn't mind
>You need to be social and have friends
I have none and she doesn't mind it

The blackpill doesn't apply to older women, you could be socially awkward, average looking and short and they'll still love you as long as you give them attention
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what do you want origignally
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I'm 30 and really not trying anymore.
I think I'm better now than I was my whole probably, but head is so fucked up.
I can't myself fucking a woman no matter what I do and how do you raise a kid when you barely feel like you're a person yourself?
nah, but my point has nothing to do with black pill shit. Some people are just fucked
Nigga she a closeted pedophile
>implying dating a female pedophile wouldn't be hot
Just having some stress over idea of rising kids at least makes you out to be more responsible than quite a few fathers including my own

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>> 22yo male
>> finished education, going for higher education next year
>> have no job and school atm.
>> lost virgin last year, had sex with 3 girls.
>> have friends, most of them smoke weed but im okay with that since they are friendly and don't waste their life
>> Life with dad
>> 1.85 tall 66kg weigh, at the skinny side
>> Listen to random music, like some music from games
>> Football biggest hobby, with drawing and vidga/anime
>> Have HSP, fast overwhelmed by people and easly stress since my childhood. Life was very difficult at most moments..
>> Life in the Netherlands
But.... i have no idea about a job in the future and don't have a girlfriend......... easly bored now since i have no school/job atm.
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From arteries emptied
As the knife cuts in
And carves the flesh away
You need to touch grass tm

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for a nice two week holiday?
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why would you go to thailand just to fuck a man?
it's not hard to date a thai girl/fuck them and if you wanna be gay it's pretty easy over here anyway.
I really don't get it.
Because they're a man acting like a woman. Gay sex must be awkward too
>Why dont robots just go to thailand
They won't be attracted to a short ugly black guy with autism.
Almost all of them are autistic
Plus their bodies dont work the same as a womans
They are taller with longer torsos wider shoulders and a pelvis incapable of bending their legs wide like a woman can
Goddamn, who? Trannies with tiny cocks are the GOAT.

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Drug use discussion thread
This is not a harm reduction general


Testing services:
defunct testing service:
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>Smoke weed daily for half a year
>Aware that it fucks with sleep but think to myself that its not that bad because I still have dreams
>Dont smoke for 2 days
>Both days the dreams are so intense that I wake up multiple times
nah i need it to function and i love tweaking. I literally cant do anything without it now. not even read. I will just lay in the bed for 20 hours a day without meth. with meth, I can do two weeks worth of work in a single day.
6 oxycodones and one bottle of wine in. Drugs don't feel the way they used to, but I can't make it sober. Should I try to find an amphetamine to mix with them or is there another combination that works better? Never done coke or adderall before. Not sure what they're like.
Have you ever met people in dreams/formed intense bonds that were depressing as fuck upon waking up? Sometimes I feel guilty that I forget them, but pining after someone in the ethereal is counterproductive as fuck and you have to let them go
I love mixing benzos and opioids, weed is the essential for any combo however. Weed seems to potentiate everything too, always helps to stretch out any given stash

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What are your thoughts on the American breakfast?
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don't let any eurofags psyop you into thinking their "bacon" or "rashers" are better than our bacon. their shit just tastes like salty pork
imagine being hungry and eating it
Is that breakfast for a child? 1 sausge? Really?
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You should try making Cajun Breakfast Pancake Tacos. They are the most delicious thing on the planet.
>white toast
rye or bust, mostly superfluous breakfast item anyway
>fried potatoes
kind of lame, really just a filler item on the plate
>everything else
very good and highly rated breakfast

>Road filled with potholes
>Street lamps not working
>Train and buses always late
>Police shows up 40 late minutes after a call
Why am i paying taxes again?
if you're an american
it's so jews can bomb arabs so they have more land to build apartment buildings
ngh mads mikkelsen
Can't relate. I live in big mansion in Zurich and I pay no taxes.

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Any fembots want to tell me what's on their minds/what they worry about, so I can make them into YA book covers?
I've run out of ideas about how you think
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Based and stenchpilled
>go on date with alt girl, first hot girl I've ever pulled
>she's been working all day and didn't have time to wash, just change quickly
>end up fucking and staying at hers
>wake up in the morning, almost 24 hours since she last washed
>im not really thinking, decide to eat her out
>hit with an absolute blast of heady pussy aroma
>my dick is diamonds
>eat that cunt like a prisoners last meal
And from that day on I was fully stenchpilled
the stenchpill is spreading
new world odour soon
Also based. That's a great story.
I've found myself in many similar situations, and as long as I know the chick isn't truly dirty (as in actual cooties/STI's), and so long as I like her a lot, I'm always game for gamey.

Idk where mine came about because I have "hyperosmia". I can smell any- and everything very intensely, and it started right after I went through puberty.

Last night was a reminder of how much I love it. Before then it'd been a dry spell of a lot of first dates where the chick had power-washed herself, or others who were just obsessed with smelling like perfume or whatever.

That aroma of woman stink coupled with an ever-so-slightly fishy smell, alongside whatever I added to the party was absolutely perfect. I could die happy right now to be honest. This chick has always been my go-to through two decades, and we met up for the first time in a while last night. Positively amazing sex, and the aromas were top-notch; the cherry on top of an already amazing 4-hour love & fuck fest.

Keep being based and spread the word so other chicks stop covering themselves in poisons, so real men can thrive on their amazing pheromones and sexy aromatics.
>new world odour soon
I don't mean to sound like I'm pushing it on anyone, but I feel like a lot of dudes just haven't really experienced it properly---and if/once they do, they will never EVER return to enjoying scent-masked, makeup-caked dolls of a women ever again.
yes, please.
>my crush wants to date my autistic twin sister

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is eating cereals with yogurt and dried fruits for breakfast healthy? i feel like i just ate some sweets, and i still feel hungry
if i felt hungry after a sandwitch, i would eat something sweet, but now... should i eat a sandwitch?
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You just had sweets for breakfast, OP, which is why you feel like you had sweets.
Cereal and most dried fruits are no good, too much sugar, you cold have just gone with raw oats and fresh fruit.
I prefer goats. Goats eat oats, human eats goats.
I have adopted the superior Japanese breakfast. A cut of salted salmon, broiled. A soup. And a bowl of rice. Chopsticks are necessary as it gives you a little hand exercise to warm up for the days activities.
I can't handle the full strength salmon yet but maybe one day. Full strength is 8%. I currently use 4% salt for the salmon's weight and let it sit in the refrigerator for 3 days before slicing at an angle into strips ,wrapping individually, and freezing.
If your an American it's probably empty calories. Like the more I read up on food and healthy eating the more I'm confused how TERRIBLE food standards are in the US
No, you need protein. Eat eggs or ham.

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Great Expectations edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Read anything good lately?
>Looking forward to anything?
>Do you have any expectations you know are unreasonable but are still attached to?
>Where is the line between care and fixation?
>Just what the hell is wrong with people?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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INFP girl looks older than 14
ISFJ nurse is probably 30s or 40s
The scientist is definitely older than 20. 25 is a fair guess for the debater, I'd assume late 20s to mid 30s
Agreed with all the rest
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I will always be cancerous to those with corrupted minds.
No way the ESxPs are over 25 tbqh
>your type
>read anything good lately
Vinland Saga, beautiful manga. Love the philosophy and historical accuracy
>unreasonable expectations
a friend i can trust would be nice
>where is the line between care and fixation
care= when you become friends with somone because they're lonely or underappreciated and you know curing their lonliness/issues would be the right thing to do
fixation= when you become friends with somebody bcus you think their the coolest and your own personal pleasure. you become friends with someone bcus they're fun to be with, attractive, funny, wealthy etc
>what the hell is wrong with people
people are self-centred and selfish
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>your type
>read anything good lately
Vinland Saga, beautiful manga. Love the philosophy and historical accuracy
>unreasonable expectations
a friend i can trust would be nice
>where is the line between care and fixation
care= when you become friends with somone because they're lonely or underappreciated and you know curing their lonliness/issues would be the right thing to do
fixation= when you become friends with somebody bcus you think their the coolest and your own personal pleasure. you become friends with someone bcus they're fun to be with, attractive, funny, wealthy etc
>what the hell is wrong with people
people are self-centred and selfish
(meant to add an image)

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I will be visiting Poland in a while. Any good escort website recommendations? I've never done anything with a woman before, let alone an escort, so any recommendations about that as well?
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Supposedly it's still alive, I found a thread about it that was made on april 11th this year.
Interesting. It looks like there are some copycats, though. Do you know which one is the legit one?
Nope, haven't really used escorts so no clue about that, I do hope you accomplish your quest on polish cipa though!!
Well thanks. I'm not really happy to be doing this, but I need to get some experience to get hold of my emotions and to stop messing up my chances constantly. I'm too old to get a pass for making inexperience-related mistakes. So, I look at it more like a form of self improvement. I didn't really didn't want my first time to be like this, but the other ships have long sailed.
If anyone else has some input, I'd be glad to hear it.

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Why are these american couples are so horid looking? Literal panopticum of disfigured degenerates
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most often obesity
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just fucking kill me then
They think it makes them unique to not want to be conventionally attractive
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Take a look at this
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Lmao amerimutts are so fucking ugly

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>For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved
And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment:

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hate these tiktok sluts who'll wear revealing clothes use suggestive angles and poses but scold anyone who points it out or says anything sexual
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Women are ENTITLED to monetize their sexuality, you rotten CHUD!!!!! Without anyone pointing out that they're doing it, you MISOGYNIST!!!!
This is in asia though, so they'll get told to shut the fuck up by based asian chad
none of your business what I wear.
You will, for aII intents and purpose, never be a woman.
look at that slutty exposed back mmmmmm

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Tell me the truth, are you in love/have a crush in some anon here?

I am not, I am incapable of feeling love because I am a narcissist.
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maybe not yet
>Hopefully some anon has a crush on me
Attention vampire
>Love someone here
Just how much of your day do you spend on this awful board? I come here for like 5 minutes tops, find some thread to shitpost in, and dip
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>Hey everyone! Come look at how normal and well adjusted I am
Die, faggot
>I am not, I am incapable of feeling love because I am a narcissist.
Bro dey just text on a screen wtf u talking about dose anons might as well be AI. Everyone here might as well be a fucking AI chatbot but who cares im dead tomorrow fuck off

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Unfortunately i don't really feel like it right now, how am i supposed to tell him ?
maybe u can get a bbc dildo instead

We hate black people though
Tell him no. He's a cuck so he'll listen to you but is a cuck so will try to push you to it over time. Just indulge him in roleplays where he's some one else like a home invader and you're "cheating".
Why are you even replying
You should stomp him in the nuts and tell him to stfu and never say this again to you. His sissy ass will be so happy if you just kick his ass too

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