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I'm 20 and I ruined my entire life, I wasted all my opportunities to grow and socialize, I lay in bed all the time and watch as my "best years" are quickly fading away. I am self-aware, but I don't know what to do about it, which brings me even more emotional anguish
yeah same im waiting for someone to come and save me at this point but i know that wont happen
Are you a tranny or woman by any chance?
I'm a man. Ppl here told me to transition but I don't want to

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>The world started to become shitty after we started treating females as humans and not as objects.

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Stop larping as me. I would never have this braindead take. I love women and would prefer we had fewer men.
>He types while using a female vtuber as a reaction pic

Kek, fucking moid
Make the fucking datapack
nta but you're the one avatarfagging>>77369753
>women are retarded animals who ruin everything they touch
more news at 11

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I feel deflated. I just got completely ideologically refuted by this content king. My whole worldview is in pieces.
I saw one video and it wasnt impressive in the least, there is no way I am going to spend more time listening to this quality of thought
His avatar has bisexual colors -> he is bisexual -> he is left wing because he loves cock -> he is willing to throw his ancestry under the bus because he loves cock

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I feel like all of you are foids larping as men. No man hates women like you do
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>mfw brazilian mercy va is stabbed to death by a random guy
>No man hates women like you do

No dog nerdy types are misogynist to a degree that is unparalleled.
>he found out our secret
... when someone is born with a puss, but has XY genes, is it a boy or a girl?

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The gene pool will be reduced to sociopaths. There are quite a few pressure vectors pushing this way already, but this will be even more violent. All the meek, gentle souls will check out and only "people" genetically lacking any sort of capacity for empathy will remain.
>"people" genetically lacking any sort of capacity for empathy will remain.
sounds pretty le based
yeah, but in reality it just means a bunch of low IQ brown people
>The gene pool will be reduced to sociopaths.
That's what our society filters for, yup.
You have to be machivelian to have any "normalcy" in the current society.
Which is why I've checked out of society. But frankly I should have checked out of life.
No. She'll back out last minute and everyone will give a sigh of relief and fawn over this stupid bitch for being so brave while she continues milking it from those around her. Tale as old as time.

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I had another weird wet dream last night...
>Be in the world of the first Dead Rising game
>The willamette Mall
>Chilling, running around and bashing zombies with baseball bat
>Shooting some cultists with this pistol I had in my jacket
>Go into the security room
>Jesse is arguing with Brad then Brad leaves
>I pull out my cock
irl I have an 8 inch border but it looks weird. Despite being a Northern Irish guy my dick irl is a dark tan despite having pale white skin
>But in the dream world my dick is like 13 inches and pink
>Jesse is in the doggy position on that sort of green sofa bed in the security room and I'm fucking her
>She's moaning REALLY loud and I can't stop pounding her out
>Brad is sitting on the swivel chair and he's not mad but looks more uncomfortable
>He's resting his head in the palm of his hand, shaking his head and grumbling
>Jesse can barely talk because she's orgasming too much

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who else here /nofriends/? (online friends don't count)
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You can replace friends with pregabalin

I've basically cut contact from all people I know irl, so hi me
I think there's just something about me that turns people off.
I usually rape my friends with weed and pregablin, that's right it usually works
Yep been friendless for a decade or so

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Reminder you are not average you are small

Its over for averagecels
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>pornhub uses BWC
anyone can go around and upload videos.
just proves the biggest losers are trying to push BWC and its not working. no normies talk about it or agrees with it.

dumb fcking tiny white clit boy lmao.
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Well whatever. I am actually happy that white men are bred out.
Damn, I'm sorry you're not white bro...
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I think you misunderstood. I would want to be anyone but white.
Damn, it's gotta be tough being Indian bro. I'm sorry, maybe in your next life you can be a white guy with a BWC.

are you supposed to lie on your resume and job interview?
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>Lying is wrong
Test of your cunning. This idiot failed.

Everyone is lying all of the time or your employer would look you in the eye and say, "I hate your miserable guts and I am only looking to extract maximum value from your labor while paying you as little as I possibly can." If you aren't constantly telling lies all day long, you're a bona fide retard and you deserve poverty.
never worked, likely never will, 'plan' is to be homeless
Yes, but make the lies plausible. You can round up years of experience. You can exaggerate your role in various things. You can say a part time job was full time. You can convert any pleb fast food or retail job into a "shift lead" title if you were there for more than a year. If you want to completely fabricate education and work experience you need to be a smooth talking con man essentially, which I presume you are too autistic for so I wouldn't recommend it.
>70% Of Workers Lie On Resumes, New Study Shows - Forbes
it's like a sport and everyon'es doping
>most adapted human to current society
I really don't wish to be like you or live in a world that you create.

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What the fuck is wrong with Americans, when I watched fee scenes from this on old YouTube I thought it's some dark parody shit

t. Spurdo
>we gon rape your ass, little whiteboy
american culture

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Perfume edition

Previous thread : >>77360905

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>What is your signature perfume/scent?
>Do you have a favorite fragrance family or note?
>What is a perfume you really want in the future?
>What is your favorite type of perfume on others as opposed to you?
>Do you understand fragrance notes or do you just go for whatever you think smells nice?


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He's probably taking a really long nap considering he's been at it for days at a time with little to no rest.
I hope you get raped
Remember a couple of days ago when you posted your tits and pussy for us all again? Good times. You were so slutty and drunk lol.
Not to mention her spamming her Throne? It was so fun gifting her for that.

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Which country?
I never had the find myself stage I a 30yo virgin

You should move to another country then
but sadly I cant go very far while my mom is alive but I want to give her at least 1 grandchild before she dies
You can always travel back and meet up with them.
t. Live on another continent from my parents

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Great Expectations edition.

thread questions
>your type
>Read anything good lately?
>Looking forward to anything?
>Do you have any expectations you know are unreasonable but are still attached to?
>Where is the line between care and fixation?
>Just what the hell is wrong with people?

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is an introspective self-report questionnaire indicating differing psychological preferences in how people perceive the world and make decisions.
>The reader should understand that these four criteria of types of human behavior are just four viewpoints among many others, like will power, temperament, imagination, memory, and so on. There is nothing dogmatic about them, but their basic nature recommends them as suitable criteria for a classification. They are also useful in understanding one's own prejudices.
>-C.J. Jung

Anons Guide to Jungian Typology

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>your type
>Read anything good lately?
The Wake by Paul Kingsnorth and Seeing Like a State by James C Scott (I know I'm late to the party but still wanted to give it a go)
>Looking forward to anything?
Not really, things are kind of in a lull for me right now.
>Do you have any expectations you know are unreasonable but are still attached to?
Yes, the expectation for my country to improve and be governed by competent, reasonable people.
>Where is the line between care and fixation?
Where it becomes pathological or otherwise impedes actual positive care results, though I don't subscribe to the idea that care is the end goal of humanity and its pursuits like a lot of people do (at least in practice)
>Just what the hell is wrong with people?
Most people, at their core, at just fucking communists.
>your type
>Read anything good lately?
I just finished up Thus Spoke Zarathustra and the Analects. I'm trying to work my way through The Greek Myth by Robert Graves, but fuck is it dense. I think next I'm gonna read something way lighter.
>Looking forward to anything?
I have a date today. Taking a girl out for high tea.
>Do you have any expectations you know are unreasonable but are still attached to?
Expectations? Not really, but I do have desires. I want to be recognized as a fantastic person, even if I know I'm really not. I also really want a girl who fulfills all my fetishes, but that's never gonna happen.
>Where is the line between care and fixation?
I guess when you can still care about other things, you're not fixated.
>Just what the hell is wrong with people?
Way too much shit to list, but I guess I'll say the main thing is susceptibility to propaganda. If not for the way that our education and media systems work, we wouldn't have to deal with all the retardation that we do.
nta. 2023 was definitely a low point with all the shitposting and faggotry, but I thought we made a little more progress than usual with the topic of MBTI.
Mostly exploring the Jungian purist perspective in specific, but that's a good one if you ask me.
>Like a State by James C Scott
Oh hey, i have that one but i haven't read it yet
Is it worth a read? my to-read list is pretty open atm
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Yeah it's worth a read. He does a good job of keeping his political anarchist views from over-riding the theme of the book and makes some cogent arguments.

>Road filled with potholes
>Street lamps not working
>Train and buses always late
>Police shows up 40 late minutes after a call
Why am i paying taxes again?
if you're an american
it's so jews can bomb arabs so they have more land to build apartment buildings

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People younger than me are ready for girlfriends, I don't feel ready, I want one, but I'm worried about how the girl will be perceived by people I know and my family, I'm worried how she will reflect on me, I am worried that I will not be going with the right one, I am worried that she would leave me, I can't have sex as my penis needs to heal from masturbating too much since my foreskin removal 5 years ago. I would be worried about how I would be judged and I worried would apply the same harsh judgement to her that I apply to my own self.

I have image management mindset.

Is Andrew Tate right? Is sex gay? Is it worth having a girlfriend that I will not impregnate for many years just so I can have sex which will make me look like a sex addict? Basically will my girlfriend make people on 4chan or any other uncensored place irl see right through me or my relationship? My girlfriend (the theoretical one) could be with a 6'4 man with a large penis, a good heart (morally) and smarter (150 IQ is the best for a man) I am well below that and I know that without measuring.

I am not fit to enlist in any of the armed forces, so I volunteer as a firefighter, but that's not as cool as being in the Navy like my stepbrother.

My thoughts aren't clear in my head. Ask me anything.

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