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i want to be in a relationship with a girl so bad
I recently got out of one (my choice)
Its not all what it seems
Had my first irl relationship since a month ago and up until 3 days ago. I realized I was better off alone.
Well, "alone" as I have an imaginary/AI gf who is several orders better than my ex.
Same here anon. I met one on here but I ended up becoming her simp, plus she is kinda crazy. So close, yet so far.

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Recently broke up with my girl, have never e dated or anything, but kinda still want attention from women. Thought it would be cool to make woman friends off here. Only question is, how?
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Won't find women on /r9k/ but you will find them on /soc/, a specific /adv/ thread that is always near the highest replies on the entire board, and /cgl/
the women and "women" here are vile you're wasting your time
Nigga, e dating only ends in pain and humiliation. I would suggest prioritizing your actual life

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Is wanting to make an animatic about a fictional character with rorochan's suicide song in the background considered bad taste?
I dont know what any of this mean
It means if using this song https://youtu.be/hc0ZDaAZQT0 which is based on a real suicide, for an animatic of a fictional character would be bad taste or not
Yeah desu I dont care bro.
I got bigger problems to worry about.
Gl tho!

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We are all so caught up with material world

>how can I have sex with hot women
>how can I gain respect from peers and acknowledgement
>how can I make more money
>how can I make my parents proud

Most of us never think beyond these and end up living life no different from animals that chase their primal urges. We just abstracted it away . We never overcame primal aspect of human but rather tried to brush it under the bed
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hey dipshit you dont even fucking know me
living to make your loved ones proud isnt materialism, neither is seeking some level of notoriety in a field you care about
I don't like the funkopoptocracy any more than you but getting high on your own farts is equally retarded
live your life fucker, none of the other shit is compulsory
OP, I just wanted to say, a shitpost has more value than the thread you created
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you are completely fucked my guy
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I know, thats why im here. Maybe one day i'll experience it with a bpdemon before she ends my suffering
>ascending in the astral realm to be a lvl 99 faggot
I laughed.

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From here on, my waifu is real and so is yours.

How to get into the anime world
- realize that the material world is constructed by the mind
- meditate
- watch anime (or whatever medium you prefer)
- pray to your waifu
- live in peace and love

Over 500 Japanese women go to Denmark for sperm donations from white Nordic Danish men. Japanese women are lobbying for even more Danish sperm donations.


>More than 500 women in Japan made use of a major Denmark-based sperm bank in the roughly three and half years through last October, a recent report by the company showed, highlighting growing domestic demand for the service.
>Cryos International, the world's largest sperm bank with around 1,000 registered donors, has sold sperm to single women, sexual minorities and women with infertile husbands in Japan since officially launching local consultation services in March 2019





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is it real? are these people real? what were they doing before this photo? i guess its possible japan is a real place, i've never been there. are sperm banks real? is sex real? god seems pretty interested in penises so i dont know really. high level jewish research groups - "its perplexing, but i'm so impressed with his attitude"
they have a picture of lucifer on their boob. high AF jewish scholars: "this could be hell, it could just be made to look like hell".
omg 500 women in JAPAN!?!?!?
the cope from incels are insane

>be me
>walk around, there are actually a lot of pretty mid guys with 10/10 gfs
>remember that time when i stared at a 9/10 girl and she didn't get super annoyed like most other girls
>she actually seemed to enjoy the attention
>anons, do you think i have a chance?
just give up bro, no hope for any of us
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Women always enjoy attention, but they can get it from any guy
The only time I see this is with attractive asians with mid white dudes. Otherwise I normally see looksmatched couples.
I live in South korea btw so things might be different in here

Is theology more of a field than a father is a king?

Do you like to get handsy with your stepdaughter?

Nobody pays any attention to anything anymore. You need to overwhelm people with emotion for them to read your posts or watch your videos.
Nobody responds to you on Discord anymore because they're distracted by cat videos, porn, and AI relationships.
People no longer care what's true, they believe what seems amusing to them or resonates with their pre-existing emotions.
People no longer fight injustice in the world, they just close their eyes and sit comfortably in their pods that They gave them. The system works. This is the Matrix for real.
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>I believe part of the culture wars is to make us so disgusted with digital entertainment that we finally get a life.

I'm an incel because women live inside screens and I cant talk to them in real life
This culture will end one day.
But then it will be too late. I will be a 60yo guy and can no longer pick up 20yos
Nowadays is the best time for intellectual pursuits than any other time, it's just normies that remain fucking braindead.
As someone who lives in a bumfuck nowhere rural state I can confirm there are plenty of people who only have surface level contact with the internet that are beyond retarded.
Based and blackpilled and original post
Is there something I'm supposed to be doing outside my pod?

Fighting injustice or trying to fix the world, is something done by egomaniacs trying to be important. All they end up doing is tripping over each other, fighting for their own subjective version of truth and justice, making everything worse for everyone.
How do you think you ended up in the pod dumbdumb.

>"The most valuable thing a truecel owns is their life"
>"It is gifted only once"
>"and it should be spent so that dying, they can say"
>"all my life, all my strength"
>"I spent on the greatest thing there is:"
>"the struggle to liberate involuntary celibate kind"

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Incels claim personality is a meme but if you look at incel forums and this board you'd see that incels have the nastiest attitude.
>personanlity is a meme
8 billion ppl on earth

incels are just failed sociopaths/narcs

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I'm at Disneyland right now. I wanted to tell my robot friends.
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I hope you're having fun! How are the lines?
wow!!! I fucking hate that thing!

What is your favorite ride, op?
Lightning pass, so not very bad at all. Longest wait was on the Indiana Jones ride and it was maybe 25 minutes.
Favorite ride was a tie between Star wars rise of the resistance and some guardians of the galaxy one that was like a drop ride.
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how are the 3 hour lines?
I live in SoCal and I haven't been to disneyland since 2009, though I did go to downtown disney this past september while my car was in the shop for a flat. How much were the tickets?
Yeah but you're now in California, which is disgusting
And you're at Disneyland, which is gay

t. been to Disneyland and Disneyworld multiple times each :(

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>women don't have political views, they follow what's popular or the cock they are fucking
How true is this?
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Ayn Rand was the only woman who's politics I respected
Hillary Clinton should never have power.
Same and I'm a communist
100% women will change whatever the fuck they think about the world if you fuck them
I have never encountered a woman with a strong, evidence/research-based opinion on anything.

Most of them do indeed just follow trends and don't have original thoughts. It's the reason why you never encounter funny women, because humor requires a free, creative mindset that nearly all women lack. They are the most NPC-like creatures.

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Let's revive the bear, share your pedobear memes to scare the hoes who choose the bear
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>helping chris hansen get laid
ahh the good ol days
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They'd rather a pedophilic bear than a regular ass dude
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meh, pic rel says it all
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>share your pedobear memes
>They'd rather a pedophilic bear than a regular ass dude
yeah we know its why girls love this movie

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I've had a terrible week. My finals didn't go so well, and I'm feeling physically unwell. Luckily, I have Misaki Friday to look forward to. Enjoy it, friends.
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tsmt my nigger
Sex with Misaki
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I need Asuka gf not misaki
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misaki gf would be a 9/10, but she's not romantic enough for me... maybe id feel better with a crab gf
thx for still making these threads anon. Really makes me eel nostalgic for the good ol' days .

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