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It's actually fucking over
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always get 120 to 130 on these but I'm a C/B-average student in college. I Probably should study but If don't get it from the lecture there is no way I can teach myself. I've always wondered what I'd actually get on one of the real tests. I'm probably closer to 110 in reality. I'd say a good rule of thumb is to always assume you are 10 points lower if you get a semi high score.
low IQ reply
My brain is an egg salad I wanna die I wanna die I wanna die
I'm a member of mensa and I don't know whether we're really especially smart. I don't know if IQ correlates to intelligence as closely as people believe. I am not really some kind of genius.
>People don't understand what average means

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does anyone know if edging increases your chance to have erotic dream

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would you rent a girlfriend
how would you spend your time with her
no sex of course
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>they didn't even give me a fucking chance before bitching
cmon man do you really think there was absolutely nothing you could have done? if you were the type who would get extrimely angry and break things at school to scare them off do you really think they'd keep bothering you? and that's not even the point i was trying to make, how could you generalize the behaviour of some kids with the wrong local influence to every single woman on this fucking planet?
>As if women understand apologising
>be you
>gf makes a mistake
>get mad
>she understands she made a mistake and geniunely apoligizes
>dont believe her
>beat her up while at it
i hope you dont actually belive what you're saying, but if you do then you yourself would look less "intelligent" than how you're trying to portray girls
>I just told her I don't like her and don't wanna date her
i believed she actually wanted to date me, so i said yes
that's the kind of clueless i was talking about. and then i went off with my day like nothing happened
maybe i was more lucky than you were but still, why generalize to adult women?

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>lol that would work too anon
Of course it would rental gfs are a stupid idea I crave the elusive sun and steel posited by Yukio Mishima, the infinitesimal moment where all thought and contemplation gives way under tempered iron and demonstrates TRUE experience, not a nocturnal, ephemeral surrogate bought and paid for as a fabrication.
>cmon man do you really think there was absolutely nothing you could have done? if you were the type who would get extrimely angry and break things at school to scare them off do you really think they'd keep bothering you?
I wasn't that type. I genuinely tried to stay calm and didn't really react outwardly. I think their own amusement was enough, and my reaction didn't matter.
>and that's not even the point i was trying to make, how could you generalize the behaviour of some kids with the wrong local influence to every single woman on this fucking planet?
Because it was like a good 80% of the girls who behaved the same fucking way, and the other 20% were just weirdos that never talked anyway. How the fuck were the vast majority of my year just raised with bad influence? The boys were like 50/50 on whether they didn't like me or were indifferent/liked me.
>>be you
>>gf makes a mistake
>>get mad
>>she understands she made a mistake and geniunely apoligizes
>>dont believe her
Fake, I probably won't have a gf. But seriously, I grt what you're saying and my point was dumb.
>>beat her up while at it
Disgusting. I don't hit women. You can't hit women.
>i hope you dont actually belive what you're saying, but if you do then you yourself would look less "intelligent" than how you're trying to portray girls
I believe most of it.

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What would be the point, it's not genuine love
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divine anon
i would rent you
>I wasn't that type
so we can agree at least part of the situation you were in was also your fault. part of it of course, probably not the majority
>the other 20% were just weirdos
80% were flocking, 20% were not. 80% were "normal", 20% were "weirdos".
this is what i was talking about here >>77370647
of course i dont know them, but have you ever stopped to think about that 20%? like why they didnt talk much and what made them "weird"?
from an outsider perpsective you'd assume they weren't talking to avoid the other 80%, to not be involved
>I don't hit women
>I already have that with a couple of girls
and dont you think they'd feel insulted if you were to tell them women are only good for sex?

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Perfume edition

Previous thread : >>77360905

Rules: Ignore annoying moids

>What is your signature perfume/scent?
>Do you have a favorite fragrance family or note?
>What is a perfume you really want in the future?
>What is your favorite type of perfume on others as opposed to you?
>Do you understand fragrance notes or do you just go for whatever you think smells nice?


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>no, im not new here. ive been the one of the most prominent poster since #30 something
LMAO. That is new. You are acting like you've been here so long and saying #30 when a lot of us have been here since single digits. You are literally a newfag to the thread.
That is not new. The modern culture of Biofem was basically born in the 30s. Everything that happened before that is irrelevant.
Kept confusing you with nonAI I believe, but to this day I don't really recognize her unless the topic of chatbot husbandos pops up.
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Do you people think that we can't see deleted posts or what?
If you joined in the 30s you weren't even around to help shape the culture. Arguably the current culture is much worse than how it was before. So, thanks?

the fact that i already been in and out of psychwards and i still don't have a neetbux because in this shithole nobody can have their neetbux if they live with parents is one of the worst bullshit of life and that makes me more suicidal than i already i am

No, i'm not getting a job, already did this song and dance of getting ghosted in countless interviews and i'm never doing this again
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ah damn wrong continent
now I'm guessing brazil?
yes, here there is this monumental BULLSHIT that if the disable person live with parents, they Can't get neetbux and that's the worst crime this shithole could ever do

what's even worse than that is that there is nothing i can do and i'm already at the edge of killing myself and it makes me beyond suicidal that american neets can easily get neetbux while in this shithole hell of a nation nobody can get their neetbux if they live with parents no matter how disable or ill they are

i hate this place like you won't believe
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do tell some psych ward stories, i like those
no, go fuck yourself degenerate piece of shit
dang my bad, guess i didnt read the room right

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We are living in the denouement of human history. The climax was WWII. After that nothing important or interesting has happened, humanity is just spinning its wheels and slowly giving up. That's why every civilization on Earth is shutting down and people are quitting life en masse.

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Are you sourdough?
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Wow he checks them all out too, there's a video froma different so called doctor that says you shouldn't say that they were narcissists something about projecting
My post struck a nerve huh
Guys you shouldn't call a rotten apple rotten. Something about projection
It reminded me of a certain person I knew of, well several. It seems it struck a nerve to you huh, fren.
Muh something, shrimpled as

What is R9K's opinions on LASIK? Have any of you ever gotten it done?
Doctor told me I would eventually need glasses so I said no thanks, but I do understand the appeal of being glasses free for a decade+

Last night at his apartment he kept flirting with me, he even leaned in for a kiss but I awkwardly rejected him. When I fell asleep on his couch, I was awoken by him feeling up my thigh with his hand down his pants, I pretended to still be a sleep but he saw that I had a hard on (im on no fap so im super sensitive down there). I left in the morning like nothing happened and hes been texting me like normal. Thing is, it made me feel super uncomfortable, he knows im straight but keeps on acting weird. Anons of /r9k/ Is not normal for guys to behave like this around their friends?
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I occasionally jerk off to gay porn. But im straight. I wouldnt id
just let him fuck you who cares
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>who cares
I care.
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The guy I'm with right now came on to me strong initially. I folded because I was desperate and very horny plus he was pretty. Been dating now for a while, and it feels like having a girlfriend that's also one of the boys. Just give it a chance.
he's begging for cock

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A 5'11 tall Chang-lite still has a lower appeal than a schlubby white normie. Why is that?
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the unawareness of your position. you look like shit and judge Dizzy as "mid". you are fucking retarded, fellow ricecel
you are probably fat as shit too. stupid ricecel retard.

t. ricecel
ricecels deserve to be bullied and cucked!
>you are fucking retarded
You are the retarded one if you think anyone was talking about that specific woman. My appearance has nothing to do with another person's appearance anyway, so that's incredibly stupid of you to use as an argument.
i'll put it simply:

you are wrong. your position is wrong. your opinion doesnt matter cus u look like shit. that's why we are a walking joke in the west cus we are chock full of dumbasses like you who can't get a clue.

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>And people are just sitting there talking about the latest Drake diss track
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Pure mental retardation. Are you complaining about societal collapse or just national economic reform?
i only started caring about politics like 4 years ago
This is how you know we've reached peak delusions. Typical person can't even function on their own but that is a sign of growth! There is so much abundance!!!
If they are making too much money and spending it, then yeah that is how growth typically works. If people were not functioning, they would not spend so much money and prices would fall
>. If I was living in a slum, then a societal collapse would
possibly result in a slow, painful death. Much higher chance than if you're living in a well off area as well.

I generally treat people nicely and smile in their faces, which attracts women into wanting to talk to me for some damn reason.
In the beginning of this semester one girl lashed into me because of this and just started using me as her therapist by telling me about literally everything in her life and some of her secrets, I got annoyed from her and I flipped on her two months ago because she kept following me and annoying way to much.
Two weeks ago her girl friends came to me secretly and asked me to talk to her again because she has been skipping lectures and refuse to talk to anyone after I ghosted her.
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>It is interesting that you are adding this in now and not earlier in the thread. I don't believe it
What the hell do you understand from me saying that she's a narcissist.
stop talking to this guy, anon. he enjoys making fun of people here and this is a total waste of your time.
>Chad stopped talking to her
>She through away her entire academic career and her social circle of friends because of this.
Holy fucking shit women are beyond retarded.
Okay I can't tell what the actual fuck is going on with you anymore are you baiting or are you really this retarded?
>I'll just make another race bait thread
I hope your mother gets brutally tortured to death in front of you and you're powerless to stop it.

>What's the hag pill?
The hag pill refers to the strategy of dating older women as lonely young gen z men
>What's a hag?
The definition of the word hag is an ugly old woman, but in otaku culture it became am endearing term used by young boys to describe older women in their late 20s and 30s
>Why take the hag pill?
Because they're smarter, more mature, have a stable job, money, hobbies, and most importantly they're as desperate as you
>Where do I find hags in my country?
If you're reading this thread it means you probably did not find anyone in real life or on dating apps. But forget about that, only the bottom of the barrel people use dating apps. You should use socials to find nerdy women who would be willing to spend time with you. You won't find these women outdoors or on dating apps because they're too shy and weird to be part of the normosphere. Do you have any specific interests in life? Use these hobbies to join circles and eventually find a hag. You can use socials like FB, X, Reddit dating subs or other platforms in your country.
>Which hobbies do hags have?
This is an incomplete list of interests that older women may follow:
-traveling (duh)
-reading novels
-writing novels
-tv series

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i spent my early 20s hopping in and out of e-relationships without any concern for any of the men involved until i felt guilty for cheating on my last bf, and i'm currently going through an identity crisis and mentally stuck in 2022, if you're with an older woman you won't have to worry about that
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My hag likes getting called mommy when I plap her with my BIG ZOOMER COCK
bumpfd hag pussy
Korbo how do i get a hag gf?

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What do you think about the rise of Eastern Europe? Soon to be the shinning city on the hill.

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What type of climate do you think is best for your well-being?
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Something about colder climates seems to produce more advanced civilizations
Delicious flat chest is superior.
Forces you to create fire and other inventions perhaps
Csb, Cfb, Dfb, Dfc
yeah I've heard this theory before. Makes enough sense I suppose.

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