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Why do women lie so much?
All ancient people knew that women could not be trusted. They viewed them as tricksters, they charm you into doing bad things like eating the apple in the garden of Eden.
Are they just evil?
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I'm not sure whether ancient greek or egyptian religion includes a similar "court-case" in the same vein as the Book of Job.
>hmmmmm adam you seem lonely
>no no im fine training animals and stuff-"
>no, here is a woman that will lie, cheat and just make your life miserable in general but banging her will feel good, also say goodbye to your immortality and peaceful life because of her
Women have less gray matter than men, and more white matter. Both of these things are highly correlated with dishonesty. They also have less testosterone, and testosterone is linked with honesty. The simple fact is that telling lies is a female trait, just like breasts or having a smaller frame compared to men.
>Another meta-analysis on gender differences in lying (Capraro, 2018) distinguished between black lies (that benefit the liar at the cost of another person), altruistic lies (lies that benefit another person at the expense of the liar), and Pareto white lies (that benefit both the liar and another person). Capraro reported the results of 65 experimental treatments and 8,728 observations and found that men are significantly more likely than women to tell black lies and altruistic white lies. However, results were inconclusive concerning Pareto white lies.
So if I think the lie will benefit someone else, even though it doesn't then suddenly makes it a white lie, and thus better? What the hell is this level of deception?
If you twist and contort data points enough and change the definitions of words around you can make men appear to be equal to or worse than women. There is a huge bias in favor of women in the science world so basically you'll never get grant money without doing a certain amount of hit pieces on men.

>you can have sex with any girl but your pp is reduced by 3 inches
do you take the deal?
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>"any girl"
>b-b-but she can't be younger than 8 years old!!!!
>not le heckin kidlerinos!!!
fuck youuuuu faggot opee your thread is shit
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Anon is a player.
who the would wanna touch a girl lol, disgusting
Do I get to keep her forever and continue to have sex with her whenever I want? If so it seems like an OK deal, I'd pick a big tiddy ginger.
Would I be allowed to marry brigette even if my cock shrunk after cumming inside of her? Cock size wouldn't matter as long as my baby was inside her.

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meanwhile you losers are playing dumb shit like uuuuh idk palworld baldurs gate valorant all that garbage
polarbear pyjama pants
eisbear mussen nie weinen
i'm playing ace combat, nice "jet" you faggot
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i bet you cant go anywhere in the world in that stupid game...
im gonna buy the f-16 when i get my graduation money. the f/a-18 is free but single engine fighters are cooler.

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>no weed
>no cigs
I love being clean and sober so much!!!! (not really but im trying)
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>stand outside for 5 minutes ten times a day
I've hacked your IP. You're going to be smoking my cock for 5 minutes 10 times a day
Yes. Are you that fucking lazy you can't stop shitposting or playing video games for five minutes? Sometimes I smoke a whole pack a day and I always go outside.
I get incredibly bored playing video games or watching tv. I usually go outside after every match or episode to stretch my legs and take a break. Whenever I drink I light a candle and chainsmoke in my room. The smell dissipates after a few days.
10 times a day?? i only have one per day
i think i was never too addicted to cigs, it's just a once in a while type of thing. i only had 1 per day and now that i have no more i don't feel any withdrawals. i miss weed though that was comfy to the max

Why don't women want to fuck everything that moves like men do?
Is the reason biological or cultural?
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or you know maybe theres more to behavior than hormones...
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Fear instinct biology doesn't go away from rational arguments you idiot.
It already evolved over thousands if not millions or even billions of years. It's part of women's brains no matter how much you explain to them their vaginas are now pregnancy-proof.
Same as how most people still feel fear at looking out from very high heights even if you were to prove the tower were reinforced in some way that made it impossible for you to fall.
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Plapping you on a rainy afternoon high out of your mind and covering you in thick ropes of cum hngggg
A girl can't be satisfied with porn, even if they do 'cum', it only makes them more horny. So there is no such thing as a female coomer. Forget what you learned from watching porn and speak to a real woman, most don't even own a single sex toy and will admit it's a waste of time for them to fap at all.
Libido is mostly just testosterone.
No you aren't.

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You like Krabby Patties, don't you Squidward?

Am I wrong for only feeling like I could love a girl who was 19 at the absolute oldest and a virgin? The idea of normie relationships where they sate a girl who is 25 and has a body count of 10 just does not make sense to me. I dont see the point. Like there is no love there. Am I the bad guy for wanting love?
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Well does the average girl go through a tinder phase or something? Even a not particularly slutty girl could be dealing with a new guy every few months, multiplied by years you can get to 10 guys pretty quick, even 30. 10 makes me wrinkle my nose you start getting to 20+ I'm nauseous. It's like bitch is no different than ordering Uber Eats. It's kind of gross. Get them before they go on the dating sites.

Just don't end up like Beavis here.
no, dating apps were a boomer thing for a little while but most young people don't even bother.
Virgins are overrated and if you're falling for this meme you must also be one. Choosing a woman is like choosing a surgeon. The best ones are older, they have a ton of experience from an early age, and they have a reputation for satisfying everyone who lays down for them.
Bitch where do you think you are
Relax you cum filled slut

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I just started working out and suddenly getting a job seems resonable. It's a psyop, neets!

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a girl from uni started texting me out of nowhere

it's clear that she's into me, she asks lots of questions about myself, and I can tell she's trying her best to not be left on read

I haven't been mean to her, and I've reciprocated the conversations kindly, but mostly out of politeness or something

and I mean, she's not ugly or anything, she's alright, but bros, I've been single for so long, literal years, and also, the pandemic fucked me up mentally, I've become too withdrawn from people, and I feel comfortable like this

despite that, I still want to experience love again, but now that the idea of potentially getting into a relationship is making me feel really uncomfortable, like, I think I'm just sabotaging my own thoughts about how things could be, and I don't know what to do

am I stupid for asking for advice on 4chan? yeah, but I mean, even if I don't get any useful advice, I'm pretty sure I'll have a good laugh at some replies
a woman is willingly giving you attention and putting in effort

most degenerates on this board would kill for even a sliver of that

lets see how long until you fuck it up because if you're on this site, its guaranteed

>You will never experience youth and school ever again.
I didn't even have a teen love experience.
How do you even cope with this.
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>>You will never experience youth and school ever again.
Everyone has a syndrome and peter pan one is the best.
I mean I had exactly one girlfriend in high school and she meant a lot to me so I wasn't Chad but I got that
Got my license a little late but I got it
Didn't go to parties but I had fun hanging out and doing dumb kid stuff. Laughed a lot.
It was quite all right.
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fuck I literally can't take this shit anymore I need a new life immediately I will do anything I need to reincarnate I'm converting to hinduism right now and necking myself
what r u even doing here? Normal baka

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god i long for some higher call i am this ready to just slip into some cult,religion or political party just for something i cant have the same coffee conversations with the same people anymore.

i dont want to work,i dont want to chase money and problems anymore why cant anything happen for god sake.
I spent my youth obsessed with and stressing over my immortal soul and the eventual fate of mankind but now I'm happy to just be comfortable in my own skin.
consider looking into socialism. can pick up some crazy art hoes at the protests, and its in your best interests
i am in a ex socialist state the only political parties allowed are neoliberals and glowed out rightwingers
All right, look. Look at it this way. You know, a man takes a job, you know? And that job - I mean, like that - you know, that becomes what he is. You know, like - you do a thing and that's what you are. I mean like I've been a cabbie for 17 years. Ten years at night. I still don't own my own cab. You know why? Because I don't want to. That must be what I want. You know, to be on the night shift drivin' somebody else's cab. You understand? I mean, you become - you get a job, you become the job. I mean, one guy lives in Brooklyn. One guy lives in Sutton Place. You got a lawyer. Another guy's a doctor. Another guy dies. Another guy gets well. And, you know, people are born. I envy you, your youth. Go on, get laid, get drunk, you know. Do anything. But, you got no choice, anyway. I mean, we're all fucked. More or less, you know.

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incels won't do shit
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that's fair, idk if this is true for all conservatives
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>also there's global warming
Anon ...
there wont be a revolution race civil war its a far right far left cope to make them feel like there is a safeplan.

there isint a magical event were after decades of loosing you just shoot everyone and win i am sorry nazi germany was a fluke and so was the october revolution
/pol/ isn't conservative you blithering phoneposter. they're just retarded and have no coherent political ideology besides resentment
incel revolution will happen. men at all levels are becoming increasingly disenfranchised from women. western woman's shitty behavior is universal. their lack of bringing anything to the table is the same rich or poor. it is an entirely fixable problem.
incels don't even exist

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Soon... you will sit on his lap.

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How do you find the motivation to carry on when your boss treats you like shit and never compliments your work even though you do more than other people and to a higher quality, but he treats them well because they're hypersocial and he enjoys talking to them even though that means they barely do any work because they're constantly distracted?
goated album

what if you found out there was a conspiracy shadow government pulling the strings behind the shadows, but it was also the only thing keeping human civilization from collapsing?

that is that the average person is so stupid, self centered and short sighted that the only way that can get them agree to contribute to the things needed to maintain the infrastructure for civilization is for some force to covertly manipulate them from the shadows.
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...isn't that just corporations?
doubtful, the frighting thing people don't realize is the people who rise to the top in huge corporations didn't do it through intelligence or wisdom, it is done purely through social acumen. beyond that they have all the vices and flaws of the average person.
large scale/global human civilization is wholly artificial, obviously something like that is necessary for it. people are not meant to live in groups larger than a few hundred people at most.
Barbara Spectre is a roastie
>that is that the average person is so stupid, self centered and short sighted that the only way that can get them agree to contribute to the things needed to maintain the infrastructure for civilization is for some force to covertly manipulate them from the shadows.
You're basically describing the invisible hand of free-market incentives

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